PSNOT 2.0 - I kind of want to subscribe to IndieBox.

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I picked up the TellTale Games collection on XB1 yesterday thanks to MildObstruction and Bumslie. Thanks guys! Can't wait to play them.

I think I'll go through The Wolf Among Us first since it's a full season. I'll probably play through TWD S1 again before finally starting 2. I'm excited about getting TFTB and GOT too. I usually marathon their games once the full season is out and on sale so I may try playing the episodes as they come out this time.
I picked up the TellTale Games collection on XB1 yesterday thanks to MildObstruction and Bumslie. Thanks guys! Can't wait to play them. I think I'll go through The Wolf Among Us first since it's a full season. I'll probably play through TWD S1 again before finally starting 2. I'm excited about getting TFTB and GOT too. I usually marathon their games once the full season is out and on sale so I may try playing the episodes as they come out this time.
I wanted to like this for TWAU, but you bought it on that other platform. YUCK!

BTW, the video you posted was hilarious. I should be in your list now too. Accepted from the app.

[quote name="GatorBeerGeek" post="12356836" timestamp="1419445460"]I wanted to like this for TWAU, but you bought it on that other platform. YUCK!

BTW, the video you posted was hilarious. I should be in your list now too. Accepted from the app.[/quote]
Okay, I still see Sly Cooper as your avatar.

I just went on an add spree. I looked at Gator and Tyler's lists since I figured most of you are friends with them. If I recognized the name from the PSNOT TT leaderboard or here then I added you lol. Feel free to decline.
Okay, I still see Sly Cooper as your avatar. I just went on an add spree. I looked at Gator and Tyler's lists since I figured most of you are friends with them. If I recognized the name from the PSNOT TT leaderboard or here then I added you lol. Feel free to decline.
Well that stinks. I guess that is only for people who accept a real name request then. For me it shows up on my login screen on the PS4 after I added it to the app.

According to a friend, if you have facebook setup, and you accept a real name request then it will pull a particular image from your facebook (profile pic or something? I dont do facebook so I dont know). Maybe that is what is going on with the other person you added.

Wallet in the front right; phone, keys, and a pen in the front left.
wow, exact same ocd as me. Wallet in front right, keys and phone in front left. I don't have a pen because of that seinfeld episode where costanza freaks about puncturing his scrotum. I never wanted to risk it ;) Happy Holidays everyone!

edit - Equistina you never bother anyone, fuck the haters if there are any.

edit - pitfall harry stealing my punctured scrotum joke, nice dude, i watch way too much seinfeld, but still it's true.

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I just logged into Paypal to begrudgingly send money to the winner of a fantasy league, and I was pleasantly surprised to find I had more than $300 in there.  Someone I had loaned money to but written off as a gift actually paid me back!  I guess I missed the notification.  It's a Christmas miracle!

wow, exact same ocd as me. Wallet in front right, keys and phone in front left. I don't have a pen because of that seinfeld episode where costanza freaks about puncturing his scrotum. I never wanted to risk it ;) Happy Holidays everyone!

edit - Equistina you never bother anyone, fuck the haters if there are any.

edit - pitfall harry stealing my punctured scrotum joke, nice dude, i watch way too much seinfeld, but still it's true.
Haha. I was wondering how many people would get that it was a Seinfeld reference.

Tell us about it.
The stock (NYSE) and bond market close at 1pm the day before the major holidays. Normally they close at 4pm. We deal with many investment companies that then close their funds earlier than normal. We have to adjust several investment systems for the new cutoffs and notify the world and its just a cluster fuck every time because these companies all do something different and close the funds at multiple times. We have many files going through out the day that have to have their times adjusted too. Many people invariably miss the notice even though we do it every year and then call up wondering why their funds moved early. It sucks.

Today some service people were trying to make big trades for their clients and they fuck ed it up. Tech may have fuck ed something too with the files. Anyway its a shit ton to clean up and a lot of money to be responsible for moving manually and moving it correctly. And due to all the issues with banks and regulations lately we have to be extra careful for audit, the SEC, the OCC, FINRA etc.

This is why I need a beer midday to relax.

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After all the vacation nonsense I posted a little over a week ago, they finally decided to extend it out to April.  So I decided to work today.  Now that they told us we could all leave at 3, I am even happier with that decision.

Plus, based on the wording of the changes I thought I had to get down to 128 hours.  They are saying the new max is actually 160 hours for all of us.  So with that I already took I should be down around the new max already.  Too bad I did not know for sure there would be the new longer window, but at least I won't lose time now.

Put some cash, cards, & license in the new wallet and its world changing. Feels like nothing's there at all. My balance is gonna be off for a bit.

For comparison:
Watching the first Hobbit movie for the first time right now. So much better than Lord of the Rings. I'd thought it would be terrible with how they expanded it to 9 hours (especially with as boring as LOTR was even being 3x longer in the source material), but nope, it's quite good.

Gollum was great, too. Wish they'd played him up a bit more in SoM, though he was still in the top 3 characters in that game.

Watching the first Hobbit movie for the first time right now. So much better than Lord of the Rings. I'd thought it would be terrible with how they expanded it to 9 hours (especially with as boring as LOTR was even being 3x longer in the source material), but nope, it's quite good.

Gollum was great, too. Wish they'd played him up a bit more in SoM, though he was still in the top 3 characters in that game.
Figures. I got bored by the first Hobbit and almost fell asleep in the theater. Haven't watched the others.

Loved all the LOTR movies.
Watching the first Hobbit movie for the first time right now. So much better than Lord of the Rings. I'd thought it would be terrible with how they expanded it to 9 hours (especially with as boring as LOTR was even being 3x longer in the source material), but nope, it's quite good.

Gollum was great, too. Wish they'd played him up a bit more in SoM, though he was still in the top 3 characters in that game.
Figures. I got bored by the first Hobbit and almost fell asleep in the theater. Haven't watched the others.

Loved all the LOTR movies.
I'm the enigma, then--I love all three LotR and all three Hobbit movies.

Why aren't we talking about the PSN Flash Sale? $6.25 for TWD S1 or S2 on PS4 sounds pretty good.
I guess we could talk about the good old days when the flash sales actually had good sales.

In all seriousness though, those prices are pretty good for TWD seasons on PS4. They are both likely to hit $5 at some point though based on history. Plus, a lot of us with PS4s have played them so the excitement is not as high as it likely would have been otherwise.

I guess we could talk about the good old days when the flash sales actually had good sales.

In all seriousness though, those prices are pretty good for TWD seasons on PS4. They are both likely to hit $5 at some point though based on history. Plus, a lot of us with PS4s have played them so the excitement is not as high as it likely would have been otherwise.
And everyone except me is at home with their family getting plastered. Or they are going to church or whatever.

Figures. I got bored by the first Hobbit and almost fell asleep in the theater. Haven't watched the others.

Loved all the LOTR movies.
Even by the time LOTR came out on DVD it was hard for me to watch because of the terrible green screening. The Hobbit is a lot better about it, though still quite obvious in the chase scenes and some of the fight scene sections.

I didn't care much for the LOTR books, either, but enjoyed The Hobbit quite a bit. That's why I held off so long on watching it--I figured they had probably ruined it by inflating the movie out to 9 hours. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey added enough from The Silmarillion that the content felt a bit more fresh, though, and not like they were padding things.

LOL @ that goblin's ballsack chin, though. I dunno what the hell were they thinking on that one.

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Pharm, your girl Emanuelle is on this Celebrity Name Game show and she's dumb as bricks.  It took her like 20 seconds to give enough clues for the contestant to guess "The Rock".  She fumbled out great clues like "Johnson" and "stone".  She's allowed to use full sentences, I'm just not sure she's capable of that.

I dunno...maybe you're into dumb chicks.  But she's dumb as fuck.

Additionally, daytime TV sucks.

EDIT: One of the other girl contestants just made Emannuelle Chriqui looks like a rocket scientist.

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Since the wife and mom decided to go from watching The Hobbit to watching the Vicar of Dibley Christmas special (which has Thorin Oakenshield as the love interest for an old fat vicar,) I'm going to fire up Child of Light on my Vita. Hopefully it's not as boring as a couple of you guys have indicated.

Pharm, your girl Emanuelle is on this Celebrity Name Game show and she's dumb as bricks. It took her like 20 seconds to give enough clues for the contestant to guess "The Rock". She fumbled out great clues like "Johnson" and "stone". She's allowed to use full sentences, I'm just not sure she's capable of that.

I dunno...maybe you're into dumb chicks. But she's dumb as fuck.

Additionally, daytime TV sucks.

EDIT: One of the other girl contestants just made Emannuelle Chriqui looks like a rocket scientist.
No, in real life I dont like dumb chicks. I didnt say I wanted to be around her for conversation.

Also this has been on my mind the past few days:

I don't want to be a Snakey and not get the hint when it's in front of me. I seem to annoy a few people here, should I not post here anymore? I have no idea if it's a universal feeling and the rest of you are just too nice to say anything.
I think most of the people here annoy at least some people here. I say screw'em. You are miles from being a snakey in any event.

Anybody know if BB would do a PM to Sears? Sears has the DS4 listed for $24.99 now. Not sure how BB handles it for listing that specify Local Pickup Only, either. Tempted to run out and try to grab it. They're probably not looking to closely at PMs right now anyway. 


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