PSP2 is going to be "Effing Powerful" [The PSP2 Thread]

[quote name='javeryh']Meh. I'm a little disappointed... it looks great and all but isn't it really just a more powerful PSP? I guess you can say the same thing about the 3DS but at least they are trying something no one has ever seen before. I really hope Sony knows what they are doing but I don't have much faith at this point. I can't wait to try it out though.[/QUOTE]

A more powerful game system is what we want. I don't want gimmicks. '3D' sucks. Anything cool about the 3DS is because it's finally roughly meeting the PSP 1's specs.

I'm sick of more power being attacked as though it's a bad thing. It always leads to better games and more immersive games and new types of games. It has always lead to new, awesome stuff. And then Nintendo rereleases the Gamecube and all of a sudden people pretend like gimmicky controllers are what drives games, when if you look at every single generation it's always been more power that's helped.
[quote name='Wolfpup']A more powerful game system is what we want. I don't want gimmicks. '3D' sucks. Anything cool about the 3DS is because it's finally roughly meeting the PSP 1's specs.

I'm sick of more power being attacked as though it's a bad thing. It always leads to better games and more immersive games and new types of games. It has always lead to new, awesome stuff. And then Nintendo rereleases the Gamecube and all of a sudden people pretend like gimmicky controllers are what drives games, when if you look at every single generation it's always been more power that's helped.[/QUOTE]

I completely disagree. More power is nice (and I'm not attacking it) but it is what you do with it is what matters. No matter how powerful a console gets it will never improve on Tetris. Most of the tech demos shown were of things we have all played before. Big deal.

Also, 3D is no more of a "gimmick" than widescreens, analog sticks, shoulder buttons, touch screens or anything else. If used properly and creatively it will add to the game playing experience.

I am constantly reading about and playing video games and the PSP2 just looks like a fancier PSP to me - imagine what the casual crowd is going to think.
I lost interest back when i heard the PSP 2 was going to be digital only. Do you really think this had no factor in the failure of the PSPgo? PSPgo was the first portable console I didn't buy because i love to "own" games, not rent them for an overflated price. When the service shuts down I lose the game for good if I can't log into the service or the memory croaks, so what good is it to me as a gamer/collector who likes to play retro and current games?
[quote name='javeryh']I completely disagree. More power is nice (and I'm not attacking it) but it is what you do with it is what matters. No matter how powerful a console gets it will never improve on Tetris.[/quote]

If you think Tetris is the pinacle of the art form, then I guess not. I don't. I really enjoyed it on the Gameboy, but it was hardly my favorite Gameboy game, and I had my fill.

Most of the tech demos shown were of things we have all played before. Big deal.

Yes. A big deal. Because they're things we've played before ON BIG CONSOLES. They're also things that couldn't be done on last gen hardware, which is my point.

Also, 3D is no more of a "gimmick" than widescreens, analog sticks, shoulder buttons, touch screens or anything else. If used properly and creatively it will add to the game playing experience.

How? Ignoring that a huge percent of people can't even use "3D", how are things popping out of or having layers going in to the screen going to improve games?

Analog sticks let you control stuff better in a 3D world, particularly for first and third person games. Shoulder buttons added more control options, more complexity for games (work great as a modifier too). They're not gimmicks, they had a real and immediate effect on a lot of games.

I am constantly reading about and playing video games and the PSP2 just looks like a fancier PSP to me - imagine what the casual crowd is going to think.

They'll think whatever they're told by marketing people. So probably Nintendo wins again, though maybe not.

But your "just looks like a fancier PSP" comment is bizarre. It sounds like instead of better games, you want gimmicks?
[quote name='thingsfallnapart']I lost interest back when i heard the PSP 2 was going to be digital only. Do you really think this had no factor in the failure of the PSPgo? PSPgo was the first portable console I didn't buy because i love to "own" games, not rent them for an overflated price. When the service shuts down I lose the game for good if I can't log into the service or the memory croaks, so what good is it to me as a gamer/collector who likes to play retro and current games?[/QUOTE]

Software titles on small, dedicated flash memory-based cards
[quote name='javeryh']

I am constantly reading about and playing video games and the PSP2 just looks like a fancier PSP to me - imagine what the casual crowd is going to think.[/QUOTE]

They'll think "Call of Duty during lunch break? Awesome!"
There is another way to look at this. Maybe Sony realizes that the smartphones have the casual gamer market, the DS has the kids, so they are going for an "adult" DS market...but then again, isn't this what they were doing with the PSP?
[quote name='mwynn']Software titles on small, dedicated flash memory-based cards[/QUOTE]

With cover art. manual, and the fun of owning something and being able to sell it when you are done so you can afford something else if you wish?
[quote name='thingsfallnapart']I lost interest back when i heard the PSP 2 was going to be digital only.[/quote]

I would have too, but my understanding is this is going to use cartridges. Am I wrong in that? Because yeah, I want to own my games and I'm not buying a console where you can't. (Not to mention the sheer hassle of syncing it, moving games around, etc.)

Do you really think this had no factor in the failure of the PSPgo? PSPgo was the first portable console I didn't buy because i love to "own" games, not rent them for an overflated price. When the service shuts down I lose the game for good if I can't log into the service or the memory croaks, so what good is it to me as a gamer/collector who likes to play retro and current games?

Thumbs up! Yep, that's exactly like me. The Go was just retarded. Sealed battery, smaller screen, worse controller, and oh yeah, you can't own games.

It was the first one I skipped too, and I found myself kind of shocked, given that I'm someone who bought original DSes, then Lites, I've got an XL now, etc...

Dang, are we absolutely SURE this thing uses cartridges? Because that's make or break for me. If it does, I'm super excited about it. If it doesn't, maybe I will get a 3DS at launch after all and just hope the screen doesn't bother me with "3D" mode off.
[quote name='thingsfallnapart']With cover art. manual, and the fun of owning something and being able to sell it when you are done so you can afford something else if you wish?[/QUOTE]

Yeah, this is the thing too. Even if downloads don't have activation, I'd STILL like to have the case/manual/not have to mess with backing it up, etc.
[quote name='thingsfallnapart']I lost interest back when i heard the PSP 2 was going to be digital only. Do you really think this had no factor in the failure of the PSPgo? PSPgo was the first portable console I didn't buy because i love to "own" games, not rent them for an overflated price. When the service shuts down I lose the game for good if I can't log into the service or the memory croaks, so what good is it to me as a gamer/collector who likes to play retro and current games?[/QUOTE]

NGP will have games on 'flash memory cards.'

If they had used the word "cartridge" instead, perhaps people would recognize that it's not a DD-only console.

So much of the discussion of 3DS/NGP seems reminiscent of the DS/PSP discussions many years ago. People thought 2 screens was a gimmick that wouldn't work, and that the power of the PSP would dominate the market. Didn't quite turn out that way, did it? PSP has done very well, but to say it's a distant second to the DS would be an overstatement of the PSP's success.

Don't write off Nintendo for 'gimmicks.' We did that with the DS, and it was a stunning success. We did that with the Wii, and it was a stunning success. I'm not about to repeat that mistake a third time. I've little doubt the 3DS will do better than the NGP based on having a more satisfying pricepoint (we don't know the NGP price, but none of us can reasonably expect it to clock in under $300). Additionally, the 3DS will play all your DS games, and the NGP will play only your PSN-bought titles (not your UMDs). But, hey maybe BC is overrated in this day and age.

NGP is stunning, but I suspect the honeymoon will end very abruptly when they reveal the pricepoint for the device.
Thumbs up! Yep, that's exactly like me. The Go was just retarded. Sealed battery

Let me stop you right there:

The entire handheld is sealed like an iPhone, so players will not be able to change the battery. The reason for this, Yoshida says, is because of the rear touch pad. It's apparently not possible to have a rear touch pad and changeable battery like on the current PSP-3000.

Another way to look at this: defeating anti-piracy measures similar to Pandora batteries.

Thanks, pirates!
[quote name='mykevermin']NGP will have games on 'flash memory cards.'

If they had used the word "cartridge" instead, perhaps people would recognize that it's not a DD-only console.[/quote]

See it's confusing because the link in the next post COULD be read to mean "it'll accept flash memory cards, which you can use to download games onto"...I mean are we SURE that's not what that means?

So much of the discussion of 3DS/NGP seems reminiscent of the DS/PSP discussions many years ago. People thought 2 screens was a gimmick that wouldn't work

It is a gimmick, although less so than the touch screen. Both were far less useful than I expected them to be. Maybe it's partially developers faults though? It seems like even Nintendo does a bad job about say throwing a map on the bottom screen...I've had games where the bottom screen is sitting there doing basically nothing and I still have to pause (which takes too long) to bring up something useful...

and that the power of the PSP would dominate the market. Didn't quite turn out that way, did it? PSP has done very well, but to say it's a distant second to the DS would be an overstatement of the PSP's success.

No, I don't think it would. It is quite successful and sold better until after the DS lite launched. At any rate I was worried the PSP would just take over the market, and was hoping Nintendo could hold on, but in retrospect I actually wish it had knocked the DS out, as it might have spared us the Wii, almost certainly the 3DS, and maybe it would mean the portable market would be more serious than it is, I don't know.

Additionally, the 3DS will play all your DS games, and the NGP will play only your PSN-bought titles (not your UMDs). But, hey maybe BC is overrated in this day and age.

The problem with this for me is that I don't trust Nintendo AT ALL to actually retain backwards compatibility in the system, going by history, and I don't trust that the system after would be compatible. So that, combined with the smaller/worse screens than I already have on my DS makes it kind of moot.

NGP is stunning, but I suspect the honeymoon will end very abruptly when they reveal the pricepoint for the device.

Oh sure, since I'd pay $500 or whatever, but a huge number of people are too cheap even to buy a real Xbox and by the tardpack at $200, or thought the PSP was "expensive" at $250 (hello? It's taken SIX YEARS to match it's power? PS2 class hardware in a portable just four years later!?!)

So I'm fully expecting people to:
A) Complain about the size
B) Complain about battery life
C) Complain that "I don't want to play full games on a handheld! Just give me Atari 2600 games!"
D) Complain about the price.

I LOVE when companies go all out and make expensive hardware! ESPECIALLY when we're stuck with the hardware for 6+ years! I want as little skimping as possible...

[quote name='Nohbdy']Let me stop you right there:

Another way to look at this: defeating anti-piracy measures similar to Pandora batteries.

Thanks, pirates![/QUOTE]

Oh man, thanks for the link :cry: That completely sucks. Why the hell can't I design a single portable for these people?

My handheld has:
-PSP 2 class hardware (or better)
-5" IPS screen (no AMOLED or whatever)
-no touch, no "3D"
-support from the whole industry, including Nintendo and Rare
-user replaceable battery...maybe AAA or AA support instead of proprietary if at all possible
A lot of people here seem to think of 3ds being a gimmick and don't look at the troubles of developing for a handheld. Now prior to my opinions, I will definitely be purchasing both these systems, yet the 3ds will probably be the system that will see more creativity then psp2. When you give a developer a cheap method of creating games on a platform that energizes creative thoughts on a canvas, you unleash a slu. Thats why the psp ended up being successful in japan. It created a system that allowed developers to differentiate the two markets of handheld and console gaming. I, like many others, still know the disappointment of valkyria chronicles no longer being a ps3 game. This is the effects of a failing japanese market and the necessity of income at cheaper production cycles. I don't have a kit and barely know the architecture of a psp2. Yet, by the quality the games, which look amazing, it seems that development would require a timely and costly production as much as you would see on a console.

Also the word gimmick has been used often to describe HD, widescreen, gyroscope controlling, vibration, and now 3d. These gimmicks have all created a new generation of gaming, and if we can't change along the years with these gimmicks, then we will never be able to change gaming.

Now asides from all the possible "bashing" that i maybe entitled with, I can't wait for the psp2. I think sony has been attacking nintendo's market harded then anyone has in the last decade. While the device is a beautiful technological masterpiece; I can only hope the software will be able to fulfill the expectations.
Well, it won't be $600 at least.
GI is more or less Gamestop so maybe that makes the info. more reliable, meaning that hopefully Sony wouldn't BS to a large US retailer? Maybe?
[quote name='mythus']yet the 3ds will probably be the system that will see more creativity then psp2.[/quote]

Could be if it gets better support, but the PSP2 hardware certainly leads to more possible types of games, just like the PSP 1 did versus the DS.

When you give a developer a cheap method of creating games on a platform that energizes creative thoughts on a canvas, you unleash a slu.

What does that mean? And regarding price, technically it's cheaper to do the same thing on the PSP 2 than 3DS. Same for the Xbox/Playstation versus Wii. It only gets more expensive when you try to do more, as the same thing needs less optimization than on the Wii/3DS/DS.

Yet, by the quality the games, which look amazing, it seems that development would require a timely and costly production as much as you would see on a console.

That's the thing though, it doesn't actually REQUIRE it. That's why I get annoyed by publishers whining about costs...they don't HAVE to spend more. You can still get more from the same money on better hardware, if not the crazy high end stuff.

Oh dang...I just though of something...

Bioshock. On PSP2.

Bioshock. Anywhere you want.

Oh damn :lol:

Wouldn't it be INSANE if Deus Ex 3 hit the PSP 2 also?

Also the word gimmick has been used often to describe HD, widescreen, gyroscope controlling, vibration, and now 3d. These gimmicks have all created a new generation of gaming, and if we can't change along the years with these gimmicks, then we will never be able to change gaming.

Some of those are gimmicks, some not. Well, okay, higher resolutions aren't.
[quote name='Wolfpup']

Some of those are gimmicks, some not. Well, okay, higher resolutions aren't.[/QUOTE]

I don't know if you remember the time when hd format had begun to spawn in the minds of people. It was rejected by a lot and was only thought to be a medium that would benefit the fat cats. Yet, along the years, I believe it has proven to be a standard. Technology can be scary to many, but things like hd and 3d technology are one in the same. Its a medium that benefits the end user by enhancing the experience.
wolfpup, people complaining is a given. It is a great piece of hardware, given the specs.

But it's going to be out of my price range until it hits $200-300 (closer to $200).
the fact that its going to also have the same playstation store that android devices will be getting is a good move by Sony. Not only will we be able to play more expensive legit console quality games, but we should also be able to play cheap casual apps. Most of them will probably be the same as whats on the iphone, but given the devices unique attributes hopefully we'll see a lot more than that. It will also be somewhat backwards compatible, in the sense if you have any downloaded PSP games they will play on the 2. I havent seen any specs on how much internal memory the system comes with, if any? Contrary to the sentiment of most here, I actually prefer download games because I find it more convenient to quickly access my entire library and like less clutter. Of course, I only support the idea of downloads if they are not tied to one device forever and can be downloaded multiple times, which I believe is the case with the playstation store.
[quote name='mythus']I don't know if you remember the time when hd format had begun to spawn in the minds of people. It was rejected by a lot and was only thought to be a medium that would benefit the fat cats. Yet, along the years, I believe it has proven to be a standard. Technology can be scary to many, but things like hd and 3d technology are one in the same. Its a medium that benefits the end user by enhancing the experience.[/QUOTE]

Who thought that? I don't know anyone who wasn't excited about it, just the price back 10 years ago was too high (and stuff wasn't really ATSC compliant anyway). I don't know anyone who didn't know it would eventually take off...I mean we knew that in 1989, and we already knew higher resolutions were a benefit both from PC games that were doing HD resolutions 10+ years ago, and because every console bragged about it's resolution. Heck, the NES' box brags about it's high resolution graphics, and they are compared to the 2600 or something.
[quote name='Vader582']Well, it won't be $600 at least.
GI is more or less Gamestop so maybe that makes the info. more reliable, meaning that hopefully Sony wouldn't BS to a large US retailer? Maybe?[/QUOTE]

I'm guessing based off what was said by hoping people will see it's proper value that it'll probably be $400. A little more than what people would want to pay for it.
Well at the very least I like Sony's answer here about trying to be "affordable but profitable" with their pricing as opposed to their answer for the PSP Go's pricing "early adopters are used to paying a premium".

Hard to imagine this being under $250, though. I'd buy it from $250-$350.
[quote name='SubjectNameHere']With specs like that, Apple should take notice. If the NPG comes in under $399, Nintendo should seriously consider a price drop for the holidays.[/QUOTE]

Nintendo doesn't have any reason to drop the price for 3DS this holiday season. Sony didn't even announce the release window; Sony might of hinted this holiday, but what region?.

Sony pricing of the NGP "Playstation" will be impacted by the American economy. If the US dollar continues to drop like it has over the last few months, expect hefty price tag. At the end of the day Nintendo and Sony want their money in yen.
The only reason I can envision this being $250 is just because the PSP 1 shocked me with its $250 price point when I was expecting $400-500. Though still, seems like cell phone service adds a lot to costs by itself...
  • CPU: ARM® Cortex™-A9 core (4 core)
  • GPU: SGX543MP4+
  • External Dimensions: Approx. 182.0 x 18.6 x 83.5mm (width x height x depth) (tentative, excludes largest projection)
  • Rear touch pad: Multi touch pad (capacitive type)
  • Cameras: Front camera, Rear camera
  • Sound: Built-in stereo speakers, Built-in microphone
  • Sensors: Six-axis motion sensing system (three-axis gyroscope, three-axis accelerometer), Three-axis electronic compass
  • Location: Built-in GPS, Wi-Fi location service support
  • Keys / Switches: PS button, Power button, Directional buttons (Up/Down/Right/Left), Action buttons (Triangle, Circle, Cross, Square), Shoulder buttons (Right/Left), Right stick, Left stick, START button, SELECT button, Volume buttons
  • Wireless communications: Mobile network connectivity (3G), IEEE 802.11b/g/n (n = 1x1)(Wi-Fi) (Infrastructure mode/Ad-hoc mode), Bluetooth® 2.1+EDR (A2DP/AVRCP/HSP)
The release games line up:

  • Uncharted
  • Killzone
  • WipeOut
  • Resistance
  • LittleBigPlanet
  • Hustle Kings
  • Hot Shots Golf
[quote name='Wolfpup']The only reason I can envision this being $250 is just because the PSP 1 shocked me with its $250 price point when I was expecting $400-500. Though still, seems like cell phone service adds a lot to costs by itself...[/QUOTE]

If 3g is a lot I probably just won't pay for it. No way it would be required.
[quote name='whoknows']If 3g is a lot I probably just won't pay for it. No way it would be required.[/QUOTE]
I could be mistaken but I believe Wolfpup was referring to the 3G modem that needs to be included to receive 3G. Like the iPad, the NGP will supposedly have 2 versions; one with 3G and one without 3G (the 3G functionality adds about $125 to the price tag of an iPad).
[quote name='Vader582']I could be mistaken but I believe Wolfpup was referring to the 3G modem that needs to be included to receive 3G. Like the iPad, the NGP will supposedly have 2 versions; one with 3G and one without 3G (the 3G functionality adds about $125 to the price tag of an iPad).[/QUOTE]

Didn't know that.

Still, I won't pay for it if it adds that much of a cost. Wi-fi is probably fine for me unless it does something really great that makes me feel like I need the 3g functionality.

Has it been confirmed already there will be a non 3g version?
[quote name='whoknows']Didn't know that.

Still, I won't pay for it if it adds that much of a cost. Wi-fi is probably fine for me unless it does something really great that makes me feel like I need the 3g functionality.

Has it been confirmed already there will be a non 3g version?[/QUOTE]

Not that I know of but most data plans are like $20-30 a month and some are not even unlimited. I know AT&T's plan is like $15 for 2 gb or something.
ya, where are you seeing there will be 2 versions...also haven't seen anything about internal memory, that could also be a way to have multiple versions
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']Not that I know of but most data plans are like $20-30 a month and some are not even unlimited. I know AT&T's plan is like $15 for 2 gb or something.[/QUOTE]

That is a lot. I'd pay like $5-$10 a month maybe for it if there were no contracts.

Makes me realize how good of a deal I get on my cellphone since I get unlimited data with it.
maybe it will be a pricing scheme similar to xbox live gold, like 60 bucks for a year of service. I would pay for that probably. BUt something like 20 bucks a month seems more likely to me.
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']Not that I know of but most data plans are like $20-30 a month and some are not even unlimited. I know AT&T's plan is like $15 for 2 gb or something.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, all the big carriers are limited. Most are $30/5GB. AT&T is $25/2GB. I download more than 5GB in podcasts a month, probably. The whole thing seems like a scam to me as I'd like internet access, but it's just too crazy expensive when I pay $24/month for truly unlimited DSL.

That would make sense and be nice if there's a version without the cell phone'd think 99% of people would prefer that...
[quote name='caltab']maybe it will be a pricing scheme similar to xbox live gold, like 60 bucks for a year of service. I would pay for that probably. BUt something like 20 bucks a month seems more likely to me.[/QUOTE]

60 for a year would not be bad at all. Assuming it would be unlimited use.

I still think Sony should allow you to access the Playstation Store and buy stuff somehow even without having a 3g plan and just make you pay for 3g for everything else.
[quote name='whoknows']60 for a year would not be bad at all. Assuming it would be unlimited use.

I still think Sony should allow you to access the Playstation Store and buy stuff somehow even without having a 3g plan and just make you pay for 3g for everything else.[/QUOTE]

That has a precedent with the Nook and Kindle, but I seriously doubt they could afford that given the huge file sizes. I do wonder if this is a Japanese thing where it makes sense over there, maybe in Europe too. Throw in your SIM card and go. But here? Data's too expensive to be adding it to every single device.
I am curious about the 3G access... let's be fair, Sony already set the 'free' online precedent with their console. Charging a yearly (or monthly, or whatever) fee for online access on a portable, while no different from something like a tablet or phone, might not go over as well as they'd expect.
That's totally different though. The one isn't for internet access, it's just for online gaming which may be handled by the publishers anyway (?) They'll offer that free on the PSP2 (as they do on the PSP1) but that doesn't mean they can afford to give away internet access. They'd go broke doing that.
[quote name='Vader582']Amazon has a place-holder/notification page for those interested.[/QUOTE]

Thanks...undecided because of the sealed battery, but just in case...
Ah damn it :lol: The Amazon page had a link to the new PSP page on Sony's site...and it's got large photos of it. DAMN it's sexy. Great looking controller. Huge screen. DANG. I want one of these so badly. Grr...dumb battery.
[quote name='Wolfpup']Ah damn it :lol: The Amazon page had a link to the new PSP page on Sony's site...and it's got large photos of it. DAMN it's sexy. Great looking controller. Huge screen. DANG. I want one of these so badly. Grr...dumb battery.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, they have some nice pics. If they had it up for preorder on Amazon, I would have already placed an order as a placeholder. ;)
Just curious what your concerns are with the battery. I did a quick skim of the thread and didn't see catch them.
I'm guessing that there maybe a ton of thin connections to the touch-panel back and those might be a pain to deal with and would probably break with repeated opening and closing. Also I was assuming that the sealed battery is an attempt to thwart hackers/software pirates. Personally I think the latter is the more honest reason for the sealed battery.
I want to retain access to games I buy forever...more likely if I can pull the battery and/or replace it. Plus just practically I'd prefer not to have to replace the system because the battery's dead. If I actually used these things on battery (which could happen at some point) I'd probably be going through several PSP systems every year!
[quote name='Wolfpup']I want to retain access to games I buy forever...more likely if I can pull the battery and/or replace it. Plus just practically I'd prefer not to have to replace the system because the battery's dead. If I actually used these things on battery (which could happen at some point) I'd probably be going through several PSP systems every year![/QUOTE]
Ah, I see. I can definitely see the battery being a concern. It's not my favorite choice either. However, I do feel like Sony is the closest to getting the whole "owning digital games" correct. You can install anything you've purchased off the PSN to 5 different PSPs that use your PSN account; similar to the Apple Store. For example, my PSP-3000 and PSPGo both have Peggle on them from a single purchase; the same with Phantasy Star Portable 2 and Front Mission 3.
I can only assume it will be the same for the NGP.
I was wondering how the rear touch pad would be like... that's actually a really good idea. It'll work like a touch screen without your finger or a stylus getting in the way of view. That's really cleaver. And dual analog sticks? Sweet!

Oh, and Uncharted at release? Sign me up!

Any word on what physical format they'll be using? I really hope this thing can still play PSP games but I haven't seen or read anything regarding that... only that PSN PSP games will work. I'm guessing UMD is out?

EDIT* Nevermind, just read it. UMD is dead. That sucks... since I have to keep a PSP around to play PSP games.
That part of things is certainly better than Nintendo's non-system :lol: I lost over $100 of "purchases" when my first Wii died.
[quote name='Vinny']I was wondering how the rear touch pad would be like... that's actually a really good idea. It'll work like a touch screen without your finger or a stylus getting in the way of view.[/quote]

I hadn't though of it like that. I'm still not convinced, but the tech is much better than the 3DS/DS touch screen, and yeah, that could lend itself to something or other. That maybe is really clever.

The dual analog sticks and quality d-pad and buttons are what I like though!

Any word on what physical format they'll be using? I really hope this thing can still play PSP games but I haven't seen or read anything regarding that... only that PSN PSP games will work. I'm guessing UMD is out?

Yeah, no UMD drive but people are saying it takes cartridges...although from what's been linked to I'm confused about whether they really mean that, or they just mean it'll accept flash memory cards. If it's downloads only, then for sure I'm out.
[quote name='Wolfpup']That part of things is certainly better than Nintendo's non-system :lol: I lost over $100 of "purchases" when my first Wii died.[/QUOTE]
Ugh! That stinks. Yeah, Nintendo is definitely in last place for ease of license transfer.

[quote name='Wolfpup']Yeah, no UMD drive but people are saying it takes cartridges...although from what's been linked to I'm confused about whether they really mean that, or they just mean it'll accept flash memory cards. If it's downloads only, then for sure I'm out.[/QUOTE]

It's definitely not just digital downloads.
I had read the new cards are similar to SD cards. It's a nice idea because smaller games can use smaller size cards. It'll make production cheaper and hopefully MSRP cheaper too. No optical drive may keep the battery alive longer as well.
[quote name='Wolfpup']Yeah, no UMD drive but people are saying it takes cartridges...although from what's been linked to I'm confused about whether they really mean that, or they just mean it'll accept flash memory cards. If it's downloads only, then for sure I'm out.[/QUOTE]

It's going to be a proprietary cartridge format that uses flash memory. Basically, it will be like SD cards with a custom shell. And I imagine there will be a few other "goodies" Sony adds to insure security and the like.

Personally, I think this is a VERY good move on Sony's part. The UMD format was an anchor around their neck. But a download-only system would be difficult to convince retail stores to carry. It would also require that they jack up the price even more, so that retail chains would be able to turn a more sizable profit off of the hardware. Being able to sell cartridges for their handheld system will make stores much happier. And flash memory cartridges will mean that the boxes for the games can be even smaller than the current PSP cases. (more efficient use of shelf space)

Of course, there is a real chance that Sony will use these cartridges to lock game saves onto the cartridges themselves. (instead of allowing them to be transferred to external memory) That will infuriate some Sony fans, but it will absolutely delight developers. Locking save files to a physical cartridge is one of the best methods for striking back at the used games market.
bread's done