PS Vita Deals & Discussions Thread


292 (100%)
Since I thought the cheap 3DS games thread was a good idea. I thought I would start one for the PS Vita. I will maintain this site a few times a day going forward. Post links up to new deals and I will add them to the OP. Anyhow, here we go:

Updated 2/5/2014


Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational $15.50

Lumines- Electronic Symphony $18.49

MLB 12 The Show- $5.88

Silent Hill: Book of Memories- $11.68

Spy Hunter- $14.89

Gravity Rush- $18.53

Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time- $19.12

Need for Speed: Most Wanted- $15.99

Persona 4 Golden - $19.99

Best Buy:


Call of Duty Black Ops: Declassified $19..99 New/ $17.99 Used

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Going to give a +1 to the question asked about Lego Chima. Is it ok? I snagged a copy because it was like $5 but the lego games seem pretty crappy to me. Would it at least be ok for a 9 year old?
I played shittier games when I was 9 yrs old. And they were full price. Lego Games were pretty decent, and my brothers seemed to have fun with them when they were at that age.

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We can all point to things gaming companies do that make zero sense. Saying digital content will never be pulled because it would make zero sense is not a comforting argument.

Nobody can predict the future or even if Sony will exist 15 years from now. I know that's all fear mongering and I should trust what a stranger who doesn't work in the industry writes, but I'll hug my plastic dust collectors before I go to bed tonight knowing the least likely scenario will be Sony breaking into my house and microwaving my discs because licenses expired.
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I see a lot of people here talk about "owning" physical games. But the only thing you own is the disc.

I can't think of examples of that ever happening. But legally speaking, they can do it, absolutely. If PT had come out on disc, they could (would) have disabled it just as easily under the license agreement.
No, they couldn't have. The argument falls apart here. We have dozens of examples of digital games being removed from storefronts so they cannot be accessed by those who purchased them, or in the case of the Xbox, an entire catalog.

Meanwhile, there is not 1 example of a physical disc/cartridge being remotely disabled, not because a company hasn't wanted to do so, but because it's not realistically possible. What are they going to do, send out a firmware update that prevents certain games from working? Turn the disc drive into a brick when their next console comes out? Of course not.

And even if they were stupid enough to do that, all we'd have to do is disconnect from the ineternet and those games would continue to work as long as we owned them.
Has anyone played Lego: Chima and is it worth the money?
Going to give a +1 to the question asked about Lego Chima. Is it ok? I snagged a copy because it was like $5 but the lego games seem pretty crappy to me. Would it at least be ok for a 9 year old?

I've played through Lego Chima, as well as a handful of other Lego games on the Vita. I've also played most of the Lego games available on the PS3. I prefer Lego games on the PS3, but the ones on the Vita are a nice diversion when I have a moment.

Lego Chima is decent. My 6-year old played it and enjoyed it, and I got the platinum after he was done. I found it a bit easier and faster to plat than other Lego games. It is structured a little differently than other Lego games I've played on the Vita recently (Lego Marvel, Lego Movie). Those other Lego games have levels that are selected from a Main Menu. In Lego Chima, there is a relatively small "common" area that you walk around to get to the various areas/levels, so it's sort of like an open world, but its a relatively small section.

Neither my son nor I have any history with Chima, which I discovered is a Lego TV show too. I'm sure the story makes a little more sense if you know the background.

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1. Bought a Vita while out of town at a Walmart store. I just couldn't wait for a deal and they actually had the Borderland 2 Bundle.

2. Couldn't test Dengeki Bunko on PSTV as I was forced to update the system to upload saves to PSN for my new vita to then download. So no whitelist hack for me. Maybe I'll grab a non-bundle pstv on the cheap sometime for tinkering.

3. For the folks publishing Breach & Clear please post in this thread when pre-orders are available and I'll grab it and Saturday Morning RPG to encourage other indies to join that effort. Please set the number to publish after pre-orders so we aren't all battling it out with scalpers due to some crazy low run that was decided before the market was even tested. I'd love to see Limbo, Fez & La-Mulana EX in physical form. Those are games I will play many times over and would like in physical form. Oh and talk to Sega about Jet Set Radio.

4. For the argument here about digital games... the game market would be a pretty dull place if it was Physical releases only. Heck the Vita library would be painfully tiny. Physically publishing niche and unproven indie games was just too big a risk for the big publishers. Self publishing digitally has changed the market for the better. Granted there are snobby gamers that won't look twice at indie games... or snub digital distribution... but those folks miss out on a lot of the most creative games out there. As an old gamer I need that crazy creativity that indies and those niche games provide to get something fresh out of the industry. That really is what got me interested in the Vita enough to buy a PSTV and this weekend to take the plunge on a Vita.

Keep in mind only Sly 1 and 2 are on the cart, Sly 3 is a DLC code
More importantly the Sly Collection isn't supported on PSTV. Not sure if the whitelist hack changes this though.

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3. For the folks publishing Breach & Clear please post in this thread when pre-orders are available and I'll grab it and Saturday Morning RPG to encourage other indies to join that effort. Please set the number to publish after pre-orders so we aren't all battling it out with scalpers due to some crazy low run that was decided before the market was even tested. I'd love to see Limbo, Fez & La-Mulana EX in physical form. Those are games I will play many times over and would like in physical form. Oh and talk to Sega about Jet Set Radio.
Breach and Clear will be available for pre order on October 29th, 2015 with 1,500 units being made.

The site where pre orders will take place: (not live yet)

How do I get it out then?

Speaking of Tales games, Abyss goes about 10 hours too long. I've been ready to move on for about 6-8 hours.

So you're like at a part where the story slows down or is it like me with Graces F where I'm about to fight the final boss but kinda got lost trying to tie up all the loose ends and side quests?

I could counterpoint a few other little things you said in those two big posts, but it feels like arguing with a climate change denier. We've reached the point where the conversation will generally just go in circles, so I'm out.
Nobody is denying it can't happen; certainly, it could. The only thing being discussed in that regard is the likelihood/timeline.

There are some secondary issues when people bring up fears that seriously have almost no chance of happening -- for example, just taking down ps3/psp files... which again, just makes zero sense from a technical [or financial] perspective. The store and servers are already being maintained, the chance of them taking down just a subsection of games like that approaches nil. As for moving to an entirely new system, they're already going to need to import PS4 titles [or PS5, or whatever] so grabbing them all is dirt simple at that point since it's just a storefront database and files.

As for the entire store going down -- again, most people are clearly willing to take that risk. We figure it into our purchase price point, alongside other factors like convenience.

I'm glad those that like to collect still [generally] get physical releases. But enjoy those physical releases because you enjoy collecting and like the cases and the artwork. Enjoy the feel of having a shelf full of games. Don't worry about us that are perfectly fine [and actually prefer] buying digital. By the time PSN turns out the lights we'll have other things to worry about. Like I said, I used to love collecting vinyl... those that want to buy mp3s from [insert storefront here] can go about their business.

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So you're like at a part where the story slows down or is it like me with Graces F where I'm about to fight the final boss but kinda got lost trying to tie up all the loose ends and side quests?
Well without spoilers the whole game leads up to this point where you're fighting the people you've expected to fight all game and accomplish your goal. You do that and think the game should end there but then it just doesn't and instead spend then next 6+ hours giving you basically busy work of running back and forth to set up a contrivance to extend the story. But that whole time you're literally backtracking between places over and over, spending 5-10 minutes real time to get somewhere to talk to someone for 20 seconds then go do it again. Had to walk through the entirety of nearly every dungeon again just for a single moment too. An hour or so into that I got tired of it and resorted to a guide and was shocked at how much was left.

I'm glad those that like to collect still [generally] get physical releases. But enjoy those physical releases because you enjoy collecting and like the cases and the artwork. Enjoy the feel of having a shelf full of games. Don't worry about us that are perfectly fine [and actually prefer] buying digital. By the time PSN turns out the lights we'll have other things to worry about.

And CD/DVD/BR aren't going to last forever. The data layer of the disc decays over time based on environmental factors just like anything else and digital media is unforgiving.

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That's absurd. Nobody is denying it can't happen; certainly, it could. The only thing being discussed in that regard is the likelihood/timeline.

There are some secondary issues when people bring up fears that seriously have almost no chance of happening -- for example, just taking down ps3/psp files... which again, just makes zero sense from a technical [or financial] perspective. The store and servers are already being maintained, the chance of them taking down just a subsection of games like that approaches nil. As for moving to an entirely new system, they're already going to need to import PS4 titles [or PS5, or whatever] so grabbing them all is dirt simple at that point since it's just a storefront database and files.

As for the entire store going down -- again, most people are clearly willing to take that risk. We figure it into our purchase price point, alongside other factors like convenience.

I'm glad those that like to collect still [generally] get physical releases. But enjoy those physical releases because you enjoy collecting and like the cases and the artwork. Enjoy the feel of having a shelf full of games. Don't worry about us that are perfectly fine [and actually prefer] buying digital. By the time PSN turns out the lights we'll have other things to worry about.
Seems like a legit concern. Sure it seems irrational they would take down PS3 or Vita games, but you realize at some point Sony will no longer provide software updates to these platforms. It's pretty much certain at some point after that the PS3 will no longer be able to log in or access PSN - similar to how games are taken down so to will the consoles themselves. Once the consoles are taken offline, there's no reason to list that content anywhere.

It's probably a few years away, but I doubt they go much beyond 5 years. It wouldn't be all that surprising to me if it were much sooner (esp for PSP and Vita).
Wrong forum. You're looking for the Cheap PS Vita deals thread. I don't know what this one is anymore.
You're right, I seemed to have stumbled into a thread where ppl keep arguing in useless circles instead of helping each other be cheapassgamers.

Sad I missed the BB deals. Maybe I'll get lucky and find one there. I miss having inside access to inventory but since I don't work there anymore... Oh well.
Ar nosurge LE popped up on NIS America and I bought it. I can be a bit impulsive. How is the dialogue/story?
It's ok. A little political for my tastes and also religious in a way. It's interesting though I hate the item creation dialogues. They last too long and generally provide little than oh yeah I'm now inspired to make some battery or something.

It's ok. A little political for my tastes and also religious in a way. It's interesting though I hate the item creation dialogues. They last too long and generally provide little than oh yeah I'm now inspired to make some battery or something.
I think I enjoy political and (anti) religion stories more but I have a feeling I'm going to hate those item creation dialogues too.

Well without spoilers the whole game leads up to this point where you're fighting the people you've expected to fight all game and accomplish your goal. You do that and think the game should end there but then it just doesn't and instead spend then next 6+ hours giving you basically busy work of running back and forth to set up a contrivance to extend the story. But that whole time you're literally backtracking between places over and over, spending 5-10 minutes real time to get somewhere to talk to someone for 20 seconds then go do it again. Had to walk through the entirety of nearly every dungeon again just for a single moment too. An hour or so into that I got tired of it and resorted to a guide and was shocked at how much was left.

And CD/DVD/BR aren't going to last forever. The data layer of the disc decays over time based on environmental factors just like anything else and digital media is unforgiving.
yep that's part 3 and it sucks. The dumb part is that its completely backwards since the goals in part 3 would of made more sense if they had been done before killing billions in part 1 and 2

Its a shame there's mostly just going back into the same dungeons for a cutscene and nothing else. Volcano and the ice mountains and ortion cavern are the only areas off hand that open up an extra spot. Though volcano requires a long sidequest to get to the rest of for flamberg sword. vorpal sword you could get with a world map glitch. Ortion cavern just offers a couple optional bosses along with saving the cheagle named stars friends.

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Not going to dig up the other thread since the price is long since fixed on the PS3 one but the Vita CE of Trails of Cold Steel is finally up on BBY (and sadly at the correct price). Have a feeling a lot of these are going to be crushed with the presumably same sized outer packaging and much smaller game case.
Darn it BB, why couldn't you mess up twice

Darn it BB, why couldn't you mess up twice
Had it on page monitor hoping that would happen but nope, just showed up instead.

At least it's only $8 with GCU which somehow makes it sound a bit better than $10. I just don't know that there's enough to it to make me actually pay more for the CE.

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I think I'm going to return all my Target games except Minecraft and DoA (already had the Ninja Gaidens), possibly Legi Chima. Got SFxT on PS+ and nothing else looks fun. DHA, the show, Angry Birds SW, any of these worth playing?
Had it on page monitor hoping that would happen but nope, just showed up instead.

At least it's only $8 with GCU which somehow makes it sound a bit better than $10. I just don't know that there's enough to it to make me actually pay more for the CE.
Yea I don't think there's enough either. If it wasn't for the price mistake, I would have just waited until I could get the regular :vita: version from AWD for around $25.

I think I'm going to return all my Target games except Minecraft and DoA (already had the Ninja Gaidens), possibly Legi Chima. Got SFxT on PS+ and nothing else looks fun. DHA, the show, Angry Birds SW, any of these worth playing?
How much for the Ninja Gaidens??

Really did not find that to be a satisfying ending.
ikr? Personall I think it should of ended after the absorption radiation gates.

I think what ticked me off the most was constantly not killing the villains the entire game then they finally do kill them when they shouldn't have imo. Especially arrietta who they had let go dozens of times in part one alone.

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cleaver, on 13 Oct 2015 - 01:36 AM, said:
I think I'm going to return all my Target games except Minecraft and DoA (already had the Ninja Gaidens), possibly Legi Chima. Got SFxT on PS+ and nothing else looks fun. DHA, the show, Angry Birds SW, any of these worth playing?
I'm going to do the same with LEGO Batman 2 and Rayman Legends. I'll probably keep LEGO Chima as well, even though I feel slighted buying it for $10 and then finding it at a different store for $6 a couple weeks later.

I still have Ridge Racer (sealed) if anyone wants to trade (too late to return it) as I'm still looking for Metal Gear Solid HD Collection.

I think I'm going to return all my Target games except Minecraft and DoA (already had the Ninja Gaidens), possibly Legi Chima. Got SFxT on PS+ and nothing else looks fun. DHA, the show, Angry Birds SW, any of these worth playing?
I'd love to be able to find Ninja Gaiden 2 (I have the first one already). I did pick up that Lego Chima game though and have yet to open it, but it looks pretty mediocre at best.

I think I'm going to return all my Target games except Minecraft and DoA (already had the Ninja Gaidens), possibly Legi Chima. Got SFxT on PS+ and nothing else looks fun. DHA, the show, Angry Birds SW, any of these worth playing?
Since memory card space is so precious on the Vita, I would keep them all if I were you.
I think I'm going to return all my Target games except Minecraft and DoA (already had the Ninja Gaidens), possibly Legi Chima. Got SFxT on PS+ and nothing else looks fun. DHA, the show, Angry Birds SW, any of these worth playing?
Actually Dungeon Hunter Alliance is a fun little action RPG, a genre that really isn't well represented on the Vita. I personally enjoyed it, it's not at the level of Diablo, but still a nice little action game.
My Target is down to 4x Angry Birds SW, 2x Lumines, and 1x Call of Duty.

I think I'm going to return all my Target games except Minecraft and DoA (already had the Ninja Gaidens), possibly Legi Chima. Got SFxT on PS+ and nothing else looks fun. DHA, the show, Angry Birds SW, any of these worth playing?
I've read that Chima is the worst Lego game and Angry Birds SW is much better on phone/tablet than Vita.

I would keep the rest. Maybe ditch MLB 15 and pick up MLB 14 from BB for $6.99/5.59 to get physical over digital.

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I've played through the entire Episode 4 (A New Hope) campaign in Angry Birds: Star Wars on my Vita and thought it played just fine.

yep that's part 3 and it sucks. The dumb part is that its completely backwards since the goals in part 3 would of made more sense if they had been done before killing billions in part 1 and 2

Its a shame there's mostly just going back into the same dungeons for a cutscene and nothing else. Volcano and the ice mountains and ortion cavern are the only areas off hand that open up an extra spot. Though volcano requires a long sidequest to get to the rest of for flamberg sword. vorpal sword you could get with a world map glitch. Ortion cavern just offers a couple optional bosses along with saving the cheagle named stars friends.
ikr? Personall I think it should of ended after the absorption radiation gates.

I think what ticked me off the most was constantly not killing the villains the entire game then they finally do kill them when they shouldn't have imo. Especially arrietta who they had let go dozens of times in part one alone.
Arrietta is pretty annoying. In fact, I'm a bit taken aback by how annoying the villains are. Then there's Luke kicking the Mieu cheagle around in every other cutscene and I'm just waiting for Tear to be like, "Luke stop hurting the cutie." Then everyone gives her blank stares. That doesn't quite happen in the game does it?

bread's done