PS3... out of stock everywhere

[quote name='jh6269']LOL that's pretty damned funny. Why the hell did the person pay with a $100 bill?![/QUOTE]

More importantly, why did he post the receipt with that all particular store's info online? His friend is gonna get fired real quick.
ChubbyNinja I don't believe the Gamestop tracker is very accurate. Called a handful of stores around my area that showed in stock and they all said they had no systems in stock.

I'm looking for another system cuz my GF loves the Netflix streaming and I want to play MLB 10.
[quote name='Ispep Aloc']ChubbyNinja I don't believe the Gamestop tracker is very accurate. Called a handful of stores around my area that showed in stock and they all said they had no systems in stock.

I'm looking for another system cuz my GF loves the Netflix streaming and I want to play MLB 10.[/QUOTE]

its not accurate at all. It does the same for mine and all of them are sold out as well.

Been looking for two weeks now... god my spring break is going to be so boring with nothing to play...

Also has a bundle with a extra controler for the price of a 250gb but when I went to check out and buy it the shipping was fucking rediculous. Like ebay scam shipping prices. +$50 just for standard 3-5 day shipping and $70+ for 1-2 day shipping. Like seriously wtf kind of price is this shit.

Still looking for other places cause Target isnt ripping me off like that.
well, it doesn't mean its inaccurate either.

they were doing preorders for systems a few weeks back. If they have a system, but still have someone waiting to pick it up, they can't sell it to anyone else and the system would still show they have it in stock, but explains why, when you call them, they say they are out of stock.
[quote name='jh6269']Well, I think Sony underestimated how well the PS3 would sell b/c of Uncharted 2 over the holiday. So they probably had planned on letting the stock thin out a bit until they could roll out Move. And remember, Move was supposed to be out in the spring, but it got pushed back to fall...[/QUOTE]

Sony knows when Move is going to be released, they would not lower stock thinking it would be releasing in Spring. They determine it's release, they know it's not ready yet. This shortage is simply due to the supply they can currently output (for w/e reasons) and the demand for it.

[quote name='jh6269']LOL that's pretty damned funny. Why the hell did the person pay with a $100 bill?![/QUOTE]

Could be all he was carrying... as in he is a thug.
The local Best Buy is expecting a shipment of PS3s this Friday here in Savannah Georgia.

When I called for the first time ever, EVER, for that BB someone picked up right away and knew about the PS3 stock. Asked if they had any in stock and he immidatly said, "nope but the earliest we might be getting them is Friday"

So check during the week guys sounds like this week was when the restocks were supposed to happen, at least here. Gamestop told me to check back this week as well.
This is crazy. I didnt know about the shortages. Just got my refund check and figured I would finally pick up a ps3. Guess not.

After reading this thread and an article on Joystiq, Engadget, and various other sites saying Sony passed 2 new models through the FCC it seems to me they want the old stock of slims to be completely bought up before releasing the new models. Must not want both models in the wild at the same time for some reason.

Seems like really stupid timing on there part but they probably postponed the model switch until after to Christmas to make sure they had enough supply thinking they would lose less money letting supply dwindle after Christmas even when huge exclusives are launching.

EDIT: Newegg is saying they should have some BACK IN STOCK on 3/17/10 which is tomorrow. Went to set up an auto notify and it is posted in green letters next to it.
[quote name='willardhaven']Plenty at the Sony Store, should I be reselling these?[/QUOTE]

Temporarily out of stock. Estimated ship date: 04/01/2010

One of the first places I looked because they usually have bundles with a game or controller.
[quote name='CountChoculitis']This is crazy. I didnt know about the shortages. Just got my refund check and figured I would finally pick up a ps3. Guess not.

After reading this thread and an article on Joystiq, Engadget, and various other sites saying Sony passed 2 new models through the FCC it seems to me they want the old stock of slims to be completely bought up before releasing the new models. Must not want both models in the wild at the same time for some reason.

Seems like really stupid timing on there part but they probably postponed the model switch until after to Christmas to make sure they had enough supply thinking they would lose less money letting supply dwindle after Christmas even when huge exclusives are launching.

EDIT: Newegg is saying they should have some BACK IN STOCK on 3/17/10 which is tomorrow. Went to set up an auto notify and it is posted in green letters next to it.[/QUOTE]

Maybe this is why?

Maybe they are covering up hardware issues in Slims that most haven't had yet? They've only been out since September after all.
My brother got one at a target last week, I was surprised he found one and he said all the stores he checked only target had them. A week later my cousin is still trying to find one as target sold out again.
[quote name='kiribee']PS3 hardware sales are gonna suck this year now.[/QUOTE]

The shortage has been sporadic all year, and only really felt this month. I trust that Sony and its parts suppliers will be able to ramp up production soon enough. Hopefully, stock will be plentiful by May.
I just decided to buy a PS3, so clearly the shortage has to happen now. Sigh. I'm in no real rush, but I'd like to get a decent deal (Bing, no tax, bundle, something). I hope April brings new stock; we need competition among retailers to drive discounts!
Sorry if this is a repost I'm on my phone and don't want to read 6 pages of comments but I've been told that the shortage was created on purpose by Sony. Similiar to how nintendo restricted production on the wii to drive up demand
While I might believe the bit about Sony restricting supply, I highly doubt Nintendo ever intentionally restricted production. They were selling crazy amounts of consoles at a very consistent rate.
anyone who thinks this is a manufactured shortage is a complete and utter dumbass

yeah Sony is going to create an intentional shortage when God of War III, and Final Fantasy XIII comes out. WTF is wrong with some of you? Stop sipping stupid juice people. Amazon and others would sell out of nearly every PS3 they had if they were in stock.
i agree, no company with any sense should choose to not make money selling their profit, but we're talking about sony here, it wasn't that long ago when they were talking about a shortage, where they would offer a bounty to anybody who could find one:

i honestly think there is probably a slight revision in the pipeline, sony might have timed it so they all ran out at the same time to create a little publicity to eventually sell more. plus, i think they still lose a bit of cash on every machine, not as much as it used to be, so a revision will help squeeze a little more money from each machine. so why not pump up demand, then hit the stores with a more profitable machine.

i think nintendo was pumping out as many wiis as they could, but it didn't hurt to reaffirm the idea that if you saw a wii in the store you have better pick it up or else it would be gone. i think the ps3 is a fine system and i'm looking forward to getting one, however history will look back at the mistakes sony has made this generation, you could throw in the psp as well, and it will be a lesson for machines, sony and others, in the future.
you think they're getting any sort of positive publicity from this? It's not like the average consumer knows about the shortage. Hell many gamers don't even know. All it's doing is frustrating peple who walk into Best Buy's, Walmarts and Targets with cash in hand to buy one. Some may even walk out with a 360 instead if they really want to play FFXIII badly even.

The earlier claim that you point out was the first month or two after the system launched. There actually was a smaller inventory of systems than expected which is why the BB's in my city that were expecting over 200 only got like 60, etc. Obviously Tretton or whoever said that wasn't being too serious. There were PS3's around but not full shelves of them everywhere. The system obviously didnt sell as well as Sony hoped when it launched but I don't think there was a manufactured shortage then either

Regardless, no company would intentionally cut off supply at this point in the cycle, especially during the greatest 1-2 month span for games for the console
Thinking like that would drive a business into the ground. Yea pump out as many ps3s as possible. We're talking a billion dollar corporation. Do U HONESTLY think that they couldn't be producing them and have them in stores. Companies collude and fix production rates all the time especially monopolies which the gaming market is with only 3 producers. Demand will always be there it's the production side that makes/loses money. I remember a time when ps3s were stacked on shelves collecting dust and I bet Sony does too.
It's clear .. It's tax season .. PS3's are in high demand especially with some of the latest releases.. some people are buying the console solely so they can play GOW 3.. Their selling so many Sony can't keep them in stores.

We're in a recession people are depressed.. what better way to vent some frustration than to bust some crazy ass on PS3 haha
[quote name='tigerpants']i honestly think there is probably a slight revision in the pipeline, sony might have timed it so they all ran out at the same time to create a little publicity to eventually sell more.[/QUOTE]
The new revision has already been confirmed. It's listed as model CECH-2100 and it weighs 0.2 pounds less than the CECH-2000. Speculation is that the new model will have a 45nm RSX (as opposed to the current 60nm) since it will push SONY into the black on each PS3 sold.

I'm a bit miffed as I was planning to run out and snag one ASAP but that tiny urge that pushes me towards the 'latest and greatest' ensures that I won't be picking one up until the 2100 is confirmed to be available in stores.
"Hey, man, y'all got any PS3's?"
"No, sorry, we're sold out"
"Oh YEAH!? How come?"
"....because we sold them all"

True story.

He then proceeded to ask me when more were coming in and what day and time our trucks arrived. I hate it when people ask this and I will give them as vague of an answer as I possibly can
[quote name='Scorch']"Hey, man, y'all got any PS3's?"
"No, sorry, we're sold out"
"Oh YEAH!? How come?"
"....because we sold them all"

True story.

He then proceeded to ask me when more were coming in and what day and time our trucks arrived. I hate it when people ask this and I will give them as vague of an answer as I possibly can

Really? Jerk move on your behalf. There's lots of reasons shit is sold out. It's not JUST because you sold them all.

Also, why not help the guy by giving him a real answer?
[quote name='Microshock']Really? Jerk move on your behalf. There's lots of reasons shit is sold out. It's not JUST because you sold them all.

Also, why not help the guy by giving him a real answer?[/QUOTE]

I like how no matter what you did, a CAG will always make you feel like an ass for it. ;)
[quote name='the_punisher']I like how no matter what you did, a CAG will always make you feel like an ass for it. ;)[/QUOTE]

It was just the way he wrote it. Like he was too good to help the guy or too good to answer questions.
[quote name='the_punisher']I like how no matter what you did, a CAG will always make you feel like an ass for it. ;)[/QUOTE]

You stole my avatar :[
When GOW2 came out, the PS2 outsold all consoles for that month. So I guess we'll see when this months NPD numbers come out, how many PS3s were actually on shelves, and be able to determine if there was actually low supply, or just increased sales that caused the shortage.
[quote name='ssjmichael']anyone who thinks this is a manufactured shortage is a complete and utter dumbass

yeah Sony is going to create an intentional shortage when God of War III, and Final Fantasy XIII comes out. WTF is wrong with some of you? Stop sipping stupid juice people. Amazon and others would sell out of nearly every PS3 they had if they were in stock.[/QUOTE]

Normally I wouldn't believe it either, but the numbers just aren't there. They aren't moving that many units. I think you're probably right though, it's more likely that they grossly underestimated demand. We don't truly know, I am going to pick one up once the shortage ends just in case there is something better about the latest model.
[quote name='willardhaven']Normally I wouldn't believe it either, but the numbers just aren't there. They aren't moving that many units. I think you're probably right though, it's more likely that they grossly underestimated demand. We don't truly know, I am going to pick one up once the shortage ends just in case there is something better about the latest model.[/QUOTE]

It's not a shortage based solely on consumers buying them all though. Some have said it's a shortage on the manufacturing level. Like certain component shortages. A few in here mentioned HDD shortages. So they're manufacturing them but probably not as many as they have been in other quarters. The PS3 has had lower stock since Christmas time really, but it went from having several in stores to 3 or 4. The higher demand right now because of the AAA games coming one after the other surely doesn't help.
[quote name='Microshock']Really? Jerk move on your behalf. There's lots of reasons shit is sold out. It's not JUST because you sold them all.

Also, why not help the guy by giving him a real answer?[/QUOTE]

Because the customer was expecting the day and date of a potential shipment, as if Scorch is some sort of mind reader and will know exactly when more PS3 systems will be coming in.

I used to have people ask me stupid shit like this all the time back when I worked for (insert retail hell....errr store here)back in the day and when you give them a vague answer(because you really don't know)they get all mad.

Most times, I didn't work in the back handling stock, so I had no idea what was coming in and when and forget about asking a manager since they were usually more clueless than the employees 90% of the time.

Besides which, I believe Scorch works for HWV/Gamecrazy:cry: and right now all of the employees working for every one of the stores in that chain seem a bit 'on edge' to me. So I'd cut 'em all a bit of a break rather than being a tool about mindless shit like the supply of a game console. It's really NOT that important in the grander scheme of things as to when Joe Blow Customer gets his PSTree or not.:razz:
We also have to factor in that B&M stores have been ordering less than what they normally do due to the recession. Sony manufactures PS3 based on these orders, demand went up but the stores failed to update their orders and Sony continues to manufacture PS3 based on these orders. This is not intentional, not now, not in this time of the PS3's life.. Its just a supply and demand snafu..

I'm glad you guys are seeing them now, gives me hope that I'll see a Slim soon.. need one badly as my 60GB PS3 is on its last legs, just did a Ylod reflow yesterday for a 2nd time..1st time was exactly 4 weeks ago..don't know how long it will last. Doesn't help that I play it at least 4 hrs everyday and upto 8 hrs on my day off.
Still seems as though the shortage isn't as bad as the Wii was when it first came out. Seems that if you try hard enough, you'll get your hands on a PS3.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Because the customer was expecting the day and date of a potential shipment, as if Scorch is some sort of mind reader and will know exactly when more PS3 systems will be coming in.

I used to have people ask me stupid shit like this all the time back when I worked for (insert retail hell....errr store here)back in the day and when you give them a vague answer(because you really don't know)they get all mad.

Most times, I didn't work in the back handling stock, so I had no idea what was coming in and when and forget about asking a manager since they were usually more clueless than the employees 90% of the time.

Besides which, I believe Scorch works for HWV/Gamecrazy:cry: and right now all of the employees working for every one of the stores in that chain seem a bit 'on edge' to me. So I'd cut 'em all a bit of a break rather than being a tool about mindless shit like the supply of a game console. It's really NOT that important in the grander scheme of things as to when Joe Blow Customer gets his PSTree or not.:razz:[/QUOTE]

So instead of just telling the truth to the customers that you don't know, you spew some bs. It seems reasonable that the customer would then get angry.
[quote name='Tony208']So instead of just telling the truth to the customers that you don't know, you spew some bs. It seems reasonable that the customer would then get angry.[/QUOTE]

Actually, I think I was telling them I don't work that closely with the stock and I had no clue when XYZ item was coming in. I admit I was one of the 'lazy' clerks like you might see in Sears and Kmart who don't go out of their way to help someone since it's 'not their department'.

Then again, I didn't start out like that, I started out trying to be super helpful and all I got were overbearing people with no manners who were ungrateful douchebags. So I stopped trying to give top notch service and I settled for 'getting by'.

Of course the best example of this was when I was tasked with 'helping' a customer to lug some heavy ass pre-fab entertainment center box(on a cart) out to his pick-up truck parked in the fire lane. We get out there and instead of just 'needing a hand', the redneck stands back and watches me hoist the 100 or so pound box up over the tailgate to the bed of his truck and after I have it 4/5's of the way in there he uses one hand and pushes it in the rest of the way.:roll:

Yeah. Suffice to say, after nearly giving myself a hernia to help out this fuckwad I decided that any time someone needed 'carryout service' on their heavy layaway shit anymore, that was when I 'needed to go to the bathroom' and I let the other saps there handle it.
According to Gamestop, the Wii and PS3 shortages could remain till the summer...

[quote name='Joystiq']On the same conference call earlier this week in which it talked about its new rewards program, GameStop Executive VP of Merchandising, Tony Bartel, said that stores currently experiencing Wii and PlayStation 3 shortages probably won't find relief very soon. While the retailer is always bugging Sony and Nintendo for more units, Bartel said that GameStop "could sell a lot more hardware than what we have on both the PS3 and Wii platform," and that situation probably won't change until early summer of this year.

He did say that the Wii is due for a re-supply first, but he believes that both Nintendo and Sony are "still scrambling to catch up from the surge" of the last holiday season. But a shortage like this isn't unprecedented -- as we get closer to summer, we'll probably see new inventory appearing on shelves, ready to go home to a caring gamer.[/QUOTE]
bread's done