PS Vita Deals & Discussions Thread


292 (100%)
Since I thought the cheap 3DS games thread was a good idea. I thought I would start one for the PS Vita. I will maintain this site a few times a day going forward. Post links up to new deals and I will add them to the OP. Anyhow, here we go:

Updated 2/5/2014


Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational $15.50

Lumines- Electronic Symphony $18.49

MLB 12 The Show- $5.88

Silent Hill: Book of Memories- $11.68

Spy Hunter- $14.89

Gravity Rush- $18.53

Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time- $19.12

Need for Speed: Most Wanted- $15.99

Persona 4 Golden - $19.99

Best Buy:


Call of Duty Black Ops: Declassified $19..99 New/ $17.99 Used

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Sales on memory cards are sparse, but they do pop up for decent prices fairly often on Warehouse Deals.

Last sale on a card was 20$ for a 16gb on amazon/bestbuy/gamestop. So keep an eye on those and awd as they are prettymuch the only options other than a 70$? 64gb sale on rakutan sp? that pops up every now and then.

Think the last sale on a big memory card was groupon for $75 or something. I got in the last time Rakuten had a sale and it was $75 for it total, and was in July last year.

I'm on a completely different spectrum of thought entirely. Went to college, felt like I had been swindled out of my money by a bunch of brain damaged hippie con artists whom all shared the same hive minded purpose in life to lecture students on highly-controversial political propaganda that had nothing whatsoever to do with intended core fundamental learning curriculum of the individual classes.

I did not attend English 101 to be subjected to lectures on racial intolerance and inequalities of the 1960's.

I did not attend Computer 101 to be subjected to international cultural diversity studies.

I did not attend Math 101/102 to be subjected to creepily worded algebraic formula puzzles concerning sexual orientation rights and equalities on matters of adoption.

And that was how out of whack public college was in 2003.

Sage words of advice from me to anyone contemplating college. If in doubt about enrolling, just don't go. Yes, you read that right, I'm saying don't even bother setting foot on a campus. Take that money you were going to use as a down payment on the enrollment fee and buy yourself a nice used Mercedes-Benz. Drive that around for a bit, say a few hundred miles or more, whatever it takes to clear your head and seriously think over what it is you could envision yourself enjoying doing the rest of your life, and then reality check that with things you already are good at. Ultimately you're likely going to get an idea of what skills you may need to improve and that should lead to towards specific types of jobs you should probably try out. It may take you days, weeks, months, even a few years, but eventually you will develop a cohesion of concepts, desires, ideas, skills, and thoughts which will lead you to what it is you'll actually want to do, not as a job, but as a career. Just keep in mind, wealth is never a guaranteed thing regardless of what occupation you may pursue. Learn to budget according to your income and you will do just fine.


And seriously, if you can find a nice deal on a S or even an E Class, go for it!
I agree. The ol' concept of go to college to get a high paying job just doesn't work anymore. At least for liberal arts undergrad degrees. My problem was I went in without knowing what I wanted to do. Figured I'd figure it out as I go along. And I didn't. So I left college with hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt that'll take me about 20 years to repay with no real payoff. Only go to college if you have a clear goal of what you want to do with your life. People beat it into you to go to college no matter what. And y'know I did enjoy it there. But you gotta consider that debt, which I didn't when I chose the most expensive college I could find. I'd rather spend that debt on some good investments or a house or something.

PhD and Masters are a different story obviously since you've got a clear goal you want to achieve.

Thanks for the tips folks! I'll keep an eye on AWD and be on the lookout for a however unlikely sale from other avenues.

Sony really does need to do something about those prices. I've never understood how they managed to create an even worse situation than they had with the PSP memory cards. At least with those you could grab a Lexar or SanDisk card for less. Not to mention that since MS Duo was a cross-Sony product there was a greater market for it.
what tier we get physical vita copy?
$60+ Tiers all get a physical copy of the game.

It'll be funny when Libra gets approved by Sony. Took em about how many months? 1 - 2 Whereas Grisaia is still pending approval after a year.
It's still pending approval in Japan. They have apparently submitted the edited/censored version of the Japanese game to Sony (in Japan). Sony Japan is the big one, as an approval for a Japanese release effectively clears it for release in other regions. Only obstacle after Sony is the ESRB rating to to contend with. Same thing Muv Luv Trilogy had to go through, except I suspect Muv Luv had a lot less censoring requirements.

So if I pledge for the physical PsVita Libra of the Vampire Princess and they do not reach the Physical Goal am I out of luck with getting money refunded back ?
To make this clear, if you pledge for a physical tier ($60 & up) you are pledging for the physical PC version of the game. If the Vita/Android stretch goal is met, everyone who has pledged for a physical copy already will then be asked to respond at a later time to clarify if they want the physical PC version or the physical Vita version. So keep in mind that you'll end up getting a physical copy of the game one way or the other regardless of how this pans out. Personally, I am of the belief that the Vita goal, if not achieved already, will be met long before the March 18th pledge cut off date. MiKandi Japan should be providing us with a weekly update sometime tomorrow (Monday).

Join up with the Vampire Army, shall you?


So I went to Gamestop today to pick up Dungeon Travelers 2.  I have some gift cards and some Power Up Rewards points so that I wouldn't have to pay anything out of pocket.  They only had one new copy left in the area, and miraculously, it wasn't gutted.

It's ringing up $39.99 in store.

I waits till next week and pledge $90 for physical Vita CE.  Next week is pay day ;)   Kinda broke right now till i get my income taxes next week as well ;)

It's still pending approval in Japan. They have apparently submitted the edited/censored version of the Japanese game to Sony (in Japan). Sony Japan is the big one, as an approval for a Japanese release effectively clears it for release in other regions. Only obstacle after Sony is the ESRB rating to to contend with. Same thing Muv Luv Trilogy had to go through, except I suspect Muv Luv had a lot less censoring requirements.
I know they're still waiting to get approved. I'm just saying that if they get approved by March 18th, it only took a few months.

Muv Luv is already approved. It got approved DURING the Kickstarter. I wouldn't be sure about "less" censoring though.

ESRB Ratings are only required with traditional retail, which explains why LRG doesn't them on their releases. It is likely Muv-Luv won't have an ESRB rating since the Vita Copies only exist through Kickstarter. And Libra too. The boxed versions won't have the ESRB but on PSN it will.

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Yeah, Muv Luv won't need an ESRB rating for the Kickstarter copies.  

I assumed all games require it, but found out that was only for retail with the Limited Run Games releases, which don't have ratings.

I know they're still waiting to get approved. I'm just saying that if they get approved by March 18th, it only took a few months.

Muv Luv is already approved. It got approved DURING the Kickstarter. I wouldn't be sure about "less" censoring though.

ESRB Ratings are only required with traditional retail, which explains why LRG doesn't them on their releases. It is likely Muv-Luv won't have an ESRB rating since the Vita Copies only exist through Kickstarter. And Libra too.
They will need ESRB rating if it is on PSN store. LRG's game are ESRB rated on PSN, they just don't need it on the box.

I know they're still waiting to get approved. I'm just saying that if they get approved by March 18th, it only took a few months.

Muv Luv is already approved. It got approved DURING the Kickstarter. I wouldn't be sure about "less" censoring though.

ESRB Ratings are only required with traditional retail, which explains why LRG doesn't them on their releases. It is likely Muv-Luv won't have an ESRB rating since the Vita Copies only exist through Kickstarter. And Libra too.
vita version of digimon cyber sleuth didn't have a rating either.

I know they're still waiting to get approved. I'm just saying that if they get approved by March 18th, it only took a few months.

Muv Luv is already approved. It got approved DURING the Kickstarter. I wouldn't be sure about "less" censoring though.

ESRB Ratings are only required with traditional retail, which explains why LRG doesn't them on their releases. It is likely Muv-Luv won't have an ESRB rating since the Vita Copies only exist through Kickstarter. And Libra too.
While true that they are under no obligation to pay the ESRB to rate the physical copies if no brick & mortar (aka physical retail) distribution is officially planned on, they still have to jump through Sony's hoops for approval to get the game out, and that means making it available as a digital download through PSN, which requires having said version rated by the ESRB, mind you that the ESRB rating only applies to the version distributed through PSN, but thus far games released both through PSN and physically have been identical due to development costs involved.

I am presently wondering myself if, since the physical Vita version is allegedly going to be exclusive for backers (same as Muv Luv Trilogy), instead of getting it as an official R1 release, if MiKandi might instead opt to publish the game as an unrated R3 Southeast Asian release to avoid ESRB censorship. R3 Southeast Asia will allow them to release the game with exactly the same content that the Japanese R3 release will have, only in English. There are a lot of different ways this could potentially work out and I do plan to ask them about it once the stretch goal is met.

Reason I'm even thinking about this is because I have dumped about twenty or more hours into Moe Chronicle over the last two weeks and am amazed that Idea Factory avoided a direct R1 release with it out of, tragically valid, concerns over belief that the ESRB would rate it "AO" (Adults Only / 18+). Moe Chronicle is a great dungeon crawler RPG, but is loaded with innuendos, suggestive content, and monster girls in skimpy outfits. But all that aside, there is only the most mundane "E" rated violence in it and have not yet encountered any offensive language, unless one regards sexually suggestive language offensive. Yet I am inclined to agree with Idea Factory that the ESRB would have no doubt, being staffed by prudes, yielded this game the dreaded "AO" rating because god forbid some teenager should get a hold of this game and then develop perverse thoughts about girls because of it. I mean seriously, a teenager would never have perverse thoughts otherwise right? :roll:

They will need ESRB rating if it is on PSN store. LRG's game are ESRB rated on PSN, they just don't need it on the box.
Exactly. Sony requires ESRB ratings for all games made available through PSN. The reason why the physical copies do not bear the ratings is because the ESRB rating is itself essentially a licensed emblem and must be re-acquired for every release of the same game across platforms.

If you paid the ESRB to rate your game which you were planning to release on both PSN and asa Vita physical release, that would be a $20,000 fee. $10,000 To rate the PSN version of the game, $10,000 to rate the physical version of the game. Even though it is the precise same game regardless of which distribution method the end user acquires it through the ESRB rating, per their terms, is only valid on one version and the issued ratings usage license from them must be re-purchased for any other releases of the same game on "other platforms". This made sense in the pre-ESRB days of the 90's when a same game title released on the Sega Genesis was uncut and the SNES version was required by Nintendo to be censored, but no such stupidity is happening these days... except between PC and console/handheld platforms and only because the ESRB exists.

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No, the real explanation is that cake is delicious.


The PlayStation TV might be next, as Sony Japan has discontinued the PS Vita TV in Japan. Oh wait, it was discontinued the month after it was released.

But really, I've noticed less games that ARE compatible, no longer have it displayed as "PSTV compatible" on the Game box. And I don't think it's just because there are so few games coming out in the west.

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The PlayStation TV might be next, as Sony Japan has discontinued the PS Vita TV in Japan. Oh wait, it was discontinued the month after it was released.

But really, I've noticed less games that are compatible, no longer have it displayed as "PSTV compatible" on the Game box. And I don't think it's just because there are so few games coming out in the west.
Unfortunatly it looks like the Vita is dying a lot faster then the PSP did. Pretty much only things your gonna get for vita anymore is digital and most of that is gonna be indie games. I think Sony has killed it so fast because it seems like companies and developers are jumping in head first for VR. Which sony has failed with every single periphrial they have ever released. PS Eye = fail, PS Move = Fail, PS Camera = Fail, PS VR = more then likely fail. Its Sad tho that the PS Vita did not get more of a chance and better support from Sony because it is an amazing handheld. Oh well I guess.

PS TV Has never sold well in any region of the world though, including Japan where it had the absolute best possible chance of success. I can't blame Sony for discontinuing it, it really was a mistake to release it while the PS3 was still alive (PS3 is officially dead later this year). You can not have two discount gaming console platforms from the same company on the market at the same time and expect success from both. PS Vita TV and PS3 were effectively competing against each other and ultimately more consumers are logically going to choose the PS3 if for no other reason than it's enormous existing, now nine year and ongoing, game catalog. Heck, if I was someone with no current console and I was forced to choose between the PS Vita TV and the PS3 I think it an obvious choice to go for the PS3.

That said, they are killing it off to soon as PS3 production does officially end later this year as the PS3's ten year Sony system life-cycle terminates in November. If they would've just stuck it out another year with the PS TV I dare say Sony would have seen a slight pick-up in sales once the supply of new PS3 systems dries up from the mainstream retailers. But that's Sony for you, a company very prone to making bad decisions where existing products are concerned.

then i really need to buy the dualshock touch
Great. All this VR talk. Nintendo will finally fulfill their dream of developing a mainstream peripheral that you can stick your
Get your mind out of the gutter

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I have a sinking suspicion some of the larger developers have some insider info on what's dropping next. Koei Tecmo said to wait until the end of the fiscal year for them to reconsider Nights of Azure, and that's plenty of time for Sony to silently kill the system in the west. Then there's all the indie games getting PS4 exclusivity all of a sudden. Space Dave of all things cancelling the Vita port, yet showing up on PS4, WiiU, 3DS, and PC is really saying something.

I think Vita is going to get scaled back significantly this year if not have the plug pulled. Maybe PlayStation VR will have a virtual Vita?

Digimon Vita is on PSN so it is rated.
Sorry should of been more specific and mentioned mine is the physical version for the vita that had the english asian release.

I have a sinking suspicion some of the larger developers have some insider info on what's dropping next. Koei Tecmo said to wait until the end of the fiscal year for them to reconsider Nights of Azure, and that's plenty of time for Sony to silently kill the system in the west. Then there's all the indie games getting PS4 exclusivity all of a sudden. Space Dave of all things cancelling the Vita port, yet showing up on PS4, WiiU, 3DS, and PC is really saying something.

I think Vita is going to get scaled back significantly this year if not have the plug pulled. Maybe PlayStation VR will have a virtual Vita?
yeah all the sudden alot of games went from being ps3/vita and ps4 to just ps4. I'm hoping persona 5 holds out but with the trend I'm not having much optimism.

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It really does make me sad (and mad, at everything Sony did to sabotage their own product).

The system has a strong 2016, but this boom will not last forever. I've heard a lot of people talking about Vita support lasting for ten years, and I'm just like "...what?"
It really does make me sad (and mad, at everything Sony did to sabotage their own product).

The system has a strong 2016, but this boom will not last forever. I've heard a lot of people talking about Vita support lasting for ten years, and I'm just like "...what?"
It's a actual Sony policy. All Playstation system have a ten year lifecycle. Bad as PSP support was in the proverbial west 2008 onward, Sony really did continue to produce the system through 2014, and was still manufacturing UMD media through last year. PS1, PS2, PSP, have all had ten year lifecycles. PS3's Ten years is up this year. PS Vita's is next, but not up until early 2022.

I have a sinking suspicion some of the larger developers have some insider info on what's dropping next. Koei Tecmo said to wait until the end of the fiscal year for them to reconsider Nights of Azure, and that's plenty of time for Sony to silently kill the system in the west. Then there's all the indie games getting PS4 exclusivity all of a sudden. Space Dave of all things cancelling the Vita port, yet showing up on PS4, WiiU, 3DS, and PC is really saying something.

I think Vita is going to get scaled back significantly this year if not have the plug pulled. Maybe PlayStation VR will have a virtual Vita?
I will keep telling myself that Sony is making a Vita 3000 since they have now that patent for the clickable thumbsticks on a mobile gaming device. (filed in January 2016...)

But it will be named something else.

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Well it's not GBA tier, but it's close.
Except, the original GBA was a piece of trash, due to its non-backlit screen. I bought one, and a bunch of games for it way back in the day, but after constantly struggling to see the dim screen, I dumped it at a local used game store. The original GBA was junk.

But the GBA SP did improve on that, by including a backlit screen, and I re-bought one (and re-bought most of the games, lol). Still, no way would I call it one of the greatest handhelds released; the Vita and PSP beat it by a mile, IMO.
Except, the original GBA was a piece of trash, due to its non-backlit screen. I bought one, and a bunch of games for it way back in the day, but after constantly struggling to see the dim screen, I dumped it at a local used game store. The original GBA was junk.

But the GBA SP did improve on that, by including a backlit screen, and I re-bought one (and re-bought most of the games, lol). Still, no way would I call it one of the greatest handhelds released; the Vita and PSP beat it by a mile, IMO.
I remember they had the screen mod shortly after the original came out (obviously third party, not the SP) because it was just so awful. I did the same, bought one, got rid of it, got the (front lit) SP, and then got the back lit SP.

Except, the original GBA was a piece of trash, due to its non-backlit screen. I bought one, and a bunch of games for it way back in the day, but after constantly struggling to see the dim screen, I dumped it at a local used game store. The original GBA was junk.

But the GBA SP did improve on that, by including a backlit screen, and I re-bought one (and re-bought most of the games, lol). Still, no way would I call it one of the greatest handhelds released; the Vita and PSP beat it by a mile, IMO.
And I'd say the DS (particularly the DS Lite) trumps them all. The library is huge, the battery life outstanding, the clamshell design self protects the screens, meaning you dont *have* to have a case, and, most importantly, many titles took advantage of its 'gimmicks' in interesting and meaningful ways. I still play my DS Lite from time to time (even though I have a 2DS).

And I'd say the DS (particularly the DS Lite) trumps them all. The library is huge, the battery life outstanding, the clamshell design self protects the screens, meaning you dont *have* to have a case, and, most importantly, many titles took advantage of its 'gimmicks' in interesting and meaningful ways. I still play my DS Lite from time to time (even though I have a 2DS).
You didn't get a DSI XL? I considered it at one time, but the larger screen size really made the games look worse.
And I'd say the DS (particularly the DS Lite) trumps them all. The library is huge, the battery life outstanding, the clamshell design self protects the screens, meaning you dont *have* to have a case, and, most importantly, many titles took advantage of its 'gimmicks' in interesting and meaningful ways. I still play my DS Lite from time to time (even though I have a 2DS).
I concur. The DS Lite got me back into portable gaming after not having a handheld since the Gameboy Pocket.
IDK what those PhD girls are talking about time, PhDs have a bunch of down time tbh. You can't speed up experiments so there is a lot of watching paint dry moments. While there is a good amount of down time, its in short bursts so you have to be close to the experiments but creating a game in the lab while watching paint dry could be feasible.
I have a bachelor's degree, so I cant comment on the PhD aspect. However, everything I've read on various game sites, including, for years has been- the video game industry from a developer perspective is a brutal industry to be in. Decent sized teams working insane hours for years on end to make a game. It doesnt seem like something any person could do half-heartedly. If I tried, I'd lose my mind a few months in and decide it's not worth it.

Except, the original GBA was a piece of trash, due to its non-backlit screen. I bought one, and a bunch of games for it way back in the day, but after constantly struggling to see the dim screen, I dumped it at a local used game store. The original GBA was junk.

But the GBA SP did improve on that, by including a backlit screen, and I re-bought one (and re-bought most of the games, lol). Still, no way would I call it one of the greatest handhelds released; the Vita and PSP beat it by a mile, IMO.
I would disagree that the Vita is better than the gba, the vita is the best powerful handheld bar none, but it has one of the weakest libraries ever

bread's done