Rhapsody & Persona 2, factory sealed in stock, www.gamequestdirect.com

[quote name='ViolentLee']Silly me for only going back 6 pages instead of 7. I just got mine, too. Neither game has a sticker. I own both games already, but no case for Rhapsody. Persona 2 "reprint" has the same UPC as my original copy, if anyone cares.[/QUOTE]

about how long did it take to recieve your game? I put them up on ebay to beat the rush (It worked too, thank god.. 6 copies sold with in a few hours) but only placed an order this evening
[quote name='psincubus']hey violent, are there registration cards in the manuals?[/QUOTE]

Sorry, mate, but these babies are staying sealed. Like I said, I already have both games opened. I just bought them to have and to hold (but not to sell).
[quote name='muffinman943']about how long did it take to recieve your game? I put them up on ebay to beat the rush (It worked too, thank god.. 6 copies sold with in a few hours) but only placed an order this evening[/QUOTE]
wait wait, let me get this straight, you sold something prior to ordering it? I hope you picked next day shipping or those you sold it to will be waiting at least a week for you to recieve it, then there's shipping to your customers. I ordered two days ago, and my order won't be here until Tuesday.
[quote name='muffinman943']about how long did it take to recieve your game? I put them up on ebay to beat the rush (It worked too, thank god.. 6 copies sold with in a few hours) but only placed an order this evening[/QUOTE]

Reprint or no reprint, who the fuck cares? It's a previously rare-ass game for $50.


I am glad I finally got this game.
[quote name='GunPanther']Great, another high and mighty DP forum user, who also browses the CAG forums.

I was a jackass huh? For voicing my opinions? That's a great way to treat someone you don't even know. Simply persecute and judge them without knowing what they're about.

I'm actually glad I stopped going to that goddamned site. With the likes of assholes such as yourself, thinking that they're better than everybody else, it's no wonder jerks like you and phosphordotfossils 'rule' those forums, imposing your nazi-like reign and belittling those who have their own opinions and views on society.

I will never apologize for the things I said because I happened to offend a certain amount of people.

If you bastards didn't like my post, you could have simply PM'ed me, told me to 'cool it', locked the thread and I would have stopped. Instead, you outright ban me from the forums that I had respected so much, not even giving me a chance to explain my situation or defend my reasons for posting those things I said.[/QUOTE]

No GunPanther, you weren't a jackass for voicing your opinions on DP. You were a jackass because of your constant trolling in the forums there and trying to instigate fights with other members. You act like you got booted because people didn't agree with you and that couldn't be any farther from the truth.

And I didn't ban you. I'm not a mod at DP, so I had nothing to do with your banning or whatever happened to you. If you look over some of your old posts though and still can't understand why you got booted, you must have some serious issues.

DP is like any other message board on the net. As long as you stay civil and don't make any asshole comments about anyone, you'll be fine and be respected. Obviously, you couldn't even do that.
[quote name='SolidSnakeX99']DAmmNit dude, CAG was my hideaway sanctuary away from you![/QUOTE]

HAHAHAHAHAHA I think fluffy enjoys tracking you down. :p

Remember me from TGN?
[quote name='norkusa']No GunPanther, you weren't a jackass for voicing your opinions on DP. You were a jackass because of your constant trolling in the forums there and trying to instigate fights with other members. You act like you got booted because people didn't agree with you and that couldn't be any farther from the truth.

And I didn't ban you. I'm not a mod at DP, so I had nothing to do with your banning or whatever happened to you. If you look over some of your old posts though and still can't understand why you got booted, you must have some serious issues.

DP is like any other message board on the net. As long as you stay civil and don't make any asshole comments about anyone, you'll be fine and be respected. Obviously, you couldn't even do that.[/QUOTE]

Hey Norkusa in your last paragraph it sounds like GunPanther would fit right in at The-Nextlevel.com/ . I mean TNL seems to have some cool people but some are really just fucking assholes that I would BAN if I had them frequenting and posting at a forum I owned.
[quote name='Sarang01']Hey Norkusa in your last paragraph it sounds like GunPanther would fit right in at The-Nextlevel.com/ . I mean TNL seems to have some cool people but some are really just fucking assholes that I would BAN if I had them frequenting and posting at a forum I owned.[/QUOTE]

TNL is a fucking horrible site... I visited there for a long time. Good on news and stuff of that nature with some decent folk, but the most are just bitter jaded assholes.

The forum also went really downhill for a couple of years, I can't even imagine what it's like at the time.
I like the way GunPanther says way to treat someone you dont know then a few lines later says "so what if i made a comment that offeneded alot of people"

BTW - to the seller on ebay who put those up without them even being shipped to him yet....you suck
[quote name='muffinman943']about how long did it take to recieve your game? I put them up on ebay to beat the rush (It worked too, thank god.. 6 copies sold with in a few hours) but only placed an order this evening[/QUOTE]

What's your eBay user name? I'd like to report you for selling items you don't have, so your sellers know what they got into in sending you money.

Hope your shipment gets lost in the mail and you get six negatives over it. Would serve you right, you greedy fucker.
[quote name='shrike4242']What's your eBay user name? I'd like to report you for selling items you don't have, so your sellers know what they got into in sending you money.

Hope your shipment gets lost in the mail and you get six negatives over it. Would serve you right, you greedy fucker.[/QUOTE]

you just gave him a very good reason to not give away his user id
[quote name='kiun']you just gave him a very good reason to not give away his user id[/QUOTE]
why? He said "I like to live my life on the edge, and take chances.. I am XTREME" maybe he should take the chance and see what ebay does to his XTREME self.
What's your eBay user name? I'd like to report you for selling items you don't have, so your sellers know what they got into in sending you money.

Hope your shipment gets lost in the mail and you get six negatives over it. Would serve you right, you greedy er.

Hey shrike, check out this page http://search-completed.ebay.com/rh...0QQsargnZQ2d1QQsaslcZ2QQsbrftogZ1QQsofocusZso. Its the completed listing of all recently ended Rhapsody auctions. I suspect his ebay id is either zee3dee3 or dreamsymphony.
[quote name='kiun']you just gave him a very good reason to not give away his user id[/QUOTE]

He'll be lucky he makes it through the night without getting banned.

Plus, I just need to find someone who is selling the game from his home state, and I should be able to find him, since I see what his ISP is.
[quote name='Roufuss']TNL is a fucking horrible site... I visited there for a long time. Good on news and stuff of that nature with some decent folk, but the most are just bitter jaded assholes.

The forum also went really downhill for a couple of years, I can't even imagine what it's like at the time.[/QUOTE]

Well MONTHS ago or even more than that I dropped by and Spodaddy made some thread and they just started ripping on him it seemed or calling him on talking too much about Nintendo or idolitry on them. I like Spo myself though I haven't talked to him in a while.
Btw seshousamaru is that YOU Shou-sama?!
[quote name='Scorch']I guess they found a box of them somewhere or something.. I love these threads, though.. people get so excited to get a rare game, then when they go to sell it, they find out that the price has plummeted on ebay.. the frustration and anger is hilarious beyond comprehension, I can't wait.[/QUOTE]

Can't believe I pended a deal to trade my growlanser generations, phantom brave, la pucelle, wild arms 3 and deus ex for rhapsody a day or two before these copies started appearing.

And muffinman is saturn09, matching locations between his tgn and ebay accounts.
[quote name='anteis24']Can't believe I pended a deal to trade my growlanser generations, phantom brave, la pucelle, wild arms 3 and deus ex for rhapsody a day or two before these copies started appearing.

And muffinman is saturn09, matching locations between his tgn and ebay accounts.[/QUOTE]

The guy you dealt w/ wouldn't happen to be named something along the lines of darkwolf or darkdragon w/ a series of numbers at the end?
[quote name='anteis24']Can't believe I pended a deal to trade my growlanser generations, phantom brave, la pucelle, wild arms 3 and deus ex for rhapsody a day or two before these copies started appearing.

And muffinman is saturn09, matching locations between his tgn and ebay accounts.[/QUOTE]

Important fact. Now, I just need to find his auctions, and alert his buyers that he doesn't have the items and where they can go find them on their own.
I can't help but laugh my fucking ass off at the pricks buying solely to re-sell.

To those that intend to keep (play or collect), congrats! It's always exciting (for me at least), to see more of a rare game surface. Now more people can actually play said games!
[quote name='Serialkilla']I can't help but laugh my fucking ass off at the pricks buying solely to re-sell.

To those that intend to keep (play or collect), congrats! It's always exciting (for me at least), to see more of a rare game surface. Now more people can actually play said games![/QUOTE]

LOL didnt some people end up buying like 25 copies? they must be pissed as hell....regardless like everyone else I finaly get to play this game that otherwise I would have NEVER played.
yup, its nice to know that these games are finally affordable.

Still, do the manuals have the registration card ? No seal sticker is not a big deal for me, since once you open the seal its basically the identical. If the manuals doesn't have the registration card, it will be interesting to see the wrath of the collectors out there.
yup, its nice to know that these games are finally affordable.

Still, do the manuals have the registration card ? No seal sticker is not a big deal for me, since once you open the seal its basically the identical. If the manuals doesn't have the registration card, it will be interesting how collectors react to this, especially if they paid $60+ for it.
dude, everybody who is trying to bring me down w/ my auctions... Not cool. For that sole reason I ordered a bunch off of somebody who has them and will ship them to me priority. Now that cost me , but yeah. whatever. I also pulled my auctions and will make them 7 day.. Happy?
[quote name='muffinman943']dude, everybody who is trying to bring me down w/ my auctions... Not cool. For that sole reason I ordered a bunch off of somebody who has them and will ship them to me priority. Now that cost me , but yeah. whatever. I also pulled my auctions and will make them 7 day.. Happy?[/QUOTE]

Not cool is what you're doing, IMHO, though perfectly legal. Shitty as hell in my book, though what do I know? I'm just someone who avoids eBay because of situations like this.

And I do hope you're left holding the bag because of lost shipments. Would serve you right.
[logic alert] collectors are just getting it to hold on to and look at, and sell eventually if the price REALLY skyrockets. so, in a sense, they are resellers. and someone who bought a whole bunch from gamesquestdirect are making less of a profit that GQD, who also hoarded a bunch of copies and then sold them at a higher cost. Is it really any different? Are the people who drop 80 on a game on ebay really all that innocent themselves? Is Rhapsody actually a good game? Is it that why all these people are suddenly freaking out about it? or is it just because it's collectable(see point 1.) [/logic alert]

[quote name='shrike4242']Not cool is what you're doing, IMHO, though perfectly legal. Shitty as hell in my book, though what do I know? I'm just someone who avoids eBay because of situations like this.[/QUOTE]

If anything takes longer then 5 days for me to ship.. I offer them a refund or priority shipping.. It wasn't like I was getting regular shipping, either.. I chose 3 day now that I remember correctly.. So please.. Dont jump to conclusions and try to completely ruin my ebay account.. I just got a little worried, as people have been saying that this company rips people off. It cost me some time and some more unwanted stock for this, I thought I had it under control.. I guess i should just "lurk" around here from now on.
[quote name='muffinman943']dude, everybody who is trying to bring me down w/ my auctions... Not cool. For that sole reason I ordered a bunch off of somebody who has them and will ship them to me priority. Now that cost me , but yeah. whatever. I also pulled my auctions and will make them 7 day.. Happy?[/QUOTE]
Would you really be cool if someone told you "Oh I don't have the item you just bought but I'll send it after I get it in a week"? I really don't know a buyer that would be totally cool with that. And you're even worse for not being up front about it.
[quote name='AngellicLulu']Would you really be cool if someone told you "Oh I don't have the item you just bought but I'll send it after I get it in a week"? I really don't know a buyer that would be totally cool with that. And you're even worse for not being up front about it.[/QUOTE]

I told the buyers before hand what was going on as far as shipments were concerned. They agreed
[quote name='muffinman943'] I just got a little worried, as people have been saying that this company rips people off.[/QUOTE]
So you sold items you expected to get later from a company that you were worried may rip you off. :bomb:
[quote name='muffinman943']If anything takes longer then 5 days for me to ship.. I offer them a refund or priority shipping.. It wasn't like I was getting regular shipping, either.. I chose 3 day now that I remember correctly.. So please.. Dont jump to conclusions and try to completely ruin my ebay account.. I just got a little worried, as people have been saying that this company rips people off. It cost me some time and some more unwanted stock for this, I thought I had it under control.. I guess i should just "lurk" around here from now on.[/QUOTE]

I wouldn't care if you didn't try to jump the gun on selling items you don't have.

If you waited until you had them in hand, then I could honestly care less if you're being a profiteering jackass.

Preselling items you don't have makes you irresponsible, besides being greedy. Greedy alone I can deal with. Greedy and irresponsible, that's a dangerous combination.

It's your mess, if you can't be honest with your sellers and tell them what's going on, you don't deserve to have your account.

[quote name='muffinman943']I told the buyers before hand what was going on as far as shipments were concerned. They agreed[/QUOTE]

I find that very surprising. If you found sellers that dumb, then you have a long career ahead of you on eBay. Enjoy. :applause::applause::applause:
[quote name='AngellicLulu']So you sold items you expected to get later from a company that you were worried may rip you off. :bomb:[/QUOTE]

Not so rip me off but just ship them late (getting more from atlus) but yeah.. Ripping me off could be possible from what I heard.. But everybody got their stuff. I also ordered from somebody on a different forum who had ordered some already and was trying to get rid of them for the same price.. so I also ordered a few off of him via priority
[quote name='shrike4242']I wouldn't care if you didn't try to jump the gun on selling items you don't have.

If you waited until you had them in hand, then I could honestly care less if you're being a profiteering jackass.

Preselling items you don't have makes you irresponsible, besides being greedy. Greedy alone I can deal with. Greedy and irresponsible, that's a dangerous combination.

It's your mess, if you can't be honest with your sellers and tell them what's going on, you don't deserve to have your account.

I find that very surprising. If you found sellers that dumb, then you have a long career ahead of you on eBay. Enjoy. :applause::applause::applause:[/QUOTE]

Obviously people can wait a couple days for their item to be recieved
bread's done