Doubt it, it came out a while back that the designers basically ripped off a bunch of the normal free emulators without permission and that's what handles everything on the Retron.
The system is cool for what it is. Obviously it's aimed at people who DO want to play with cartridges, giving the option of using some of the conveniences of emulators while easily being able to use actual controllers or their proprietary one, while potentially saving a lot of space since most gamers have a crowded entertainment center as is. An emulation machine is an easier and cheaper choice as long as you're fine without the original controller, not to mention the giant benefit of being able to use ROMs without the cartridge.
I've been shying away from the Retron because of the early and well known pin-connector issue, and this shady thing with the stolen code. I'd probably grab one at $40 though, but don't have any of these stores anywhere close.