Pro Wrestling discussion topic--WWE, AEW, ROH, Impact, New Japan, indies

That's how they blow off the whole US Open Challenge thing? And won not via a finisher, but a fucking superkick?! The hell?!? And Reigns-Wyatt was much better than I could've ever imagined. As for that Lesnar-Taker match and the ending...yup.

I don't get why they decided to put someone over who is just as old as John Cena. I know Cena is apparently going to be gone for a couple of months, so why not put over some young talent? I'm not really a fan of Del Rio so maybe I just don't see it, but I know he's really popular in Mexico. (Actually, I originally thought it was a one night only kind of thing until he took the title.)

...So long as Del Rio kills Santa Clause again I'll be happy.

And won not via a finisher, but a fucking superkick?! The hell?!?
I'm glad someone else was confused by this. I mean c'mon. The amazing Owens, Cesaro, Rollins, etc matches he's won. All of the ridiculous finishing sequences he's kicked out of... then he gets pinned clean by one kick. F'ing hell, man. Better have been some steel-toed boots.

I marked out for Del Rio from my seat at Staples Center. The match definitelt should havd gone longer, but Del Rio has used that kick to win plenty of matches, including when he defeated Dolph Ziggler for the world heavyweight championship.
Cena isn't going to tap out. I don't think he's tapped out for over a decade. Closest you'll get is him "never giving up" and passing out against Rusev.

Del Rio needs to establish a non-submission finisher within the WWE.

From the matches I saw it seemed like the PPV had a lot of abrupt and underwhelming finishes. They felt like they were missing a beat before the finisher was hit.

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Aww, listen to y'all grousing to the finish of a match where Cena was pinned cleanly. Some of y'all just can't be happy about *anything*.

Just saw photos of Lesnar taking 9 staples to the head to close up after the match. Holy fuck; I don't know if he and Taker planned to do the things they did in advance, but that's a brutal way to split your head open (from running into the post). Seeing the kind of match they had last night was respectable for two reasons - one, it's rare to see that now, thankfully, so it's much more incredible when they do bleed (instead of being routine, like the late 90's) and gives the match more intensity than it would otherwise. Second, I'm speculating here, but it's a massive (if strange, but, hey, wrestling culture) show of respect for Undertaker.

Just saw photos of Lesnar taking 9 staples to the head to close up after the match. Holy fuck; I don't know if he and Taker planned to do the things they did in advance, but that's a brutal way to split your head open (from running into the post).
I know this is my dumb brain thinking but I was wondering if they cut the match or some planned spots short due to his injury. Either way it makes Lesnar look like a badass.

I also find Del Rio boring as all hell. You know who else is a good, solid wrestler but gets the blame for being "boring"?


That aside, I'm sincerely hoping they do a story-line where Del Rio has lost his vast fortune and had to move to America to get back on his feet. Zeb offers him a job/helps him out and Del Rio "sees the light". Drops the aristocrat gimmick and morphs into a totally different persona.

Side-note: The potential of Zeb controlling the AAA championship has amazing potential.
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Del Rio returning was a genuine shock. I hear he's been killing it in AAA, Lucha Underground, etc., so I'm guessing WWE wanted to capitalize on it while he's still white-hot. As a lifelong fan of HBK, I'm perfectly fine with him winning via Superkick. That always looked like a move that should knock you the fuck out.

Also, bonus points for having one of the cleanest wins over Cena I've ever seen.

I don't get why they decided to put someone over who is just as old as John Cena. I know Cena is apparently going to be gone for a couple of months, so why not put over some young talent? I'm not really a fan of Del Rio so maybe I just don't see it, but I know he's really popular in Mexico. (Actually, I originally thought it was a one night only kind of thing until he took the title.)

...So long as Del Rio kills Santa Clause again I'll be happy.
Oh my god I was home with family for Christmas that year & NOTHING was on & my dad stopped there flipping channels for the Divas match going into the Santa segment & the whole family looked at me & I had to explain the whole PG Movement, Linda McMahon, UFC, etc.
I know this is my dumb brain thinking but I was wondering if they cut the match or some planned spots short due to his injury. Either way it makes Lesnar look like a badass.

I also find Del Rio boring as all hell. You know who else is a good, solid wrestler but gets the blame for being "boring"?


That aside, I'm sincerely hoping they do a story-line where Del Rio has lost his vast fortune and had to move to America to get back on his feet. Zeb offers him a job/helps him out and Del Rio "sees the light". Drops the aristocrat gimmick and morphs into a totally different persona.

Side-note: The potential of Zeb controlling the AAA championship has amazing potential.
I was thinking it would be Slaughter 2.0 where Zeb was one of the kayfabe victims of the real life VA hospital scandal & Del Rio coming to his rescue.
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I know this is my dumb brain thinking but I was wondering if they cut the match or some planned spots short due to his injury. Either way it makes Lesnar look like a badass.

I also find Del Rio boring as all hell. You know who else is a good, solid wrestler but gets the blame for being "boring"?


That aside, I'm sincerely hoping they do a story-line where Del Rio has lost his vast fortune and had to move to America to get back on his feet. Zeb offers him a job/helps him out and Del Rio "sees the light". Drops the aristocrat gimmick and morphs into a totally different persona.

Side-note: The potential of Zeb controlling the AAA championship has amazing potential.
end of undertaker match first though brock was trying to steal undertakers shoelaces when he was on the mat :)

I missed that, unfortunately. Hey, if he's becoming a much better worker, bully for him.

I'm starting to worry about Neville. He's kind of already a Kane-type dude: great wrestler, but can't be taken seriously because he never wins any matches. Him and Cesaro both, I suppose. I love seeing them work, but the matches they're in are utterly bereft of uncertainty in terms of the outcome, because they just don't win.

Pretty good RAW tonight. Roman's push this time around is much better than his pre-WM one, which was forced like crazy. I have no qualms with being in the main event at Survivor Series.

I still can't find myself behind Roman Reigns. He's got the look and has improved but I still can't get over his stupid move set ups. I roll my eyes everytime he goes into his spastic convulsions that signal hes powering up or that idiotic cocking of his arm. Whats worse is him using a spear. I used to enjoy the spear and it makes sense for some people to do it (like Rhyno's Gore, thats what a rhino does) But when others do a spear it just makes me think oh guess that's their finisher because they lack the talent to come up with something that's actually cool or impressive. Just my useless rant. I hope Rollins comes out on top but I doubt that will happen.

Oh, dearest slidecage. Yes, that's the point - you deliberately communicate to the crowd that the finish is coming, whether it's HBK "striking up the band" (christ we didn't see how awful a phrase that was?), Flair pulling down (up?) his knee pad foreshadowing the figure 4, or Bret Hart's carbon-copy-every-goddamned-match sequence before hitting the sharpshooter.

It's an important part of storytelling to let the crowd know you're setting up for the finisher, so they can pop for it.

Not everybody's set up can be misread to be a sexual gesture (although Cena came close, with a pre-finish move called the "five knuckle shuffle").

all finshers are stupid i mean ryback i mean you would know its coming when you hear the people chatting feed me more.

I hate the submission mini game in WWE 2k16. Wish I could disable it.

Gonna be a lot of hate towards this game though for being racist. Once again the racists who run things white-wash a black athlete to take away his credit. Mike Tyson is now a white guy in Austins Showcase Mode. He is the Enforcer!

The other disappointment for me with this game is the lack of Owen Hart. Hopefully next year they can have him in the game. He has a Blu Ray coming out so they obviously can use him now. They show video of him in game and talk about his feud with Austin. Will have to wait for a good CAS version to download I guess.

Is it "Mr Dream aka the Enforcer" ?
I was thinking the same thing a little bit later.

Another problem with the game, maybe I just havent figure it out though, is this; I wrestle Hollywood Blondes Brian Pillman. His face is different than the Hart Foundation Pillman. I think "Cool, I bet I can edit him with his Bengal shorts design". I finish the match and "Flyin' Brian Pillman Attire" unlocks. It is the orange and black Bengal stripes. Great, I can just go and edit him real quick, give him those as an alternate attire. I go and pick Pillman to edit and ... There is no way to edit the Hollywood Blondes model Pillman. Only lets you edit the Foundation model. Errr. Why tease with his attire being there?

After Raw this past Monday and Zeb's explanation as to why him and Alberto are teaming up, I really hope their theme music is John Lennon's "Imagine".

WWE 2K games have a horrible soundtrack, this years is a little bit better than last years.. Game is pretty fun so far, haven't jumped into Universe yet.

WWE 2K games have a horrible soundtrack, this years is a little bit better than last years.. Game is pretty fun so far, haven't jumped into Universe yet.
Yea, I got to keep TWO songs checked!! As soon as I got sick of listening to Skid Row and Billy Idol I unchecked those too. Silence is better than the same song over and over.

I frequently hear advertisements for bands like Drowning Pool and their nu-metal brethren from 15 years ago going on these tours together. They usually feature about 5 bands and they seem to draw crowds. It's crazy. I'll cop to enjoying some of thay stuff when it was brand new (I was in high school and even dumber than I am now) but it certainly hasn't aged well to my ear.

End tangent.
I was hanging out in a bar in Brooklyn (hipster capital of the goddamned world) last year, and the bartender there (young, hot, good conversationalist) was STOKED AS fuck to be going on the "311 Cruise" starting the next morning.

I was fucking aghast.

I was hanging out in a bar in Brooklyn (hipster capital of the goddamned world) last year, and the bartender there (young, hot, good conversationalist) was STOKED AS fuck to be going on the "311 Cruise" starting the next morning.

I was fucking aghast.
It's weird to me that 311 still has a following. I live in Indy and people around here go crazy for 311, Disturbed, and Godsmack for some reason. These people also tend to have generally awful taste in just about everything though.

So to be honest I've seen Godsmack live once as they opened for Metallica, They put on quite the show. I've never been a fan of theirs but i was very impressed by how well they performed live. As for bands like 311 I know people who go nuts for them totally in an ironic way (not that that is any kind of valid excuse).

I thought I clicked on the wrong thread for a second, but nope. And I'll cosign on being baffled at 311 having any popularity at all, especially in the year of our lord two thousand and fucking fifteen.

So Rich Swann and Biff Busick have officially signed with NXT.  Very different styles but both are good wrestlers.  They better let Swann have some dance-offs.

So I'm guessing you guys aren't too jealous of me going to a Sevendust/Breaking Benjamin concert next weekend lol?
I saw them both (and Shinedown too) at LouderThanLife while watching NXT, and I'm going to see them all again in Knoxville on the 10th.

Also, guy with the worst taste in music checking in.

So I'm guessing you guys aren't too jealous of me going to a Sevendust/Breaking Benjamin concert next weekend lol?
Yeah, we're going to agree to disagree on musical preferences, I think.

We were pulled down the cheese metal rabbit hole, so I don't think anyone answered - is this the kind of default rawk music in 2K16?

Also just because I like that kind of rock/soft metal doesn't mean I don't like other things, I listen to almost everything.  I can still love The Beatles and listen to today's mainstream rock music too lol.  

When it comes to 2K16's music this year I know that Run DMC's "It's Tricky" is on there so it by default has to be better than last year's soundtrack.

Yeah, we're going to agree to disagree on musical preferences, I think.

We were pulled down the cheese metal rabbit hole, so I don't think anyone answered - is this the kind of default rawk music in 2K16?
• Billy Idol – “Rebel Yell”
• Diplo (feat. Faustix & Imanos and Kai) – “Revolution”
• Fashawn (feat. Nas & Aloe Blacc) – “Something To Believe In”
• Kid Ink – “Hello World”
• Marilyn Manson – “Deep Six”
• MGK (feat. Victoria Monet) – “A Little More”
• Run-DMC – “It’s Tricky”
• Skid Row – “Youth Gone Wild”
• Twenty One Pilots – “Heavydirtysoul”
• Yelawolf – “Till It’s Gone” [Dan Heath Remix]
• Zac Brown Band (feat. Chris Cornell) – “Heavy Is The Hand”
• Zedd (feat. Logic and X-Ambassadors) – “Transmission”
So Rich Swann and Biff Busick have officially signed with NXT. Very different styles but both are good wrestlers. They better let Swann have some dance-offs.
Is Biff going to be a "Big Bully"? Harvey needs work!

I had a friend who cancelled a date because the girl "hated Ozzy but loved Godsmack". Oh lord.

I haven't purchased 2k16 yet, my wife has handed me 10 PS4 games this month alone so my backlog is nuts. I can't see myself falling for this year's version like I did last year. I was so disappointed.

I can'r remember which version it was but David Otunga's music played OVER AND OVER in the menu made me want to vomit.

I remember that year where it was just Otungas music on repeat. That was awful.

Biff Bully Busick has a good ring to it. He needs the mustache though.

People who bash other peoples music are pretty comical. You dont like the same as me so your music choice sucks. Bla. The only exceptions to that is if the person likes techno... or Nirvana, then bash away. Any other music and who cares? Just dont be around when they listen to it and it shouldnt be an issue for you.

2K16 isnt too bad. As soon as you figure out the stupid submission mini game it gets a lot better. Still a ton of bugs to be fixed. The main one I am annoyed by is half the time you have a finisher stored it just wont let you do a finisher. Eventually the thing comes up but especially during the showcase where you NEED to do your signature move before it goes away and cant it gets tedious.

Godsmack and Disturbed are considered bad?  

I don't even know who 311 are.

And the only song I recognize on that 2K16 setlist is Rebel Yell.  

As long as the WWE games don't include one of the worst songs of all time  
then I'll manage.

2K16 isnt too bad. As soon as you figure out the stupid submission mini game it gets a lot better. Still a ton of bugs to be fixed. The main one I am annoyed by is half the time you have a finisher stored it just wont let you do a finisher. Eventually the thing comes up but especially during the showcase where you NEED to do your signature move before it goes away and cant it gets tedious.
I think you need to have about half of your stamina to be able to do a finisher so check that next time to make sure you aren't too gassed to pull one off. I don't actually have the game yet but from what I hear this is true.
bread's done