Resident Evil 5 -Gen. Discussion - Lost In Nightmares & Desperate Esacpe DLC Out Now!

[quote name='ITDEFX']You forgot about Sherry Berkin. I am thinking it's got to be Sherry. We know she is in the game. I am starting to think based on one of the earlier trailers that
had her in a red dress screaming and running away from something that it was her and that she has a dual personality of sorts and thus wears a mask to cover her appearance. Capcom has been know to throw weird shit at us and to find out it's Berkin, I would not be suprised.

An interview with Jun Takeuchi explained that a lot of misconceptions were flung around the internet from very very preliminary concepts for Resident Evil 5, one of them being the extent of Sherry Birkin's involvement in the game.
[quote name='GuardianE']Interesting. I typed "Jill Valentine" into Google and didn't find anything. Did you do an Image Search or General Search?

Oh and FYI, if you beat it a second time with Jill, you earn Jill's Resident Evil 3 costume. ;)[/quote]

It was a few pages into the image search.

I know it's sort of unlikely that anyone would be searching it, but I decided to post a warning anyway to prevent anyone from seeing anything, as I am extremely disappointed that I saw it...
On Amazon, before I sign in, it tells me I can choose release date delivery but when I sign in and get all the way to check out, that option is not available. I emailed Amazon about this and all they told me was to removed it from my cart and try again but it still happens.

Has anyone been able to order release date delivery from Amazon?
[quote name='Sofa King Kool']It was a few pages into the image search.

I know it's sort of unlikely that anyone would be searching it, but I decided to post a warning anyway to prevent anyone from seeing anything, as I am extremely disappointed that I saw it...[/quote]

I'm guessing the image was blocked from my work and I couldn't view it. Unless it's incredibly new, I'm pretty sure that I've already seen it and it's not been accepted as definitive by the gaming community at large (even though I'm pretty convinced).
Are you referring to this SKK?

If so...that's no's been printed in magazine ads and it was on the demo.
Pretty curious about this Jill spoiler. If its LP's picture i dont think its a major spoiler since its in the magazines.
That's not the image I saw, but yes, I was referring to Jill's death. The image I saw was an actual screen from the game. I was unaware this had been printed and distributed in a magazine.

Where was it on the demo?
According to GameTrailers, Capcom's marketing has spoiled a lot of the game already. The trailers and other information have revealed too much of the game and its plot twists.
[quote name='Sofa King Kool']That's not the image I saw, but yes, I was referring to Jill's death. The image I saw was an actual screen from the game. I was unaware this had been printed and distributed in a magazine.

Where was it on the demo?[/quote]

It was just in multiple trailers. That image has also been floating all over the net. It's also been brought up in several interviews.

[quote name='ananag112']According to GameTrailers, Capcom's marketing has spoiled a lot of the game already. The trailers and other information have revealed too much of the game and its plot twists.[/quote]

As far as most of the twists go, they've been pretty obvious about it. It's not even like they tried to hide much of it at all... it seems more as though they just wanted to get reactions by showing it piecemeal.
anyone know if this game has multiplayer other than coop. if not im getting this after a price drop, which i predict will be in 3 months after release.
[quote name='decrot']anyone know if this game has multiplayer other than coop. if not im getting this after a price drop, which i predict will be in 3 months after release.[/quote]

it is co-op only. The only other thing I can think of is the Mercenaries mode in RE4 is suppose to be in this game also, but I am not sure if that is multiplayer or not. However if it is multiplayer it is pretty much co-op again, but not co-op story mode ;)
[quote name='decrot']anyone know if this game has multiplayer other than coop. if not im getting this after a price drop, which i predict will be in 3 months after release.[/QUOTE]

I hate you and I hate that it is people like you that made this game co-op.
[quote name='decrot']anyone know if this game has multiplayer other than coop. if not im getting this after a price drop, which i predict will be in 3 months after release.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='tenzor']it is co-op only. The only other thing I can think of is the Mercenaries mode in RE4 is suppose to be in this game also, but I am not sure if that is multiplayer or not. However if it is multiplayer it is pretty much co-op again, but not co-op story mode ;)[/quote]

I would blow my load for some co-op mercenaries!
[quote name='CaseyRyback']I hate you and I hate that it is people like you that made this game co-op.[/quote]
Ha, you can suck it.
[quote name='decrot']anyone know if this game has multiplayer other than coop. if not im getting this after a price drop, which i predict will be in 3 months after release.[/QUOTE]

Did you ever realize that maybe, just maybe not ever game needs multi-player? It's debatable that RE5 even needed Co-Op

BTW, good luck trying to get this for even $40 3 months down the line. Not saying it can't happen, just unlikely.
[quote name='-Never4ever-']Did you ever realize that maybe, just maybe not ever game needs multi-player? It's debatable that RE5 even needed Co-Op

BTW, good luck trying to get this for even $40 3 months down the line. Not saying it can't happen, just unlikely.[/quote]
for me, multiplayer is a huge thing to me. it adds replay value. Not interested in games where i play a few times then lose interest. And I think it will drop down the line. Look at metal gear solid, NGII, Assasin's Creed, etc. They sell well the first week then drop big time.

And co-op isn't multiplayer. its just some lame xbox live gimmick and adds no value to me. its still story mode that you'd play through once then trade the game off.
MGS4 has yet to see a huge drop, Assassin's Creed is an Ubi game and it still took a while to hit 30 dollars, and Ninja Gaiden is a niche game. You can't compare those games to a franchise that actually sells copies and has been well established.
I love the co-op, but it would have been nice to offer a single player option without having a partner to rescue every couple min. or so.
Does anyone know if any retailers are going to have a midnight launch for this game? I would assume Gamestop would, but I haven't heard anything. Thanks in advance.
I saw signs for a Gamestop thing from 10pm-12am on the 12th. I don't think they're selling the game until 10pm, though.
I Know some Best Buy stores are doing some (though I think they're also the ones sponsered by US Army), but probably won't know officially until the week of.
I've been reading this game takes only 6 to 8 hours to complete, a big drop off from RE 4. Since the game isn't out yet, I hold my judgement. I'll probably wait for a price drop though.

Decot there is always Mercenaries to expand your gameplay time.
[quote name='decrot']for me, multiplayer is a huge thing to me. it adds replay value. Not interested in games where i play a few times then lose interest. And I think it will drop down the line. Look at metal gear solid, NGII, Assasin's Creed, etc. They sell well the first week then drop big time.

And co-op isn't multiplayer. its just some lame xbox live gimmick and adds no value to me. its still story mode that you'd play through once then trade the game off.[/quote]

So you'd rather have a game with some tacked on shit multiplayer than have a fully fleshed out single player experience? I don't understand how someone could want multiplayer with games like COD4 and Halo3 that have the multiplayer market on lock and for good reason!

I am looking for games to dedicate their resources to the story and single player aspect. I always feel that games like Condemned 2, for instance, sacrificed something in the single player so that hey could add their stupid flash in the pan multiplayer into the finished product.
[quote name='Mad D']I've been reading this game takes only 6 to 8 hours to complete, a big drop off from RE 4. Since the game isn't out yet, I hold my judgement. I'll probably wait for a price drop though.

Decot there is always Mercenaries to expand your gameplay time.[/QUOTE]

Yea, I was a little disappointed to see people have already finished the game :/

I was hoping for double that.
Thats why I am taking advantage of GS $20 promotion. With the games I trade in the final total will be like $34 for RE5
[quote name='Mad D']I've been reading this game takes only 6 to 8 hours to complete, a big drop off from RE 4. Since the game isn't out yet, I hold my judgement. I'll probably wait for a price drop though.

Decot there is always Mercenaries to expand your gameplay time.[/QUOTE]

I am guessing that it is all relative to the difficulty that you play on. The difference between hard and normal in Resident Evil games has always been skewed to give players a significan challenge, so it stands to reason that if you choose to play the game on a hard difficulty that it should take much longer than eight hours.
I don't remember RE4 being that much longer. I would also like to know if those 8 hours are single player only or co-op, because if thats only SP then I can imagine beating the game in even less time with co-op considering you could blow through everything.
[quote name='Monsta Mack']I don't remember RE4 being that much longer. I would also like to know if those 8 hours are single player only or co-op, because if thats only SP then I can imagine beating the game in even less time with co-op considering you could blow through everything.[/quote]

RE4 was surprisingly long. Playing through a fresh normal could take anywhere from 15-25 hours, depending on your skill level and how thorough you were.

Just think about how many different areas there were. It was pretty extensive. Within the Village, Castle, and Military Island sub levels there was lots and lots of variety.
I played and beat RE4 about 3 times or so, and it really blew my mind to read that people have said it was a 15 hour game. It NEVER felt that long and actually felt rather short, and that's not even counting all the times I did Mercs... I guess that time just flew by that fast, right over my head.

I don't mind that RE5 seems to be short, as long as the experience is amazing that is all that really matters to me. I'd be more likely to play through it more times if it were 8 hours rather than 15 or so in this day and age. Not as much time for gaming and there's so much out there to play and all.

I recently saw a video for the Mercs mode and it looks great, I am really hoping there's some online-based competitive or co-op play with that mode, or at the very least leaderboards. It'd be a great thing to go back to, especially if they aren't doing Merc-based achievements.
well i got mine reserved, wound up paying like 30 bucks or so, if its a letdown ( i dont think it will be) i have no doubt in my mind i can get more than my money back so im happy with it
Hey guys I'm looking for a partner come March 13th. I'll be playing my life away Saturday night and Sunday morning. I also have Spring Break the following week so I'll be playing until I'm finished. If anyone needs an online partner I'm in.
[quote name='bardockkun']Play with CAG's?[/quote]

I can't. My connection at school is worse than dial-up. The only time I can connect to XBL is at about 5:30 in the morning on Saturday or Sunday when the whole campus is passed out drunk, and even then, it's a lag-fest.
[quote name='Sofa King Kool']I can't. My connection at school is worse than dial-up. The only time I can connect to XBL is at about 5:30 in the morning on Saturday or Sunday when the whole campus is passed out drunk, and even then, it's a lag-fest.[/quote]

There's always split screen co-op.
[quote name='Sofa King Kool']I can't. My connection at school is worse than dial-up. The only time I can connect to XBL is at about 5:30 in the morning on Saturday or Sunday when the whole campus is passed out drunk, and even then, it's a lag-fest.[/quote]

Well you know you do pay for that connection. So you ought to complain about it to whoever you need to complain to. A buddy of mine goes to the University of Memphis and his internet used to be garbage until him and some other residents made it known.
[quote name='RichMeisterMan']Well you know you do pay for that connection. So you ought to complain about it to whoever you need to complain to. A buddy of mine goes to the University of Memphis and his internet used to be garbage until him and some other residents made it known.[/quote]

I actually did complain. Funny story:

The internet here, believe it or not, was somehow even worse last year (before I was here) than how I described it to be now. Students made a bunch of petitions and shit to get it all changed. The administration finally made it a little bit better, and the students left it at that. Now, if I complain and try to get it changed, they tell me that they just changed it last year, and they do nothing.

This, on top of many other reasons, is why I'm transferring out of this shithole.
[quote name='RichMeisterMan']So you'd rather have a game with some tacked on shit multiplayer than have a fully fleshed out single player experience? I don't understand how someone could want multiplayer with games like COD4 and Halo3 that have the multiplayer market on lock and for good reason!

I am looking for games to dedicate their resources to the story and single player aspect. I always feel that games like Condemned 2, for instance, sacrificed something in the single player so that hey could add their stupid flash in the pan multiplayer into the finished product.[/QUOTE]

What is so hard to understand about his position? When you have to pay for online gaming, buying single player games doesnt make much sense, since you want to get the most out of your monthly payment for online gaming. This conditioning is what microsoft wants people to feel so that you will buy anything as long as it has some online in it, with achievements, so you feel like you get your moneys worth out of it. Id wager that the majority of 360 owners feel this way. Its a real problem with the industry.
[quote name='Mad D']I've been reading this game takes only 6 to 8 hours to complete, a big drop off from RE 4. Since the game isn't out yet, I hold my judgement. I'll probably wait for a price drop though.

Decot there is always Mercenaries to expand your gameplay time.[/quote]

wow, 6-8 hours? that sucks even more. More reason to wait for a price drop. I stand by my prediction of 3 months for a price drop. maybe less.
bread's done