PSNOT 2.0 - I kind of want to subscribe to IndieBox.

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I should have listened to Tyler about Submerged.  If you like shitty Assassin's Creed style climbing and searching around for hidden collectibles like in Mad Max, that is the game for you.  Otherwise stay very far away.

Looks more like that Adventure Island game I had on NES

Nevermind, I was looking at the last game on your trophycard.

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Zimm, looks like we're kings of an Irish castle now thanks to Cards Against Humanity.

Sensible Castle > White Castle
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I got back into town today after visiting my sister and family. She and her husband know I like Fallout so they bought me the Fallout 4 art book and managed to find a bottle of Nuka Cola Quantum. That was cool.

My friend Chris bought me some Fallout 4 Vault 111 shoes and the Vault Boy socks that I think came with the gold edition at BestBuy. I bought that Fallout LootCrate and it came with a Vault 111 hoodie and messenger bag so I'm swimming in Fallout attire now.

For my birthday I got a bunch of Journey (the game) items: shirt, earrings, art book, framed art and pin set.

Those art books are fucking huge. I haven't gone through them yet. I got a few other little things. I'm grateful for it all since I told everyone not to get me anything.
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Watching ROTJ with a 7 year old now. Just listening to her read the entrance crawl is hilarious.

Episode V-Eye. Return of the Jed-E.

Uh. Is he a warthog?  Uh. Is he an Alien too? Are they on Tatoo-knee?

You've never heard of this? It's mostly a European thing, but still....
I have since I work with people in England, but like you said its European, so it means jack shit here.

EDIT: Not trying to be rude just saying we arent in Europe so why would you think people getting married on Boxing Day would give two shits about this?

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Those Kindle Fires Amazon had for $35 on Thanksgiving are really solid tablets, especially at that price. I was playing with the one I got my mom, and I think I might get myself one next time they go on sale.

Those Kindle Fires Amazon had for $35 on Thanksgiving are really solid tablets, especially at that price. I was playing with the one I got my mom, and I think I might get myself one next time they go on sale.
Yeah I'm digging mine. Son loves his too. Resolution isn't the best but it gets the job done with what I need it for.
I have since I work with people in England, but like you said its European, so it means jack shit here.

EDIT: Not trying to be rude just saying we arent in Europe so why would you think people getting married on Boxing Day would give two shits about this?
You're taking it WAY too seriously.

I just like the ironic idea of people getting married on a day devoted to physical combat (Boxing)..

I got 2 of the Google Cardboard The Force Awakens things (BB-8 and a Stormtrooper) and gave the latter to my nephew then asked him if he'd seen the movie yet. He did and then proceeded to tell me a major spoiler. Jerk.

Google Cardboard is pretty darn cool. I let my family try it and they were tripping out. I loved seeing their reactions. We mainly just explored the basic app where you can go into space and visit a few cities.

There was a museum audio/visual tour and a gallery where you could observe artifacts kind of like in Uncharted. I got stuck and couldn't figure out how to back out of that app and some others.

I downloaded a couple of free apps. My niece had a snowball fight. The box has a button where you can interact with things and she was spamming it and pegging other kids. Don't download the pop-up book. That shit asks for you to buy chapters about a minute into the demo before you've even done anything.

You can also access the camera gallery on your phone. I had a bunch of cool pics from San Francisco that I hadn't shown them yet. Like when we went to Golden Gate Park and the aquarium and stuff. Definitely try it out if you get the chance.
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I wish someone was streaming. Bored as hell and for some reason I can just not get myself interested in starting the Uncharted Collection tonight.
I've been thinking of streaming. Got a few Early Access games I've been meaning to try like Ark: Survival Evolved, Sheltered, The Long Dark and Layers of Fear. Any preference?

Edit: Looks like I was beaten to the punch. I'll wait if you wanna watch the others.
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I've been thinking of streaming. Got a few Early Access games I've been meaning to try like Ark: Survival Evolved, Sheltered, The Long Dark and Layers of Fear. Any preference?

Edit: Looks like I was beaten to the punch. I'll wait if you wanna watch the others.
Ark Survival Evolved looks sweet.

Wrapped up AC IV. Was a really good time. I got used to the ship battles by the end but I would have enjoyed that aspect of the game alot more if it didn't take so damn long to upgrade the ship. A damn fine game though.

I started Brothers and it's pretty neat so far. Not really a game to play when you're getting sleepy though so I'll fire it back up tomorrow.
yeah but if I remember right they are easily blocked and countered or there is some trick to them like every enemy of that tye in gow
I'm surprised I haven't heard more bitching about this game. These wraith enemies are almost unfair. If you get clipped once coming out of your attack animation (which itself is bullshit that the game allows that) then you're going to lose a ton of health before you're finally back on your feet.

lol there's a 9 page thread on PS Trophies about different ways of cheesing them.
Oh I bitched plenty about them when I played it. Almost quit the game. Then someone in here (I think) gave me a good tip that got me through. Can't remember who it was or the tip though. Sorry!
IIRC there's a point where you have to fight two ogres and three of those wraiths at the same time. As you knock them out more respawn for a bit--that was probably the hardest part of the game for me. It was a huge pain in the ass. I think I ended up using jump+arrow attacks or something stupid like that over and over again since being in the air protects you from the wraith tackle move.

I definitely bitched when playing GoS earlier this year. It may have gotten lost in the shuffle, though.

Does Lego JW for Vita work on PSTV?
Google says yes in multiple locations.

They really need to have a persistent Yes/No compatibility flag that shows up for every Vita game on the store. The Jurassic World entry doesn't mention it at all one way or the other as far as I can see. Neither does the Lego page.

Wrapped up AC IV. Was a really good time. I got used to the ship battles by the end but I would have enjoyed that aspect of the game alot more if it didn't take so damn long to upgrade the ship. A damn fine game though.
I've not played IV yet, but the ship empire and materials components to Rogue were the weakest parts of the game for me. You have this fleet of ships that you're sending all over the world to trade materials at various locations...but you can't actually use any of those materials for upgrading any of your shit. By the end of the game I had ridiculous amounts of money pouring in but kept having to run around to buy wood or oil or whatever. Terrible implementation of the trading idea.

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I've not played IV yet, but the ship empire and materials components to Rogue were the weakest parts of the game for me. You have this fleet of ships that you're sending all over the world to trade materials at various locations...but you can't actually use any of those materials for upgrading any of your shit. By the end of the game I had ridiculous amounts of money pouring in but kept having to run around to buy wood or oil or whatever to upgrade my ship. Terrible implementation of the trading idea.
Sounds like the equivalent to Kenway's fleet in Black Flag. I spent like a total of 3 minutes on it during my playthrough. Seemed pretty useless.
Sounds like the equivalent to Kenway's fleet in Black Flag. I spent like a total of 3 minutes on it during my playthrough. Seemed pretty useless.
In Rogue one of the trophies is for completing 17 Naval Campaign story missions. That and the money income the missions give you is the only reason I bothered--the money was useful for running around buying resources over and over again.

Actually the upgrades for Shay were dumb as well. Stuff like needing to kill two blue whales for a leather bullet pouch. Really? Where does the other square mile of skin go? :whistle2:k

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So we've had like fifty posts about this LPB Vita Marvel deal and how that's about to disappear from the store. Is LBP Vita worth playing, though? I already have 2 and 3 but haven't fired them up yet. $8 is fine, but only if it's worth the time when I already have others in the series that are unplayed. If Vita is more of the same or has annoying Vita-specific mechanics like using the camera then I'll pass. 

Google says yes in multiple locations.

They really need to have a persistent Yes/No compatibility flag that shows up for every Vita game on the store. The Jurassic World entry doesn't mention it at all one way or the other as far as I can see. Neither does the Lego page.!/en-us/ps-tv-compatible-games/cid=STORE-MSF77008-PSTVCOMPATIBLE

they break it down by Vita games and Classics (PSP, Minis, PSOnes)

Lego JW is in the Vita section

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