Pro Wrestling discussion topic--WWE, AEW, ROH, Impact, New Japan, indies

got to admit now major lag with all of the people watching for free (well besides when the main even started) But i think that was my hook up. It just froze and never came back. had to reboot and missed henry getting ko.
Mine didnt go out once. There was one second when the screen kind of pixelated for a second and it made Kane look like he had no pants on, other than that it was smooth sailing. Thats on wifi over my Roku 3.

Mine didnt go out once. There was one second when the screen kind of pixelated for a second and it made Kane look like he had no pants on, other than that it was smooth sailing. Thats on wifi over my Roku 3.
yea my cousins kids loved it and laughed all the way though the main event saying nude kane

had like 5 or 6 flips of 2-3 seconds and then that major freeze up when the main event started. i was expecting a lot more problems. One everyone was watching for free and 2 i went from a 50 download to a 25 download.

Now, I still enjoyed the show and the main event, but I'm also thinking about the concept of "overbooking," as we like to kvetch about.

Is it redundant when PPV main events are "overbooked" according to us? Because there WAS SO MUCH GOING ON in the SS main event, nobody could reasonably say it wasn't overbooked (heel turn, three refs KO'd, surprise appearance by Sting, run-ins by all of The Authority, and I think the announcers kept talking about guys who were eliminated being "fired" - I haven't watched all that much lately, so I dunno what the heck was actually going on half the time).

But, yeah. Cena vs Authority. Overbooked, overcooked. Like when Buddy made breakfast for the family in "Elf." But you know what? Still fun.

So, what does it mean when a wrestling match is "overbooked"? I think that loads of us used to complain about TNA early on, largely when Jeff Jarrett was champion. Was it individual matches that were overbooked, or was this enhanced by the fact that so many of his matches were this way?

I'm largely thinking out loud, but also, in the hindsight of what was both a "kitchen sink" main event as well as a seemingly well-enjoyed main event, trying to figure out what this wrestling concept of overbooking is.
It fed into the desperation of The Authority at the end and what they would try to do to hold onto their power, so it made sense. Where Sting fits into it, I have no idea. But it was mark out city when he showed up.

I was in attendance last night and posted some impressions on another forum and thought I would post them here (sorry for the white background, I probably could fix that somehow but I really hate these ******* forums lol)
First of all, the crowd was decent tonight but it wasn't a sellout or even close, about 1/2 of the upper deck was tarped off. I think the acoustics in that arena are garbage (or at least come across that way on TV) because I could barely hear myself think when Sting came out lol. 

The crowd (myself included) popped huge for Vince at the beginning, probably the 4th or 5th biggest reaction of the night. Overall I'd say the crowd was around 60/40 pro Cena, which was fine with me (I just don't get the level of hate that guy receives). 

The 4-way tag title match was a lot of fun, the crowd was pretty into it. Los Matadores got a really negative reaction which was a little surprising to me (indifference yes, pure hatred.....wasn't expecting that lol). Mizdow was just stupid over, huge pops for both him entering the ring and their win. The YAY BOO stuff was fun! Overall good match although I wouldn't of minded a little longer title run for the Rhodes boys, although the entire tag division is in desperate need of a reboot.

The divas elimination match was actually pretty good and the crowd didn't really crap on it too much and actually kind of enjoyed it. There weren't any of the usual smark neckbeard JBL and MICHAEL COLE chants that piss me off to no end. I wish Paige would've eliminated at least 2 of the divas before losing but whatever.

The Wyatt/Ambrose match was decent but the ending was a huge bummer. Ambrose getting out all the tables and chairs and a giant ladder and then just kind of not doing anything with it was a bummer but I guess they want to save the best stuff for TLC next month. I like both these guys but something is missing from this feud and I'm not quite sure what.

The next 1/2 hour or so was the low point of the night. The divas title match was a joke and the tag match afterwards was also quite dumb. This period plus the ending to Wyatt/Ambrose killed the crowd a bit, but did seem to recover quickly once the entrances for the main event started.

Wow the main event was FUN! The crowd ate it up and popped huge for the Big Show's KO of Henry. The thing I liked about the match was how important they made every elimination feel, HHH and Steph did a great job with this. They are both masters at selling this type of stuff (just like daddy) which is one reason why I enjoyed The Authority over the last year and a half or so, they usually entertained me which is all I ask. Ziggler was seriously stupid over, the crowd was behind him with a fury once it became 3 on 1. And even though I think Ziggler is just a bit overrated I enjoy seeing him in this kind of position and he was made to look great in this match. HHH got huge heat for the ref spots and for hitting Ziggler with the pedigree. And then HOLY **** IT'S STING IN A WWE RING WTF BBQSAUCE!?!?!?!?!? The place went ape **** for his entrance and then quieted a bit until another huge pop for his scorpion death drop. I had his appearance spoiled before hand but I still popped like a 10 year-old when I realized what was happening. 

Overall it was a REALLY fun show to be at in person, a solid A- from me. I imagine it wasn't quite as fun on TV but I still think for what they had to work with (all the injuries and Lesnar being a pud) that it was a good show.

Oh I almost forgot to mention as you were entering the building they were taking people's signs, I bet at least 80% of all signs were taken. Most of the signs weren't crude or bad in any way, it was really weird. So if it seemed like there were no signs last night that's why.

It fed into the desperation of The Authority at the end and what they would try to do to hold onto their power, so it made sense. Where Sting fits into it, I have no idea. But it was mark out city when he showed up.
Yeah, at least for that main event I was fine with the bad guys having like half a dozen people in their corner or whatever. If they're going to go apeshit with ref bumps and run ins and swerves and debuts, I'm glad they went the full 9 rather than half ass it. If they only have 2 matches a year like that it would actually seem pretty great...unfortunately with the majority of Raw endings just being heel interference leading to a DQ lately it has desensitized me to all but the most ridiculous overkill (which last night pretty much was). No complaints from me, though.

I'm largely thinking out loud, but also, in the hindsight of what was both a "kitchen sink" main event as well as a seemingly well-enjoyed main event, trying to figure out what this wrestling concept of overbooking is.
I tend to consider something "overbooked" when they stray from what makes wrestling storytelling work (a tightly focused story centered around a few key characters that is well told in a serial manner) and instead jsut throws a bunch of tropes at the wall to see what sticks.

For example, in the main event we had (spoilers below, in case that wasn't obvious)

1) Wrestler/team X loses and horrible thing happens to you and/or your team

2) Wrestler X pulls a heel/face turn on their team

3) the 3 on 1/4 on 1 comeback story

4) unexpected appearance/run in of new/returning superstar

5) authority figure interference that would normally cause a DQ happening so the stated authority figure can save their own skin.

all of those things happened in ONE MATCH. It's a bit....much. hence the kitchen sink/overbooking analogy, I think. I think this is what Russo did as well, he just took a bunch of above mentioned pro wrestling tropes and threw them all at the wall to see what stuck. what is needed in a situation like this I think is someone to provide more of a tightly controlled focus to a match. I know that WWE has "producers" for matches and I'm not sure how they interact with the bookers, but maybe it could start there.

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Yeah, someone mentioned that on the last page but no one really commented. I read about it on 411 earlier. Definitely setting the DVR to record NJPW once it airs.
The fact that people were so disinterested in Larry the Cable Guy that they were just silent rather than bothering to boo him was awesome. Get the fuck out of here with that shit.
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Yeah, someone mentioned that on the last page but no one really commented. I read about it on 411 earlier. Definitely setting the DVR to record NJPW once it airs.
How dare you, sir!

NJPW on US TV? Very cool. Even better that U-verse carries AXS TV.
Destination America is on the next tier up on U-verse so I'm not sure I'll be watching Impact come January (at least on TV).

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I need to stop reading Raw spoilers, but I can't help it...


Soo happy! :whee:

I hope Gold and Stardust beat the fuck out of Miz soon.

Mizdow is cool, though, hope he turns on Miz as well.

The way Miz tags himself in, does seem to agitate Mizdow...maybe he will turn against his mentor one day.

Loved Raw starting with Sting's tron and then OF COURSE AN AUTHORITY PROMO. Wasn't last week THE LAST RAW THEY COULD EVER APPEAR ON if they lost? Loved Bryan's return - shame it was after such a long, boring HHH promo. Ryback-Henry was nothing. Loved Vince scolding HHH and Steph. Dug Harper-Ambrose, but not as much as I thought I would. Dug the post-match beating with Bray doing to Dean what he did to him at the PPV.

Larry and Santino were a dud. Tag title replicas look better than the real ones. I can't wait for Jingle All the Way 3: When Christmas Broke Kayfabe starring the Christmas Creature and Xanta Klaus. Tag title "rematch" with only two of the teams was okay, but just a backdrop for Miz being selfish while Mizdow does all the work. Rusev-Sarge stuff sucked and just seemed to lead to another Swagger-Rusev match/feud. Gabriel-Fandango II was worse than the first, and the only heat it had was due to CM Punk and Fandango's old gimmick. I love the new theme, but this is doomed.

Show-Rowan could be good. Loved Show being a defendable heel here. AJ-Brie was nothing, but AJ ruled it with every single thing she said. Interspecies tag with Santino and Larry the Cable Guy on commentary, shockingly, sucked. And we got a tease for another Ryback-Kane match! Their skut was stupid, but I liked Ryback's lines. Loved Big E's awkward dancing in the New Day vignette. Didn't like Dolph's bad promo with Cena. Main event was fun, but not really all that good. The Mystery GM returned and made next week's show Cyber Monday.  fuck ALL OF THIS BEEPING and fuck this laptop GM shit again.

Screens - 

"Goddammit, why do they think WWE only appeals to low class, low-income people!?"




Concessions Kane is NOT AMUSED!

Wyatt on Austin's podcast was interesting. Everyone made the Wyatt / Waylon Mercy comparison when he debuted, but I had no idea he pretty much came up with the Wyatt character after talking to Spivey about the Waylon Mercy character during the period Wyatt was doing the Axel Mulligan gimmick.
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I wonder if the Dean Ambrose match on Raw was supposed to look that sloppy, worst match I have seen recently. Mainly because the other guy whats his face. I don't know those creepy guys names since I just started watching recently but I think their whole group is not goo enough for WWE.

And making Kane a fucking concession stand dude is retarted. I wonder if they're just making him look silly to build up hype for the return of the Big Red Machine.

I wonder if the Dean Ambrose match on Raw was supposed to look that sloppy, worst match I have seen recently. Mainly because the other guy whats his face. I don't know those creepy guys names since I just started watching recently but I think their whole group is not goo enough for WWE.

And making Kane a fucking concession stand dude is retarted. I wonder if they're just making him look silly to build up hype for the return of the Big Red Machine.

I'd buy a Bret Hart one if it were done right.

Man I'm glad that Axel character never made television. He looks like a drunk Slipknot fan.

Wikipedia says it never made it to FCW TV.
Yeah, I never saw it myself until I looked up that same video although I had heard of it. Wyatt self-described it as "Slipknot mask with Misfits shirt" and based on that one video, that seems to sum it up. Not much to it, but I don't think it lasted very long so it wouldn't have had a chance to develop anyway.

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You know what just occurred to me?

Ryback got away from his whole "Yep yep yep, what it doooo" slogan.

Good for him. But still - what the fuck was he ever thinking?

I'd buy a Bret Hart one if it were done right.
This so much. I spent a lot on my Macho Man one but I don't regret it at all, I have it in a nice custom built glass case with a wooden bottom and it looks great. If they ever do a Hart one I will buy it so damn fast.
Well, didn't see this coming (at least, not out of nowhere like this). Punk is on Colt's show this week and apparently talks about what happened. Since I haven't listened yet I have no context for this, but apparently Punk says he did not quit, he was fired.

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Seems to be available everywhere but iTunes (most recent listed at the moment is #225).



At least the logo is cool and Kofi's tights don't have SKILLZ ALL DAY written on them anymore.

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Ok, after hearing what Punk has to say about how he was treated, I want the fans to blow the roof off every RAW show with Punk chants from here on in.

bread's done