Resistance 2 - Out Now - Get your co-op on!

[quote name='FriskyTanuki']I think I'll stick with find my own co-op games right now since the last two I've been in were fun and finished, though it sucks that I had to run through the level to reach them rather than spawn where they'd spawn if they died.[/quote]

You're lucky then. The co-op games I went in with a friend were horrible. Played like 6 and only managed to finish one because people didn't cooperate what so ever nor did they know how to do anything. Soldiers were running around without shields ever and special ops never gave out ammo packs. Healers were ok for the most part but yeah.

I like to play a medic, but my friend plays a soldier and nobody gives him ammo to keep his shield up and tank for the group. So I'm forced to switch to Special Ops just so he can not suck at the game.
Whaaaa? You still spawn at the very beginning even if you're team has progressed already?

You'd think they would have created convenient spawn points :/
Just got my LE. I felt kinda dirty paying 80 bucks for a game but I guess I have to live with myself. Now if I could only drag myself away from Election nite coverage to play the game.
That was one of the reasons I didn't pick the game up on Day 1, I just couldn't pony up the money with my budget.

Yea Frisky, it just bugs a bit to have to go and chase down your group :p

That's an interesting glitch mdamore, perhaps you should post that on the official resistance forums so they can be informed about it.

[quote name='skylinersx']To: Inf^Shini

I also placed an order for the regular edition for $48 shipped this morning. Hope we can do some co-op sometime :D[/quote]

Chill dude, post up in the CAG Clan section so we can stick you in there also ;)
[quote name='ivanctorres']Just got my LE. I felt kinda dirty paying 80 bucks for a game but I guess I have to live with myself. Now if I could only drag myself away from Election nite coverage to play the game.[/quote]

I think you can pull yourself away now...
So that was odd..

The NOT FOR RESALE logo on the back of the collectors edition game.

lol.. just kinda struck me as.. "really sony.. really??"

Leveled up to a level 5 medic in three games lol.. love this game :)

I was in the middle of a co-op game with my medic, had 23K exp compared to everyone else who had less than 10K and then my PS3 just froze up. I REALLY hope all my exp got saved, but I doubt it.

I can't even check yet because I have to update to the newest firmware and this download is taking forever!
Is it just me or did they switch up the controls? Is there a run button anymore?
[quote name='Blackout']Is it just me or did they switch up the controls? Is there a run button anymore?[/quote]

Isn't it L2?
[quote name='mkernan']Yup, tap L2 to crouch (and un-crouch), hold L2 to run.[/quote]

Yep, I got to the part where the game explains it to you. I'm enjoying it so far!
[quote name='Psykodelik']yup its l2. Anyone up for some co-op so far I'm not having any luck finding good teams...bleh[/quote]

I'll add you, Psykodelik. I need some co-op action right now.
[quote name='m_d_amore']add me too



Now, why is it that I can't create a co-op room? In fact... I don't see any new rooms with just one person in them, at all. Usually there's a ton of those rooms with just one player. What's going on?
i coulldnt create one either i think the ma be having server issues i got a network error when checking m profile
[quote name='Inf^Shini']Grrrr, you all get to enjoy it while I'm waiting for mine in the mail >:O[/quote]

Enjoy your savings though haha.

Man! I need more grey tech, seems a little harder to get then in the beta. I think because most people were locked out of the other maps which have the stronger enemies.

I'm not sure I like how they have it set up now... I hope that people don't get burnt out of playing the same level over and over to start with. I've seen a few others unlocked, but a majority of the new people will be in Chicago a bunch.

Also the level from the beta seems to be paced a little better. The part where we usually got killed when the baddies rushed up the hill (after the two two starred enemies and before the large one), the waves are spaced out better and don't all spawn right on top of each other. Though the two big guys at the end still take forever to take down which is a little disappointing when you're bogged down with just those two on their small rooftops.
this game looks 100x better than the first. Insomniac ALWAYS delivers. as opposed to gears 2 which is like 1.2x gears 1.
BAH!!! I want to play more co-op but servers wonky and I have to sleep early tonight. And LOL Nam, I can't wait!!! I miss my beta levels now but it's fun.
oh, i forgot add me. psn - wotcher. i find that too many people want to go aggro (even as medics). Its good for me since i rack up the xp as a medic. but i feel that i shouldn't be rewarding bad behavior (eg: soldiers not dropping shields and to a lesser degree spec ops not sharing the love with medics). my biggest gripe is that people are trying to get through it as fast as possible. so at the end of matches, we (and me) barely get any gray tech. hopefully, you guys will help me grab more gray tech.
Hmmmm, I have never been a big fan of having to be cooperative with others in video games, simply due to the vast stupidity you run across. At least, with competitive play, you can hook up with one or two other people and still do well. Is this co-op that good, though? I might give it a whirl.
In the beta, if the soldier would not use their shield, I simply ignored them and stopped healing them. Plus, without their shields being up, it was simply unsafe healing them and I would die.

How does the Medic get much experience points? Healing does not seem to add that much, although to be honest I did not play much of the beta as I found it difficult to find a good team. Hopefully playing with the same people will be easier in the released game.
[quote name='Zyzomys']How does the Medic get much experience points? Healing does not seem to add that much, although to be honest I did not play much of the beta as I found it difficult to find a good team. Hopefully playing with the same people will be easier in the released game.[/quote]

Wait for a bunch of idiots to run into a swarm of Chimera, hit them with a healing shot and gain ~200-250xp for each guy. Then, you always have your Berserker abilities to rack up the experience (Ring of Life/Chloroform). I personally use Chloroform to aggro a huge swarm of enemies, hit them all with the Phoenix, then I make a run back to my teammates so they can clean them up while I simultaneously gain 1xp every second for each enemy that I hit.

Or you can just be cheap and EXP farm.
Medic + Spec Ops + Car on fire. :whee:

For anyone that's beat the single player campaign... What was up with that ending?!
Played my first co-op today and picked medic. I was usually in the top 2 in points. What really sucks as medic is when the spec ops doesn't drop the ammos and just stands around shooting.
It is obvious that I did not play much of the beta, I do not even know what Chloroform is. I will find out after I complete the campaign which is great. Insomniac has done an outstanding job.
[quote name='Zyzomys']It is obvious that I did not play much of the beta, I do not even know what Chloroform is. I will find out after I complete the campaign which is great. Insomniac has done an outstanding job.[/quote]

I agree, except for my one peeve that they removed co-op play in the campaign. I probably would have played through the campaign at least five times and loved every minute of every run if I could of had a friend along with me for the ride.

The cooperative play mode just isn't quite the same. Oh well, I'll take what I can get I guess.
[quote name='Zyzomys']It is obvious that I did not play much of the beta, I do not even know what Chloroform is. I will find out after I complete the campaign which is great. Insomniac has done an outstanding job.[/quote]

Damn, I put what Chloroform was in my last post, but edited it out at the last second because I thought you knew what it was, haha.

Basically what it does is when your Phoenix weapon hits an enemy while it's active, it paralyzes them. Chimera with guns can still shoot you, but they can't move around. It works really well on the Grims, since they have no projectiles.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']You should listen to the last episode of the Full Moon Show since they explain why they did what they did.[/quote]

It doesn't really stop me from being disappointed in their decision to do it though.
man the only reason I was able to get past Resistance 1 on normal is because of Co-Op the game was incredibly inconsistent with difficult + Checkpoints so I got stuck at one stupid level on singleplayer.

I think the exclusion of Real campaign co-op really kills it for me, so i'm probably going to return it and buy it at bargain prices later next year.
[quote name='Draekon']It doesn't really stop me from being disappointed in their decision to do it though.[/quote]
If you don't care that granting your wish would mean that the rest of the game wouldn't get the amount of polish that it did and cause the game as a whole to suffer, then that's fine.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']If you don't care that granting your wish would mean that the rest of the game wouldn't get the amount of polish that it did and cause the game as a whole to suffer, then that's fine.[/quote]

I'm not really going to argue the point, but I do have a question. Do you do this to everybody in the PS3 forum or do you have some animosity towards me from back when I posted in the Uncharted thread? Every time since then your replies to mine feel like they're trying to stab at me so I tend to avoid this section of the site for the most part because of how bothersome it is. :p
I am also very disappointed that there is no co-op in the campaign. I had a great time playing through the first one with my son, and he still plays through the game with his buddies, side by side in front of the HDTV.

I do not care what Insomniac's excuse is. Epic managed to have single, co-operative online, and co-operative splitscreen in the Gears of War 2 campaign. Epic also created an additional co-operative online module with the Horde plus all the usual online competitive stuff. I am not saying that Resistance 2 sucks, or that I am not buying it. I already own it and I am enjoying it - but it could be so much more. I like to game with people in the same room and I will take gaming with my best friend or my son any day over any number of online people.
Would have been nice for the splitscreen co-op to remain in the game.
One question, should I keep the first Resistance?
I seem to recall that Insomniac stated that there would be something special if consumers were to keep the first game.
bread's done