PS Vita Deals & Discussions Thread


292 (100%)
Since I thought the cheap 3DS games thread was a good idea. I thought I would start one for the PS Vita. I will maintain this site a few times a day going forward. Post links up to new deals and I will add them to the OP. Anyhow, here we go:

Updated 2/5/2014


Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational $15.50

Lumines- Electronic Symphony $18.49

MLB 12 The Show- $5.88

Silent Hill: Book of Memories- $11.68

Spy Hunter- $14.89

Gravity Rush- $18.53

Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time- $19.12

Need for Speed: Most Wanted- $15.99

Persona 4 Golden - $19.99

Best Buy:


Call of Duty Black Ops: Declassified $19..99 New/ $17.99 Used

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The point is why be negative when there's no reason to be so? The developers have not yet done anything wrong so why are you already assuming negative outcomes based off of spurious conjectures? I swear some of you people must live depressing lives because you think the worst of all people.

What? Sekai Project has been disappointing in the fact that their Vita releases haven't been on schedule, but since when are delays something new in this industry? Where have they actually had a situation on the Vita that has been a disappointment? They haven't even released anything yet.
Bolded that for ya.

Bolded that for ya.
You answered your own question.

Just because they haven't released anything, and they get flak for it??

I shrudder to think of all those poor companies with unreleased games from other companies like Xseed, Atlus, NISA, etc that you guys don't know about. Or is it just fun to pile on Sekai Project?

Just because they haven't released anything, and they get flak for it??

I shrudder to think of all those poor companies with unreleased games from other companies like Xseed, Atlus, NISA, etc that you guys don't know about. Or is it just fun to pile on Sekai Project?
Honestly I have no beef with Sekai Project. It's hard to have an issue with their work or the quality thereof when they haven't released any of it yet. That's the big difference between them and Xseed, Atlus, NISA, etc. Those are all companies that have at least released a product, delayed or not (Heck, I love Working Designs. They were the definition of delayed games).

My only concern is that they're continuing to take on more and more work, without finishing and publishing what they're already on the hook for. That's like going up and getting more and more food at the buffet when you've yet to even start on your first plate. Yeah, it's fun and keeps things exciting, but you're never going to finish that first plate if you just keep getting more.

You bastards went overboard with the gifs; it crashed my damn mobile browser.

Anyway, before reading the rest of the topic I will say preemptively that people are definitely crying too much about this. Especially about it not being Japanese, or dismissing it because of the art.

Digital only sucks, and the information they gave is kind of disheartening, but the game itself looks good. I first heard about it a few weeks ago when someone mentioned it, and I was intrigued.
You bastards went overboard with the gifs; it crashed my damn mobile browser.

Anyway, before reading the rest of the topic I will say preemptively that people are definitely crying too much about this. Especially about it not being Japanese, or dismissing it because of the art.

Digital only sucks, and the information they gave is kind of disheartening, but the game itself looks good. I first heard about it a few weeks ago when someone mentioned it, and I was intrigued.
Well unfortunatly I think PS Vita is getting to the point that you will only see Digital releases from here on out. I hate digital and I really dont get why so many people love it when a company at a moments notice can just take digital away from you whenever they please just like sony did with PS mobile games.

Well unfortunatly I think PS Vita is getting to the point that you will only see Digital releases from here on out. I hate digital and I really dont get why so many people love it when a company at a moments notice can just take digital away from you whenever they please just like sony did with PS mobile games.
Name 5 ps mobile games worth a damn

I shrudder to think of all those poor companies with unreleased games from other companies like Xseed, Atlus, NISA, etc that you guys don't know about. Or is it just fun to pile on Sekai Project?

And I'm pretty sure all of those companies you mentioned actually have released numerous more titles on the Vita than Sekai, not to mention plenty of physical games, so I'm not sure quite what your particular point is with that comment.

You bastards went overboard with the gifs; it crashed my damn mobile browser.

Anyway, before reading the rest of the topic I will say preemptively that people are definitely crying too much about this. Especially about it not being Japanese, or dismissing it because of the art.

Digital only sucks, and the information they gave is kind of disheartening, but the game itself looks good. I first heard about it a few weeks ago when someone mentioned it, and I was intrigued.

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Can we just be grateful that devs are still considering Vita to be a console worthy of games, even if they are niche titles? 

How many kickstarters have the 3DS as a stretch goal? Probably 25% of what the VITA gets. 

You bastards went overboard with the gifs; it crashed my damn mobile browser.

Anyway, before reading the rest of the topic I will say preemptively that people are definitely crying too much about this. Especially about it not being Japanese, or dismissing it because of the art.

Digital only sucks, and the information they gave is kind of disheartening, but the game itself looks good. I first heard about it a few weeks ago when someone mentioned it, and I was intrigued.
Who cares if it's not Japanese? So what?

And I like the art. That's one of the things that first drew me to it. I reminds me of 80s and 90s Anime before everything got all Moe'fied and pedobear gross.

WTF does that matter, its still the fact that they took away something people PAID for. Doesnt matter if its the worst game ever made, its still the fact that a company took away something that you bought the rights to.
Well, when you buy a digital product you dont buy the rights, or even the right to own it. Youre basically leasing it for an undetermined amount of time. You only have access to it really as long as the company decides you do, or until they pull the service, go out of business or whatnot.

You rent digital products at best. Look at people who get banned from steam thus losing their library of games they play, origin who has blocked people from their account for being abusive on the forums and such. When you buy a digital product and read the EULA youll find most times you dont own your games.

Thats one of a few reasons why I dont like buying digital. Ive missed out on a lot of games I wanted because they were digital only and I didnt want to support it. Now all the digital stuff I buy is on sale at dirt cheap prices, I get free store points to buy them with, or like on the pc its humble bundle type games.

Uh most of the Steam beans are VAC bans from playing multiplayer on only certain games. It's exceedingly rare that someone would get completely banned from Steam no matter what shenanigans they do.

The Origin cases were rare but of course got publicized like crazy because it's sensational click bait that creates panic.

The case with the PS Mobile games is pretty shitty that they yanked all access to it but fortunately incidents like that are extremely rare among digital games.

Oh and elessar


or might as well be

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Uh most of the Steam beans are VAC bans from playing multiplayer on only certain games. It's exceedingly rare that someone would get completely banned from Steam no matter what shenanigans they do.
Yeah, most of the time Valve will put a purchase restriction on your account rather than ban it, meaning you can play all of the games you own but can't buy/activate any new games on the account. This can happen if you charge back payment, have payment issues in general, or get fraudulent gifts from people. I've never heard of anyone getting banned for it though, and if they did it was probably several years ago.

I think your account can be temporarily suspended if someone else has tried to claim ownership of it, or hijacked it.. but that's more of a security measure. You have to be doing some seriously bad shit to get an account ban, like get caught trying to sell your account.

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Steam is awesome because I get to buy great games for dirt cheap.  But generally speaking, I always prefer to buy physical.  I want to own my games forever and have the ability to sell them if I'd like.  I would never purchase anything digital for anything close to MSRP.  They should be passing the savings from distribution onto us.  Which often happens eventually.

However, the lines are getting blurred lately with everything on current gen consoles requiring huge day1 updates to even be playable.  The physical form is just an illusion in many cases.  Thankfully Vita and 3DS cartridges should remain playable for a lifetime.  Nonetheless there is going to be a day sometime in the next ten years where all the servers get shut down for something big like 360 or PS3 and it's going to be a big wake-up call for people that invested in digital libraries. 

Steam is fantastic.  Other digital services are not Steam.

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Found this at Best Buy. Looks like it may be a local clearance, but it seemed all their Vita games (or what they have left) are on clearance. This one specifically was a price that it'll never be again. YMMV.


In light of a giant catastrophe like that happening, I think it's even more likely that digital could die than physical games.  Imagine the consumer backlash the first time one of these companies (Xbox, PS, Nintendo) goes out business in the video game sector.  You may think that sounds crazy.  But this is the first time in history where three major players in the home television console gaming sector have been able to survive and thrive for this long.  It's an inevitability that the corporate structure of some of these companies will merge, get acquired, be taken over, or shut down eventually. These digital storefronts will not be around forever.

Physical media isn't going anywhere.  The pre-launch disaster of the XB1 is a prime example.   You won't see another major home gaming console make that mistake again anytime soon.  Audiophiles and Videophiles will also always prefer things like blu rays for movies and CDs for music as long as the digital/streaming format is inferior and lower quality. 

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Found this at Best Buy. Looks like it may be a local clearance, but it seemed all their Vita games (or what they have left) are on clearance. This one specifically was a price that it'll never be again. YMMV.
It's national clearance but that's got a store markdown that's about $6 lower.
Hey, so i just got a vita a couple of hours ago, haven't really played anything yet since i'm still in the updating process.

That being said, any good cheap Vita game i can get?

I got a couple on my PS+ library, but maybe something that hasn't been there.

Thanks in advance!

Ok seriously, what the hell anime is that? Where do u find these lol?
The original actually doesn't have actual lasers shooting out of the cat, but it is still hilarious she used the cat as a gun as a distraction. :D

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Honestly I have no beef with Sekai Project. It's hard to have an issue with their work or the quality thereof when they haven't released any of it yet. That's the big difference between them and Xseed, Atlus, NISA, etc. Those are all companies that have at least released a product, delayed or not (Heck, I love Working Designs. They were the definition of delayed games).

My only concern is that they're continuing to take on more and more work, without finishing and publishing what they're already on the hook for. That's like going up and getting more and more food at the buffet when you've yet to even start on your first plate. Yeah, it's fun and keeps things exciting, but you're never going to finish that first plate if you just keep getting more.
They haven't eaten the first plate yet.

Can't believe that garbage tier Quantum Suicide got funded. It's not even Japanese, It's made by two American chicks. Vita owners do get excited for crap.

"Unfortunately, game development is not our full-time job. We are both busy
PhD students with articles to read, lives to live, and money to make so we can eat every week. We hope that our backers can understand that we are making this game on our own time, and that we will do our very best to overcome any setbacks thrown at us. Being PhD students, we've picked up good time management skills from our time at University. We're highly motivated individuals who are adept at self-discipline and sticking to the goals and high standards we set for ourselves".
See, that's bad, messages like this screams "so long and thanks for all the fish.". They have now obligated themselves to making this game, a public business obligation for which they have now received payment.They can kiss those PhDs goodbye until their business obligation of a completed game development has been met... or do like everyone else and simply by a college or university degree off the internet and move on with their lives.

Sekai Project has been a disappointment on the Vita front the entire time. I dont expect much from them anymore.
As much as I would like to be optimistic about them, they have yet to deliver anything and have thus far managed to conjur up nothing but excuses. I would love for them to prove us wrong and actually surprise us all with a physical release of, well at this point anything.

You bastards went overboard with the gifs; it crashed my damn mobile browser.
Same here, it actually crashed my PS Vita and forced me to reboot the system! On my PC now.

WTF does that matter, its still the fact that they took away something people PAID for. Doesnt matter if its the worst game ever made, its still the fact that a company took away something that you bought the rights to.
The issue here is that if people would actually read the terms of the "DLC Delivery Services" such as PSN, Steam, and XBL, no one in their right state of mind would ever gift money to them. You aren't buying rights to anything other than temporary usage, officially the wording of the various DLC services tend to read such as either "renting", "leasing", or "temporary usage grant". By no means does one "own" any DLC that they have "purchased".

Well, when you buy a digital product you dont buy the rights, or even the right to own it. Youre basically leasing it for an undetermined amount of time. You only have access to it really as long as the company decides you do, or until they pull the service, go out of business or whatnot.

You rent digital products at best. Look at people who get banned from steam thus losing their library of games they play, origin who has blocked people from their account for being abusive on the forums and such. When you buy a digital product and read the EULA youll find most times you dont own your games.

Thats one of a few reasons why I dont like buying digital. Ive missed out on a lot of games I wanted because they were digital only and I didnt want to support it. Now all the digital stuff I buy is on sale at dirt cheap prices, I get free store points to buy them with, or like on the pc its humble bundle type games.
Exactly! I'm not opposed to DLC in general, what I'm opposed to is people "buying" DLC under the false guise that they have true ownership over what they have paid very real money to download. And also very much opposed to people buying DLC games at physical copy retail prices, as that is truly a rip-off, especially so on those titles where a physical release also exists. My oldest nephew got ripped-off like that while traveling with me last year, and had I known what he was planning before he'd done it I would have stopped him. Literally he bought $40 worth of Nintendo eShop cards and then redeemed them for a $39.99 game on its' launch day that I could have simply taken him to a nearby GameStop to let him buy the physical copy of the game for the same darn price. And when he was done beating the game, instead of just having a 1+GB DLC copy of the game sitting on his dinky 4GB SD card, he would have had a real game that he could've sold for cash or traded in towards another video game. Just sickening. :(

IDK what those PhD girls are talking about time, PhDs have a bunch of down time tbh.   You can't speed up experiments so there is a lot of watching paint dry moments.  While there is a good amount of down time, its in short bursts so you have to be close to the experiments but creating a game in the lab while watching paint dry could be feasible.

bread's done