Rich dont pay enough but poor people dont pay any and people fine with that

[quote name='egofed'] is the top google site that comes up when "welfare recipients by race 2012" is typed in. It uses the TANF stats from the .gov site. What about it is racist? I think that this was the first time I've been there, so please keep your accusatory tone down to a low grumble.[/QUOTE]
Bull fucking shit. You cited them TWICE and the articles aren't even linked to each other on their respective pages.

Since you like googling shit so much, why don't you google Vdare and it's founder to see what's said about them. Not racist my fucking ass.

12.95% black total US population accounting for basically the same welfare recipient % as 79% of white US population does not sit out of whack with you guys? I brought this up because a true comparison would be done by percent of population.
Of course it's out of whack! But it you can't even begin to address why, then how the fuck do you think you can come up with a realistic solution? I've asked you twice to explain how a situation like this occurs and continues to perpetuate and all I see is you avoiding the point.

I do indeed have many black friends and co-workers. Guys I respect and trust with my life everyday. They work hard for everything they earn. They despise the welfare abuse as much as I do. So shut up with that racist crap.
Uhhh...and you thought that this was a good response to my comment about predicting "your black friends" argument? Lemme guess your next rebuttal, that they're one of the "good ones" right?:roll:

Here's a piece of advice: just leave this one alone. Having black friends and co-workers does not make you not racist.

I would not throw more money at the problem. You would work 40 hours a week if you live in subsidized housing and receive SNAP or TANF benefits. That's it. There are whole neighborhoods that fit this bill near my station. Housing improvements such as repairs, grass cutting, and painting would be done by the residents instead of paid employees. If anything, it would reduce expenditures and increase civic pride. And heaven help the person who is found unfit to pick up trash.
So you would expand government and have them pay less than market rate wages and benefits? In places that already have social services constantly being cut? You seriously think this is a practical solution as a libertarian? Do you think the government should be able to take away your wages and benefits only to put you in the same employment conditions as a public employee?

And how does this even address how to get themselves out of their situation if they're working 40 hours a week for shitty pay and shitty benefits to live in a shitty neighborhood?

You're a fucking ideological mess, but you call yourself a libertarian, so I suppose it's redundant.

Social security should be paid out based only on the amount paid in. Those who have worked hard all their lives and paid into the system are not moochers. But the programs are open to much abuse now. Reform it or lose it.
Really? Sounds like you have no clue about how social security works either! Color me surprised...

I actually don't pay into soc sec. My city opted out decades ago. I really enjoy the extra cash each paycheck that I can spend or invest myself, as a free citizen.
If you were retiring in 2008, you would've been fucked and if you don't have enough to live on when you're retired, how do you think the difference will be made up? Charity? A church group? Or maybe not everyone has the same access as you do, so why do you assume that your experience is universal for everyone?:roll:

One last point, how do you guys see us overcoming our debt? If I have my facts straight, ;-), we are short 4 billion dollars of the 10 billion it takes to run our country each day. 0.42 cent of every dollar spent is borrowed basically. Seems pretty crazy to me.
I'll get to this after you're done with your homework.
[quote name='dohdough']

Uhhh...and you thought that this was a good response to my comment about predicting "your black friends" argument? Lemme guess your next rebuttal, that they're one of the "good ones" right?:roll:

Here's a piece of advice: just leave this one alone. Having black friends and co-workers does not make you not racist.

Neither does thinking you are defending a race by consistently telling them they are predisposed to fail so they might as well not even try until something is changed.

I think that is more racist than quoting statistics using a legitimate/illegitmate window to a legitimate source.
[quote name='Knoell']Neither does thinking you are defending a race by consistently telling them they are predisposed to fail so they might as well not even try until something is changed.

I think that is more racist than quoting statistics using a legitimate/illegitmate window to a legitimate source.[/QUOTE]

Stop lying.
I used 2 quotes from the same article that is first on google when typing "welfare recipients by race 2012". I looked to see where they got their stats from, the governments TANF reports. I love how you immediately jump to the conclusion that I am a racist and spend hours scouring vdare's site. I also stated that I have black friends and co-workers that I respect and admire in DIRECT opposition to your accusatory comments. I don't have to prove my lack of bias, and you saying so does not, I'm afraid, make it so. I started my whole posting stating that I was relaying observations taken from my own personal experiences in a predominantly black, lower socioeconomic area. You seem very close minded with a faux sense of intellectual superiority. I think you would find that more people would take you seriously if you lost the dismissive tone and refrained from using so many derogatory comments. "You can't handle the truth";-) Knoell is correct. Constantly relying on past injustices to try to excuse self destructive behavior is quite the cop out, and implies that people do not have the intelligence to realize that procreating while at the poverty level is not a good idea. I would like to see all governmental welfare (corporate and public) abolished as I do not see it as the gov's place to provide it. I don't see that happening any time soon, so I'm seeking reforms within the current system. See how even though I am a libertarian, that I can still consider other options and compromises? Take it as a "homework" assignment to broaden your mind a bit. Anyway....just got off from work and the winds are light. Think I'll go for a surf.

PS: I'm not trying to be a dick and feed into a hate war. Amazing that this all transpires on a video game deal site.;-)
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[quote name='Soodmeg']Man, as a black guy (one of like what? 10 on this website? ) there is nothing I find better than a bunch of white folks talking about what its like to be black. Especially when its quantified by things like, "I have many black friends and co workers. So I know how they think."

When I went to a private religious college, there was exactly 7 black people, 2 Asians and 1 Mexican. When I was there I met a bunch of awesome people and bunch of racist people and then these strange neutral ground people. They were not racist....but they were not...not...racist either. I call this ignorantly racist good intentioned but got all of there information from MTV and music videos they were not trying to be racist but they came across pretty damn bad.

Now, you cant take my word and apply it to all minorities but trust me when I say that this next bit is shared by all of us. One of the biggest beefs minorities have against white people is a vast majority of you can simultaneously be completely ignorant of the plight of minorities yet somehow know exactly what its like to be one...mostly based on the fact you have "2 black friends," or "that Mexican guy from your work."

I mean, seriously, when I was in school there was a white guy name Blake, we talked a bunch and he once invited me to a party. I dont now walk up to people and tell them I know exactly what white people are going through because I once knew a guy named Blake.

Seriously what is it about a decent amount of white people that if they ever meet a guy named Tyrone who doesnt try to rob them instantly it means that you have all of a sudden become a honorary ambassador to our entire race? I know a Arab guy who grew up in Afghanistan, I dont pretend to know the plight of middle east then try to debate using the ONE GUY that I know as a source.

It makes you at best...ignorantly racist and at worst the reason why the rest of the world targets America constantly.[/QUOTE]

poor you...

How does a black youth go from inner city Detroit to a small private white religious college to working in the entertainment industry?

How could you have possibly accomplished all that with how bad the deck was stacked against you?
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Most of the time when people get into dick measuring contests online it refers to penis size, not how big of a dickhead one can be.
[quote name='Knoell']Neither does thinking you are defending a race by consistently telling them they are predisposed to fail so they might as well not even try until something is changed.[/QUOTE]
So me defending a race from racist attacks makes me racist...where have I heard that before?

I say they're predisposed to fail because of the social systems that we ALL exist in. You, and egofed, say they're predisposed to fail because they're lazy moochers. My solution is that when the system isn't so oppressive, you'll see people accomplishing more mobility. Your, and egofed's, solution is that when they stop being lazy moochers, they'll be more class mobile. None of those examples are exaggerations and you still want to label me as not just racist, but more racist that you two fucks?? You need to lay off the meth pipe.

I think that is more racist than quoting statistics using a legitimate/illegitmate window to a legitimate source.
It is an implicitly and explicitly racist source. Should citing Stormfront be acceptable just because they use government published graphs and tables?

[quote name='egofed']I used 2 quotes from the same article that is first on google when typing "welfare recipients by race 2012". I looked to see where they got their stats from, the governments TANF reports. I love how you immediately jump to the conclusion that I am a racist and spend hours scouring vdare's site.[/QUOTE]
LOLZ...I can't be the only one that has an idea about how the google search engine works.:rofl: It actually upticks results that are closer in relevance to your search history especially if you're logged in. Since I've been to the site a few times, I've seen it tick up from the last result to the middle. If anything, it makes me wonder what's in your history to make it your first hit instead of or

I also didn't jump immediately to saying that you're racist or outright call you racist at all, but after a whole bunch of things you've said, I'm pretty confident that you are and I have no problem calling anyone out on it. It's not just citing that racist source and defending it or trotting out your black friends as if that's any indication of whether or not you're racist and/or hold racist views, but the fact that you can't seem to understand why any of those things are problematic and go out of your way to defend them. And that's on top of the fact that you're implying that most black people are a bunch of lazy moochers. It's not just one thing, but everything. So yeah, you're a racist fuck, but if it makes you feel any better, you're not the only one on CAG.

I also stated that I have black friends and co-workers that I respect and admire in DIRECT opposition to your accusatory comments. I don't have to prove my lack of bias, and you saying so does not, I'm afraid, make it so.
Having bias isn't an issue in itself. Tokenizing your black friends and coworkers is...especially when you're using them to show how not-racist you are, which inevitably leads to how they're one of the "good ones" and not like "the rest of them." But if you want to go on and show how not not-racist you are, feel free. I'm just trying to tell you to stop hanging yourself with your own rhetorical noose.

I started my whole posting stating that I was relaying observations taken from my own personal experiences in a predominantly black, lower socioeconomic area. You seem very close minded with a faux sense of intellectual superiority.
You might've started that way, but you took that anecdote and tried to beat Usain Bolt on the 100m with how you're applying it. If I'm so close minded and intellectually inferior, does that make you the opposite when you can't even address how that generation poverty to mentioned came to be? Or is calling me dumb your substitute for addressing it.

You also started your posting by saying you feel slidecage's pain. That alone should be grounds for derision.

I think you would find that more people would take you seriously if you lost the dismissive tone and refrained from using so many derogatory comments.
I don't care?

"You can't handle the truth";-) Knoell is correct.
LOLZ...I'm the real racist, right?

Constantly relying on past injustices to try to excuse self destructive behavior is quite the cop out, and implies that people do not have the intelligence to realize that procreating while at the poverty level is not a good idea.
History doesn't it. Is that why you're not addressing some root causes of generational poverty especially in regards to how it specifically affects black communities?

I would like to see all governmental welfare (corporate and public) abolished as I do not see it as the gov's place to provide it. I don't see that happening any time soon, so I'm seeking reforms within the current system. See how even though I am a libertarian, that I can still consider other options and compromises? Take it as a "homework" assignment to broaden your mind a bit. Anyway....just got of from work and the winds are light. Think I'll go for a surf.
That's nice and all, but we've already tried a hands-off approach in regards to "welfare." Oh right...history doesn't matter.

PS: I'm not trying to be a dick and feed into a hate war. Amazing that this all transpires on a video game deal site.;-)
You don't have to hate someone to think they're inferior. HTH

[quote name='GBAstar']poor you...

How does a black youth go from inner city Detroit to a small private white religious college to working in the entertainment industry?

How could you have possibly accomplished all that with how bad the deck was stacked against you?[/QUOTE]
For someone that paid that much attention to his story, you sure didn't pay that much attention to some other important details that he said was pretty relevant.

One black man in a white house does not mean racism is over or that the legacy of racism no longer persists. Just as one white man that does Job Corp summer programs doesn't mean that they fully understand the plight of poor black kids.
I think a lot of it boils down to jealousy/envy. They see people getting help when they aren't, and it makes them angry. Of course what they don't understand is why some people get help while others don't, and why that isn't something you should envy or be jealous of.
Dohdough - I think you mean well but your over the top reactions to everything make you somewhat of an idiot.

You're like PETA. Most rational people sorta agree with you but your constant harping on the race equivalent of Mario Tanuki suits make you ignorable.

Slidecage - are you an immigrant by any chance? I just want to understand how you can butcher the English language.
[quote name='confoosious']Dohdough - I think you mean well but your over the top reactions to everything make you somewhat of an idiot.

You're like PETA. Most rational people sorta agree with you but your constant harping on the race equivalent of Mario Tanuki suits make you ignorable.[/QUOTE]
So in other words, you might say that you have a problem with my "tone." I hate to break it to you, but my "tone" has nothing to do with the veracity of my arguments nor does changing my "tone" to be more "palatable" to a wider range of people make the content more acceptable to them. But hey, I guess I'm the one that's out of line instead of those linking to racist tripe or making racist statements on the forums.
I don't care about your tone or anything else. I dont care how righteous and real you think you are or any of that shit.

You're just annoying as shit and rarely do annoying people get messages across even if the message is the right one. Give it a fucking break already.
[quote name='confoosious']I don't care about your tone or anything else. I dont care how righteous and real you think you are or any of that shit.

You're just annoying as shit and rarely do annoying people get messages across even if the message is the right one. Give it a fucking break already.[/QUOTE]
I'm not preventing you from hitting that ignore button, buddy.
[quote name='confoosious']You're just annoying as shit and rarely do annoying people get messages across even if the message is the right one. Give it a fucking break already.[/QUOTE]

Just an FYI you do have a post history on the rest of CAG. Glass houses, etc.
I think you are confused on my whole reason for posting, Doh. The only reason I threw the stats about welfare race percentages was because you stated "Not to mention that people on assistance were mostly white only up until a couple years ago and it's still very close." I just wanted to introduce the actual numbers into the conversation. I also think that you believe that when I use the term "welfare queen", that I mean only blacks. I can assure you that all of the white West Virginians and brown Hispanics who are cranking out babies while receiving tax payer money irk the hell out of me just as much as the blacks I have talked about here. And its very weird that you want to put the words, "one of the good ones", into my mouth. I submitted first hand accounts of my experiences and a few gov stats. I would like to know exactly what "racist comments" I made. You made the leap that lazy moocher referred to a particular race rather than any person gaming the system. I actually respect the fact that you are so adamant about standing up for something you believe in. I just feel you jumped the gun in this case. Anyway, about the reasons you talk about so much, I don't feel that they apply to the welfare abusers. Hispanics and whites were not afflicted by slavery in this country to the same degree as blacks, yet we have a large number of generational poverty in those races. I think its just the fact that a certain number in society, regardless of race, will take the free money every time. Its a character defect in human nature.
Please. Dough doh is no MLK. People believed in his message. Not everyone of course but he reached more people cause he was one of the great orators of our time.

But as far as racist people on CAG, yeah, CAG is full of ignorant racists. But so is the world. I prefer the full on racist than the dont-know-any-better ones that you pointed out.

There are still idiots on CAG who use terms like "jewed him down."

You can't change those people. And Dd's rhetoric just alienates the people who agree 80% with him. Like my example about PETA.
So he should shutup because you find him annoying? Cause I have to say, you can be a bit annoying yourself.
[quote name='Clak']So he should shutup because you find him annoying? Cause I have to say, you can be a bit annoying yourself.[/QUOTE]

What I'm saying is that if he wants to get his message across, it's best not to make every molehill into a mountain.
Everyone has areas in which they're more knowledgeable than others, his just happens to be race issues. You'd rather he ignored things when he sees them? Everyone has issues which are important to them. I wish some folks here would drop the "we hate big gubment" spiel, but that's their thing and they aren't going to stop.
[quote name='Clak']Everyone has areas in which they're more knowledgeable than others, his just happens to be race issues. You'd rather he ignored things when he sees them? Everyone has issues which are important to them. I wish some folks here would drop the "we hate big gubment" spiel, but that's their thing and they aren't going to stop.[/QUOTE]

inciting or understanding?
[quote name='GBAstar']inciting or understanding?[/QUOTE]
I would make a comment about an angry black man here, but doh isn't black if I remember right. Makes the whole thing that much harder for you to understand, doesn't it?
[quote name='Clak']I would make a comment about an angry black man here, but doh isn't black if I remember right. Makes the whole thing that much harder for you to understand, doesn't it?[/QUOTE]

Who said anything about black people? Not me. Not today.

Edit: You're forgetting "vs. mode" 101.

Wait for me to mention something about black people THEN make your quip; when I try to explain my opinion you're suppose to scream "racism herpaderp"; then when I provide data or case notes or a newspaper article you're supposed to say "storm front herpaderpa derp".

Rinse. Wash. Repeat.
[quote name='GBAstar']inciting or understanding?[/QUOTE]
Inciting what and inciting who? Am I the vanguard of the New Black Panthers? Maybe the Muslim Brotherhood? I know, maybe it's I Wor Kuen or La Raza!

I'm going to incite so fucking hard that every non-white person on this site will go to their local gamestop and snatch videogames out of whitey's hands and shout "REPARATIONS MUTHfuckA'S!

Not only that, but it'll be so effective that even the white kids will do it to other white kids and give the loot to the first non-white person they see!

It is going to pwn so fucking hard!

[quote name='GBAstar']Who said anything about black people? Not me. Not today.

Edit: You're forgettin "vs. mode" 101.

Wait for me to mention something about black people THEN make your quip, then when I try to explain my opinion your suppose to scream "racism herpaderp" and then when provide data or case notes you're supposed to say "storm front herpaderpa derp".[/QUOTE]
Hey, I know..if you don't want people to think you're talking about black people or being racist, maybe you just shouldn't use racist dog whistles. HTH

The only person herping and derping here is you.
[quote name='confoosious']What I'm saying is that if he wants to get his message across, it's best not to make every molehill into a mountain.[/QUOTE]

Careful there. Your privilege is showing.

Also, quite a bit of the more conservative members of the vs. forum love to employ the tactic of tossing out racist dog whistle rhetoric (welfare, affirmative action, bringing up Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson, etc.), and as soon as someone calls them out on it, they're the one labeled the racist. It's been a tried-and-true tactic of Neo-cons for a few a years now. Hell, Ann Coulter just used it this past Friday on Bill Maher.

It's that that kind of cognitive dissonance that leads to a lot of racially-charged conflict here.
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I can't criticize blatant discrimination like affirmative action without being a racist? And if you truly believe that Sharpton and Jackson don't immediately jump to the racist conclusion on any issue, then we have little chance of reaching an understanding on this issue. I have the same problem with them as I do with Limbaugh, constant rhetoric, but get their hand caught in the cookie jar. Then I am supposed to take them seriously again? I liked it on Maher's show where the lady responded yes when asked if she wanted college admittance based on diversity of test scores........
[quote name='Purple Flames']Careful there. Your privilege is showing.

Also, quite a bit of the more conservative members of the vs. forum love to employ the tactic of tossing out racist dog whistle rhetoric (welfare, affirmative action, bringing up Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson, etc.), and as soon as someone calls them out on it, they're the one labeled the racist. It's been a tried-and-true tactic of Neo-cons for a few a years now. Hell, Ann Coulter just used it this past Friday on Bill Maher.

It's that that kind of cognitive dissonance that leads to a lot of racially-charged conflict here.[/QUOTE]

My problem in the vs forum is that there's way too much labeling. There's so many niches to the political sphere, it's worse than rock music.

Doh Dough knows how to label everyone? Wow, that's gonna work out great for him in the world.

Look, I get that there are racist idiots on here. There's idiots of all shapes.

Let me go back to PETA. I think most people genuinely agree with most of what PETA is saying. But Peta lives in the 10% of the spectrum where you just hate the fuck out of them. So the good part of their message gets lost.

Now, I suspect that I'll be labeled a racist because I said something like "good part" of the message. And that DD and soodmeg will get all up in arms because how dare I pick and choose what part of the message I think is good when there are people of all races suffering every day yada yada yada... :roll: Meanwhile, I'm actually one of the people who aren't racist.

If you really want to change people's minds and not just be a know-more-than-you asshole, there's a better way to get the message across than bashing everyone over the head with it. DD LOVES bashing people over the head with it.

Now, if you want to be an asshole, I understand that too. I can be one when I choose, especially with idiots in the deal forum always whining about shit and know dick about business.
[quote name='dohdough']So me defending a race from racist attacks makes me racist...where have I heard that before?

I say they're predisposed to fail because of the social systems that we ALL exist in. You, and egofed, say they're predisposed to fail because they're lazy moochers. My solution is that when the system isn't so oppressive, you'll see people accomplishing more mobility. Your, and egofed's, solution is that when they stop being lazy moochers, they'll be more class mobile. None of those examples are exaggerations and you still want to label me as not just racist, but more racist that you two fucks?? You need to lay off the meth pipe.

It is an implicitly and explicitly racist source. Should citing Stormfront be acceptable just because they use government published graphs and tables?


No, you are pretty much telling people they should expect to fail because the system is stacked against them. True or not, that isn't the way to go about things, it is demoralizing, hindering, and does more damage than help anything. Especially when it is put out there in such a broad sense.

Also I never said they are predisposed to fail because they are "lazy moochers". Quit lying. I don't think it is one or the other but a combination of factors.

The problem is your tone plus the excessive weight you put behind your "theories", and "solutions" as if there are no other explanations or reasons.

As if there are only poor black people because of the sole factor of race while saying white people have every opportunity to succeed. If this were the case then why are there poor white people? Must be lazy huh?

There are a combination of factors that make up why an individual is in the situation they are in. You tend to focus on it being a racial issue when it is a minority, so expect to be confronted when you present a racism argument everytime a minority is down on their luck. Not to mention you call racist! like calling for a witch hunt in Salem.
Hope you realize you're basically becoming what you don't like. I think at this point you're annoying more of us than doh.
[quote name='confoosious']My problem in the vs forum is that there's way too much labeling. There's so many niches to the political sphere, it's worse than rock music.

Doh Dough knows how to label everyone? Wow, that's gonna work out great for him in the world.

Look, I get that there are racist idiots on here. There's idiots of all shapes.

Let me go back to PETA. I think most people genuinely agree with most of what PETA is saying. But Peta lives in the 10% of the spectrum where you just hate the fuck out of them. So the good part of their message gets lost.

Now, I suspect that I'll be labeled a racist because I said something like "good part" of the message. And that DD and soodmeg will get all up in arms because how dare I pick and choose what part of the message I think is good when there are people of all races suffering every day yada yada yada... :roll: Meanwhile, I'm actually one of the people who aren't racist.

If you really want to change people's minds and not just be a know-more-than-you asshole, there's a better way to get the message across than bashing everyone over the head with it. DD LOVES bashing people over the head with it.

Now, if you want to be an asshole, I understand that too. I can be one when I choose, especially with idiots in the deal forum always whining about shit and know dick about business.[/QUOTE]

Unfair comparison.

PETA is a cult, and their platform is insane. Sometimes they happen to be in the right, in the sense that a broken clock is right twice a day, but ultimately they are fanatics who cannot be reasoned with.

DD's opinions almost always have factual underpinnings. He is zealous about his beliefs and I may not agree with him 100% but I respect his knowledge on the issues.

Con, just because you do not like hearing it does not mean he should stop.
[quote name='Knoell']No, you are pretty much telling people they should expect to fail because the system is stacked against them. True or not, that isn't the way to go about things, it is demoralizing, hindering, and does more damage than help anything. Especially when it is put out there in such a broad sense.[/QUOTE]

lol. Yeah right, I'm sure alot of people are destined to fail because of a random poster on a videogame forum who says they got an unfair deal. That makes alot of sense :roll:
[quote name='Clak']Hope you realize you're basically becoming what you don't like. I think at this point you're annoying more of us than doh.[/QUOTE]

Well then my work here is done.

[quote name='camoor']
Unfair comparison.

PETA is a cult, and their platform is insane. Sometimes they happen to be in the right, in the sense that a broken clock is right twice a day, but ultimately they are fanatics who cannot be reasoned with.

DD's opinions almost always have factual underpinnings. He is zealous about his beliefs and I may not agree with him 100% but I respect his knowledge on the issues.

Con, just because you do not like hearing it does not mean he should stop.

What part of this do you not feel bad about? It is pretty terrible the lives of animals getting ready to be slaughtered.

Just because you do not like hearing it, does not mean they should stop.

FYI, I dislike PETA and find them very annoying, but confoosious' point rings true.

But then PETA has to go and do this:

Hide your cats and dogs from Mommy? As if Mommy is some bloodthirsty person because she wears a fur coat?
[quote name='Knoell']Well then my work here is done.

What part of this do you not feel bad about? It is pretty terrible the lives of animals getting ready to be slaughtered.

Just because you do not like hearing it, does not mean they should stop.

FYI, I dislike PETA and find them very annoying, but confoosious' point rings true.

But then PETA has to go and do this:

Hide your cats and dogs from Mommy? As if Mommy is some bloodthirsty person because she wears a fur coat?[/QUOTE]

Like I said (and I quote) "Sometimes they happen to be in the right, in the sense that a broken clock is right twice a day"

They have a right to free speech. I don't know if they should stop but they should temper their message and stop scaring children.

DD is just posting on a VG forum, we're all big boys and girls here. You and con need to man up and grow a set. If you can't take losing the argument all the time then turn off Faux news, wake up, and find out what's really going on in the world.
I thought soodmeg was talking about dohdough being one of those non-black people pretending to understand and being ignorant and acting like they speak for or even understand black people. After all I am a minority and the last person I agree with on here or would even want speaking for me is dohdough. He speaks for himself and from what I have seen is like that broken clock. All of you speak for yourself and yourself only. Calling someone racist as most of you do for not having your opinions is weak and in that confoosious has a point. Constantly playing the racism card because some here don't agree with you is not helping the racism is real cause or the plight of anyone. If anything the ones I see as arcist here are dohdough, clak, soodmeg, purple flames and a few more. Quit pretending and quit using the card to stop an opinion you don't like. The only thing anyone can take away from that is you guys don't represent anyone but your own twisted bigoted opinions and none of you represent any group that is for damn sure. Welll except maybe your little bigoted clik here on cag forum.
So do us all a favor and stop the act you don't speak for anyone and I for one can say that loud and clear you don't speak for me, my family and my friends.
[quote name='Recycle']I thought soodmeg was talking about dohdough being one of those non-black people pretending to understand and being ignorant and acting like they speak for or even understand black people. After all I am a minority and the last person I agree with on here or would even want speaking for me is dohdough. He speaks for himself and from what I have seen is like that broken clock. All of you speak for yourself and yourself only. Calling someone racist as most of you do for not having your opinions is weak and in that confoosious has a point. Constantly playing the racism card because some here don't agree with you is not helping the racism is real cause or the plight of anyone. If anything the ones I see as arcist here are dohdough, clak, soodmeg, purple flames and a few more. Quit pretending and quit using the card to stop an opinion you don't like. The only thing anyone can take away from that is you guys don't represent anyone but your own twisted bigoted opinions and none of you represent any group that is for damn sure. Welll except maybe your little bigoted clik here on cag forum.
So do us all a favor and stop the act you don't speak for anyone and I for one can say that loud and clear you don't speak for me, my family and my friends.[/QUOTE]


[quote name='dohdough']Welcome back Pliskin![/QUOTE]

No shit, huh? He's one tenacious little fucker.
@the OP

Here is a small list of what rich people/companies do

-They cause most of the damage to our roads, a single 40 ton truck does as much damage is nearly 10,000 cars. Our roads take about $250 billion damage a year, which then causes father billions of dollars damage to the cars that use them and through traffic jams.
- Globally the top 3,000 companies cause 1/3 of the finical environmental damage (over 2 trillion$). That's just the top companies and that's just the direct costs.
- White collar crime cause at least $200 billion
Then their are things like political corruption, corporate farms, work related deaths/injury due to negligence, crash the global economy.
What rich people/companies receive
- Worker's whose education, health and safety have all been paid for by themselves or the government.
- An infostructure that allows them to gather and distribute goods, and information to and from people.
- A police force that disporationaltly watched over them, but tends to overlooks things like drug use, white collar crime and even sometimes more "serious" crimes like assault.
- Access to politicians.
- Connections to get you into, good schools, jobs, clubs.
What poor people receive
An 3rd rate education that's not enough to go to a real college or a real job.
- A police force that is bad at protecting you, harasses you, and looking to throw you in jail(loosening your ability to vote and making it much harder to get a job) for anything they can.
- No one to teach basics life lessons about saving, making connections, what skills to learn or anything that leads to success.

From a simple investment standpoint
-75% of economic growth comes from people(From the new technologies they create or just more people learning valuable skills)
- Investment in people works on an S curve. (If you invest $50,000 in someone's health/educations you may get 20, 30, 100, or 1000 times more effect than if you invest $5,000. If how ever you go from $50,000 to $500,000 it's likely you will only get 2-4 times more effect.

[quote name='Soodmeg']I just think how many white people told Martin Luther King JR that he was "just as annoying as shit and rarely do annoying people get messages across even if the message is the right one. Give it a break darkie."
And how many of those people supported him?
[quote name='dohdough']Welcome back Pliskin![/QUOTE]


[quote name='itachiitachi']
What rich people/companies receive

- A police force that disproportionally watched over them, but tends to overlooks things like drug use, white collar crime and even sometimes more "serious" crimes like assault.
What poor people receive

- A police force that is bad at protecting you, harasses you, and looking to throw you in jail(loosening your ability to vote and making it much harder to get a job) for anything they can.
You do realize you directly contradicted yourself just 4 points later don't you? They overlook drug use and assault but they're looking to throw you in jail for anything they can???

[quote name='itachiitachi'].....
What poor people receive

- No one to teach basics life lessons about saving, making connections, what skills to learn or anything that leads to success.
I guess poor ppl don't have parents, as that is a parents job.
I've really got to give some credit to my son slidecage. This thread is really bringing them out of the woodwork.

[quote name='PottyPops']You do realize you directly contradicted yourself just 4 points later don't you? They overlook drug use and assault but they're looking to throw you in jail for anything they can???

I guess poor ppl don't have parents, as that is a parents job.[/QUOTE]

Re-read what he wrote just a little more closely. You can do it.
[quote name='cochesecochese']I've really got to give some credit to my son slidecage. This thread is really bringing them out of the woodwork.

Re-read what he wrote just a little more closely. You can do it.[/QUOTE]
What should I be looking for because I don't see anything that invalidates what I said.
[quote name='PottyPops']What should I be looking for because I don't see anything that invalidates what I said.[/QUOTE]


Oh pottypops. I can already tell you are going to be amusing.
[quote name='PottyPops']What should I be looking for because I don't see anything that invalidates what I said.[/QUOTE]

Make sure to read the bold parts carefully.
[quote name='chiwii']Make sure to read the bold parts carefully.[/QUOTE]
I see what you're getting at, but we all receive the same police force. It's not like there is one for the rich and one for the poor. The effect on a person's life from being arrested has differing effects but not the laws themselves. As for the treatment received in drug cases I'm not at all convinced it differs. A meth lab is a meth lab regardless of the person's fiscal status, at least that's the way it is in my state.

But in any case I'll concede on that point. That's much more of regional issue and cannot be attributed to every area.

Seriously though.... "No one to teach basics life lessons" Really? That is a matter of financial status? I certainly have a good point there, regardless of which side of the fence a person is on. Surely you can credit me that much.
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[quote name='PottyPops']I see what you're getting at, but we all receive the same police force. It's not like there is one for the rich and one for the poor. The effect on a person's life from being arrested has differing effects but not the laws themselves. As for the treatment received in drug cases I'm not at all convinced it differs. A meth lab is a meth lab regardless of the person's fiscal status, at least that's the way it is in my state.

But in any case I'll concede on that point. That's much more of regional issue and cannot be attributed to every area.[/quote]
Forgive my hyperbole, but if Lindsey Lohan was a black male, she'd be rotting in jail right now. Yeah, they might both get arrested and processed, but how they're treated and the punishment they received in the system couldn't be more different.

Seriously though.... "No one to teach basics life lessons" Really? That is a matter of financial status? I certainly have a good point there, regardless of which side of the fence a person is on. Surely you can credit me that much.
The life lessons needed in a poor urban or rural area are different from those needed in a rich suburb or town. HTH

[quote name='Clak']People of lesser means often have missing parents, either mother or father.[/QUOTE]
Not to mention that saving is an issue when you don't have much money and social networks consist of those in the same situation. Networking your way out of poverty is a little tougher when you don't have access to the networks in higher socio-economic stratas.
[quote name='Clak']People of lesser means often have missing parents, either mother or father.[/QUOTE]

White people have been messing with minorities for hundreds of years in a program called "father displacement". We typically like to remove the head of a house hold and put them in programs we call "jail" or "deadbeat daycare".

Each year the white race selects tens of thousands of otherwise caring minority fathers and frames them for crimes they did not commit. We also hire magicians to create the illusion that the father walked out when in fact their is nothing more they wanted then to take responsibility for procreating.
bread's done