PS Vita Deals & Discussions Thread


292 (100%)
Since I thought the cheap 3DS games thread was a good idea. I thought I would start one for the PS Vita. I will maintain this site a few times a day going forward. Post links up to new deals and I will add them to the OP. Anyhow, here we go:

Updated 2/5/2014


Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational $15.50

Lumines- Electronic Symphony $18.49

MLB 12 The Show- $5.88

Silent Hill: Book of Memories- $11.68

Spy Hunter- $14.89

Gravity Rush- $18.53

Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time- $19.12

Need for Speed: Most Wanted- $15.99

Persona 4 Golden - $19.99

Best Buy:


Call of Duty Black Ops: Declassified $19..99 New/ $17.99 Used

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I know the 40 lb cat litter goes on the front page of SD all the time. It's always cheaper to buy online, but I don't do it cause they deliver to the apartment office here. But seriously, the local stores don't stock much, so I can understand not wanting to drive 20 miles round trip so you can pay more money, and have it out of stock.

Yeah sorry guys i didn't mean too offend anyone. I was honestly just talking about how picking works and how sometimes they come crush from bigger boxes next to it like groceries and other departments. But yeah, was nice to see other people perspective about it and not giving me too much crap :).
That was the first thing I tried when I received my crushed copy of Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax but sadly it doesn't work even with the recent exploit. If there is another workaround please let me know. I would love to play this on a big screen.
Honestly, if you really want to play this on the big screen, just get the PS3 version as well. I bought the Vita version at launch, but I really want to get the PS3 version soon, maybe when it goes on sale. Not every game is going to be PSTV compatible, but plenty enough are to make it more than worthwhile.

Plus, the PS3 version should look much better on the big screen anyway.

Yeah sorry guys i didn't mean too offend anyone. I was honestly just talking about how picking works and how sometimes they come crush from bigger boxes next to it like groceries and other departments. But yeah, was nice to see other people perspective about it and not giving me too much crap :).
I want to hear more about how you got assigned to sex toys. :whee:

For those interested did you see Superbeat: Xonic Collectors Edition and Limited Edition are up for pre-order. Limited Collectors Edition limited to 450 copies in NA and LImited Edition limited to 500 copies in NA.

I already posted something about this in the CE thread, but I figured I'd share here too...

The Best Buy I use the most had the Corpse Party Everafter Editions out in the clear plastic security boxes on the shelf today when I went to go pick up Chibi-Robo during lunch. They wouldn't let me buy one unfortunately, but I did get a close look at the size. They are just on the edge of being small enough that they may end up shipping in a bubble mailer and getting crushed to hell. If you can swing it, change your pre-order to store pick-up. I just made sure my existing PO was store pick-up, which I always do unless shipping is the only option.
Unfortunately, store pick up isn't an option for me where I live now :(
Where will Breach and Clear be up for pre-order? and it will be available on the 29th and ship out the following day.

To confirm, we have made many fixes to the game. Text size is increased across the board, default difficulty has been raised, and stability and bugs have been addressed to whatever degree possible. If you found the core ideas behind the gameplay boring, your opinion is probably not going to change. It's a hybrid turn-based game - you tell your guys where to move and look. They take care of the shooting. If you found it too easy before, we've played with the difficulty a lot.

A patch is coming to the digital version. - we're working on getting it through Sony's certification.

To explain why Breach & Clear got a physical release - it's pretty simple. I've wanted to start Limited Run Games for a long time but in order to do so (and convince other devs to come onboard) I needed to prove that A) this was a viable business and B) I could handle taking a game from digital to physical.

I understand the game is not for everyone and that's why the print run is so small. It's a proof of concept for the entirety of Limited Run Games. If we could have released a more exciting game first, we definitely would have - but we have to prove it out first.

Saturday Morning RPG will be our next release after B&C. CAGs won't have to worry too much about keeping up with our releases as I'll be posting about them.
Awesome; thanks for the heads up Doomstink.  I will be trying like hell to make sure I can get a physical copy of Breach & Clear (and your follow-ups) to support what you are trying to do.  As a former mom-n-pop buy/sell/trade game store owner, I am 100% anti-digital copy and all of the anti-ownership BS that comes with that model.  I wish you nothing but the wildest success.

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Awesome; thanks for the heads up Doomstink. I will be trying like hell to make sure I can get a physical copy of Breach & Clear (and your follow-ups) to support what you are trying to do. As a former mom-n-pop buy/sell/trade game store owner, I am 100% anti-digital copy and all of the anti-ownership BS that comes with that model. I wish you nothing but the wildest success.
Seconded. Bring on the physical copies!

Thanks for all of the info that everyone posted about Corpse Party...too many people to quote but they know who they are. still a bit on the fence about buying it, but at least more informed now. and it will be available on the 29th and ship out the following day.

To confirm, we have made many fixes to the game. Text size is increased across the board, default difficulty has been raised, and stability and bugs have been addressed to whatever degree possible. If you found the core ideas behind the gameplay boring, your opinion is probably not going to change. It's a hybrid turn-based game - you tell your guys where to move and look. They take care of the shooting. If you found it too easy before, we've played with the difficulty a lot.

A patch is coming to the digital version. - we're working on getting it through Sony's certification.

To explain why Breach & Clear got a physical release - it's pretty simple. I've wanted to start Limited Run Games for a long time but in order to do so (and convince other devs to come onboard) I needed to prove that A) this was a viable business and B) I could handle taking a game from digital to physical.

I understand the game is not for everyone and that's why the print run is so small. It's a proof of concept for the entirety of Limited Run Games. If we could have released a more exciting game first, we definitely would have - but we have to prove it out first.

Saturday Morning RPG will be our next release after B&C. CAGs won't have to worry too much about keeping up with our releases as I'll be posting about them.
Thanks for the information. If you can give us a heads up on when the game will go live I'd appreciate it.

I think there is definitely a market for these types of releases. I think you will easily sell out of the print run for Breach and Clear as those of us collecting Vita will easily consume those copies. I'm sure I'll be a loyal customer for future releases, assuming I can get then before they are OOS.

Any plans for other systems? and it will be available on the 29th and ship out the following day.

To confirm, we have made many fixes to the game. Text size is increased across the board, default difficulty has been raised, and stability and bugs have been addressed to whatever degree possible. If you found the core ideas behind the gameplay boring, your opinion is probably not going to change. It's a hybrid turn-based game - you tell your guys where to move and look. They take care of the shooting. If you found it too easy before, we've played with the difficulty a lot.

A patch is coming to the digital version. - we're working on getting it through Sony's certification.

To explain why Breach & Clear got a physical release - it's pretty simple. I've wanted to start Limited Run Games for a long time but in order to do so (and convince other devs to come onboard) I needed to prove that A) this was a viable business and B) I could handle taking a game from digital to physical.

I understand the game is not for everyone and that's why the print run is so small. It's a proof of concept for the entirety of Limited Run Games. If we could have released a more exciting game first, we definitely would have - but we have to prove it out first.

Saturday Morning RPG will be our next release after B&C. CAGs won't have to worry too much about keeping up with our releases as I'll be posting about them.
I hope other devs come onboard

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Thanks for all of the info that everyone posted about Corpse Party...too many people to quote but they know who they are. still a bit on the fence about buying it, but at least more informed now.
From What I know about the game people say that you have know what happened in the first 2 to understand the plot better...

Dunno if it's true but that is an automatic turn off for someone like me who's never even heard of the series up until now.

I already posted something about this in the CE thread, but I figured I'd share here too...

The Best Buy I use the most had the Corpse Party Everafter Editions out in the clear plastic security boxes on the shelf today when I went to go pick up Chibi-Robo during lunch. They wouldn't let me buy one unfortunately, but I did get a close look at the size. They are just on the edge of being small enough that they may end up shipping in a bubble mailer and getting crushed to hell. If you can swing it, change your pre-order to store pick-up. I just made sure my existing PO was store pick-up, which I always do unless shipping is the only option.
Just fyi, some stores have apparently broken release date on Corpse Party. I've seen people on other boards talking about picking up their copies already (they specifically mentioned EB Games in Canada). Not sure if Xseed gave Gamestop/EB Games permission to sell it early or if they're just doing it anyway.

Edit: YMMV...I guess some people have gotten shot down at Gamestop, too, while others have broken street date.

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I work in a amazon warehouse and i blame the people who overstuff the pods and make the item's crushed. I'm just a picker and if you see a damage item you can put on the computer screen it is damaged. I don't know if bestbuy is the samething but its getting into seasonal time and they push for people and the new seasonal workers to have a certain speed or rate to get the item out so expect alot of crushed items this holiday! (Not from me unless it's stupid groceries people buy online and its heavy as shit sometimes and that they are lazy to just go to the store and buy it -.-) i have not seen any vita le's from my time working there though mainly sex toys and a few hentai mouse pads. But after picking they go into the shippers section so blame them i guess ;d. But really after working there for about two weeks now i notice how easily it is to get a damage item. It makes me think about how risky it is for a collectors edition or big box item to make it out without a scratch/dent...
LOL, wut?

I don't doubt what you are saying but I'm pretty sure most of these Best Buy issues are because they are shipping smaller CE's in bubble mailers which offer no protection at all for the flimsy outer cardboard box of the item. Even a cardboard mailer (like they ship music and movies in) would offer more protection but I've never seen them ship a game in a cardboard mailer.

Looks like it may be a price drop since there is no mention of clearance or sale in the price (like they usually do for those items).


anyone with half a brain would realize it would be crushed quite badly when they're trying to stuff one of those things in a frigin envelope and it will be available on the 29th and ship out the following day.
To confirm, we have made many fixes to the game. Text size is increased across the board, default difficulty has been raised, and stability and bugs have been addressed to whatever degree possible. If you found the core ideas behind the gameplay boring, your opinion is probably not going to change. It's a hybrid turn-based game - you tell your guys where to move and look. They take care of the shooting. If you found it too easy before, we've played with the difficulty a lot.
A patch is coming to the digital version. - we're working on getting it through Sony's certification.
To explain why Breach & Clear got a physical release - it's pretty simple. I've wanted to start Limited Run Games for a long time but in order to do so (and convince other devs to come onboard) I needed to prove that A) this was a viable business and B) I could handle taking a game from digital to physical.
I understand the game is not for everyone and that's why the print run is so small. It's a proof of concept for the entirety of Limited Run Games. If we could have released a more exciting game first, we definitely would have - but we have to prove it out first.
Saturday Morning RPG will be our next release after B&C. CAGs won't have to worry too much about keeping up with our releases as I'll be posting about them.
I absolutely love what you're trying to do and I wish you nothing but the best. If your game was anything other than a strategy game (literally the only genre I don't like) I'd support you right away... Though I still might out of principle.

Regardless, I'm on board and I'm sure I'll be supporting this endeavor soon enough.
Picked up :vita: Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters today at GS for $18 since it was the only store that had it by me. The rest were 30 or more miles away.

I've heard about the game but never paid it any attention. I hope it's good.
I recently got this too. I couldn't resist a game with ghost detectives. Though I probably won't play it for a while just in case we get the updated version - which I learned about after I bought it.

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On the gameplay side of things: The most annoying parts were the enemies not being affected by any hazards on the map and navigation being limited to one 90 degree turn in the movement range. It made navigating around trap mazes harder. In addition, only one character is able to float without transforming. It's part of an elevation mechanic that suddenly becomes important towards the final missions (nothing story related, the maps just out of the blue start having massive walls to climb.) Finally, the treasure chests on the map are unlocked by a regular attack only, but some are locked with an element and only appear in the story mission when playing it to advance the story.
That is much more succinct than my review, lol. I liked the game, but yeah, the enemies ignoring hazards bugged the crap out of me.

Finally got my order in from Jet which was filled by "limited goods" never heard of them but they packed everything well, no injuries here :)

Thanks for the information. If you can give us a heads up on when the game will go live I'd appreciate it.

I think there is definitely a market for these types of releases. I think you will easily sell out of the print run for Breach and Clear as those of us collecting Vita will easily consume those copies. I'm sure I'll be a loyal customer for future releases, assuming I can get then before they are OOS.

Any plans for other systems?
Thanks, I'll definitely be giving CAG a heads up about the release. Not sure how to approach it, though - I'd like to create a thread but despite being here since 2007, I have no idea what the rules are about self-promotion (never had a reason to do it before now).

We're currently only publishing on PS4 and PS Vita - Sony is very progressive in that they allow reasonable minimum order quantities. Microsoft and Nintendo both have MOQs above 10,000 copies which just isn't feasible for indie titles with niche audiences. I'm hopeful that Nintendo will lower their MOQ for Wii U soon and if that happens we're going to make every effort to publish on Wii U.

Awesome; thanks for the heads up Doomstink. I will be trying like hell to make sure I can get a physical copy of Breach & Clear (and your follow-ups) to support what you are trying to do. As a former mom-n-pop buy/sell/trade game store owner, I am 100% anti-digital copy and all of the anti-ownership BS that comes with that model. I wish you nothing but the wildest success.
Thanks! After seeing game after game get delisted from XBLA and PSN - I just can't get behind paying for licenses. I want actual ownership over my games.

I'm glad to be providing an avenue for digital games to go physical and hope that I'll be able to get a lot of devs behind it. If Indiebox's success in attracting devs is any indication we shouldn't have too much trouble.

Thanks, I'll definitely be giving CAG a heads up about the release. Not sure how to approach it, though - I'd like to create a thread but despite being here since 2007, I have no idea what the rules are about self-promotion (never had a reason to do it before now).
Pretty sure you have to get self promotion cleared first. If not I'm sure someone here would be willing to post it.

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Finally got my order in from Jet which was filled by "limited goods" never heard of them but they packed everything well, no injuries here :)
What did you get? They put Devil Survivor 2 in a bubble mailer and the box got damaged. I sent an email about it too. LG told me email jet and they never replied.
Thanks, I'll definitely be giving CAG a heads up about the release. Not sure how to approach it, though - I'd like to create a thread but despite being here since 2007, I have no idea what the rules are about self-promotion (never had a reason to do it before now).

We're currently only publishing on PS4 and PS Vita - Sony is very progressive in that they allow reasonable minimum order quantities. Microsoft and Nintendo both have MOQs above 10,000 copies which just isn't feasible for indie titles with niche audiences. I'm hopeful that Nintendo will lower their MOQ for Wii U soon and if that happens we're going to make every effort to publish on Wii U.
Would be great if you can convince Nintendo to lower the limits on Wii U. I'm working on both Vita and Wii U collections and would love to get more niche inie releases. Vita and PS4 should have plenty of potential releases to keep you busy and fill out a release schedule.

What did you get? They put Devil Survivor 2 in a bubble mailer and the box got damaged. I sent an email about it too. LG told me email jet and they never replied.
Etrian Mystery Dungeon in the First Print Box in perfect condition & Pokemon Alpha Sapphire

Thanks, I'll definitely be giving CAG a heads up about the release. Not sure how to approach it, though - I'd like to create a thread but despite being here since 2007, I have no idea what the rules are about self-promotion (never had a reason to do it before now).

We're currently only publishing on PS4 and PS Vita - Sony is very progressive in that they allow reasonable minimum order quantities. Microsoft and Nintendo both have MOQs above 10,000 copies which just isn't feasible for indie titles with niche audiences. I'm hopeful that Nintendo will lower their MOQ for Wii U soon and if that happens we're going to make every effort to publish on Wii U.
I'd definitely like a thread or at least a post in here when it is available. I haven't played the game but it looks fun, and between it being a limited run and supporting a CAG, I'll be sure to pick one up. and it will be available on the 29th and ship out the following day.

To confirm, we have made many fixes to the game. Text size is increased across the board, default difficulty has been raised, and stability and bugs have been addressed to whatever degree possible. If you found the core ideas behind the gameplay boring, your opinion is probably not going to change. It's a hybrid turn-based game - you tell your guys where to move and look. They take care of the shooting. If you found it too easy before, we've played with the difficulty a lot.

A patch is coming to the digital version. - we're working on getting it through Sony's certification.

To explain why Breach & Clear got a physical release - it's pretty simple. I've wanted to start Limited Run Games for a long time but in order to do so (and convince other devs to come onboard) I needed to prove that A) this was a viable business and B) I could handle taking a game from digital to physical.

I understand the game is not for everyone and that's why the print run is so small. It's a proof of concept for the entirety of Limited Run Games. If we could have released a more exciting game first, we definitely would have - but we have to prove it out first.

Saturday Morning RPG will be our next release after B&C. CAGs won't have to worry too much about keeping up with our releases as I'll be posting about them.
Oh cool a dev. I played the heck out of Breach and Clear on android. And then again on PC. I'm pretty tuckered out on it. But keep up the good work.

Been playing Doorkickers most recently, no offense.

Thanks! After seeing game after game get delisted from XBLA and PSN - I just can't get behind paying for licenses. I want actual ownership over my games.
You can still download anything you bought at any time on PSN, at least. The only exception I know of is the infamous, but free [so doesn't technically count] 'demo' P.T.

You can still download anything you bought at any time on PSN, at least. The only exception I know of is the infamous, but free [so doesn't technically count] 'demo' P.T.
Yeah but there's still plenty of scenarios where you can permanently lose access to those games. And we really don't know how a lot of things are going to play out down the road, especially if there's poorly implemented DRM or other issues as the PSM shutdown brought to light.

Yeah but there's still plenty of scenarios where you can permanently lose access to those games. And we really don't know how a lot of things are going to play out down the road, especially if there's poorly implemented DRM or other issues as the PSM shutdown brought to light.
Yeah, I guess I don't worry about that for the same reasons I don't worry about losing my physical collection to fire or whatever. Sure, it could happen. Not particularly likely. And honestly, if I lost my digital steam/psn collections tomorrow i'd be released from a mountain's weight of backlog and would probably sleep better at night.

Yeah, I guess I don't worry about that for the same reasons I don't worry about losing my physical collection to fire or whatever. Sure, it could happen. Not particularly likely. And honestly, if I lost my digital steam/psn collections tomorrow i'd be released from a mountain's weight of backlog and would probably sleep better at night.
Oh yeah, I'm not worried particularly and have common sense enough to avoid a lot of the reasons you would get banned. Having several times the games I have shelf space makes me appreciate digital all the more.

As a collector i just dont like the shift to digital at all. Other than the DRM issues my main concern is what happens like 20 years down the line? I can still play my NES games, my Genesis games, ect. What if the servers are gone and you can no longer play your digital copies years down the road?

Its not so bad on PC, but for consoles i definitely prefer physical every time. I dont even buy games most of the time if they're digitial only. 

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What is there to discuss? We know exactly what will happen. Original Xbox embodied everything naysayers said about losing digital games years ago.

Yeah, I guess I don't worry about that for the same reasons I don't worry about losing my physical collection to fire or whatever.
The difference is that in the case of losing a physical disc, there are still other physical discs out there. It's replaceable. When a digital exclusive game goes away, if it hasn't been released on another platform, it's just completely gone. (Yes, of course the pirates will find a way, but by that logic, let's all just stop buying games in the first place.)

What is there to discuss? We know exactly what will happen. Original Xbox embodied everything naysayers said about losing digital games years ago.
This all the way. It is simply unrealistic to expect publishers to maintain those servers in perpetuity. A fire in your home is pretty unlikely, but the servers going away is completely assured. It will happen.

This all the way. It is simply unrealistic to expect publishers to maintain those servers in perpetuity. A fire in your home is pretty unlikely, but the servers going away is completely assured. It will happen.
I sadly have this same concern for my physical collection of current-gen games, given 1) their proclivity for needing to connect to some sort of server in order to function properly, and 2) the fact that games are increasingly being shipped utterly unfinished and often requiring a 1+ GB patch to be downloaded and installed day one.

What are the must have vita games not released in the US? Recently got a vita and wondering if I'm missing out on any must play games not released here.
As a collector i just dont like the shift to digital at all. Other than the DRM issues my main concern is what happens like 20 years down the line? I can still play my NES games, my Genesis games, ect. What if the servers are got one and you can no longer play your digital copies years down the road?

Its not so bad on PC, but for consoles i definitely prefer physical every time. I dont even buy games most of the time if they're digitial only.
Agree. With physical games I know what I own and know that they will be there whenever I want. No one can take them, or remove acces to them.

There are examples of games being removed from the iOS app store like Bioshock and Ghost Trick. Silent Hills was removed from PSN and I'd guess there will be more, not to mention that the entire PSN store will likely be taken down at some point. In the end if I own Physical copies I'm not dependent on anyone/anything else. They can be resold, played, etc... whenever I want.

I sadly have this same concern for my physical collection of current-gen games, given 1) their proclivity for needing to connect to some sort of server in order to function properly, and 2) the fact that games are increasingly being shipped utterly unfinished and often requiring a 1+ GB patch to be downloaded and installed day one.
Mandatory server connection is a deal breaker for me, unless it is something like Titanfall that is exclusively multiplayer (and even then I'm sad there's no LAN support, since there never is anymore). Few single player console games require that, though.

The patch issue is huge, too. Yeah, great, I own Evil Within and can play it in ten years, but it will be a total shitshow without the day one patch.

Mandatory server connection is a deal breaker for me, unless it is something like Titanfall that is exclusively multiplayer (and even then I'm sad there's no LAN support, since there never is anymore). Few single player console games require that, though.

The patch issue is huge, too. Yeah, great, I own Evil Within and can play it in ten years, but it will be a total shitshow without the day one patch.
While few require it, virtually every EA and Ubisoft game runs like crap without it. (Insert quip about EA and Ubisoft games running like crap regardless here.)

Agree. With physical games I know what I own and know that they will be there whenever I want. No one can take them, or remove acces to them.

There are examples of games being removed from the iOS app store like Bioshock and Ghost Trick. Silent Hills was removed from PSN and I'd guess there will be more, not to mention that the entire PSN store will likely be taken down at some point. In the end if I own Physical copies I'm not dependent on anyone/anything else. They can be resold, played, etc... whenever I want.
IOS is riddled with problems --

-the iterative hardware means games you own may get updated to versions that no longer run on your hardware

-games get taken down can no longer be downloaded, etc.

PSN does not have those issues, and if anything, Sony has shown their quite good about stuff--

-you can still download stuff taken down from the store, etc

-they rarely ban accounts, and certainly not for mistakes they made (ie, you can take advantage of price glitches without fear).

I assume by 'Silent Hill' you mean P.T.... nobody bought that. It is a rare case where Konami, having never sold it, likely had the power to take it completely off the store and servers. That isn't done if money is exchanged.

The difference is that in the case of losing a physical disc, there are still other physical discs out there. It's replaceable. When a digital exclusive game goes away, if it hasn't been released on another platform, it's just completely gone. (Yes, of course the pirates will find a way, but by that logic, let's all just stop buying games in the first place.)

This all the way. It is simply unrealistic to expect publishers to maintain those servers in perpetuity. A fire in your home is pretty unlikely, but the servers going away is completely assured. It will happen.
Forever? Yeah, sure, you're probably right. But I'd be surprised if they take them down in my lifetime. The servers in question are basically just file servers -- fairly simple in the scheme of things. You request a file, they serve the file to you.

Additionally, those servers have current reasons to exist -- games are still selling. The PS5 will still need to deliver games.

There's just no reason to take down those servers in the foreseeable future, and most definitely no reason to remove older games. It would be industry suicide, for example, to remove psp and ps3 games from their servers. Why? There's no upside to it.

Now, at some point some storefronts might become too expensive to maintain -- that's why they stopped supporting the psp storefront. But they provided logical alternatives -- you can still buy the games on the web, and they converted the store to a download list so you can still access said games. That's a perfectly serviceable solution.

Even if Sony came up such hard times that they were bankrupted, PSN is a profitable service that would almost certainly be bought and maintained in the fire sale.

Digital doesn't take up space, I don't like owning too many things I'm not using, and it's super convenient. I'll take that, even with the added 'risk' of losing access which I don't really think is at all likely, anyday. I can understand why the lack of cases/etc bothers some -- I used to have a massive vinyl collection and mps3s do -not- do it for me... but it's not because I"m worried mps3 will suddenly go away... I just liked the 'feel' of vinyl. But for those of us that don't need the 'feel' of physical games, digital is a perfectly safe alternative and for most of us, by the time any chance of the servers going down occurs (30 years? 40 years? never?) we'll be playing something else.

as far as iOS goes, pretty sure all (most anyway) of the games that were removed were due to exploits and malware, or other direct ToS violations.

Sure i'd love to have every game physical on Vita, but when a game goes on a flash sale for $1-3 and the physical is *still* $29-39... i'm buying digital.

Vita is the only system i worry about the digital stuff with, PS4 games will be available for a very long time. I don't purchase any digital stuff for 3DS/Wii U (Nintendo's policies/system for digital is total BS) and rarely get anything digital for xbox beyond the GWG stuff.

I will say that ever since games came "online" developers have *REALLY* become lazy. Push the game out as fast as possible... knowing that they can just release a patch later to fix their bugs. More and more "releases" have become beta tests. 

There's just no reason to take down those servers in the foreseeable future, and most definitely no reason to remove older games. It would be industry suicide, for example, to remove psp and ps3 games from their servers. Why? There's no upside to it.
Please tell me how to redownload my Original Xbox and Playstation Mobile digital games/content.

The only items I buy digital are DRM-free PC games because they can be carried over through time.

Also, I don't use STEAM because I hate being forced to launch games through their service. I don't install any games that require STEAM, unless, I can remove STEAM using a hack.

Consoles are proprietary and games and servers have been removed and permanently shutdown. I do not purchase or play any online only or online-required games -- ever. That includes Destiny.

I do make some exceptions to buy Collectors Editions if there is something neat like the Titanfall statue.

I vote with my wallet. I don't fault anyone else for succumbing to the Industry's desire of content, price and distribution control, even though, I know it is wrong. Some people have more self-control than others.

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Please tell me how to redownload my Original Xbox and Playstation Mobile digital games/content.
This is the best example that should end arguments about whether buying games digitally means you own them. They are non-transferable, revocable licenses that can be taken away from you at any time.

I only buy games physically, even if that means I have to miss out on a few titles I want to play (AA5, Yakuza 5). I want to own my games. The convenience of not having to switch discs/carts is not worth giving up all the rights that come with a physical copy.
bread's done