Pro Wrestling discussion topic--WWE, AEW, ROH, Impact, New Japan, indies

It came across as odd how WWE billed NXT jobbers John Skyler & Corey Hollis under what I presume to be their real names when they competed on Raw tonight. "Scott Jackson" wore trunks bearing the name "Skylar" on the back, while "Brian Kennedy" had trunks with the initials "CH" printed on them. Also, Michael Cole called Brian Kennedy "Mr. Kennedy" during the finish of that match.
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Reigns/Styles is the top of the 10:00 hour segment, and the McMahon feud/Womens Championship angle closes out the show.


Is this indicative of a changeup for the sake of a changeup, a tacti acknowledgement that they know the 10:00 is when ratings peak, or them ending the show with the angle they see at hottest (McMahons) - which is subtly implying that they know Reigns as champ isn't working?
If I recall correctly, the segment with AJ/Reigns was in the 10:00 spot last week as well. Ambrose destroying Jericho's jacket closed the show.

I think your question is a good one, and I think a further indication of where this may be going is at what time during the show Cena returns.
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any word when seth  returns or is he gone for good.   seems june 6?

There are approximately 17 that have been injured that are coming back 

cant think of  17 people even missing

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He's building Sexy Bitch II.

Heard Rob Naylor on a podcast recently talking about when he was working for WWE...said he pitched a name to WWE for Uhaa Nation, but they told him it was "too black." I can't remember the name he pitched off the top of my head, but then they go with fucking "APOLLO CREWS," a name that can be literally none. None more black.

I thought Uhaa Nation was a badass name as it was, although I guess that would "confuse" the fans since they try to market the CENATION.


Heard Rob Naylor on a podcast recently talking about when he was working for WWE...said he pitched a name to WWE for Uhaa Nation, but they told him it was "too black." I can't remember the name he pitched off the top of my head, but then they go with fucking "APOLLO CREWS," a name that can be literally none. None more black.

I thought Uhaa Nation was a badass name as it was, although I guess that would "confuse" the fans since they try to market the CENATION.
Apollo in DC Comics is a white guy! But you're absolutely correct. "Apollo" always makes me think of Apollo Creed, and the "Crews" part was obviously inspired by Terry. This Is Spinal Tap is one of ths funniest movies of all time.
Guys. You know what day it is, right?

Gallows has certainly come a long way from this.

TIL gifsoup is blocked by my work.

I'm doing Demon Balor costume next weekend at a convention, my paint arrives today. Also doing El Generico (that's why I have the mask, ordered it back in Jan), will be glad Friday night when I can shave the chin beard I've been growing to look the part. My gf is making the cape, we think it'll be close enough to authentic, the trick will be getting the tie right in the front. Literally nobody else there will know the detail, but might as well do it right.

TIL gifsoup is blocked by my work.

I'm doing Demon Balor costume next weekend at a convention, my paint arrives today. Also doing El Generico (that's why I have the mask, ordered it back in Jan), will be glad Friday night when I can shave the chin beard I've been growing to look the part. My gf is making the cape, we think it'll be close enough to authentic, the trick will be getting the tie right in the front. Literally nobody else there will know the detail, but might as well do it right.
To make it more authentic, you should have a friend dress up as Kevin Steen and package piledrive you onto a ladder at some point during the convention.

Took my first hip tosses last night.

Man, oh man, I'm a scaredy cat. The first few were 100% trash, but by the end of the night there weren't the worst. I'll take incremental progress.

Well, there is a LOT of rolling in wrestling, so we practice that a ton. The first time I did a roll off the second turnbuckle onto the mat, you'd have think I was asked to take a superplex off the top of a steel cage in terms of worry. Standing there, looking down with the kind of "welp, I guess this may be the end. We had a good run, pal" feeling a 5-year-old might have standing on the high diving board. It's dissipated somewhat, but not entirely.

Unless I have class Monday (which I don't believe I do), then I'm off for the next few weeks as the bulk of the wrestlers are off for a couple of weeks in the UK. The last few weeks, I've really gotten into watching World of Sport from the 70's and 80's. All the chain wrestling I didn't give much credence to as a viewer now had me *enrapt* as to how holds are applied, worked out of, transitioned from one to the next, and so on. Also, having an idea of how those holds work - how they hurt, where they hurt, and how they restrict your movement - it is SO hard to convey that to the audience that I'm just starting to grasp it after watching wrestling for decades. But, man-o-man can it be good when it's good.

Kendo Nagasaki is unchanged today. He's a truly fascinating guy to read up on.

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I did a test paint and put on all the pieces for my costume, and I gained a new respect for every wrestler out there. Everyone from Neville to Beer City Bruiser. I mean, I *know* what is worn, but it's a completely different feeling to realize "I'm going to be all day in front of lots of people in this" and I'll be honest I've got some doubts. Unemployment laziness caused me to gain about 25lb and it went right to my gut. 

Cody asked for his release from WWE:

That sucks... I really like Cody Rhodes too, but he wasn't really going anywhere. I don't think he's ever wrestled outside the WWE, so this could be really good for him in the long run. Wrestle a few years in Japan or something to improve and then come back with a fresh push.
Do what makes you happy. If that's work your ass off to get to WWE, great. If it's not to be there, then that's great, too.

Whatever the sport is, I'm always happy to see someone get to choose their next step themselves, instead of having that choice made for them.

I met Cody a few years back and, at least in my interaction with him, he's a great guy.  He came into my work and I was just casually chatting with him.  We talked about an upcoming Smackdown show that was a few weeks away and, out of nowhere, he offered to give me tickets to the show.  It was a very generous gesture from someone that I had known for literally five minutes.  Unfortunately, I was going to be out of town at that time but he still offered to give some tickets if I had any friends who were interested in going.  I knew a couple of guys who wanted to go so I said I could give them the tickets.  Without asking him, he said he could get me more than just two if I wanted more.  Later, as we were trying to work out the logistics of actually getting the tickets in hand, he said I could go by his house and pick them up and ended up giving me his address and phone number!  Remember, we had literally just met minutes earlier.  We worked it out, he came through and had tickets for my friends like he said he would.  Easily the best experience I've ever had with a wrestler and I've had  quite a few.

I Like Cody Rhodes alot, it seems like every gimmick creative tried to throw at him he took the ball and ran with it. It's just a shame they had nothing for him in terms of story lines.

He should have brought back his old Triforce boots and started a Zelda tag team with Xavier Woods. Bet it would be super over in NXT.

I just don't get these decisions. I mean I know I shouldn't question it, but in what logical world would Roman win that match? He took like 6-7 chair shots, two Styles Clashes, one on a chair...and then had enough mental and physical power to catch a dude in mid air with a spear to win it. Sooooo...what, WWE? Styles is just complete dog shit? I mean I guess he can't hit very hard with a chair, that's why he slammed each one of the Usos four times before they finally went down.

In a segment that was supposed to make it seem like Styles snapped, all it did was make it seem like he's complete shit and can't put an opponent away after two finishers and a dozen shots with a chair.
I love how the announcers were playing up Reigns' knee and saying he couldn't do anything on it, right before he runs from one side of the ringside area all the way to the other to attempt a spear. And then they're still talking about it right before he jumps 6 feet in the air for another spear.

I'm glad Seth is back, I really am. But that finish was just so lazy for such a good match. Why do they do this? Why make "The Club" so immediately irrelevant? At this point I think WWE is just Sid from Toy Story, going around stealing perfectly good toys to destroy them for no reason but their own amusement. 

I love how the announcers were playing up Reigns' knee and saying he couldn't do anything on it, right before he runs from one side of the ringside area all the way to the other to attempt a spear. And then they're still talking about it right before he jumps 6 feet in the air for another spear.
This was gold. He also started selling the wrong knee, which was my favorite part.

I knew it was coming, but I'm still somehow disappointed.

With everything AJ Styles did to try to put him over, Roman Reigns couldn't even cover him properly?

So I'm going to guess I made the better choice watching Game of Thrones and being emotionally wrecked than watch Extreme Rules and be emotionally angered?

bread's done