Resistance 2 - Out Now - Get your co-op on!

ookk... couple of things. I admit, I'm a nube, but it drives me nuts during co-op when people don't fulfill their role. I mean when I'm spec ops, I throw ammo out like McNabb throws a football. And when I'm a medic, I heal bitches like Dr. Derek Stiles (Trauma Center: Second Opinion) with superhuman concentration on steroids, seriously.... The headset definitely helps tell other nubes/dumbasses what to do. The whole headset / talking interaction thing is new to me and must say I love it. Totally changes game play.

Something else that is bothering me, I am consistently in the top 50% rank for # of kills, but I am also consistently bottom 25% in experience points... why? that goes for whoever I enter the game as. Can you guys shed some light on how to up my experience earning abilities for each role?
Great question! I only played Medic during the beta and I thought I was really good at it: constantly healing; using Circle of Life; and only shooting at the enemies when I needed to recharge my "healing" gun. It was great fun but I certainly did not gain much experience. Do players get more experience playing their character properly (support characters support the Soldiers), or by actively killing, and being poor support characters?
Screw it, I'mma drive down there anyways and see if I can still get in. Hopefully they'll allow a camera inside, as well as me ;)
[quote name='StarvingHummingbird']ookk... couple of things. I admit, I'm a nube, but it drives me nuts during co-op when people don't fulfill their role. I mean when I'm spec ops, I throw ammo out like McNabb throws a football. And when I'm a medic, I heal bitches like Dr. Derek Stiles (Trauma Center: Second Opinion) with superhuman concentration on steroids, seriously.... The headset definitely helps tell other nubes/dumbasses what to do. The whole headset / talking interaction thing is new to me and must say I love it. Totally changes game play.

Something else that is bothering me, I am consistently in the top 50% rank for # of kills, but I am also consistently bottom 25% in experience points... why? that goes for whoever I enter the game as. Can you guys shed some light on how to up my experience earning abilities for each role?[/quote]

You gain crap exp for killing.. medics gain anywhere from 60 exp to 250+ exp for ONE secondary fire of their phoenix.. PER PERSON they heal... they can easily gain 1000+exp per fire.

Im top 20 medic, trust me.. my kill/death is 3608-60 or something like that.. the only reason I EVER kill anyone is if i have chlorofoam active, otherwise its worthless (even though my new leech barrel agrees otherwise ^_-)
It seems that the matchmade co-op groups are getting much better now than they were at launch, as I've gone through two missions without quitters and we've worked together well enough to complete the mission successfully. The end of the England co-op level was insane since we were stuck in a room with waves coming from one of two ends, or just spawning out in the open, but it was great having some CPU Sentinels there that a healer like myself could also heal when everybody else was kicking some ass and I had nobody to heal.
[quote name='StarvingHummingbird']ookk... couple of things. I admit, I'm a nube, but it drives me nuts during co-op when people don't fulfill their role. I mean when I'm spec ops, I throw ammo out like McNabb throws a football. And when I'm a medic, I heal bitches like Dr. Derek Stiles (Trauma Center: Second Opinion) with superhuman concentration on steroids, seriously.... The headset definitely helps tell other nubes/dumbasses what to do. The whole headset / talking interaction thing is new to me and must say I love it. Totally changes game play.

Something else that is bothering me, I am consistently in the top 50% rank for # of kills, but I am also consistently bottom 25% in experience points... why? that goes for whoever I enter the game as. Can you guys shed some light on how to up my experience earning abilities for each role?[/QUOTE]

I think you're doing something wrong if you're not getting top exp as a medic. Bluetooth sure as hell doesn't help when you're playing with a noob. Was in a game earlier with people and they started to leave. Was only me(medic), soldier and a spec ops. We kept telling the noob soldier to put up a shield but he wouldn't. I had to change to a spec ops and the other guy changed into a medic. We beat the stage but of course, it was me and the medic who did all the work. Pretty sad when you tell someone to do something and they can't even listen.

Does anyone know what lvl you can get the magnum or new guns besides the shotgun? I'm lvl 6 on all my characters and i'm tired of the normal weapons+shotgun.
[quote name='gokou36']I think you're doing something wrong if you're not getting top exp as a medic. Bluetooth sure as hell doesn't help when you're playing with a noob. Was in a game earlier with people and they started to leave. Was only me(medic), soldier and a spec ops. We kept telling the noob soldier to put up a shield but he wouldn't. I had to change to a spec ops and the other guy changed into a medic. We beat the stage but of course, it was me and the medic who did all the work. Pretty sad when you tell someone to do something and they can't even listen.

Does anyone know what lvl you can get the magnum or new guns besides the shotgun? I'm lvl 6 on all my characters and i'm tired of the normal weapons+shotgun.[/quote]

Magnum I think is 17. its been a while.

Splicer is level 28 (final weapon)

You also get the Phoenix Berserk, but its pretty crappy compared to chloroform.
The new got another upgrade, so you can pick out four badges to add to your profile to describe your play style or preferences. You can view your PSN friends list on there along with people you've tagged, too.

I decided to just drop by and give it a shot, and I got in! Everyone there is amazingly nice and helpful, even the parking attendants! I missed the morning session (the Panel Discussion - ask questions n' such), but made it in time for free lunch :p and the most important parts, the lead designers in several departments making an appearance and explaining several of the "making of" processes and showing some videos and a gameplay development demo, all which took place in a theater which had some nice sound. The last guy who went up had a little trouble with his part, but it turned out pretty awesome and hilarious.

The last session was broken up into three parts, which was playing against the devs/QA Testers, a little studio tour, and autograph signings. Got to meet pretty much everyone, including Ted Price, so it was pretty cool. We had a choice of four posters/concept art to choose from and could get our own stuff signed as well, which was signed by I'm guessing all the top people which was about 20-30 people. Got the cover insert, the sealed figure box, Game Disc, and Art Book signed, so it was pretty rad, especially with it being the first time I ever get stuff signed haha.

As for where Insomniac is based, I've seen it from the outside but the inside of the whole area is friggin' nice, volleyball and basketball courts, nice lunch area, just beautiful stuff. Insomniac's inner workings is pretty neat too, they have a lot of posters and cardboard stand-ups, a lot of japanese R&C posters too, which looked pretty awesome. Unfortunately we were not allowed to photograph anything, but I tried to sneak a couple with my phone, which didn't work out so well since we kept on moving and I would've been spotted easy if I stopped. At the end though, I did manage to take out my actual Digi camera and snap a couple quicks ones of the people around just to give an idea of what the enviroment was like.

A dude from Joystiq was there to interview one of the guys, so I tried to get a shot of that also. I hope they have another "Community Day" in the near future because it was pretty cool, and everyone was just really cool and approachable. Oh yea, got a free T-Shirt too, feels nice, not like a cheap cotton one, but soft and a bit stretchy.
Wow. Just great. I'm playing online and I get a Network connection failed on my screen. Are they going to fix this at any point? Has there been any word? Kind of retarded to play online if the games I'm getting into I don't even get to finish. Now I can't even access the Allies menu to start a party up! :rofl: This sucks.
[quote name='Inf^Shini']HAHA YES!
The last session was broken up into three parts, which was playing against the devs/QA Testers, a little studio tour, and autograph signings. Got to meet pretty much everyone, including Ted Price, so it was pretty cool. We had a choice of four posters/concept art to choose from and could get our own stuff signed as well, which was signed by I'm guessing all the top people which was about 20-30 people. Got the cover insert, the sealed figure box, Game Disc, and Art Book signed, so it was pretty rad, especially with it being the first time I ever get stuff signed haha.

A dude from Joystiq was there to interview one of the guys, so I tried to get a shot of that also. I hope they have another "Community Day" in the near future because it was pretty cool, and everyone was just really cool and approachable. Oh yea, got a free T-Shirt too, feels nice, not like a cheap cotton one, but soft and a bit stretchy.[/QUOTE]

Hey I was there too. They told me that there was only size for the shirts, xl. Same for you?
Sounds like the Community Day was a great success. Was James Stevenson there? From reading all his posts on NeoGAF, I get the impression that he is a pretty cool guy.
Hi guys I just ordered Resistance 2 and I have a quick question about the storyline.

I never played Part 1. Will I be completely lost trying to follow the story of Part 2? I guess wikipedia would have a summary but I just wanted to get some opinions. Thanks.
[quote name='enufs8d']Hey I was there too. They told me that there was only size for the shirts, xl. Same for you?[/quote]
Oh for real? Haha yea, by the time I found out about the T-Shirts there was only XL and XXL, so I was bummed.

If I had known about it earlier, I would've tried to see if we could meet up with each other over there, since I was on my own so I basically wandered into groups and discussions. At lunch I was listening to Mike who was the senior multiplayer designer guy, he was the second to last person to do a presentation. The funniest part though was the audio guy and his video, everyone was into that haha.

[quote name='Zyzomys']Sounds like the Community Day was a great success. Was James Stevenson there? From reading all his posts on NeoGAF, I get the impression that he is a pretty cool guy.[/quote]
I missed the morning session but the rest of it went well, but definitely not smoothly haha. There was a problem with the last guy who presented after lunch, his controller stopped working right at the beginning then they couldn't get the level to load, so some "technical difficulties", then there was the sticker color incident which was pretty funny, basically they had a sticker color system that would divide everyone into three groups for the last session, but like 60% of the people had red, 35% had blue, and 5% had yellow (I was a yellow lol), so they had a little trouble trying to split us up evenly.

Everyone there that I met or talked too was really cool. They loved joking around and answered all the questions, you'd figure they were some of the fans that showed up :p. I don't know if James Stevenson was there, but I did meet Ted Price, he was real friendly, and all the Mikes out there were pretty chill too.

I'll try and get some pics up of what I could take and the signed swag. I got everything signed but the actual CE box and Resistance 1, but I'm happy with what I got :)
[quote name='iversonwii']Hi guys I just ordered Resistance 2 and I have a quick question about the storyline.

I never played Part 1. Will I be completely lost trying to follow the story of Part 2? I guess wikipedia would have a summary but I just wanted to get some opinions. Thanks.[/quote]
Not entirely, but I still suggest playing through part one (which is quite cheap at this point), and maximize your playing enjoyment.
Did I just enter What the fuck is with these fucking losers who joins games, especially the split screen idiots, then leaves? Or the idiots who leave on a full 8 player game.
[quote name='gokou36']Did I just enter What the fuck is with these fucking losers who joins games, especially the split screen idiots, then leaves? Or the idiots who leave on a full 8 player game.[/quote]

I dont play with split screeners.. every game ive played with them they always leave the first time they die, freaking whiners.

If I join a game with them in it i back out :(
They NEED to autobalance ranked games. Last night, I was in a game that started out 14 to 6, with us having 14. Later throughout the match with only a couple minutes remaining, I realize that only me and my 2 buddies were left on our team. We ended up winning that one, but there was no autobalancing for the second round. Somehow we ended up tieing the second match, but 3 on 6 is not an ideal situation. The first one autobalanced, why not this one?
Some comments I heard tonight after a looooong co-op match:

"Wow! This game is greatness!"
"Yeah, this is the first online game I can't stop playing. What about you Bill?"
"I need to wash my eyes out"
"I don't think I blinked in the last 45 minutes!"
"I'm serious, I'll be right back my eyes hurt!"
Just picked it up today. Played through the first campaign mission and felt it was all around solid. The graphics were very nice and the controls felt fluid. Anyone know why they don't have 4-player split screen though? That was one of my main reasons for picking it up so that I could hang with my brothers and buddies and play in one room.
How does everyone like the single player thus far?

I dragged myself away from gears and dabbled a little more in the single player. Firstly, it's not the greatest single player fps game I have ever played but I am enjoying it. I can't help to think that this game borrows so much from Halo and Gears though. Especially with those big enemies.

The game looks nice and incorporates colors other than gray. I haven't got to far into the game. I am in the second level (jungle/forest).
I rather enjoy the campaign mode. It's some mindless fun. I wish there was co-op campaign though. Just so I can play it with my friends. I'm a bit tired of the co-op mode though, been playing it way too much. Each city is the same five or ten missions they throw you in, just varies on the objective or boss. I wish it was more like a raid in WoW or something, where you get to bosses and got drops from them instead of just gray tech. Might be interesting. Is the difficulty level always the same whether you have eight people in it or three? It seems when I did one of the missions as a trio it went much more easily than when we had a full eight man squad.
There's definitely more monsters with full 8 man. When those people leave, I don't know if it scales down or keeps the same. I finally got the Team Player Trophy winning 2 full 8 man yesterday. No idea how I got the other 3, don't remember beating it with full group since most of the time idiots would just leave after they die.

But yeah, the co-op does get boring after a while. People leaving mid-game, exping is so fucking slow and you're using the same weapons over and over until you unlock them.
[quote name='EDiddy0042']Just picked it up today. Played through the first campaign mission and felt it was all around solid. The graphics were very nice and the controls felt fluid. Anyone know why they don't have 4-player split screen though? That was one of my main reasons for picking it up so that I could hang with my brothers and buddies and play in one room.[/QUOTE]They split up co-op and campaign into different modes. Their main goal was to have co-op online with 8 players, and with the setup of campaign itself, it just wouldn't work with 8 people. As for why the campaign likes co-op has to do with not enough resources at Insomniac and Time to make it happen (according to J. Stevenson at GAF).

I'm perfectly happy because co-op is tons of fun how it is. Plus, I don't really like sitting through a long story with multiple people. I just try playing co-op with CAGs that seem to work better (people drop out of online games all the time).
[quote name='Thongsy']I rather enjoy the campaign mode. It's some mindless fun. I wish there was co-op campaign though. Just so I can play it with my friends. I'm a bit tired of the co-op mode though, been playing it way too much. Each city is the same five or ten missions they throw you in, just varies on the objective or boss. I wish it was more like a raid in WoW or something, where you get to bosses and got drops from them instead of just gray tech. Might be interesting. Is the difficulty level always the same whether you have eight people in it or three? It seems when I did one of the missions as a trio it went much more easily than when we had a full eight man squad.[/QUOTE]I have no idea actually because when I played by myself, it was very hard, but I haven't seen with multiple people (like 2-3).
[quote name='The Mana Knight']They split up co-op and campaign into different modes. Their main goal was to have co-op online with 8 players, and with the setup of campaign itself, it just wouldn't work with 8 people. As for why the campaign likes co-op has to do with not enough resources at Insomniac and Time to make it happen (according to J. Stevenson at GAF).

I'm perfectly happy because co-op is tons of fun how it is. Plus, I don't really like sitting through a long story with multiple people. I just try playing co-op with CAGs that seem to work better (people drop out of online games all the time).
I have no idea actually because when I played by myself, it was very hard, but I haven't seen with multiple people (like 2-3).[/quote]

I understand the co-op thing and I think it was a good idea. What I was referring to though was no split-screen deathmatch or capture the flag as was in the first one. That's what had me curious.
I have become absolutely obsessed with the co-op campaign. I wish more games would have these big co-op games, where you just take on waves and waves on enemies.
Saw this over at ps3fanboy and thought it was pretty cool. Anyone else notice at the end of the credits they gave props to Guerrilla, Naughty Dog, and I think one other dev team?
[quote name='Sarrasis']Saw this over at ps3fanboy and thought it was pretty cool. Anyone else notice at the end of the credits they gave props to Guerrilla, Naughty Dog, and I think one other dev team?[/quote]

:applause::applause::applause: My two favorite Sony-exclusive franchises.
[quote name='EDiddy0042']I understand the co-op thing and I think it was a good idea. What I was referring to though was no split-screen deathmatch or capture the flag as was in the first one. That's what had me curious.[/QUOTE]It should be there (although I might be wrong, I'll check) because it mentions 2nd player login.

I'm going to check right now to confirm.
[quote name='ivanctorres']How does everyone like the single player thus far?

I dragged myself away from gears and dabbled a little more in the single player. Firstly, it's not the greatest single player fps game I have ever played but I am enjoying it. I can't help to think that this game borrows so much from Halo and Gears though. Especially with those big enemies.

The game looks nice and incorporates colors other than gray. I haven't got to far into the game. I am in the second level (jungle/forest).[/QUOTE]I pretty much agree with you here. I will say the single player isn't the greatest FPS ever, but it's fun nonetheless and definitely more enjoyable than the first. And in many ways, it does remind me of Halo.
There should be split screen online. You need to press start on the second controller. I've played with split screeners in both co-op and various competative modes. Both rank and unrank. So you should be able to do that.
Yeah my bad if I was ambiguous. The only time I ever played this was split-screen online Competitive and Coop. The game just didn't do it for me though.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']It should be there (although I might be wrong, I'll check) because it mentions 2nd player login.

I'm going to check right now to confirm.
I pretty much agree with you here. I will say the single player isn't the greatest FPS ever, but it's fun nonetheless and definitely more enjoyable than the first. And in many ways, it does remind me of Halo.[/quote]

You did not just bring up the game that shall never be said in the ps3 forum's name.
Just finish the campaign. Great game overall. Wish there was more to the ending. Still haven't gone over any of the intel or anything so I have to look at those for more backstory. It wasn't too easy nor too difficult on the medium setting. I'm actually surpised I already finish, as the only other games I would finish in a week were the MGS games, everything else usually takes a couple of months since I play it slowly on and off.
Finished off the single-player campaign.
If you clicked on this without finishing the game, I'll spot you one warning for your stupidity.
I was hoping that whatever he got from Daedalus wouldn't corrupt him and require Cappelli to kill him because those blood-explosion force powers would be pretty cool if he could have done more with them. Maybe there's a twist to the ending to make R3 more interesting. Could that have been Earth that they saw completely destroyed or were they taken to some other planet while trying to take them out?

Got about 300k total experience from that one playthrough. Don't know if I'd bother playing through again for any more, though if there are stats relating to the trophies, I might be willing to go back if I'm close to getting any of them.
Mind Your Surroundings
Get 50 indirect kills using explosive objects in levels in the Single Player Campaign.

Is this the "Indirect Environment Kills" that can be found under your Campaign stats? I have 24 so far if that's the case.

[quote name='Blackout']Mind Your Surroundings
Get 50 indirect kills using explosive objects in levels in the Single Player Campaign.

Is this the "Indirect Environment Kills" that can be found under your Campaign stats? I have 24 so far if that's the case.

[quote name='Thongsy']Just finish the campaign. Great game overall. Wish there was more to the ending. Still haven't gone over any of the intel or anything so I have to look at those for more backstory. It wasn't too easy nor too difficult on the medium setting. I'm actually surpised I already finish, as the only other games I would finish in a week were the MGS games, everything else usually takes a couple of months since I play it slowly on and off.[/QUOTE]Yeah, I'm the same way. I have yet to finish, but I'm almost done. Most games it takes me a while to finish (even short ones), but R2 seems to have that hook keeping me playing (like Uncharted had). The difficulty feels perfect based on what I'm playing it on also.
My total playtime for the campaign was a little under ten hours. I doubt I'll play through it again, though now I'm interested in playing the first Resistance, so I might pick that up.
I have mixed feelings about the single-player campaign.

On the one hand, I enjoyed the setting and story of the first game a lot more. The juxtaposition of the Chimera and their advanced technology versus essentially WWII-era soldiers and weaponry was very interesting. Of course, it makes a lot more sense that humanity would obviously acquire Chimera technology and work off of it, in order to better their chances. I also liked the intel from the first game a lot more, because as Hale, you were basically thrown into this living nightmare that you had no idea was taking place. Now, in R2, you know all about the Chimera, so there's not much more to reveal.

On the other hand, this game was a lot more fun to play. Don't get me wrong. Resistance was a ton of fun, too. But I really enjoyed this one a lot more. The battles were bigger, and the stage settings themselves really sucked you in, especially when you walk out of that base in SF and realize America is under a massive attack. The game certainly borrowed heavily from Halo and some from CoD, and that's a good thing.
The single player is too short..

on the last level after a few hours.. maybe 5 or 6..

the levels have too many problems, the chameleon enemies are pointless. Wow one hit kill? Okay, so you know where they are at after one time, but they are just a nuisance :(

I wish they had the skill points from the first resistance.. I liked those.
bread's done