Reduced Price Game Guides: Thread Seven and a Half.

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[quote name='pktigerpl']Yes you right so i went back to a diffrent one and i found socom U.S. Navy Season combined assoult and superman returns which both are for 1 penny. I Grabbed 2 compies of socom one for me one for my friend and 1 copy of superman returns. I went to register with the guides and the guy seemed to be on the phone and ignore me. I made a mistake and all i brought was my credit card and the total was 3 pennies. He asked me if i want to reserve something and i said no i'm good. Than he went on started saying some bs how if you don't preorder your games now you won't be able to get them and i told him niclly no thanks. Than he goes on and says"common i'm doing you a favor selling these so you do me a favor and preorder something." That is complete bs because he is not doing me any favor, the item is on clearance and i'm just buying it i don't need a favor from him. Then he complains about me having only the credit card. He just told me to go and gave me the guides for free. He was the biggest faget ever i just wanted to buy the guides. I think i should complain about the store. I have a right to buy what i want. I might not visit that gamespot ever again. Luckly there are 3 more aorund my area :0[/quote]

he is doing you a favor for letting you have those guides. they are supposed to get rid of them
[quote name='Ski Hawk']Othergames, if you DO throw money on the counter and leave, what the hell is the manager going to do about it?[/QUOTE]
arrest you for shop lifting? Because the back cover clearly mark the MSRP.
[quote name='pktigerpl']Yes you right so i went back to a diffrent one and i found socom U.S. Navy Season combined assoult and superman returns which both are for 1 penny. I Grabbed 2 compies of socom one for me one for my friend and 1 copy of superman returns. I went to register with the guides and the guy seemed to be on the phone and ignore me. I made a mistake and all i brought was my credit card and the total was 3 pennies. He asked me if i want to reserve something and i said no i'm good. Than he went on started saying some bs how if you don't preorder your games now you won't be able to get them and i told him niclly no thanks. Than he goes on and says"common i'm doing you a favor selling these so you do me a favor and preorder something." That is complete bs because he is not doing me any favor, the item is on clearance and i'm just buying it i don't need a favor from him. Then he complains about me having only the credit card. He just told me to go and gave me the guides for free. He was the biggest faget ever i just wanted to buy the guides. I think i should complain about the store. I have a right to buy what i want. I might not visit that gamespot ever again. Luckly there are 3 more aorund my area :0[/quote]

First of all, the store is GameSTOP. Of course, I prefer the term AssRapeStop, since that is what happens if you wait and try to buy a harder to find game from them. But, I digress......

Moreover, the guides that are 1 cent in the system are NOT on 'clearance', they are simply marked down to 1 cent as a 'marker' in the system to the employees to pull those guides and either destroy them or send them to corporate for mass recycling. Personally, I wish more stores would employ the method the people @ BB here told me they use, which is to send all their guides to a recycler, since it's SUCH a waste to toss out perfectly good books.

But, enough of the Earth friendly rant.....

And believe me, if you keep hitting up your local GS brand stores enough, they may refuse the sales at ALL your local stores soon enough, which will completely suck and you'll come on here to rant and whine about it every time some 'faget' gives you a hard time about them. Believe me, I did it for a bit, it's not very becoming to say 'some douche at xyz store wouldn't give me stuff they were just gonna throw away anyway for a penny'.

But, if you're crafty enough, you get your 'sources' and the people who will just hand you the items from being FRIENDLY enough with them. It also helps if they hate their DM who instituted the strict 'destroy' policy.

And, btw, who doesn't keep 3 fuckin cents in their pocket at any given moment? I find more going through pairs of pants on wash day that I completely forgot about.
Wow.. I haven't went on a penny guide hunt for almost a year now, but this afternoon I went into my most hated GS to return a game (I buy all my games from the stores I like and return the ones I don't want to that hated store - yes, I am an asshole).

To my suprise, the most hated GS manager wasn't there... so I had a look through the guide section and found two copies of Shadow Herats: FtNW, and bingo... the dude there let me take them! I was promt to return the favor and pre-ordered a game... so yeah, sometimes you luck out when least expects it... :bouncy:

One good condition (not mint) copy of SH:FtNW is up for trade.

PS: pktigerpl - you were lucky to be given those guides man, I've had stores said no way to me many times before, not even if I buy games or pre-order... they DONT HAVE TO SELL YOU THOSE GUIDES!!! The "better" stores that are "willing" to do you a "FAVOR" would give you the guide with the front page fucken ripped off! Mate, if I was you, I'd go back to that GS immediately and pre-order something, just to stay on the good side of that GS dude! If you think I am bs-ing you, I'd go there myself if that store is within 40 miles of LA.. let me know, I'm serious PM me the location!
Who cares, the poster acted like a total.....ummmm ME to that clerk, which is why I don't even DARE go in my local GS's and look for guides anymore, since there are no more 'cool' employees left who don't tow the company line strictly.

I admit, I acted like that before, like I was 'owed' those guides, but now, I just say 'hey, they're on the shelf still, so it's your mistake' ONCE, if they say no, I walk out. No big deal.
Too bad there is no way the manager wouldn't be able to call the cops in time, and it isn't shoplifting if you give them a nickel and it rings up as a penny.
If they ring it up, but then go to cancel the sale(which in many states, including mine they have the right to do) and you walk out with it, then yes, that IS stealing.

However, if you pull a glitter storm(or was it called something else before?)on them, they will be too busy swatting away the glitter to stop you.
So this Playstation Magazine article thing...

I had a kid come into my store today. Here's the conversation we had.

Him: "Umm, I heard that you guys price guides at a penny."
Me: "Did you read that playstation article?"
H: "Umm... no... my friend did."
M: "Yeah, we do penny the guides out, but we got rid of them all."
H: "So... do you have any?"
M: "No. We got rid of them all."

I hope this kid's the only person who comes in for this, but I doubt it.
LOL reibeatall, I predict you repeating that line ad nauseam to MANY more people in the coming weeks and months.

I mean, for cripes sake, you JUST got done telling him you 'didn't have any', but he asked again if you had any?

That's a DUHHHH moment right there.
Fine, maybe it is stealing, but I honestly doubt the store will call the police because you "stole" a .01 penny guide, and even if they did, how would they know who you are or where you lived unless they saw some ID?
[quote name='Ski Hawk']Fine, maybe it is stealing, but I honestly doubt the store will call the police because you "stole" a .01 penny guide, and even if they did, how would they know who you are or where you lived unless they saw some ID?[/quote]If someone did this to me, I think I would make a note of them; I wouldn't want them returning to my store to steal other things which may or may not be a penny. They may not call the police, but it basically means you won't be going to that store again.
Kids these days. Back when I was growing up, we had to walk fifteen miles in the snow to get to the local Funcoland or Software, Etc. And when we found penny guides we had to preorder at least five sports games to get them. And even then, they were kinda pricey - eggs were only a fifty cents a dozen and it only cost my old man a buck o' five to fill up the family Bronco. But you sucked it up and took the guides anyway. You were thankful to have any help you could.

And another thing: we didn't have double-u double-u two games back when I was growing up. We had to settle for Spanish-American War videogames. And another thing...

Oh, wait...I'll be back. I've got to chase some kids off my lawn...
[quote name='ozzymandd']Kids these days. Back when I was growing up, we had to walk fifteen miles in the snow to get to the local Funcoland or Software, Etc. And when we found penny guides we had to preorder at least five sports games to get them. And even then, they were kinda pricey - eggs were only a fifty cents a dozen and it only cost my old man a buck o' five to fill up the family Bronco. But you sucked it up and took the guides anyway. You were thankful to have any help you could.

And another thing: we didn't have double-u double-u two games back when I was growing up. We had to settle for Spanish-American War videogames. And another thing...

Oh, wait...I'll be back. I've got to chase some kids off my lawn...[/quote]

:lol: Nice!
[quote name='Rocko']Seems like legitimate discussion of penny guides to me. :whistle2:k[/quote]

Possibly yes but debatable. It just becomes a slippery slope and the next thing you know you have 3 pages of nuthin'. I don't have a problem with rippin' on Casey Lynch though (the half-wit who wrote the PSM article).
True, but I have learned from my past mistakes of thinking I was 'owed' those guides, when in fact it is a privilege that ANY stores give them to me(or anyone) in the first place.

I know I did some namecalling of the DM of the local stores when he put his foot down about the guides, but I've learned to just be patient and develop relationships with the clerks @ my local stores, which helps to some extent.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']True, but I have learned from my past mistakes of thinking I was 'owed' those guides, when in fact it is a privilege that ANY stores give them to me(or anyone) in the first place.

I know I did some namecalling of the DM of the local stores when he put his foot down about the guides, but I've learned to just be patient and develop relationships with the clerks @ my local stores, which helps to some extent.[/QUOTE]
I have to agree with you on this one
[quote name='BizzaroSephiroth']New to this, have a question. If being marked as 1 cent means that they're supposed to be destroyed, then how do you buy them?[/quote]

Just bring them to the register like anything else.

Some stores won't (or forget to) pull the guides and destroy them or they will miss some. Some employees don't know or don't care so they will sell them or give them to you.

When trying to purchase them just be nice as throwing a fit or demanding they sell them to you usually doesn't work.
Just to be in the clear - I am a full time freelance writer, but I am NOT casey!!!

My writing is mostly religious so it doesn't conflict. Besides, if a manager ever gets ticked and demands to know what website told me their secret price error or sale, I tell them slickdeals ;)

Just mentioning this as I have mentioned I freelance write in other threads... don't want people thinking I'm casey.... No amount of money is worth ratting out CAG or a deal to the magazine-reading public.
[quote name='Nemo_Hyde']Just to be in the clear - I am a full time freelance writer, but I am NOT casey!!!

My writing is mostly religious so it doesn't conflict. Besides, if a manager ever gets ticked and demands to know what website told me their secret price error or sale, I tell them slickdeals ;)

Just mentioning this as I have mentioned I freelance write in other threads... don't want people thinking I'm casey.... No amount of money is worth ratting out CAG or a deal to the magazine-reading public.[/quote]

Thanks. We'll cancel the hit we contracted on you.;)
[quote name='neocisco']Thanks. We'll cancel the hit we contracted on you.;)[/quote]You make it sound so easy. Once Catbert takes a job, there's no going back.

Do you think if i buy a guide regular price at best buy and than within a month it drops to 1 penny they would adjust my price diffrence from the recipt or will that not happen?
[quote name='pktigerpl']QUestion:

Do you think if i buy a guide regular price at best buy and than within a month it drops to 1 penny they would adjust my price diffrence from the recipt or will that not happen?[/quote]


Of course they won't price adjust it. It's BB's inventory management solution to flag cashiers and stockpeople that it's supposed to be removed from shelves and not for sale.

If anything, you might corner yourself in a hole by alerting them to penny guides and you'll kill your chances of future opportunities when the .01 drops happen, if your BB still has them that is...
[quote name='kell']When trying to purchase them just be nice as throwing a fit or demanding they sell them to you usually doesn't work.[/QUOTE]

I tried the nice act when the lady at the register at TRU found out the Advance Wars DS was pennied out about a year ago, and that still didn't work.
[quote name='cartman414']I tried the nice act when the lady at the register at TRU found out the Advance Wars DS was pennied out about a year ago, and that still didn't work.[/quote]

At least you still have your dignity. TRU in my experience is tough to get guides from. Best Buy is the one I have had the most luck with.
I know a person that works at best buy around where i live and he says everyone knows about penny guides that he always buys them no problem when they come out. But he works there it might be easier but i kinow they don't care if you buy a penny guide. I geuss i'm just lucky!
[quote name='CGH']I am still waiting for the New Super Mario Bros. guide to drop at BB is this the week?[/QUOTE]

Probably not. Even if there were a drop (a big if), NSMB has not dropped to 9.99 yet.
I had some good luck recently, finding 2 copies of Shadow Hearts at one EB, then 2 unsealed GOW II guides and 2 NFS: Carbon at one BB. One of each is available for trade.
[quote name='pktigerpl']I know a person that works at best buy around where i live and he says everyone knows about penny guides that he always buys them no problem when they come out. But he works there it might be easier but i kinow they don't care if you buy a penny guide. I geuss i'm just lucky![/quote]

I'm betting it's the "working there" part that makes it easier for him. :lol:
Penny guides are just as much of a bitch to buy there as an employee as it is for anybody else buying them. As a customer, the worse that is going to happen is your denied a sale, big woop. As an employee, you got to have someone cash you out, because you can't cash yourself out, that will cover your ass if a manager tries to track down who bought them. Because managers can go and look at all things cashiers cashed out during a shift. And god forbid a manager walks up to you while your cashing them out. Then, as a best buy employee, no matter what your buying and whether you're working or not, you always have your stuff checked by the guy at the front door. So you got to make sure they're on your side and won't say anything as well.

Despite all you thinking hey, its easier for me to get guides because I work at best buy, it is in a sense cause I can hold onto them, but for me to get them out of a store, you guys win that game.
[quote name='vahn401']Penny guides are just as much of a bitch to buy there as an employee as it is for anybody else buying them. As a customer, the worse that is going to happen is your denied a sale, big woop. As an employee, you got to have someone cash you out, because you can't cash yourself out, that will cover your ass if a manager tries to track down who bought them. Because managers can go and look at all things cashiers cashed out during a shift. And god forbid a manager walks up to you while your cashing them out. Then, as a best buy employee, no matter what your buying and whether you're working or not, you always have your stuff checked by the guy at the front door. So you got to make sure they're on your side and won't say anything as well.

Despite all you thinking hey, its easier for me to get guides because I work at best buy, it is in a sense cause I can hold onto them, but for me to get them out of a store, you guys win that game.[/quote]

Which is why if you ever need a guide i'm able to get send me a PM Vahn and its yours for the cost of shipping.

On a side note any drops for today? Should be about due for one and they might have skipped last week due to holiday.
[quote name='vahn401']Penny guides are just as much of a bitch to buy there as an employee as it is for anybody else buying them. As a customer, the worse that is going to happen is your denied a sale, big woop. As an employee, you got to have someone cash you out, because you can't cash yourself out, that will cover your ass if a manager tries to track down who bought them. Because managers can go and look at all things cashiers cashed out during a shift. And god forbid a manager walks up to you while your cashing them out. Then, as a best buy employee, no matter what your buying and whether you're working or not, you always have your stuff checked by the guy at the front door. So you got to make sure they're on your side and won't say anything as well.

Despite all you thinking hey, its easier for me to get guides because I work at best buy, it is in a sense cause I can hold onto them, but for me to get them out of a store, you guys win that game.[/quote]

That's what the fire alarm is for.;)
Checked Rogue Galaxy, still 9.99 at BB.

Also, looks like Lynch's article dried up all the EB/GSs in my area. Even the one I go to with the cool manager denied me. The manager there told me that they have been getting 3-5 people a day asking about the penny guides in their backroom, all referencing lynch's article. So I was told no more penny guides for awhile, if ever, again due to the article and some sort of crack down EB/GS is doing at least in my area in response to the article.

I was #6 for the day asking about penny guides at one store and #3 for the day at the other two I went to. I thought it was weird that each of the the clerks at diff stores told me that and then one of them even interrogated me on how I knew about them at which point he called his manager to tell on me. What a tool.

Anyway, Sux, may Lynch be lynched for drying up my penny guide supply.....
[quote name='jgamezcua']
I was #6 for the day asking about penny guides at one store and #3 for the day at the other two I went to.

Sux, may Lynch be lynched for drying up my penny guide supply.....[/quote]

It's like the tiny trickle of penny guides is now completely dried up. Oh well. Less time I have to spend looking for stuff I dont really need anyway.
[quote name='Ribbercage']Were there any drops today at BB?[/QUOTE]

Yeah. The PS3 dropped to $499. See the ENTIRE deals forum for details.
[quote name='Ribbercage']no i mean BB guide drops. I want GOW II and Gears of War Guide[/QUOTE]


The website still lists them as regular price. It's always a good idea to check the website first, as this will usually answer the same question that gets asked every Sunday/Monday "were there any drops at BB?/Are there going to be any drops at BB this week?"
I went to a GS and they barely had any guides on the floor. This was an extremely small store so I figured there would be some in the back. I asked the (only) guy working if they had Shadow Hearts. He goes and grabs me a copy then just gives it to me and says it's free. My advice would be to ask for 1 particular guide (2 at the most) and you might get lucky. Going in asking for the .01 or "cheap" guides will most likely just result in a great big DENIED. I also stopped off at a different BB that I haven't gotten a .01 guide from in over 2 years. What did I find? An unsealed GoW II guide.

Anybody else want to go Casey Lynch-huntin'?:bomb:
[quote name='neocisco']...What did I find? An unsealed GoW II guide.

Anybody else want to go Casey Lynch-huntin'?:bomb:[/quote]I've been wondering something since I saw a GoW II guide unsealed. It had what appeared to be a sticker barcode over the guide barcode, and the sealed one had the same thing. From what this thread was saying I thought the sticker was on the wrapper itself; is it actually under the wrapper, on the guide, and then had to be removed? Is that why this guide is so controversial? I want it but just coudln't bring myself to remove the sticker.
[quote name='GrilledWitOnions']I've been wondering something since I saw a GoW II guide unsealed. It had what appeared to be a sticker barcode over the guide barcode, and the sealed one had the same thing. From what this thread was saying I thought the sticker was on the wrapper itself; is it actually under the wrapper, on the guide, and then had to be removed? Is that why this guide is so controversial? I want it but just coudln't bring myself to remove the sticker.[/quote]
Here's the .01 UPC (the barcode on the right)


If this number isn't visible it won't ring up .01
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