This is a long shot, but doesn't hurt to ask.
If anyone who is buying this game digitally on 360 and has no plans to play the XB1 version, I'm offering PayPal or Amazon GC of your choice in order for me to download this game to my Xbox One.
Thanks in advance.
You can do this, I do it with my brother, to game share you have to set up the xbox with the games you wanna download as the home xbox.
Example: On the xbox one, Recover the gamertag with the games on it, Share gold on the xbox (make that xbox you want the games on to be the home xbox. After doing so the person who "loaned" you the gamertag can change the password but you will have access to all the content they download including but not limited to Full game downloads, DLC, Pre-order DLC, Limited edition dlc. etc.)
On the xbox 360 you have to license transfer. I own a digital copy of destiny for xbox 360 and xbox one. I have given access to my brother on xbox one and my other brother on 360 access to Destiny. 1 digital copy of destiny shared with 3 people (obviously on different systems) Wasn't a bad $60 spent either.
That would be piracy. Which i think violates the TOS here.
lulz at this being piracy.
The game is tied to that gamertag alone, so you and the original owner wouldn't be able to play at the same time. Not to mention, you're essentially asking someone for their Xbox Live password which I'm pretty sure is a bannable offense.
this is wrong. Don't spread misinformation.
Sharing an account aside, Destiny supposedly plays like an MMO, and your everything, including login, is tied to your gamertag. Skyrim doesn't need to be online. Destiny is online only.
This is also wrong.
I highly doubt it works like that, but ehh, doesn't seem like it's going to happen anyways, so I digress.
You are right.
You have to be logged into the other person's gamertag to play at all. The XB1 copy is tied to their account.
This is wrong as well.
Have you tried this or is this all assumption? You could be right, but it seems you're implying other accounts on the same system wouldn't be able to play at all.
I've legit tried this today and experienced no problems, we were both on at the same time. We live in different states. Content can be shared as well (collector's edition dlc, vanguard, blacksmith shader, Expansion pass, Sparrow)
So is there no Digital Guardian Edition for the Xbox 360? I could only find the basic version and the separate season pass through the dashboard, and wasn't sure if I downloaded each of them that it would allow me to get the DGE for the Xbox One.
Is that only for the Xbox One?
I was planning on buying that tonight and downloading the DGE for Xbox One as well.
I suppose I can just buy the digital edition of Destiny and just get the free Xbox One version and pick up the season passes for the two of them later.
There isn't any DGE for xbox 360 unfortunately.
I would assume that the xb1 version counts as a separate game, not a license transfer. If this is the case, if you were to dl it on your Xbox 1 with his gt, then you could play on your gt, as its the first download. If he were to get an xb1 later, he could do said license transfer, and get to play it only on that gt on his xb1.
you will have to keep his profile on your Xbox to continue to use it .
You are right to an extent. Game sharing on the one is different than on the 360.
Example: after setting up the home xbox with your gamertag on HIS xbox one. he can log out and he will never have to log in again on your Gamertag. He can download any content you download without ever having to log back in your account. The license is different in the way its handled on the one. The person not on the home xbox has to stay logged in to his gamertag to play but the person on the home xbox does not.
either way I think you should have no problem downloading it onto yours.
You're right.
Also for people wondering. Limited edition dlc, sparrow dlc, blacksmith shader dlc is NON-TRANSFERABLE between consoles.
(Limited edition, Sparrow, and Blacksmith and possibly Vanguard DLC downloaded on the 360 will not migrate to the XBOX ONE version. even if the items are already equipped on the 360, they will become unuseable saying in the text that DLC is Required)
Hope this answers some questions about Destiny in the Xbox Family.