PSNOT 2.0 - I kind of want to subscribe to IndieBox.

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Early reviews of Force Awakens (which I've only read the little blurbs of on Metacritic) are positive. Supposed to have GREAT new characters, avoids the failures of the prequels, but perhaps doesn't do much new. 

Since it's dead as fuck in here and we all love a good sports logo debate, here are the 2015 award winners:

Best New Primary Logo of the Year


Best New Alt Logo of the Year 


Best New League Logo of the Year


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Idk why I was a dumbass and didn't buy Burnout Paradise when it was like 5 bucks. I've been wanting to play a good racing game lately.

Did a bit of reading on Star Trek: Beyond. I'm happy to see that Simon Pegg is the primary writer. Apparently he's gone an original villain and story route instead of the annoying retread approach that Into The Darkness took. It was so silly that they went to all the trouble of rebooting the franchise and making it very clear in the first movie that the timeline was going to be completely different now and then they immediately jumped straight to the most popular Star Trek movie's story. 

Idris Elba as the villain should be interesting, too. I didn't see him at all in the trailer unless he was the ugly lizardesque alien with the big head.

Did a bit of reading on Star Trek: Beyond. I'm happy to see that Simon Pegg is the primary writer. Apparently he's gone an original villain and story route instead of the annoying retread approach that Into The Darkness took. It was so silly that they went to all the trouble of rebooting the franchise and making it very clear in the first movie that the timeline was going to be completely different now and then they immediately jumped straight to the most popular Star Trek movie's story.

Idris Elba as the villain should be interesting, too. I didn't see him at all in the trailer unless he was the ugly lizardesque alien with the big head.
There's a possibility it's just a bad trailer, but then again, Star Trek: Fast & Furious.

Shadow of Mordor GotY is $20 at Amazon now:

But of course now I'm wondering if it'll eventually drop to $14.99 or lower, whether in new condition or used from Gamefly.
Ugh I do want this. But having played the main game already, $20 is still a bit high.

Gamefly won't have it, I don't think they ever do GOTY editions.

Tried playing it for real. I thought Picross puzzles were only supposed to have one solution? I don't know much about the genre.

Also the grids get way too big for the Vita screen by the end of the game.
Picross puzzles do only have one solution. So if there's more than one in that game then they are doing it wrong. Also the ones on handhelds like this are usually all tiny, or as you note, they get to be too cumbersome. Pencil and paper FTW.

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My PS4 decided to turn itself on and spit the disc out this morning multiple times. Guess I have to open er up and tighten that screw. Kind of ironic considering I just started using discs again. 



Might have been the most fun night I have ever had gaming even with the mic-less wonder not being able to find an interstate ramp.
Yeah, this is another reason we need them to remake or give us a new Burnout Paradise. BP (not to be confused with DP) is the most fun I have ever had with a game and yeah playing with a group of friends is pretty much gaming nirvana. I know how the Call of Duty freaks feel when they get to play new games with their clan.

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Ugh I do want this. But having played the main game already, $20 is still a bit high.

Gamefly won't have it, I don't think they ever do GOTY editions.
Yeah, if I hadn't platted the standard version already, I'd get it, but I think I can wait for $14.99 or less ($9.99 or less digital).

Just looked over the trophy guide for Mordor. When you guys played it, how often did the vendetta missions pop up?
If those are the ones that refer to people on your friends list, I don't remember them being that infrequent. I'm not sure, but you might have trouble seeing those missions now since none of us are currently playing it, plus I think the GotY edition is considered a separate game due to the standard version's save file(s) being incompatible with the GotY version.

EDIT: Never mind, Therm addressed that concern.

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I actually got really burnt out by Shadow of Mordor and never wanted to attempt to get the plat.  I know a lot of you did get the plat and said it was pretty easy.  Meanwhile I will get the Just Cause plat without much fuss even if it takes a few weeks and a lot of you wont bother with that one.  Same with the Mad Max plat, which was really fun to me.  Its great we all have different tastes and find different things that make us happy.  It would be so boring if we all did exactly the same fuck ing thing all the time.

[quote name="pharmacrest" post="13104774" timestamp="1450287812"]I actually got really burnt out by Shadow of Mordor and never wanted to attempt to get the plat. I know a lot of you did get the plat and said it was pretty easy. Meanwhile I will get the Just Cause plat without much fuss even if it takes a few weeks and a lot of you wont bother with that one. Same with the Mad Max plat, which was really fun to me. Its great we all have different tastes and find different things that make us happy. It would be so boring if we all did exactly the same fuck ing thing all the time.[/quote]

Idk why I was a dumbass and didn't buy Burnout Paradise when it was like 5 bucks. I've been wanting to play a good racing game lately.
If it does come on sale this holiday period, do not buy just the base game, wait for the ultimate bundle as once you buy that base game you can't buy that bundle that sometimes goes on sale. The DLC is definitely worth it, but it doesn't go on sale outside of the UE bundle.

Funny how everyone is talking Mordor and I went back to play the DLC, ironic don't ya think?



I actually got really burnt out by Shadow of Mordor and never wanted to attempt to get the plat. I know a lot of you did get the plat and said it was pretty easy. Meanwhile I will get the Just Cause plat without much fuss even if it takes a few weeks and a lot of you wont bother with that one. Same with the Mad Max plat, which was really fun to me. Its great we all have different tastes and find different things that make us happy. It would be so boring if we all did exactly the same fuck ing thing all the time.
It sounds like my type of game so I plan on going for it. It's always possible I change my mind though. I kinda wanted to go for the AC IV plat until I actually started playing it and realized just how huge the game is.

It sounds like my type of game so I plan on going for it. It's always possible I change my mind though. I kinda wanted to go for the AC IV plat until I actually started playing it and realized just how huge the game is.
Yeah Black Flag is huge. Mordor isnt nearly as big but something was just off for me. I didnt want to bother tracking some things down. I really liked it and it was a surprise hit and a lot of fun, at least to begin with for me. Shit happens.

So it's still zimm, crazy and "all the other Wisconsin people"?

YOUR dead to me!
Glad you caught on cause that sentence was just for you! Asshole!

Now if we play a game together maybe you will get on the list of names I remember. I started FC4 last night. Pretty fun but I started falling asleep so I went to bed early. I should get farther tonight. What is the ability I need?

One slight drawback I notice to getting a reclining couch...It makes me sleepy faster.  I am so comfortably leaning back that my eyes naturally start shutting by 10.  Last night it was even earlier because of all the mental stress.  Sitting upright in a chair kept me awake a lot longer, much more easily. 

Glad you caught on cause that sentence was just for you! Asshole!

Now if we play a game together maybe you will get on the list of names I remember. I started FC4 last night. Pretty fun but I started falling asleep so I went to bed early. I should get farther tonight. What is the ability I need?
Vehicle Takedown skill.

It sounds like my type of game so I plan on going for it. It's always possible I change my mind though. I kinda wanted to go for the AC IV plat until I actually started playing it and realized just how huge the game is.
Mordor is a super easy-mode version of AC as far as collectibles and exploration/movement go. Whereas AC tries to make climbing a bit more realistic, Mordor just lets you throw yourself up any random surface. The game is much, much smaller as well.

[quote name="tylerh1701" post="13104714" timestamp="1450286438"]Terribly sad story, but damn what an amazing lawyer.[/quote]

Or what a fucked up system. I think if he killed my family and didn't give a shit there might be one more murder happening.

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