Ridin' The Kidney Missile into Utopia OTT

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Yeah I think I'll pass on Slypheed at that price. Although sometimes I don't care too much about the price of the game but in the difference between the price of the game and what I'd be able to sell it for on eBay once I'm done.

Send me a friend request once you get up and running munch! Send me one too #83, or did you already?

I browsed a few friend lists from people who had sent me requests yesterday and sent a few out to OTTers I recognized.
[quote name='munch']I should be getting my 360 today. I'm going to open it up and try and hook up live. I need a gamertag.[/QUOTE]
Got my 360 connected wirelessly last night so I'm finally able to move it from the POS temporary TV upstairs to a nicer TV downstairs. Right now I have it hooked to my plasma, but that won't be its main home unfortunately.

I was playing that thing on a 15+ year old 17" tube TV. :rofl:

I had a little trouble getting the wireless adapter working (Linksys WET11 if anyone cares) but finally got it communicating with the router supplied by Verizon. For some reason it wouldn't connect at all w/ my security setup but I finally removed the encryption from the router which allowed it to get on and work great. Then I put the encryption back on the exact same way I had it set before (same WEP key and everything) reconfigured the WET11 the same as before and then it worked. No idea why that kick started it. And no I wasn't doing MAC filtering on the router.
Thank you!

I have

Oblivion IV
All Pro Football 2K8
Open Season------\
Cars__________---ESA Holiday Bundle
Fuzion Frenzy 2__/
Marvel UA
Forza 2
Saint's Row
Aegis Wing
Hexic HD
Call of Juarez (on the way from CC.com)
Dead Rising (should be on the way from eBay)
Halo 3 (coming Xmas day)

I think that's it. Might buy COD4 on Target's sale next week.
Everything I've bought so far has been on a deal. Most from this week's ad so you can still grab them if they are in stock.

Dead Rising I got on a good snipe of an eBay auction. The three ESA Holiday bundle games are 3 for $30 anywhere that has the bundle - but if you aren't interested in FF2 that probably isn't a good deal for you. The other 4 (Oblivion, All Pro Football, Call of Juarez, Saint's Row) are in this week's ads. Wait no - Saint's Row was in last week's ad.
[quote name='wubb']
Send me a friend request once you get up and running munch! Send me one too #83, or did you already?[/quote]

I did not, but will do when I get on later.
you should be muchinmoms.

My coffin arrived today, but since by 360 is not 100% dead, im gonna watch bourne first.
Then tommrow I shall send it back out.
Does Target Price Adjust? I'm probably going to just buy a 12+1 XBL card for $50 today so I can get on asap but I might try adjusting against their sale price on Sunday. But OTOH it might not be worth fighting the holiday shoppers for $5...
[quote name='wubb']Thank you!

I have

Oblivion IV
All Pro Football 2K8
Open Season------\
Cars__________---ESA Holiday Bundle
Fuzion Frenzy 2__/
Marvel UA
Forza 2
Saint's Row
Aegis Wing
Hexic HD
Call of Juarez (on the way from CC.com)
Dead Rising (should be on the way from eBay)
Halo 3 (coming Xmas day)

I think that's it. Might buy COD4 on Target's sale next week.[/QUOTE]
I've been playing Oblivion. I'm 2 hours into it and the game is boring as all hell.
[quote name='dcfox']I've been playing Oblivion. I'm 2 hours into it and the game is boring as all hell.[/QUOTE]

You should get Open Season.
[quote name='wubb']You should get Open Season.[/QUOTE]
I've actually considered buying Cars before. :lol:

I haven't seen the movie yet so maybe I should do that before I play the game.
[quote name='dcfox']I've actually considered buying Cars before. :lol:

I haven't seen the movie yet so maybe I should do that before I play the game.[/QUOTE]

I'm an hour or so into Cars and it's not bad but Open Season is more fun.
[quote name='munch']I just hit me what munchausen's is. If it's available, that will be my GT.[/quote]

I told you Brak was fucking brilliant. It's up there. I said it.
[quote name='corrosivefrost']You're doing it wrong.[/QUOTE]
What the hell am I doing wrong? There's nothing to do but walk around and talk to people. Since I got out of the sewers the most excitement I had was killing a bandit.
[quote name='wubb']Baron Munchausen right?

frosty - shrike is selling 20GB HDDs for $65 shipped.[/QUOTE]

No, wubb, Baron von Munchausen. Those Germans will go nuts if you forget the von. Get it right or pay the price
How am I playing oblvion wrong?

I have this strange combat where all I have to do is hit a button and it dies.
[quote name='wubb']Angry Germans? That's never been a problem right?[/quote]

Just watch Beerfest.

On second thought, dont watch Beerfest.

I will never get that time back in my life.
[quote name='wubb']Baron Munchausen right?

frosty - shrike is selling 20GB HDDs for $65 shipped.[/quote]

I think it's Baron Von Munchausen, which he could use a variation of if munchausen is taken. :)

Thanks Wubb -- I've been in contact with the old mayun. He had one for me, in case Chika couldn't get the HD at TRU. I guess he's going to check a Kmart or two if he gets a chance, to see if he can hook me up with a better deal. ;)
[quote name='dcfox']What the hell am I doing wrong? There's nothing to do but walk around and talk to people. Since I got out of the sewers the most excitement I had was killing a bandit.[/quote]

Follow the main quest until you've leveled up a bit. Just be careful when you head to Kvatch, cause the enemy difficulty spikes.
[quote name='TFN']Rob everybody you see, dcfox.

It'll fill the empty void in your heart with dark satisfaction.[/QUOTE]
I tried that once. I robbed this one lady. Afterwards I shot her in the head with an arrow. Instead of dying she went and got the guards. I didn't want to have to deal with that so I quit without saving.
[quote name='dcfox']I've been playing Oblivion. I'm 2 hours into it and the game is boring as all hell.[/quote]

You are wrong. Oblivion is one of the most entertaining games ever invented.
Beerfest had a couple of funny moments.
Maybe im past the point where grandmothers being whores and drinking ram piss, is funny to me.
[quote name='InuFaye']How am I playing oblvion wrong?

I have this strange combat where all I have to do is hit a button and it dies.[/quote]

You must be super high leveled.

Or have the difficultly way down.

Unless your complaint is only "one attack button"... but if you're playing oblivion for the combat only...
I just need to give it another shot.
Ill wait for the pc GOTY version to tank in price.

Although the word seems to be that morrowind is better, except for the combat.

Is balls of fury any good?

Should I netflix that bitch?
[quote name='corrosivefrost']Oh man, the HD format war is over. Call HD-DVD the winner, cause they have Balls of Fury![/QUOTE]
Console wars are over too because Wii is the only system that has Balls of Fury.

Edit: Inu, fuck no! Balls of Fury is the worst movie this year!
[quote name='dcfox']Console wars are over too because Wii is the only system that has Balls of Fury.[/quote]

[quote name='Strell']I'm the only system with balls of fury.[/QUOTE]
I think you meant to say "I'm the only system with balls of furry."
[quote name='InuFaye']Beerfest had a couple of funny moments.
Maybe im past the point where grandmothers being whores and drinking ram piss, is funny to me.[/QUOTE]


Very few comedies make me laugh anymore. It's sad.
[quote name='senorwoohoo']Same.

Very few comedies make me laugh anymore. It's sad.[/quote]

I think its the quality of the comdies that have come down considerably.
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