Reports of FALCON RROD trickling in - ugh...

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[quote name='mykevermin']
Besides, the PS2 wasn't hurt on account of the PSX's reliability.[/quote]

Ah yes. Good times. Good times. Having to insert a disk, then turn your PS one upside down to get games to play.
[quote name='mykevermin']"carry over your gamerscore!" = massive sellthrough.

Besides, the PS2 wasn't hurt on account of the PSX's reliability.[/quote]

I just think that more people are going to be hesitant to buy early in general. Or at least I will.

Carrying over your gamerscore sure is tempting, though.

EDIT: I take that back. People already were hesitant to buy early., and still are. In all honesty, I just want this mess to be over with. I want to be able to trash my current 360 and buy a new one that I'm sure won't die. That's all I want right now.
[quote name='rodeojones903']Completely untrue. You will be hard pressed to find someone more anal about dust/ventilation/cleaning that me and I had the RROD. It really is faulty hardware and not the fault of the user.[/quote]

What he said. I'm really anal about my consoles and taking care of anything in general. Mine red ringed as well.
[quote name='007']See, I was always under the impression that the Falcon board GREATLY REDUCED the chances of RROD, not completely solved it. Something like taking it from a 30% failure rate down to about 10% or less.

That, and now having read the link, so it's, uh, one guy? When reports of hundreds of people start 'trickling' in, I'll worry, but one guy doesn't worry me much. Hell, maybe he just got a bum console. What I love is that he's one of the people who traded in an old console THAT STILL WORKED to get a Falcon chipset. Now, to me, that's putting way too much faith in something you, in actuality, know absolutely nothing about.

I reiterate, this becomes news when hundreds or thousands of consoles start bricking. Until then, I'm not really that concerned, you know? As someone else pointed out, the only way to be disappointed in the Falcon board is to have seen it as the second coming of Jesus, not the band-aid that it really was.[/quote]

Not just "one guy" as it seems. I do agree that it doesn't seem to be a big problem- yet. I just don't think the Falcons are the second coming of Christ, here to fix all of the RROD issues. The Falcons were a cost cutting measure for Microsoft- not a RROD fix, unless I am mistaken?

See Below:

Also, here is a weird harmless RROD error on the Falcons post(probably will turn to a fatal RROD in time):
[quote name='GTzerO']EDIT: I take that back. People already were hesitant to buy early., and still are. In all honesty, I just want this mess to be over with. I want to be able to trash my current 360 and buy a new one that I'm sure won't die. That's all I want right now.[/QUOTE]

People were hesitant to buy the 360 early!?!?!?! I couldn't get one until late April 2006, and I tried, man.
The casual gamer is not people who are on the web searching out games, and posting on forums about games. Thats stepped ov er the casual gamer nametag and into something else.

I have had 2 360's and got out of them fairly quick. I went with the PS3 and Wii combo for now until I know this issue is gone.
[quote name='Malik112099']"Epic Fail" Picture[/quote]

I think he meant that he never saw a NES Top Loader fail but saw the regular NES mess up.
[quote name='CouRageouS']:rofl: It needs to be closer to the freezer but not too close to the ice cream.

Also I like how the piece of paper on the board says GO RED![/QUOTE]

haha wow, i didn't even realize that. good stuff.
Did everyone see all those news stories about the GPU being the real RROD culprit? The Falcon is just a reduction in the CPU and shouldn't have really changed anything performance-wise, except for maybe a slightly smaller electricity bill.

Also, I'm curious. People who have gotten the RROD, how much did you use your 360s per day on average? Does session length tend to affect how likely the machine is to break?
[quote name='xx2541']snip[/quote]

As an educated consumer who obviously knows enough about consoles and lot numbers to be able to buy a "falcon" 360 I'm surprised that you overlooked the evidence that:

1. The falcon's purpose was not to fix the heat issue -- it was a cost saving move on Microsoft's part due to the decreased cost of the falcon chip. Anything you heard about this helping solve the RROD was based on an assumption that the smaller technology ran colder, and as such would contribute to less heat in the overall system. It's a very poor assumption.

2. The RROD is caused by the graphics chip and it has nothing to do with the main processor. The graphics chip hasn't changed from release.

3. Microsoft will never announce when they change something on the inside of the machine. When they do "fix" it, you will never know. If they did they would be admitting fault and opening themselves up to litigation.
[quote name='metaly']Does session length tend to affect how likely the machine is to break?[/quote]

Well, my 360 can play for about an hour (sometimes less) until it starts to overheat which causes the sound to cut in and out. If left on, the camera and HD-DVD drive will eventually turn red and become inoperable. I cannot watch an HD-DVD in one session without it shutting down. If I let it cool for about an hour things return to "normal" - it's highly annoying.
[quote name='daminion']
3. Microsoft will never announce when they change something on the inside of the machine. When they do "fix" it, you will never know. If they did they would be admitting fault and opening themselves up to litigation.[/QUOTE]

They already announced that all consoles were flawed and could possibly break when they extended the warranty for RROD problems to 3 years.

The reason they won't announce any "fix" is because then the older stock would sit on shelves and never sell. Informed gamers will already not buy the older ones, if there's any official announcement even less informed gamers would skip the old and search for the fixed hardware.
[quote name='daminion']As an educated consumer who obviously knows enough about consoles and lot numbers to be able to buy a "falcon" 360 I'm surprised that you overlooked the evidence that:

1. The falcon's purpose was not to fix the heat issue -- it was a cost saving move on Microsoft's part due to the decreased cost of the falcon chip. Anything you heard about this helping solve the RROD was based on an assumption that the smaller technology ran colder, and as such would contribute to less heat in the overall system. It's a very poor assumption.

2. The RROD is caused by the graphics chip and it has nothing to do with the main processor. The graphics chip hasn't changed from release.

3. Microsoft will never announce when they change something on the inside of the machine. When they do "fix" it, you will never know. If they did they would be admitting fault and opening themselves up to litigation.[/quote]

I already posted in this thread that the Falcon chip was NEVER a fix for the RROD. I knew this, but people seemed to fool themselves into thinking that it was.
[quote name='trip1eX']Anyone who doens't think the 360 is the most unreliable console in history is 1 sandwich short of a picnic.[/QUOTE]

frankly I would say that the PSX and PS2 beats it in the unreliability factor
[quote name='fart_bubble']frankly I would say that the PSX and PS2 beats it in the unreliability factor[/QUOTE]

Various articles have estimated the 360 failure rate as higher than both of those. But of course the validity of those is up in the air.

Then again, Sony never had to come out and say that all consoles are defective and extend their warranty 3 years either which would suggest the problems weren't as widespread.

I love the 360, but theirs no denying it's failure rate is almost definitely the worst we've seen on any major console.
[quote name='DestroVega']The PS2 was pretty bad at overheating, I burned it out like 4 times.[/QUOTE]

PS2 definitely had lots of problems, just seems like the 360 has took it's crown as most unreliable major console ever.

I say major, as consoles that sold like crap (3D0, Jaguar etc.) didn't sell enough or stay around long enough for us to have much idea of their reliability.
[quote name='fart_bubble']frankly I would say that the PSX and PS2 beats it in the unreliability factor[/QUOTE]

Somehow I doubt that.

Sure those consoles had problems, but the 360 is just amazing with it's failure rate.
PSOne can still be playable upside down on the side for some people. For PS2 often is a case of either CD or DVD not working. With RROD there is nothing you can do.
[quote name='fart_bubble']frankly I would say that the PSX and PS2 beats it in the unreliability factor[/quote]

I don't think PSX and PS2's problem were as wide spread as the RROD. Everyone I know have had RROD on their 360s. I'm already on the third 360. My launch PS2 only have DRE problem, it wasn't so bad as its only have problem reading cd games.
Ya know, this whole RROD situation is really pathetic. They just need to deal with and truly fix it already. I had a launch 360 that gave out this time last year...the 360 they sent back up to me was brand new..has worked great up till Friday. It's happening at the worst possible time with Lost Odyssey :( Funny thing is it hasn't officially red-ringed yet. It's freezing after a minite or two of playing. I got to Disc 2 without any problems, few hours into disc 2 is when the freezing started. I'll try moving the 360 and see if that helps but it looks like I'll need to send it down to Texas. This will be 360 number 2, just ridiculous.

I have an NES that STILL works to this day, granted ya gotta blow into the thing to get it working but it still runs.

I have a Super NES that STILL works..Original Game Boy...A-OK, great too. DS works perfect. Hell my Wii is running great.

My PS2, PS3 and PSP all work great..what I'm tryin to say is I've NEVER ever had to worry about this kind of thing with any of my other systems.

It's a dis-service when this happens to your customers, in this case, Microsoft. It's one thing to wanna get your system to market and be competitive, but it's another to rush it out wanting to beat Sony to the punch. Another year in the oven and this problem wouldn't be happening as much as it is.

As great as LO is, and it's a fantastic game, I'm sadly wondering if it's worth it to go to the trouble to get a 3rd 360 when I know this will happen again. This is why Sakaguchi needs to think about porting LO to PS3, just because on that machine, I'd have a good chance to actually finish the game.

Microsoft, no matter how great the games are...they could truly be perfect 10 games..they won't do anyone any good unless the hardware works and is reliable. Please fix the issue, for the sake of your customers.
[quote name='MSUHitman']Was Cheapy's Japanese Arcade Eternal Sonata bundle system a Falcon or not? Don't remember for sure.[/quote]

No (and it was a Trusty Bell pack).
Didnt check to see if this has been posted but I've read and even heard on the CAGcast that the falcons are not RROD-proof. The problem for most units is the graphics card. The future boards are supposed to have more efficient gfx cards which should drastically reduce RRODs
[quote name='bh7812']Ya know, this whole RROD situation is really pathetic. They just need to deal with and truly fix it already. I had a launch 360 that gave out this time last year...the 360 they sent back up to me was brand new..has worked great up till Friday. It's happening at the worst possible time with Lost Odyssey :( Funny thing is it hasn't officially red-ringed yet. It's freezing after a minite or two of playing. I got to Disc 2 without any problems, few hours into disc 2 is when the freezing started. I'll try moving the 360 and see if that helps but it looks like I'll need to send it down to Texas. This will be 360 number 2, just ridiculous.

I have an NES that STILL works to this day, granted ya gotta blow into the thing to get it working but it still runs.

I have a Super NES that STILL works..Original Game Boy...A-OK, great too. DS works perfect. Hell my Wii is running great.

My PS2, PS3 and PSP all work great..what I'm tryin to say is I've NEVER ever had to worry about this kind of thing with any of my other systems.

It's a dis-service when this happens to your customers, in this case, Microsoft. It's one thing to wanna get your system to market and be competitive, but it's another to rush it out wanting to beat Sony to the punch. Another year in the oven and this problem wouldn't be happening as much as it is.

As great as LO is, and it's a fantastic game, I'm sadly wondering if it's worth it to go to the trouble to get a 3rd 360 when I know this will happen again. This is why Sakaguchi needs to think about porting LO to PS3, just because on that machine, I'd have a good chance to actually finish the game.

Microsoft, no matter how great the games are...they could truly be perfect 10 games..they won't do anyone any good unless the hardware works and is reliable. Please fix the issue, for the sake of your customers.[/quote]

I couldn't agree more. :applause:

Shame on Micro$oft. It doesn't matter how good the games are if people can't play them due to dead hardware. My PS3 is built like a tank compared to my 360 (and whisper quiet too).

[quote name='bostonfrontier']wow, thank god I got my Falcon at costco........ Lifetime warranty baby!!!!!!!!!

I smartened up after my first 360 RROD[/QUOTE]

What wow? This one report? BTW who ever said it was the video card overheating should show some evidence. Many PC videocards hit 80c in stock form. Unlike processors they are less sensitive to heat. Besides that heat on videocards usually results in artifacting like the kind seen on early wii's.
[quote name='BULL_Ship']What wow? This one report? BTW who ever said it was the video card overheating should show some evidence. Many PC videocards hit 80c in stock form. Unlike processors they are less sensitive to heat. Besides that heat on videocards usually results in artifacting like the kind seen on early wii's.[/quote]

It's more than one report. See the original post with the links. It's not epidemic - yet. It's still early for the Falcon's performance metrics out in the wild. Time will tell if they shit the bed like earlier models. The Falcon was never intended as a fix for the RROD. I don't have high hopes, unfortunately...
[quote name='bostonfrontier']wow, thank god I got my Falcon at costco........ Lifetime warranty baby!!!!!!!!!

I smartened up after my first 360 RROD[/QUOTE]

I thought Costco was stopped warranties on 360s last year? Or was that some other store?
This is getting really sad. The 360 has been out for over a year and they still havn't fixed this? I'm on my 5th 360 and if I get another RROD I'm going to be pissed.
Well, Best Buy still provides product replacement plans for the system and as long as they keep that up, I don't care about the RROD honestly. I have a falcon and of course, I believe with proper care and keeping the system in an open space will allow my console to last many years to come ... i hope anyway. I have a replacement plan for mine but i'm obviously not standing in line to spend 60 bucks which could buy me another game or two lol.

As far as Falcon's go, the "insider" source said the failure rate on them was about 10 to 15% I believe. It actually runs cooler than my PS3 from the best i can tell. This is of course coming the temp of the air that comes out the back of the system; it could just mean that the thing doesn't really exchange the heat all that well. I put my system horizontally to make sure a high about of air can get in and also in a open space. I'm also planning on elevating it a bit. A lot of the system pictures of post-RROD I have seen of the console is when they are kept in closed spaces. This is not to say that open space storage for the console totally prevents the RROD but it probably helps somewhat.
[quote name='V Illuminati V']This is getting really sad. The 360 has been out for over a year and they still havn't fixed this? I'm on my 5th 360 and if I get another RROD I'm going to be pissed.[/quote]

Its a bad design to begin with. Until a totally revamped from the ground up MOBO/SKU is designed, i don't think we are going to see a day of RROD free xbox's.
I'm thinking in an attempt to make a console that's lean and stylish yet high performing Microsoft didn't pay enough attention to the design.
[quote name='Malik112099']

would you happen to explain why this picture is relevant to what you quoted me on? Because all you've accomplished by posting this in response to me is that you're an ass and you're not very smart.
man SL4IN, i thought u were better that. stop acting like a fanboy

the reason y I am piss off about the 360 is that out of ALL the consoles i ever owned (from the og Atari to present), NONE of them ever broke nor had a problem with me EXCEPT the 360. for the first year i ignored this issue of the RRoDs and overheating cause i said to myself "hey its new tech thats more fragile, they just need to iron out the kinks for the first year" but no, things are still the same. but again, i can ignore it for now since repair is free and GoW II hasnt came out yet. BUT the thing that really irritates me is that i all my games (except those boughten used) are minty and like new but my 360 ones arent cause my box keeps of scratching them. fuck, i wanted to punch the console when i saw it make sum scratches on my Naruto game and wanted to throw it out of the window when it split my Gears of War disc in half. Now this business with people saying that people dont take care of their stuff: take the dick out of your ass and listen. Sure, i bet there are 360s out there thst dont get taken care of (like the kiosk ones) but most of us do. hell, my has its own lil area, in a AC room, well ventilated, dust free, and i give my 360 cooling off periods when i know i played it too much. However, i STILL managed to get 8 broken 360 in and out of my house. its now my 9th 360 that comign back to me in a few weeks while every other system i only had one. Hell wouldnt u be mad if you dropped 400 bones on something that broke a few weeks later?
[quote name='refusedchaos']man SL4IN, i thought u were better that. stop acting like a fanboy

the reason y I am piss off about the 360 is that out of ALL the consoles i ever owned (from the og Atari to present), NONE of them ever broke nor had a problem with me EXCEPT the 360. for the first year i ignored this issue of the RRoDs and overheating cause i said to myself "hey its new tech thats more fragile, they just need to iron out the kinks for the first year" but no, things are still the same. but again, i can ignore it for now since repair is free and GoW II hasnt came out yet. BUT the thing that really irritates me is that i all my games (except those boughten used) are minty and like new but my 360 ones arent cause my box keeps of scratching them. fuck, i wanted to punch the console when i saw it make sum scratches on my Naruto game and wanted to throw it out of the window when it split my Gears of War disc in half. Now this business with people saying that people dont take care of their stuff: take the dick out of your ass and listen. Sure, i bet there are 360s out there thst dont get taken care of (like the kiosk ones) but most of us do. hell, my has its own lil area, in a AC room, well ventilated, dust free, and i give my 360 cooling off periods when i know i played it too much. However, i STILL managed to get 8 broken 360 in and out of my house. its now my 9th 360 that comign back to me in a few weeks while every other system i only had one. Hell wouldnt u be mad if you dropped 400 bones on something that broke a few weeks later?[/quote]

I didn't think I was acting like a fanboy, sorry.

I'm really sorry to hear about your misfortune. I've never experienced these problems (though from experience I find that the scratching of the discs by the 360 happens by either a) the console is moved while it is operating, or b) people stand the 360 upwards). I'm not a MS fanboy by any means, I guess I just find it hard to swallow that people have such problems with their hardware. It's like back a few years ago when people started claiming that the AC adapter cord for their original xbox was catching fire and demanded a replace. Turned out it was small group of people in texas that where bitching for no reason, and microsoft still compensated not only them, but everyone else that "felt it was necessary."

Sorry again for your misfortune, I'm not trying to come off as a fanboy, but when people like malik brings nonsenical, irrelevant and ignorant posts directed towards me, I'm going to defend myself and my experiences.
[quote name='daminion']

2. The RROD is caused by the graphics chip and it has nothing to do with the main processor. The graphics chip hasn't changed from release.[/quote]

The physical die size of the GPU did shrink. It's not 65nm, but the difference in size is in line with the drop from 90nm to 80nm. From a cost perspective, why would MS change the CPU if the process remained 90nm?

While not a direct change to the GPU, the heatsink / heatpipe setup for the GPU has changed as well.

Personally, I think it's too soon to tell how much of an impact those changes will have on reliability. I've got a Falcon, but I've also got a Best Buy PRP, something I've only purchased once before. I also think it's possible that none of the changes made to process will make the 360's reliability acceptable. It's no coincidence that the two parts that fail the most frequently (the GPU and the DVD drive) are literally on top of each other, with either's cooling solution comprimised by the other's proximity.
[quote name='SL4IN']I'm not a MS fanboy by any means, I guess I just find it hard to swallow that people have such problems with their hardware.[/QUOTE]
So people can take care of Gamecubes, Xboxes, PS3s, Wiis, DSs, and PSPs, but "people can't take care of their 360s" and Microsoft shelling out a billion dollars to fix them is just a coincidence?

There were people just like you claiming that all the DREs for PS2s were user error. I did nothing wrong, and yet my PS2 needed to be sent to fix DRE's every year.
[quote name='pete5883']So people can take care of Gamecubes, Xboxes, PS3s, Wiis, DSs, and PSPs, but "people can't take care of their 360s" and Microsoft shelling out a billion dollars to fix them is just a coincidence?

Exactly. It's not rocket science. The console is fucking faulty. MS OFFICIALLY announced that EVERY console had a flaw that could lead to the RROD failures when they shelled out a billion dollars to pay for a 3 year warranty extension to fix the problem.

The console was rushed out to beat the PS3 and Wii by a year, cutting the X-box short at 4 years, and for this and whatever other reasons they did a piss poor job in engineering the machine from heat dissipation stand point.
[quote name='pete5883']So people can take care of Gamecubes, Xboxes, PS3s, Wiis, DSs, and PSPs, but "people can't take care of their 360s" and Microsoft shelling out a billion dollars to fix them is just a coincidence?

There were people just like you claiming that all the DREs for PS2s were user error. I did nothing wrong, and yet my PS2 needed to be sent to fix DRE's every year.[/quote]

I never said people CAN'T take care of their consoles, I said some people DON'T and that's fact. It doesn't matter what system it is.

MS shelling out the money to fix them is solely on their part, to boost not only good PR for a "faulty" console and to increase customer support, and they're giving a warranty for 3 years.

And if you had gone back to my older posts, you would have seen that I stated that other consoles have problems, I'm just pointing out that people bitch about the 360 having them, like it's the end of the world. I know what it's like to have a DRE PS2, I've had multiple and it's aggravating. Especially when it's out of warranty and you call sony's piss poor attempt at a customer service line and they tell you you're shit out of luck unless you want to shell out the cash. While yes, the RRoD is frustrating and it's somewhat of a problem, MS is giving the courtesy of an extended warranty from the date of purchase of the console, they're not required to do that.

And yes, people do take care of their consoles, but shit still happens. Case in point, almost every console that's been made.
[quote name='rodeojones903']I'm still pissed that my replacement system sounds like I am blending ice when it reads a disc.[/quote]

My 3rd (Refurb) from MS 360 sounds like a ice grinder 24/7 im constantly talking my self out of just buying a new one....
The only systems I ever had issue with were the NES (blinking problems) and my first generation PS One (skipping problems). Eventually anything with moving parts will break down, but it shouldn't be like it is with the 360.
The RROD is a manufacturer premium that ships with all 360's; the time for actualization per unit varies. :D

I'll probably pick up a 360 once the RROD dilemma is solved.
[quote name='SL4IN']
And yes, people do take care of their consoles, but shit still happens. Case in point, almost every console that's been made.[/QUOTE]

But it happens MUCH more often on the 360 than any other major console.

That's just absolutely indisputeable. No other console has led to official announcements that it has a flaw and a $1 billion dollar warranty extension. It wasn't just good PR, it was a way to thwart off some class action law suits that were brewing under consumer protection acts/lemon laws.

No other console has had various analysts estimate a failure rate of 30% etc. etc.

I love the 360, but it's a flawed console with a higher failure rate than any major one before it--even the PS2 which had it's fair share of problems. Just because you had lots of PS2 problems and apparently no 360 problems doesn't mean the 360 has a lower failure rate. It just means you had shitty luck with the PS2 adn not the 360 thus far.

Anyone that says otherwise is just delusional.
[quote name='CheapyD']No (and it was a Trusty Bell pack).[/quote]

Thanks Cheapy. Sorry, couldn't remember the Jap. name for Eternal Sonata.
[quote name='Caliburn']
I'll probably pick up a 360 once the RROD dilemma is solved.[/QUOTE]

Same here. I keep checking in every now and then to see if anything's changed and I guess not much has.

Anyone know when the next hardware revision is supposed to take place? Someone said the GPU was supposed to shrink further, is that the next rev coming and is there a codename for it like Falcon? I just want to know what to look for.
Sooner or later it will happen to most consoles. Microsoft can try to prevent it, but I'm sure it will just happen again. My launch console (manufacture in late December of 2005) and it finally crapped out (well, it actually plays and reads all games fine, but on occasion it will freeze then I have to manually restart it only to get a RROD only once then it will be fine once restarted the second time).
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