Pro Wrestling discussion topic--WWE, AEW, ROH, Impact, New Japan, indies

I like the idea of them having the match at SS instead of Mania. Undertaker really shouldnt lose again at Mania, and Sting deserves a win in the WWE.

I like the idea of them having the match at SS instead of Mania. Undertaker really shouldnt lose again at Mania, and Sting deserves a win in the WWE.
This is what I have wanted since Sting signed. I want to see this dream match, like everyone else, but just not at Wrestlemania. Undertaker should either win at 32 or lose in rematch to Bray Wyatt and have a passing of the torch type moment between Taker and Bray. Bray desperately needs to get some wins, he has been so uninteresting since the Family split up.

I like the idea of them having the match at SS instead of Mania. Undertaker really shouldnt lose again at Mania, and Sting deserves a win in the WWE.
Pretty much exactly what I thought. That way we get the "dream match," but can still have Undertaker's theoretical retirement match open to something more appropriate for WM. Plus it makes Summerslam seem like a super big deal.

I guess they could do the match twice with Undertaker winning the second one, but good lord I don't want to see that match twice. Go all fucking out with the special effects for the entrances one time, have them rehearse a decent match enough to pull it off live, and then move on.

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Watched a bit of Impact last night. The Knockouts title match was the drizzling shits, and the finish (the finishing *move*, not the booking itself) was among the worst I've seen on televised wrestling in ages. Watching two wrestlers dressed like strippers, and Brooke literally twerking her way to the ring - well, it really, really makes me appreciate the NXT Women's Division.

Also news to me: they can afford to pay Courtney Love for a Hole song, but they can't pay the camerapeople. Jeepers, TNA, WTF is wrong with you?

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Watched a bit of Impact last night. The Knockouts title match was the drizzling shits, and the finish (the finishing *move*, not the booking itself) was among the worst I've seen on televised wrestling in ages. Watching two wrestlers dressed like strippers, and Brooke literally twerking her way to the ring - well, it really, really makes me appreciate the NXT Women's Division.

Also news to me: they can afford to pay Courtney Love for a Hole song, but they can't pay the camerapeople. Jeepers, TNA, WTF is wrong with you?
TNA is like that meme floating around on Facebook where the guys are at a board meeting and the CEO is asking for ideas on how to improve the company; two guys give lousy suggestions while the third guy who gives the simplest yet most sensible one gets chucked out a window. They're always looking to catch lightning in a bottle with some hair-brained scheme to attract people to their product: Pacman Jones, the cast of Jersey Shore, bringing in Hogan and reigniting the Monday Night Wars. They'll try everything EXCEPT tell compelling stories, making their homegrown talent shine, and putting on great matches.

Meanwhile, they wonder why their promotion is in an iron lung.

Sounds about right. Everyone wanted this match, now that we have seen Sting lose to HHH and tarnished the match they will give it to us. I really wish that they would have done that match last year as either Takers last or second to last. Both these guys are really pushing their limits in ring pretty hard right now and its both showing in their matches and hair lines. I really do believe they have likely missed the boat on a truely epic match between the two, taker has just looked too gassed the last two Wrestlemanias and even if Sting can go in the ring age is claiming his body all the same.
You know I really did not have my mind on it being a SS match. It does make a lot of sense with the story line they went with, may even overall be the better PPV for the match regardless. Nothing will convince me that HHH losing to Sting or the whole DX vs NWO thing should have happened though.

Joe Vs Liger in a WWE ring? Yes please! Make it happen.
NXT Spoilers

It's gonna be
Liger vs Breeze
at the NXT Live event during Summerslam weekend


Which brings up if this might lead to future events with WWE vs New Japan. Maybe that dream match of Bryan vs Nakamura might actually happen.

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I've got to go to Ohio the weekend of NXT Takeover, so I'm going to miss both a major NXT event as well as Liger's first (and likely) only WWE match.

I am beyond heartbroken, selfishly, but in love with the concept of cross-promotional work as well as really excited at what WWE is trying here. Kudos. fucking kudos.

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Liger in NXT? Wow. I never thought NXT would be so much better than WWE's main product. Especially not this much better. Everything they do is just better. The only downfall with NXT is that it is still WWE developmental which means it can get predictable at the top of the card as guys get promoted. So you get new guy win NXT title.. you know that means he will be on Raw soon. NXT needs to break away from WWE and be its own entity.

Liger in NXT? Wow. I never thought NXT would be so much better than WWE's main product. Especially not this much better. Everything they do is just better. The only downfall with NXT is that it is still WWE developmental which means it can get predictable at the top of the card as guys get promoted. So you get new guy win NXT title.. you know that means he will be on Raw soon. NXT needs to break away from WWE and be its own entity.
NXT will always be associated with the WWE, but it's considered it's own promotion. The fact that NXT is running the Barclay Center before Summer Slam is huge and goes to show you how NXT is viewed as it's own brand. NXT is what the WWECW should have been and wanted to be, but was hampered simply because they decided to call it ECW and tried to make an ECW style show at first.

I love that Liger is coming in to face off with Breeze, it'll be huge for NXT and great for Breeze, who has been sort of in limbo for the last couple of months with nothing really going on storyline wise. I hope this opens the doors for more talent from Japan to wrestle a match in WWE or NXT. We'd all love to see Nakamura come to the WWE and be instantly over with everyone. I would also love to see Tanahashi vs. Cena.

Sigma, given the matches Cena's been putting on this year, I couldn't agree more.

I don't think this is going to lead to a constant stream of talent coming and going, but I definitely see some one-shots for dudes here and there. Austin Aries in NXT for a match or two in 2015? Possible. Kazuchika Okada vs Finn Balor? Not a "never gonna happen." WWE has done a great job with NXT and making it must watch. As long as their top guys are willing to put in the hours to travel with the main shows and NXT (think of how busy Kevin Owens must have been the last few months), then the top of the card isn't necessarily going to be predictable. Sasha Banks is still the NXT Women's Champion (side note: doesn't it feel so much better to say WOMEN's instead of DIVA or KNOCKOUT?). There's overlap from NXT to WWE, and that actually makes it better.

Liger may also be a one-off since they're going up against ROH (and Nakamura, Okada, and some other NJPW talent) the same night in the same city. It's a direct attempt to woo smart marks from ROH to NXT - an indicator that they know their market well, and know how to attract them. You've seen ROH before, you've seen NJPW guys vs ROH guys before. You've never seen Liger in WWE, you've never seen him take on Tyler Breeze before. It's fucking brilliant. 

But I don't think it's going to hurt ROH; like the cola wars of the 80s, or the Monday Night Wars of the 90's, this has the potential to generate tremendous interest in mid-tier wrestling promotions. I fuckin' love it.

I feel like we will slowly, but surely get back the Women's Championship in the WWE. It's obvious that they want to push a revolution in Women's wrestling with the division right now and the best way to do that is to have whoever takes the belt from Niki ditch the Divas Title for a new redesigned Women's title. 

I Gotta admit, Blake & Murphy may have one of the best entrances in all of wrestling. As soon as their obnoxious music hits, along with their awful entrance video and the camera starts doing rapid zooming in and out; I want them to lose every match and boo them mercilessly. I Don't know how people were ever able to cheer for them or it's just the old man in me.

And as for the rumors of Taker and Sting. I Don't know, after last Wrestlemania with Sting I think I'm good. If it was five years ago when Sting had a little more gas in the engine, sure, but watching him get winded after five minutes and looking at his bald spot and seeing everyone's friends from the retirement home make it down to the ring to try and save the match, I'm good with that match not happening and just thinking his appearance at Survivor Series was enough. Though I can easily do a 180 if his best friend Robocop were to show up and fight Triple H with his little robot baby arm attachments and Arnold in a tag match.

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Forgot to post this here yesterday: Edge will guest star in season 2 of The Flash as Atom Smasher.
Too stoked. Will be interesting to see the show's take on such an absurd character. If Edge doesn't super spear somebody, that'll be a let down.

In other news, I'm actually excited for Battlefield. First year it's been anything but a throwaway ppv.

And I just gotta toot or add to the Cesaro love, but his match against Rusev on Smackdown was fantastic AND he got the win and the post match with him celebrating was fantastic. Totally worth checking out. Also I was afraid with Tyson being injured he'd be put further down on the midcard, but instead this has given him more notice I feel.

Hernandez basically put the final nail in the coffin for TNA.


And yeah, Cesaro has been given quite the rub in the last month or so since Kidd's injury. He's one of the dudes amidst this race for the U.S. title. 

Hernandez basically put the final nail in the coffin for TNA.
I doubt losing Hernandez and MVP is going to be what puts TNA out for good. Not exactly big draws being lost there. TNAs incompetence to do their job and look to see if Hernandez was still under contract or not does show that they do not know what they are doing on any front and that will be their end, eventually.

TNAs incompetence to do their job and look to see if Hernandez was still under contract or not does show that they do not know what they are doing on any front and that will be their end, eventually.

TNA not doing their due diligence surprised me. Even for TNA. Probably for future business partners too.

Kickoff show was nothing - although I did enjoy Barrett's silly face before hitting the elbow. Sheamus vs. Orton was a match. Ditto the tag titles match, which had the wrong team win. Roman vs. Bray went on for ages. STEPHANIE MCMAHON PRESENTS the divas revolution triple threat was something else. We got Steph towering over JoJo, a recap of this "revolution" focusing on Steph, and some new chicks. Brie nearly landed very very badly on a pile-on back suplex. Cena-Owens went through the motions of being a good match, but wasn't much of one. Main event was a patchwork of a great match with an amazing return. Taker looks like just the right amount of young and old to make this Granddaddy Deadman deal work. I loved everything here BUT the non-finish. Seth is a fucking heel - HAVE HIM PIN BROCK AND TAKE ALL THE CREDIT. What is so fucking hard about that?

Screens - 

King of Great Faces -


This could've gone far worse. 

Stephanie the Giant




Kickoff Screens -

Battleground Screens -

Lol, Undertaker was absolutely 100% out of breath and almost fell back down after hitting that first tombstone. I'm pretty sure he was making those faces to make it seem like he was so angry and that's what was causing him to breathe so hard. Angry breaths, not the breaths of a 60 year old dude that wrestles once a year and spends the other 364 days eating chips and ice cream sandwiches on his couch.
Undertaker did seem pretty annoyed with Lesnar not being able to properly position himself for the tombstone.

That PPV overall just made me feel sad. It was a massive disappointment. Nothing atrocious, but a subpar event with some bad finishes.
Xavier Woods was a massive highlight.

The crowd was utterly aghast when Owens kicked out of the second-rope AA, and collectively groaned and rolled their eyes 60 seconds later when Cena won. It shows just how tenuous Cena's relationship with a portion of the crowd is: he's built up a lot of goodwill, having great, competitive matches - but the moment the crowd sniffs that Cena's going over their guy, they turn right back on him. Owens/Cena was a great feud, and 3-4 months of really great TV. The finish was all wrong, though. Disappointing, but a reminder to not take any of this newly impressive work from WWE for granted.

Actually, that was about the theme for the show. Good matches with finishes that just didn't work or made me roll my eyes. They can start good stuff back up tonight, but if Cena doesn't have a clear new direction to go (i.e., he just reverts back to having the Cena challenge against somebody and that's it's own payoff), then we'll know for certain the decision was wrong.

Undertaker looked his age last night. Damn shame to see our childhood heroes age, but that's the one thing we can always be sure of. Time to hang 'em up, buddy: so long and thanks for all the piledrivers.

Undertaker did seem pretty annoyed with Lesnar not being able to properly position himself for the tombstone.

That PPV overall just made me feel sad. It was a massive disappointment. Nothing atrocious, but a subpar event with some bad finishes.
I didn't love the PPV last night, but I also didn't hate it. I really enjoyed the Bray and Reigns match and really happy to see Harper back with Wyatt, great finish to this match IMO. I really enjoyed the Diva's match as well, although it started out slow it ended up being a great triple threat and I can't help, but think that the Big Show vs. Ryback vs. The Miz would have been any better. I thought Owens and Cena for the U.S. Title was another classic bout between these two guys and as much as I love KO and wanted to see him win, John Cena really earned that win and Owens came out of the match looking more legit than ever before, he really took Cena to his limits this time. The Rollins vs. Lesnar match was what I expected and I had fallen asleep and only woke up when the gong hit and Taker made his return, which was great and I am glad to see this match take place at SummerSlam and not Wrestlemania 32. All in all, the show was solid and shout out to Xaiver Woods for being on it all night, would love to see Woods do some commentary for an entire show sometime, he'd be amazing.

In other news, G1 Climax has started! If you have NJPW World, I suggest checking out the biggest tournament in all of professional wrestling. It's a great time for wrestling fans, some classic bouts will certainly happen during the tournament.

Taker needed to allow brock to win the match, come back at summerslam and win the title  and the retire for good,  the entire pvp was lame last night.  love the cena match where it looked like he mouth the words lets finish this       lol

Taker needed to allow brock to win the match, come back at summerslam and win the title and the retire for good, the entire pvp was lame last night. love the cena match where it looked like he mouth the words lets finish this lol
Undertaker should NOT be a champion again. He is way past his prime. And he isnt like Ric Flair or someone whose legacy is built around championships. He was always above the title and never needed it to be over. So there would be no point on giving him a belt to retire with.

Undertaker should NOT be a champion again. He is way past his prime. And he isnt like Ric Flair or someone whose legacy is built around championships. He was always above the title and never needed it to be over. So there would be no point on giving him a belt to retire with.
point would of been revenge on brock for beating the streak, but then again you could say him costing him the title last night would been the same. though it would of been when they had 2 titles (before they made them into one) i could seen taker coming back winning the title and then burying himself with the title and then Triple H would of came out with a brand new belt saying how taker and the old belt was the past and this is the future and bring out a bigger newer belt . Love how they never showed what happen to the other dude, was he still smashed on the outside of the ring or ran when taker came.. Again it was nothing more then a lame match just like the cena summerslam match.

They should do a PVP every 2 weeks 2 weeks do a major WWE one and then another 2 weeks do a major NXT one. Would rather seen NXT Pvp stuff on sundays and not the middle of the week

And so Cena wins, because Cena always wins. I know I'm jumping the gun a little here, but the way this crap always goes you may as well change his name to RusKev.

I suppose I'm ok with Undertaker getting his win back in a few weeks...Lesnar is essentially mythic status at this point since he treats world champions like jobbers, so it sort of makes sense storyline-wise that only another cartoon character could beat him. I'm not really sure what Lesnar has to do after that though. Reigns is still light years away from being the regular roster guy that should beat him.

Then again, I'd like it more if Lesnar actually beats Undertaker again and then gets the belt back until someone is actually ready to take it off of him.

Credit to WWE for legit fooling me with that Wyatt/Reigns match. Sticking the Sting crow sound in the video promo before the match I thought was a dead giveaway, but nope. They actually let Wyatt beat him.

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I will say it was good to see Undertaker has put on a little weight since the last couple times we've seen him. WM30 he looked like a frail old man, 31 he looked a little better. Now he looks like a slightly older Undertaker, but also like he could still hold his own if needed.

Looks like he's been sitting around the house curling cans of Coors.

Nothing wrong with that, mind. Dude deserves it after all the years he put in the biz.

Looks like he's been sitting around the house curling cans of Coors.

Nothing wrong with that, mind. Dude deserves it after all the years he put in the biz.
I agree, I wouldn't be upset to see Taker have one last run with the title. It doesn't seem to be the direction they are going though, this was a great way to get Brock out of title picture and have him focus on Taker which will now allow Seth Rollins to continue on as the champion and hopefully feud with someone new, hopefully Cesaro.

Seth is a fucking heel - HAVE HIM PIN BROCK AND TAKE ALL THE CREDIT. What is so fucking hard about that?
Because this feud with Undertaker, Brock's the clear heel now and to take the attention off the Rollins feud now and moving on for the time being? Plus it would've taken attention away from Undertaker coming back and made Undertaker look like a heel in someway in being the one to help Rollins regain the belt and would overcomplicate the feud? Really there's several reasons why...

I agree, I wouldn't be upset to see Taker have one last run with the title. It doesn't seem to be the direction they are going though, this was a great way to get Brock out of title picture and have him focus on Taker which will now allow Seth Rollins to continue on as the champion and hopefully feud with someone new, hopefully Cesaro.
I don't really want/need Taker to have a last reign but I agree about last night being a great way to divert Brock away from the title picture and letting Seth move on to someone new. I don't want Brock as champ again, he doesn't need it at all. He's like Taker and Cena that way, they don't need the belt to put asses in seats or to get tv's to tune in to Raw.
Raw tonight has been pretty a-okay so far. The Taker/Lesnar stuff was absurdly good, as was the Wyatt/Harper vs Reigns/Ambrose match. I think the fans are finally starting to really take a liking to the Prime Time Players. Huzzah for that.

They've got some time to redeem the match finish to Cena/Owens last night, but based on the Cena/Rollins segment, I'm feeling currently that, while I was merely disappointed in the finish, if they don't do something special with Owens tonight, I'm going to be angry. Good work, WWE.

Also, unless they have something special lined up for the main event timeslot, they should have gone with the Taker/Lesnar bit as the end of show segment. Why put something that white hot in the middle of the show?

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Oh, for the love of god, no more belts.

Also, Becky Lynch dresses like an asshole (but to be fair, I tend to think all steampunk is utterly ridiculous. get off my lawn, you dang young'uns).

Partial Source: The Wrestling Observer

Following his loss to John Cena at WWE Battleground, Kevin Owens has been moved from the main event scene down to the upper mid-card. According to sources, Owens’s position is now comparable in WWE to the likes as Dolph Ziggler, Cesaro and Rusev, as opposed to the main eventers like John Cena, Randy Orton or Seth Rollins. The idea of having Owens work a main event feud right off the bat with Cena was to “get him known” to the casual WWE fanbase.

Many in the company expected Owens to win the US Title from Cena at the Battleground pay-per-view, but obviously that didn’t happen. He’s been taken out of his feud with Cena so Cena can move on to Seth Rollins. As of now, there are no plans to have him featured at SummerSlam; he’s currently set to face Finn Balor at NXT Takeover: Brooklyn the night before the pay-per-view.

Of course, plans can and always do change on an hourly basis but as of now, he’s not booked for SummerSlam at all.

Of course WWE would do this. Get Owens known? Any wrestling fan already know who Owens is.
Partial Source: The Wrestling Observer

Following his loss to John Cena at WWE Battleground, Kevin Owens has been moved from the main event scene down to the upper mid-card. According to sources, Owens’s position is now comparable in WWE to the likes as Dolph Ziggler, Cesaro and Rusev, as opposed to the main eventers like John Cena, Randy Orton or Seth Rollins. The idea of having Owens work a main event feud right off the bat with Cena was to “get him known” to the casual WWE fanbase.

Many in the company expected Owens to win the US Title from Cena at the Battleground pay-per-view, but obviously that didn’t happen. He’s been taken out of his feud with Cena so Cena can move on to Seth Rollins. As of now, there are no plans to have him featured at SummerSlam; he’s currently set to face Finn Balor at NXT Takeover: Brooklyn the night before the pay-per-view.

Of course, plans can and always do change on an hourly basis but as of now, he’s not booked for SummerSlam at all.

Of course WWE would do this. Get Owens known? Any wrestling fan already know who Owens is.
Wrestling fans know who Owens (Steen) is but WWE fans don't (or at least didn't). Let's be honest, WWE fans aren't necessarily wrestling fans.

bread's done