Resident Evil 5 -Gen. Discussion - Lost In Nightmares & Desperate Esacpe DLC Out Now!

I didn't find it hard at all. Finished both parts of the demo without dying. I didn't even come close to dying. But then I played a lot of RE4, and knew how to play the game pretty much. Took a bit to get used to the new item menu though.
[quote name='Chris in Cali']That stupid executioner just killed me with one hit. Both Chris and Sheva had full health, dude just runs up, takes one swing and game-over. Demo = deleted. :([/QUOTE]

Same here, I thought I was plenty far away from him too, guess not... I got JACKED by that dude. But I didn't delete it, gonna try it again tomorrow.
By the of look of the demo, it feels like RE4 and the mercs mode meets Army of Two. Also, I found control layout C to be my favorite - controls still sux compared to the standard run'n'gun controls I'm use to in other FPS's. I'd need to see alot more of the finished product before buying this title.
[quote name='ChrisHookz']Lol so much debate, This is best 2009 demo out for me right now. (But I can't stop playing F.E.A.R 2)[/quote]

Um...what other demos have come out in 2009?
[quote name='Chris in Cali']That stupid executioner just killed me with one hit. Both Chris and Sheva had full health, dude just runs up, takes one swing and game-over. Demo = deleted. :([/QUOTE]

I can't believe I fell in this hole and died. Mario had the fire flower and everything.

NES emulator = deleted
[quote name='zewone']I can't believe I fell in this hole and died. Mario had the fire flower and everything.

NES emulator = deleted[/QUOTE]

Wow, great comparison.
[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']Now that I have a gold membership, I'm glad I can download this demo the day it's out and not wait a week like when i had silver.

....oh, what's this? Even though I'm 17 I have a "child account" and can't download "content with this rating?"

Oh, I see!

fuck you.[/QUOTE]

Why'd you make a child's account, dawg?
[quote name='Chris in Cali']Wow, great comparison.[/QUOTE]

You've never heard of one-hit kills or insta deaths?

It's a huge fucking axe, what do you thinks going to happen?

You must hate the chainsaws in Gears of War.
*shrug* The game is challenging. That's what I wanted to see. I was worried that RE5 would end up like every other third person shooter and buck challenge for fun. I'm not saying some can't be challenging but it's different when you are counting your bullets and planning almost all of your steps and actions to ensure your survival.

Sure this game could follow today's TPS to a t but then it wouldn't be RE now would it? At first I wasn't too enthused by the game. The first level is way too chaotic to just 'get into the action.' The second level has a slower pace to it up until chainsaw dude. It's there, while playing with my brother on the same screen (what the hell is up with the lack of full split screen?) and we are trading rounds and sticking close to each other when we are reminded that we aren't playing Gears of War, or Dead Space, or F.E.A.R., or Left 4 Dead, etc. We are playing Resident Evil.

I hope to see you cats online. I need a compentant player to play with.
[quote name='FurryCurry'](what the hell is up with the lack of full split screen?[/QUOTE]

The game keeps a 16:9 ratio even in split screen.
Please remind me how you melee people. I couldn't remember for the life of me.

I do think the demo was kinda hard but then again I only tried two times before I switched over to call of duty. I will give it more of a run through tomorrow.
Graphics.. Amazing. Sounds.. Awesome.. Controls.. Horrible. I will try it again later, but wow, it just controls like garbage. I only tried 2 of the control schemes, i will give it a shot since i want to love the crap out of this game, but it isnt looking good atm..

It really is gorgeous tho. I also died in the first stage. Im pretty sure the demo is going to hurt the game more then help it..
The demo is great, seemed very hard at first, but once I got used to the controls I was well on my way. I beat the first level with ease, just ran around, shot some zombies and made sure not to get cornered. Second level, I died a bunch of times, but I kept improving with each try. This is just like RE4 but with better graphics. I am actually glad they did not make this control like other FPS and GOW type games. For those of you having difficulties, with the controls, try all the different control options before you give in.
[quote name='bs000']I keep dying. D: Too many zombies! Not enough bullets! Ahhh! Ahhh! I'm terribad. I require assistance![/quote]


It's Resident Evil. Damn, these recent games have turned us into pu55ies huh?

-Melee with Control Type D. Hold LB then hit R Trigger. You'll swing your knife. Take note of X prompts during combat!

For instance. If you down an opponent and then run over to him (at least when I was playing as Sheva) a prompt to 'impale' the enemy by hitting X came up. Killed the guy.

See a guy or group of guys stagger after being shot a few times, run up and if the X button prompt up you could land a roundhouse or twist kick (both as Sheva. Chris does Hooks and Uppercuts) to knock them back.

-If you can't get a clear headshot, just disable an enemy. Get them to stop coming at you and tap that turn around command (on control type D that's A+Down on the Left Analog stick) and run the hell away.

-Work closely with your partner? If either of you get screwed and you are separated some ways then it could be hard to get back together to gain one another's support.

-Share ammo and health. If you pick up shotgun ammo and you don't have the shotgun, give it to your partner immediately. You never know when that shell you gave up could save you or him later.

-At least in the first stage, keep moving. It's a timed level anyway. The roofs aren't safe for long so just keep them chasing.

- Running out of issue for a long time should be a non issue. Maybe if you get cornered yeah but if you are actually shooting people in the head or at least impaling or beating the crap out of them it shouldn't be a problem because enemies drop ammo on a regular basis. Plus, in stage two, you can bust open the barrels scattered around the area for money and ammo.

- I recommend those who haven't played RE4 (I don't know how you haven't by now) to go do that first. Learn those core techniques in 4 to ensure your survival in 5.

I can't wait to play this again tomorrow and beat the second stage although after playing with another person I don't think I want to do this solo.
Love the demo. Difficult at first, but it's great once you get the hang of it.

My only gripe so far is that they don't show your head being cut off by the chainsaw like they did in RE4. Lame.
This is definitely a fun demo, but I realized how far third-person games have come since RE 4.

I will give this game a try when it comes out and will probably tolerate the controls, but I think Capcom needs to either stick with its survival horror roots or create a game that is a total third-person action game.

RE 5 seems to be a hybrid of those two ideas based on the demo, so I'm not sure how people will respond.
Anyone who is having trouble with the control scheme should seriously reconsider giving the demo a full shot. Believe me I wasn't feeling it either until after a couple of runs. Once you get your bearings straight the demo becomes a hell of a lot better and after a few more runs managing ammo and killing effectively will become second nature.

It is a bit overwhelming at first, but nowhere near impossible to grasp or downright unplayable because of it. My only true reasonable gripe is not being able to move while accessing my inventory and even that's manageable. Definitely a solid buy for me.
I kind of wish the game would focus less on the action, and more on the puzzle solving and riddles. It would make the zombie/monster encounter even more scary and intense. They throw too much at you now, it's like an action game, but with really bad controls.
Like everyone else said, the controls took some getting used to since I never played RE4. After I got over the controls and realized I had to keep moving with my partner (we died once on the 1st map) then we kicked ass.

Now I've never been a RE player, but once they announced online co-op I was sold. This demo reaffirmed that decision and I will buy the game Day 1!
Tried it online with my cousin. Co-op online is pretty fun. Controls took me some time to get use to since I haven't touched RE4 for a bit. Character movement was sluggish, or at least compared to what I can remember from RE4.

I was annoyed that Sheva is on the right side of the screen, as oppose to Chris (and Leon) were on the left side of the screen.That also takes some time to get used to.

On a different note, I will need a mic. Mic will help so much instead of using my phone to communicate.
I tried single player since I went online and it kept on trying to connect to the same person over and over. Honestly though, the controls disappointed me. But it's an RE game so I guess that makes sense.
Seems like you'll need to master the melee attacks to do well in the game. After playing RE4 MANY MANY times I'm pretty comfortable popping a zombie in the head or leg, then running up and decking him with a punch or kick. They're powerful, are great for crowd control, don't use ammo, and can be followed by a nifty stomp. I'll be abusing the heck out of them.

That said, though, I thought it controlled just fine. Style D, the default, is incredibly similar to RE4's, and I absolutely love being able to set a different weapon to each direction on the D-pad for quick swapping.
Ok, my friend and I got thru both levels last night. Holy cow I can see how a plan can fall apart quickly. There is definatily a sense of panic when a zombie just SPAWNS right infront of you or climbs a wall from behind you! :bomb: The game does raise your heart beat. I can't wait til the full game to see how things get crazy at night.
Decided to go back to the game, try all 4 control schemes and try some online as well to really give it a fair shake.

The default control D is the best control scheme for me. Felt very familiar and once i got used to the button placement, i was doing well. Once that got sorted, i kept losing because shiva would die all the time. I decided i needed to try it online, and thats when the game clicked for me. I am downloading at full speed right now (all 700k/sec of my bandwidth being used) and i found a game in 3 seconds and 0 lag throughout. Ontop of that, i got into some good games with people who showed me stuff i didnt see before (like the drawer that opens for more ammo) and the hidden fire drums for the chainsaw guy.

The graphics.. Wow, they really outdid themselves like crazy with this game. Nicest fire effect ive ever seen in a game in my entire life. The cut scenes could be used to make a motion picture if rendered at 1080p. Its REALLY gorgeous. Once i finally beat a level online with someone, i finally saw how much fun i had and how intense it was. I finally am looking forward to the full release after all this time.

For those of you who didn't have a good first impression, try the entire thing out with online and the control schemes. Really made a huge difference.
PS folks. I missed this the first time around since the game doesn't tell you in the control menu but the d-pad works as a quick select.

I think that L and R-clicks could have been used in some fashion. L-click could have been quick turn at least.
[quote name='blitz6speed']Decided to go back to the game, try all 4 control schemes and try some online as well to really give it a fair shake.

The default control D is the best control scheme for me. Felt very familiar and once i got used to the button placement, i was doing well. Once that got sorted, i kept losing because shiva would die all the time. I decided i needed to try it online, and thats when the game clicked for me. I am downloading at full speed right now (all 700k/sec of my bandwidth being used) and i found a game in 3 seconds and 0 lag throughout. Ontop of that, i got into some good games with people who showed me stuff i didnt see before (like the drawer that opens for more ammo) and the hidden fire drums for the chainsaw guy.

The graphics.. Wow, they really outdid themselves like crazy with this game. Nicest fire effect ive ever seen in a game in my entire life. The cut scenes could be used to make a motion picture if rendered at 1080p. Its REALLY gorgeous. Once i finally beat a level online with someone, i finally saw how much fun i had and how intense it was. I finally am looking forward to the full release after all this time.

For those of you who didn't have a good first impression, try the entire thing out with online and the control schemes. Really made a huge difference.[/QUOTE]

It's actually the opposite for me. I started the demo online with a friend, and had virtually no fun at all. Neither of us did.

So, I decided to try it again in single player after, and what a difference. Single-player I think may have sold me on the game, but I'm still iffy on co-op. For some reason, co-op just didn't seem fun to me, and I'm a person that likes doing everything co-op.

I'm more used to the control scheme now too, and although I still have problems with certain things (un-movable camera while running), I'm starting to enjoy it much more. I'd say to anyone that only played it once and didn't like it, try it a few times. First time, to learn controls. Second time to learn level layouts, and a third time to finally start having some fun.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who was having issues with the controls at first. After changing it to the style that is similar to RE4, it was a lot better. I still have yet to get past the chainsaw guy though.

So happy I preordered this!
I must be crazy but I loved the controls. They seemed extremely intuitive. Loved the demo, look forward to playing the final product
so my XBox is being repaired and really wanted to give the demo a shot.. I've read alot of this thread and it's gotten mixed reviews...

what I haven't found the answer to is the on-line co-op mode available in the demo version? and if so is it better than the single player aspect?
[quote name='cmart05']so my XBox is being repaired and really wanted to give the demo a shot.. I've read alot of this thread and it's gotten mixed reviews...

what I haven't found the answer to is the on-line co-op mode available in the demo version? and if so is it better than the single player aspect?[/quote]

yes co-op is available in demo, and i like it better than single player because the a.i partner seems to walk right out in front of you when you are trying to kill zombies alot.
Loved the demo. Even liked having a partner even though I expected to hate that aspect.

Control scheme D worked well for me. I just wish I could change the knife button.
Co-op is only as enjoyable as the level of player you're paired up with and I swear if I meet one more moron in Shanty Town who refuses to give me sniper ammo I am going to scream. Sheva's Ai never gave me anywhere near this much trouble. In fact I'm starting to prefer her over anyone else because with Cover mode I can set her up nicely. One quick swap to Attack mode when zombies show up and she'll never leave my side while I deal with Chainsaw Charile.

Hopefully when your box is repaired I can team up with you Cmart. These randoms are killing me man. ;(
[quote name='Ice Cold']where is the sub machine gun in the DEMO??[/quote]

In a metal briefcase near the front of the gate on the Assembly level. Its on a table in the right corner next to some fruit.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']

Hopefully when your box is repaired I can team up with you Cmart. These randoms are killing me man. ;([/quote]

hahaha I could only imagine... for sure brah hopefully i'll get this shit back in a week... it should be at the repair center already
[quote name='screwkick']Resident Evil hasn't been good since RE2. RE4 was terrible, and this just continues the trend.[/QUOTE]

You're one of the few who thinks so, I loved 3, granted, it didn't do everything right, it was still almost as enjoyable to me as RE2 was. The RE games between that and RE4 (minus the remakes) were garbage though.
[quote name='screwkick']Resident Evil hasn't been good since RE2. RE4 was terrible, and this just continues the trend.[/quote]

All credibility out the window...
[quote name='GuardianE']All credibility out the window...[/quote]

How so? RE4 completely changed the control and camera setup, and ruined the game. If it was such a great idea how come Capcom didn't implement it in the first RE?
[quote name='screwkick']How so? RE4 completely changed the control and camera setup, and ruined the game. If it was such a great idea how come Capcom didn't implement it in the first RE?[/QUOTE]

Because they didn't think of it?

And how are you saying RE4 ruined the series, if the only one you liked was RE1? :whistle2:|
im late to the party with Resident Evil 4, i just got it for the Wii, i had it on the gamecube played it for 5 minutes and thought it was hideous, I gave it another go on the Wii and i have to say its one amazing game, one of the best i have played and now i cant wait for resident evil 5, once you get used to the controls, Resident Evil 4 and 5 Demo (with RE4 controls Type A for me) are super fun games
[quote name='screwkick']How so? RE4 completely changed the control and camera setup, and ruined the game. If it was such a great idea how come Capcom didn't implement it in the first RE?[/quote]

You made a very broad statement about no Resident Evil being "good" after 2, when it's very obvious that many Resident Evils after 2 have been critically acclaimed and blockbuster hits. You calling Resident Evil 4 "terrible" without any legitimate explanation (i.e. NOT whaaa, gimme back the old camera and zombies!) is just ridiculous considering that it's regarded as one of the best games ever made.

Just because you don't like it, that doesn't make it a bad game, and you professing that as fact throws your credibility out the window.

I hate Oblivion, but I recognize that it's an incredibly deep and applauded title. That's the difference.
The dude with the chainsaw is butt-fuckingly hard. A grenade, multiple barrel explosions, plus a whole lot of bullets to the face, and he's still kickin'.

I seriously hope the decapitation isn't censored in the retail version. I was very much looking forward to next-gen head removal...
I didn't like the demo. They still control like tanks. The game looks great though.

Also, in co-op, Sheva stays to the right side of the screen and shoots with her left, whereas Leon, Chris, whoever he is, stays on the left and shoots with his right. I know its not that serious but playing as Sheva bugged the hell out of me.
Both stages are really easy when you realize the amount of freedom you have in running from the enemy.

The chainsaw guy is easy if you take the SMG from Sheva and give her the rifle, and shoot off all the explosive barrels when the enemies get close.

I think Leon's kick from RE4 was better than Chris's steroid punch, though.
bread's done