Resistance 2 - Out Now - Get your co-op on!

This is a really bad shooter. I know its the beta, but seriously...the COD and Halo3 beta was a lot better than Resistance 2. Far cry 2 is better than this. I'm starting to doubt that ps3 can make a great shooter. Very disheartening.
[quote name='allstronglovin']This is a really bad shooter. I know its the beta, but seriously...the COD and Halo3 beta was a lot better than Resistance 2. Far cry 2 is better than this. I'm starting to doubt that ps3 can make a great shooter. Very disheartening.[/quote]
Like technically wise? Because CoD4 is on the PS3. And the Killzone 2 beta is awesome.
But yeah I do wish they stuck with the more R1 style multiplayer. Just add a XP system to it.
[quote name='allstronglovin']This is a really bad shooter. I know its the beta, but seriously...the COD and Halo3 beta was a lot better than Resistance 2. Far cry 2 is better than this. I'm starting to doubt that ps3 can make a great shooter. Very disheartening.[/quote]
Maybe if you said exactly what makes this a "bad shooter" than maybe your comment might have some substance to it.

The only gun I have an issue with so far is the carbine, they fked that gun up hardcore.
[quote name='allstronglovin']This is a really bad shooter. I know its the beta, but seriously...the COD and Halo3 beta was a lot better than Resistance 2. Far cry 2 is better than this. I'm starting to doubt that ps3 can make a great shooter. Very disheartening.[/QUOTE]I highly disagree. There are great shooters on PS3 and Resistance was great. R2 so far is the best to me in ways (I give the edge to CoD4 for gameplay, but its online system is so messed up it's the entire reason I hate the game and never want to host it again. Resistance 2 has a great online setup).
[quote name='miyamotofreak']Like technically wise? Because CoD4 is on the PS3. And the Killzone 2 beta is awesome.
But yeah I do wish they stuck with the more R1 style multiplayer. Just add a XP system to it.[/QUOTE]People complained R1 was too generic and nothing new, that's why Insomniac made changes.

I think the multi-player is fine because I like how its more crazy and stuff (I love all the experience and other things). While I loved R1, I felt the multi-player could use more spice, and this certainly adds it.

Still, the co-op is too great.

The few issues I had (with freezing and other things), I posted them at the My Beta forum. I recommend anyone with complaints to post there, because the developers aren't taking note of what is being said at CAG.
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[quote name='lolwut?']This is my first time playing any of the Resistance titles, and I have to ask, is this how the first one plays?

The online and competitive seem to both be sort of arcade-y and comical IMO. The co-op was ridiculous; it took forever for a team of 8 people to take down one monster (is it supposed to be like this?), and I wasn't too big a fan of the competitive modes I was playing.[/quote]

I'm in the same situation. I never opened my copy of R1 and when I played the R2 beta I got a bad feeling about R1. The beta reminded me of a bad Halo clone with respect to how it takes clips upon clips of ammo to down an enemy. So, I played the R1 demo and experienced the same thing (although I enjoyed the demo) but it does have different controls strangely enough. Also, the few 32 or 40 player (don't quite remember) matches I played were just waaaaay too crowded and small for that many people.

TMK and others experienced with Resistance, is it normal to take so many shots to kill an enemy. For instance, I tried the shotgun in Team Deathmatch and snuck up on an enemy and was able to unload about 6 shotgun blasts (2 secondary shot double blasts and 2 regular shots) point blank into the guy before he realized what was going on and he never died. Instead he turned around and him and one of his teammates double-teamed me and killed me. Also, I used the sniper gun and I believe it took around 4-5 shots to down an enemy. Is this normal or was I experiencing some bad lag or something else? Also, is the chat only amongst the 5 people in your squad? Thanks.
Well this is a beta, and some of the things mention here could be minor tweaks. Changing a value of a number here or two to help return the game. Usually what happens in the beta processes I've been a part of, the large number of players at the end help send in suggestions to find tune things. It isn't a finished product but I think they almost have it right.
[quote name='woodcan']TMK and others experienced with Resistance, is it normal to take so many shots to kill an enemy. For instance, I tried the shotgun in Team Deathmatch and snuck up on an enemy and was able to unload about 6 shotgun blasts (2 secondary shot double blasts and 2 regular shots) point blank into the guy before he realized what was going on and he never died. Instead he turned around and him and one of his teammates double-teamed me and killed me. Also, I used the sniper gun and I believe it took around 4-5 shots to down an enemy. Is this normal or was I experiencing some bad lag or something else? Also, is the chat only amongst the 5 people in your squad? Thanks.[/quote]
Titan's took awhile in Resistance, but not even half as long as they take in R2 and I'm assuming so because it's made for 8 player co-op. With a good group, you can down a titan in 5 minutes or less.

In mulitplayer for R1, it took two sniper shots or one head shot to down a player, one well-placed double-barrel shot or a couple single-barrel shots.
As for the Carbine, it's inexplicably way easier to kill someone in R2 than it is in R1, but the aiming and feel of the weapon is worlds apart, I loved it in R1, that was my weapon of choice. L23 Fareye, for as much as I used it, feels similar to the R1 version, with the d-pad used to zoom in and out (which has always bugged me since it's hard to move and zoom at the same time), and secondary fire is a quick zoom to 2 or 3 different presets, i forget.

Melees still feel the same, I just have yet to remap it to the triangle button, I hate clicking R3 just to melee.

The new weapon, The Marksman (weapon for spec ops), is probably going to be my favorite weapon, it feels just like the battle rifle in Halo 2.

One thing that got on my nerves was the velocity nades are thrown at. I've killed myself a couple times throwing the hedgehog grenades since they fly out the hand, it's kinda like a QB throwing a bullet pass. Hopefully I can just get used to it and it won't be a concern anymore, but it does bug me in closed quarter situations.

I have yet to test out the other weapons, but despite some quirks and complaints, I still love what this beta has shown me.
I finally found what I really enjoy in this game. 60 player match on the jungle type level and sniping. It is so fucking fun. So far thats the only competitive I can really get into. Co-op is fun but I dont have a mic and am pretty tired of having to go and knife infront of my teammate tot ry and convey that I need ammo.
I'm sorry that I'm late for this, I wanted to ask everyone:
-Would anyone be up to play Resistance 2 tomorrow (10/27/08)?

-Would anyone be up to play Resistance 2 on Wednesday (10/29/08)?

I just wanted to check, because I wanted to try to make at least one more CAG night before the beta ends. Wednesday is mostly guaranteed (since R2 will also be on Wednesday), but since Monday is just a few playing UT3, I felt I'd give people another day to play. If people want to stick to co0op we can. If people want to try competitive with CAGs, we can do that.
I'm still learning the ropes when it comes to the controls, so I personally would like co-op, but competitive is fine by me as well. I can be there Monday, and maybe Wednesday (if it doesn't interfere with GTA night). :)
[quote name='freakyzeeky']I'm still learning the ropes when it comes to the controls, so I personally would like co-op, but competitive is fine by me as well. I can be there Monday, and maybe Wednesday (if it doesn't interfere with GTA night). :)[/QUOTE]If we have it on Wednesday, it will NOT interfere with GTAIV. It's on my mind.
Wednesday would be great :) It seems that co-op gets significantly harder as you get higher in level. I assume it's pairing me with similar level people because now I get into fights with two titans at a time or a titan in addition to a lot of other elite guys. No more just standing on hills and shooting a single guy far away. The smaller enemies are also much more likely to charge at me now instead of just hanging out next to the big guys.
[quote name='happy']Wednesday would be great :) It seems that co-op gets significantly harder as you get higher in level. I assume it's pairing me with similar level people because now I get into fights with two titans at a time or a titan in addition to a lot of other elite guys. No more just standing on hills and shooting a single guy far away. The smaller enemies are also much more likely to charge at me now instead of just hanging out next to the big guys.[/QUOTE]

I noticed that as well. It good to know that it looks like the game will scale the difficulty based on your level.
I'm in for tonight but probably not Wednesday. And.. I know it's off-topic but I'll be out for Burnout tomorrow Mana
Ended up trying to take on three Titans plus a horde of lesser baddies with another person when everyone else left. We were forced out into the open so... things didn't go so well.
So here's my 2 cents after playing a lot more.

Medic - I don't think there's a real need to "fix" him. If you think about still takes a long time to kill a mob even though you get life back to take hits. I've also died when I've "chained". All it takes is a few good hits and I'm down or running. Not to mention, we're only playing one map and max lvl 10 atm. Who could possibly get harder later down the line. As for "chloroform" (root/paralyze), they could shorten the duration AFTER the bar thing stops to half or finish when that's done.

Spec Ops - can't say much since it's doing what it's supposed to. As some people prefer to have grenades...I hope they dont add that. They are powerful as it is. Spam electrobes, shoot a few sniper shots then switch to other gun and that's one powerful class. Plus you already have "unlimited" ammo.

Soldier - can't say much yet since mines at lvl 4 and counting. I like the second beserk skill. Just run into a pack and "explode". Hehe if you play with me and I do that with my solider. Don't tell me I didn't warn you. hehe.

As opposed to getting "a lot" of xp...I've gotten a couple of #1 spots against "chain linking" medics from my spec ops (which were close by a couple hundred).

Sure the enemies in general take a while to kill. They have said the co-op has "mmo" influences. And it would probably be too boring/easy if killing them was shorter. Killing the bosses did have a little mmo raid feel to it... Just glad and hope they won't be some stupid 8 hour raid in the future.

Again this is my 2 cents. I can't wait to see the full version is going to be like.

medic lvl 10
spec ops lvl 10
solider lvl 4
[quote name='Psykodelik']
As some people prefer to have grenades...I hope they dont add that.[/quote]

I hope they don't change it. I personally count the electrobes as grenades, since they are area affecting weapons.
If people want to play tonight, I'd say we'd start at 8pm EST or 9pm EST. Also, I'd like to see who is in and whether they want to do co-op or competitive.

If people are in for Wednesday at around 8pm EST (or 9pm EST), let me know also. I'm going to take a tally and get something organized.
still no qore R2 beta DL yet wtf? what a waste, sorry just needed to complain
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[quote name='Psykodelik']So here's my 2 cents after playing a lot more.

Medic - I don't think there's a real need to "fix" him. If you think about still takes a long time to kill a mob even though you get life back to take hits. I've also died when I've "chained". All it takes is a few good hits and I'm down or running. Not to mention, we're only playing one map and max lvl 10 atm. Who could possibly get harder later down the line. As for "chloroform" (root/paralyze), they could shorten the duration AFTER the bar thing stops to half or finish when that's done.

Spec Ops - can't say much since it's doing what it's supposed to. As some people prefer to have grenades...I hope they dont add that. They are powerful as it is. Spam electrobes, shoot a few sniper shots then switch to other gun and that's one powerful class. Plus you already have "unlimited" ammo.

Soldier - can't say much yet since mines at lvl 4 and counting. I like the second beserk skill. Just run into a pack and "explode". Hehe if you play with me and I do that with my solider. Don't tell me I didn't warn you. hehe.

As opposed to getting "a lot" of xp...I've gotten a couple of #1 spots against "chain linking" medics from my spec ops (which were close by a couple hundred).

Sure the enemies in general take a while to kill. They have said the co-op has "mmo" influences. And it would probably be too boring/easy if killing them was shorter. Killing the bosses did have a little mmo raid feel to it... Just glad and hope they won't be some stupid 8 hour raid in the future.

Again this is my 2 cents. I can't wait to see the full version is going to be like.

medic lvl 10
spec ops lvl 10
solider lvl 4[/quote]

For the medic, I'd probably decrease the rate at which they get healed just a bit, make it just a little more difficult. As long as you get a spec ops to back you up and get supplied with grenades at a decent rate, you could pretty much wipe out anything/any group because we've had experience with this ;)

Spec ops is great right where it is, I'm with you on that. Purchasing the upgrades makes them even more deadly, and that's just probably the tip of the iceberg. A 33 bullet clip and 4 electrobes with the marksman can really make your day, plus the kinetic gloves for faster reload.

Soldiers are your grunts, and though I had fun playing as one, I'd rather stick with a spec ops for now, unless the game really expands their class (I hope). They are WAY too dependent on other classes for support, which might lead a lot of people to not choose them. I've ran into a couple games where there was only one soldier out of eight people, or not even one. The shield with the machine gun is a great plus though, although you need continual spec ops support just to get by.

I wish I could drive down the street and just talk to them, gah. You wouldn't know where they were located just by driving by, they're hidden within a building which has gates and an underground parking lot.
The medic experience really is kind of broken. The ones that you get close to as a spec op who are just chain shooting are missing the real experience. Currently you get 80 exp or so just for healing someone. If they're low on life it can be 100. If you find a group of 3 guys that need to be healed a lot and you shoot 3 of the healing things at them you get massive exp. I have not played a game as a medic where any other non-medic was consistently over half of my exp. I got 45K yesterday from one run through. Maybe someone can do that with spec ops but I haven't seen it (I've gotten around 20k), and soldier I haven't seen anything near it.
I've only played the beta for a little while, but I've been sticking with soldier and spec ops. I won't have the money to get the full game this year, but hopefully some people will still be playing it in January or so.
I am not usually home untila after 9, but if anyone is still on at around 9:30 or 10:00 send me an invite to join you. I have still been getting network connection issues, but only with this game. I usually play medic, I am at lvl10 right now.

psn: Crezymunky
I probably won't get much more time to play the beta. Gonna watch the Phils win the WS tonight and I have class on Tues and Wed nights.

I'll be getting the game at launch though.
I'm in the same boat, I won't be playing this anymore actually til' the retail game comes out.

Gotta go job huntin' and take care of some stuff.
[quote name='Inf^Shini']
Gotta go job huntin' and take care of some stuff.[/QUOTE]I gotta job hunt too, but I'll wait until next week.

As for R2 Beta Night, I'm thinking maybe Wednesday if people are interested. Regardless, I'm buying the game anyway so I really don't need to play the beta anymore.
So CAG night will be Wednesday only?

This will give me a chance to dig into NBA 2k9 that came from GF today at least.
A question to all those who have been playing the open beta. How often is everybody getting the network errors (outside of around the time when the server crashes)?
[quote name='Draekon']A question to all those who have been playing the open beta. How often is everybody getting the network errors (outside of around the time when the server crashes)?[/quote]

I've never had a problem other than last night when the servers apparently went down.
Just got this email: has another chance for Sony PlayStation 3 owners to try an upcoming game before it hits stores. Let your readers know that they can go now to and once they are registed with the site can say why they should be among the 400 to get a free access key (beta code) from Sony to download the trial version of Resistance 2 to their Net-connected PS3.
I haven't searched this thread... but please, please tell me that I'm not the only one that thinks R2 looks like shit compared to the first game. Don't say "it's the beta" -- nearly nothing changes at this point in the development.

But, fuck me! It's so god damn blurry!
Deadgopher. A lot of things change at this point in development. Especially considering that A) Beta = 2.2 GB, Full Game = 41 GB. B) you haven't seen the full game yet. C) it wasn't blurry at all for me. D) R2 improves on R1's graphics in almost every way.

So yes, it's still a beta. You need to keep remembering that because this isn't even a demo.
[quote name='smiggity']I dont know man. I thought the MP for sure looked worse on R2. But I am sure the SP will look better in R2 than in R1.[/quote]

Well that could be because they toned down the details/textures for the beta to keep the file size down as someone mentioned before.
[quote name='NamPaehc']Well that could be because they toned down the details/textures for the beta to keep the file size down as someone mentioned before.[/quote]
I wouldn't doubt it
I love how they call it a beta when it's clearly not a beta...

hey frisky, if you still have that code, I have a friend who's interested in joining

after reading the ign review, I decided to pre-order. Too many games but I think I settled on my 4 this holiday season

fallout 3, gears of war 2, fable 2, resistance 2,

kind of on the fence for left 4 dead but we'll see.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']I've got an extra code and can't seem to find somebody who wants it? Is there anybody here, and at least a CAG Veteran, that's interested?[/quote]
I know a CAG on here who would be interested in the code as well.
[quote name='Vanigan']Deadgopher. A lot of things change at this point in development. Especially considering that A) Beta = 2.2 GB, Full Game = 41 GB. B) you haven't seen the full game yet. C) it wasn't blurry at all for me. D) R2 improves on R1's graphics in almost every way.

So yes, it's still a beta. You need to keep remembering that because this isn't even a demo.[/QUOTE]

No.... at this point in development all that's left is bug fixes and network stability checks. Please show me a public beta released by a major studio that has changed how the game fundamentally displays it's visuals. I've been in these public betas:

Monster Hunter
Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal
SOCOM Confrontation
Halo 3

There are others I am sure I'm forgetting... but the big one is that I worked for the QA department on Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow / Combat Ops for about a year.

Shit like this doesn't change one month prior to the release date. Every single game that I've played in public beta form has NEVER changed more than some stability and multiplayer bug fixes. Graphics engines just don't double in capacity *overnight* like you're suggesting they do.
bread's done