Rock Band - Discussion moved to Rock Band 2 thread!

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[quote name='urzishra14']IMO it needs more punk rock.. but since I actually play in a band.. i don't really like the guitar hero type games mostly since i can play the songs in my band better than I can on the game.. and no video game for me has since gave me the experience like being on stage with my heroes yet (the bouncing souls brought me on stage to sing along on one of their songs.. I got to open for the Unsung Zeroes.. and also got to open for the Used before they're first record came out when they were playing weekly shows here in Utah) anyways.. the game just doesn't compare to my experiences so I guess it just doesn't do it for me.[/QUOTE]

whoop a dee doo
[quote name='urzishra14']IMO it needs more punk rock.. but since I actually play in a band.. i don't really like the guitar hero type games mostly since i can play the songs in my band better than I can on the game.. and no video game for me has since gave me the experience like being on stage with my heroes yet (the bouncing souls brought me on stage to sing along on one of their songs.. I got to open for the Unsung Zeroes.. and also got to open for the Used before they're first record came out when they were playing weekly shows here in Utah) anyways.. the game just doesn't compare to my experiences so I guess it just doesn't do it for me.[/quote]
The Care-Meter is off the fucking charts for this one.

Those gum rubber pads in use:

They look like they do the job, but not worth spending ~$20-30 for me though.
I got my replacement guitar in today. I was worried that the strum didn't feel any different than my broken one, but I played 2 songs with it and got high scores on both. Sold.
[quote name='specialk']I think that's the unspoken charm of not only get to play real instruments like a band, but after awhile you start to have the same strifes as a real band as well.[/QUOTE]

Actually, it's the SPOKEN charm of Rockband. Check out the bonus videos in the extras on the game. The developers discuss that factor. :)
[quote name='urzishra14']IMO it needs more punk rock.. but since I actually play in a band.. i don't really like the guitar hero type games mostly since i can play the songs in my band better than I can on the game.. and no video game for me has since gave me the experience like being on stage with my heroes yet (the bouncing souls brought me on stage to sing along on one of their songs.. I got to open for the Unsung Zeroes.. and also got to open for the Used before they're first record came out when they were playing weekly shows here in Utah) anyways.. the game just doesn't compare to my experiences so I guess it just doesn't do it for me.[/quote]

One time I saved a little girl from a burning building that was about to explode, then an evil genius was about to launch some nukes at every major city in the US, but I stopped him. It was much more satisfying than saving people in a video game!

Seriously, you sound like a jackass.
[quote name='mykevermin']Of course. They should release 10 fuckin' songs every day.[/QUOTE]

Cause that's exactly what I said. :roll:
The sticks seem nice, but I want to see a third party come out with a heavy-duty kick pedal.

Also, I'm home for the night...anyone want to get a band going?
[quote name='seanr1221']The sticks seem nice, but I want to see a third party come out with a heavy-duty kick pedal.

Also, I'm home for the night...anyone want to get a band going?[/quote]

Suppose I could use up a 48-hour code and play for a little.
[quote name='anomynous']My coffins for the drums & guitar came today, time to send the stuff back tomorrow[/quote]

I just sent out my guitar tonight...the coffin came 2nd day air, don't think it was going back that way though.
[quote name='seanr1221']The sticks seem nice, but I want to see a third party come out with a heavy-duty kick pedal.[/QUOTE]

I wouldn't be surprised if people simply took the switches out of the included pedal and put em in an actual one.
[quote name='evanft']I wouldn't be surprised if people simply took the switches out of the included pedal and put em in an actual one.[/QUOTE]

If there was a video on how to do that, and if it was easy enough, I'd try it. My pedal is already cracked. It's only a matter of time before it snaps.
[quote name='evanft']No. It does need more metal, hard rock, and classic rock.
I didn't like it in Guitar Hero, and I wouldn't like it in Rock Band.

I'm more than pleased that Rock Band is doing something different than Guitar Hero.
[quote name='evanft']Cause that's exactly what I said. :roll:[/QUOTE]

Well, given that with very few exceptions, the VAST majority of the AMPLE rock band DLC has been "hard rock," "classic rock," and "metal," you either (1) want more songs than are already offered or (2) are just bitching for the sake of bitching.

I'm willing to be All-American Rejects aren't my cuppa tea, but for some kids, they are. Far more than would buy some wanking 45-minute hesher opus from Emperor or Opeth or onea'them facepaint bands.

The pricepoint is great for RB, the selection is quite good - and we know that Nirvana's "Nevermind" and The Who's "Who's Next" are coming (Baba O'Reilly motherfucker!) - so it's not like this is the beginning of the end, and the remainder of the coming months will be stuffed with bands who made their names offa myspace.

And as Brak said, variety is good. Sorry, but Rock Band isn't just made for you and you alone. Hence the variety. But as a metal fan, you have NOTHING to complain about unless you want to enter into a hokey universe where Sabbath and Metallica aren't "metal enough," or that you want bands nobody else has heard of or cares to hear.

fuck it. I'm gonna go stuff the RB DLC thread ballot box with Ani DiFranco, just for you. Do you prefer "Come Away From It" or "Angry Anymore"?
Most people would hate it, and I know it would never happen, but I was thinking it would be pretty cool to have 2 pedals and a selection of some metal songs. Don't yell at me myke, I'm just saying. lol
I love all the songs, but honestly in a party type setting the more "pop" songs are the bigger hits. Especially with the ladies, since they are somewhat current and they feel more comfortable singing/playing along to them.

I think they are great. had a tournament for this near my house so I went and won. I sang Run to the Hills and won the Rock Band Bundle. Here's a pic:


I've already spent about $20 in XBL points on DLC already compared to the $0 I've spent on Guitar Hero. Weren't they supposed to release Nirvana's Nevermind as DLC?
[quote name='Lobsterjohnson']Weren't they supposed to release Nirvana's Nevermind as DLC?[/QUOTE]

It's coming, but no release date has been announced yet.
[quote name='KingDox']Ok here is the problem I'm having doing world tour with my friends. I have a 4 member band. I'm fine on Medium bass, and my buddy is on Medium drums. But my other 2 friends who don't own RB or GH have a hard time keeping up on Medium songs (singing & Guitar).

When we try to keep the band all on Medium we usually end up failing the songs and losing fans. Does anyone know if you can go back re-play the songs you've already done on the easy setting and get back those fans?

Because we are never going to get new venues if we don't get more fans. And we can't get more Stars if we don't have new songs.

It's kinda a cruel circle. To have my band suck at the songs available and still suck too much to unlock new songs.

I swear we almost started getting into a fight because our guitar player couldn't keep up with us and kept causing us to fail songs and lose fans.[/QUOTE]

Well BASS is easier than guitar so switch with your friend.
Well I played for my first game online last night

First time I was guitar, guy was bass, He picked Fall Out Boy, DOA. I played Medium he picked Hard fair enough. About 1 and half into the song he fails and drops for the game.

Next game I am host, so I just pick a random song, I pick Medium dude lags out on the select screen.

Pretty fun time all around.
[quote name='ThatDamnDave']Is the band play online any good? I've only done local multiplayer. Is it any fun to get going with random strangers? How's the lag?[/quote]
It's alright, you just end up playing Enter Sandman with EVERY band you play with. Being a drummer, that song is fun and all, but people need to use the Random song function.

Seems like every band I go with HAS to play In Bloom, Tom Sawyer, Highway Star, Enter Sandman, Timmy, and some stupid fuck chooses Green Grass when they've never played it before and fails 3 times during the song because they can't handle the guitar solos.

If you play with friends, it's a blast. If you play with total strangers that are annoying on their mics, especially those that sing on guitar/bass which throws your timing off, it sucks.
I got my replacement guitar and then they sent another with the same RMA and tracking number, has anyone else had this happen? Are they going to put 2 holds on my account now?
[quote name='Lobsterjohnson']Weren't they supposed to release Nirvana's Nevermind as DLC?[/quote]

What about The Who's "Whos Next?"????
[quote name='mykevermin']
fuck it. I'm gonna go stuff the RB DLC thread ballot box with Ani DiFranco, just for you. Do you prefer "Come Away From It" or "Angry Anymore"?[/quote]

"fuck you"
They are both coming but you guys have to remember: They promised DLC every week. So every Tuesday we will get new tracks.Obviously it is annoying that they are holding stuff but it will come out eventually
[quote name='menikmati']It's alright, you just end up playing Enter Sandman with EVERY band you play with. Being a drummer, that song is fun and all, but people need to use the Random song function.

Seems like every band I go with HAS to play In Bloom, Tom Sawyer, Highway Star, Enter Sandman, Timmy, and some stupid fuck chooses Green Grass when they've never played it before and fails 3 times during the song because they can't handle the guitar solos.

If you play with friends, it's a blast. If you play with total strangers that are annoying on their mics, especially those that sing on guitar/bass which throws your timing off, it sucks.[/QUOTE]

We still need to play online.

oh and fuck Green Grass on expert guitar. I keep failing at 80% :cry:
[quote name='seanr1221']We still need to play online.

oh and fuck Green Grass on expert guitar. I keep failing at 80% :cry:[/QUOTE]

Save your star power and don't use it until you absolutely have to.

I'm down to play some online band quickplay. I can play guitar/bass expert. The only song I might possibly fail on guitar is Ride The Lightning. And that would probably only be once during the song, so we probably wouldn't fail the song. There are a couple others I guess I could fail once during the solo if I was playing terribly.
[quote name='mykevermin']
fuck it. I'm gonna go stuff the RB DLC thread ballot box with Ani DiFranco, just for you. Do you prefer "Come Away From It" or "Angry Anymore"?[/QUOTE]

Little Plastic Castle and Independence Day for me thanks.
[quote name='buttasuperb']Save your star power and don't use it until you absolutely have to.

I'm down to play some online band quickplay. I can play guitar/bass expert. The only song I might possibly fail on guitar is Ride The Lightning. And that would probably only be once during the song, so we probably wouldn't fail the song. There are a couple others I guess I could fail once during the solo if I was playing terribly.[/QUOTE]

I do. One thing I've never ben good at with Guitar Hero and Rock Band has been sliding. So the yellow-red-green-red combo fucks me up pretty good.

I tried using my right hand and sliding a finger across the solo frets and that helped a little bit. I got to 85%
[quote name='seanr1221']I do. One thing I've never ben good at with Guitar Hero and Rock Band has been sliding. So the yellow-red-green-red combo fucks me up pretty good.

I tried using my right hand and sliding a finger across the solo frets and that helped a little bit. I got to 85%[/QUOTE]

have you tried just concentrating on hitting 3 out of every 4 notes during the zigzag parts, either descending or ascending, whichever you're better at? that in combination with star power should get you through it.

that helped me pass it and eventually 5 star it.
I'm stuck at the exact same spot. Can't do it on either guitar. Suppose I'll try that too.

Oh, and if anyone's having doublestrum/missed strum issues, this guide does help. Amazing how easy the thing came apart for me, and what the insides looked like. Almost got tempted to play with the back missing just for fun.
This game has bass... so I have to ask:

[quote name='mykevermin']Well, given that with very few exceptions, the VAST majority of the AMPLE rock band DLC has been "hard rock," "classic rock," and "metal," you either (1) want more songs than are already offered or (2) are just bitching for the sake of bitching.[/QUOTE]

Perhaps some clarification is in order. You can pretty much ignore what I said about hard rock and classic rock, at least on some level, as a good chunk of the DLC, like you said, can be lumped into these categories. When I say metal, I'm not referring merely to a group of "usual suspects", like Sabbath, Metallica, etc. I'm talking more about bands like (of the more well-known metal bads) Motorhead, Slayer, or maybe Megadeth and (of the lesser-known ones) Blind Guardian, Dream Theater, and Symphony X.

[quote name='mykevermin']And as Brak said, variety is good. Sorry, but Rock Band isn't just made for you and you alone. Hence the variety. But as a metal fan, you have NOTHING to complain about unless you want to enter into a hokey universe where Sabbath and Metallica aren't "metal enough," or that you want bands nobody else has heard of or cares to hear.[/QUOTE]

As said before, Metallica and Sabbath represent sort of the "usual suspects" of their genre in that they are probably the most widely-known outside of metal. This makes their choice as DLC expected, obviously, but not necessarily welcome if they represent the depth to which future DLC will explore the genre. I also have the same fear when it comes to punk, as I don't really want the DLC to simply have bands like the Ramones and The Clash representing the genre (although, the choice of the Buzzcocks was not unwelcome).

It's really an extension of my concerns that began when Rock Band's on-disc tracklist began to take shape some months ago. It seems that there is a much more, for lack of a better term, "mainstream" (maybe "accessible" would be better?) bent to the selections than I would prefer, and I think the game is worse-off because of it, as more mainstream songs tend to be simpler and more boring.
A Megadeth song pack would be most excellent. It's kinda odd that they aren't in GH3 or Rock Band as of yet, considering they were in both GH1 and 2.

Holy Wars
Tornado of Souls
Peace Sells

Something along those lines.

Or the entire Rust In Peace album would work just fine.

I'd also like to see a Dethklok track pack. They could setup the singing portion the same way they did for Sabotage. Drums would be wild, though they'd probably have to dumb the bass kicks down even on expert.

Anyways, I played band quickplay online for the first time today, and the first band I get thrown into, the singer looked like Alex from SF3 (i doubt it was intentional) and he had a tattoo on his chest that read BUTT HOLE in huge letters. Juvenile, but still hilarious.
Fair enough all around, evan. Don't get me wrong, I like me some metal and it's 3 billion subgenres. My iPod is loaded with stuff that perhaps only SneakyPenguin himself could turn his nose up at as being "too known a musical commodity."

That said, I don't see Rock Band as the game for that. It may come eventually, but I have to say that one of the best songs in the game is Bon fuckin' Jovi. When you have people over to your place, a buncha beers, and have a Rock Band party (and I have friends begging us to have another), there's nothing quite like a room of drunk adults shouting


You'd never find Bon Jovi on my iPod, that's for sure. But it's a PERFECT fit for this game. As much as I'd like to see "metal" in the same vein you mean, I'd be happier to see stuff like "Sister Christian," "Pour Some Sugar on Me," or Journey's "Don't Stop Believin'" came about as DLC.
[quote name='buttasuperb']A Megadeth song pack would be most excellent. It's kinda odd that they aren't in GH3 or Rock Band as of yet, considering they were in both GH1 and 2.

Holy Wars
Tornado of Souls
Peace Sells

Something along those lines.

Or the entire Rust In Peace album would work just fine.

I'd also like to see a Dethklok track pack. They could setup the singing portion the same way they did for Sabotage. Drums would be wild, though they'd probably have to dumb the bass kicks down even on expert.

Anyways, I played band quickplay online for the first time today, and the first band I get thrown into, the singer looked like Alex from SF3 (i doubt it was intentional) and he had a tattoo on his chest that read BUTT HOLE in huge letters. Juvenile, but still hilarious.[/QUOTE]

I'd be down for a little 'Wake Up Dead' .
[quote name='buttasuperb']A Megadeth song pack would be most excellent. It's kinda odd that they aren't in GH3 or Rock Band as of yet, considering they were in both GH1 and 2.

Holy Wars
Tornado of Souls
Peace Sells

Something along those lines.

Or the entire Rust In Peace album would work just fine.

I'd also like to see a Dethklok track pack. They could setup the singing portion the same way they did for Sabotage. Drums would be wild, though they'd probably have to dumb the bass kicks down even on expert.

Anyways, I played band quickplay online for the first time today, and the first band I get thrown into, the singer looked like Alex from SF3 (i doubt it was intentional) and he had a tattoo on his chest that read BUTT HOLE in huge letters. Juvenile, but still hilarious.[/QUOTE]

I'd trade Holy Wars for Back in the Day, I think that might be a bit more fun to sing, but any Megadeth is better than no Megadeth. I don't know how I'd feel if Peace Sells was thrown in there, I dig the song, and it could definitely be a good time to play, I just think they might have a song that is equally identifiable that hasn't been in GH that could be used as well. But I like your thinking with Tornado of Souls and your Dethklok idea. Hatredcopter ftw!
[quote name='Logg']What about Machine Head[/quote]

I wouldn't mind that one bit. The blood, the sweat, the tears would be a hell of a song to play.
[quote name='Ahadi']I'd trade Holy Wars for Back in the Day, I think that might be a bit more fun to sing, but any Megadeth is better than no Megadeth. I don't know how I'd feel if Peace Sells was thrown in there, I dig the song, and it could definitely be a good time to play, I just think they might have a song that is equally identifiable that hasn't been in GH that could be used as well. But I like your thinking with Tornado of Souls and your Dethklok idea. Hatredcopter ftw![/QUOTE]

I wouldn't trade Holy Wars for anything. One of my favorite songs of all time, and needs to be in one of these games. Peace Sells, I just think that one would be fun as hell to sing.

And yea Hatredcopter ftw indeed. I was thinking something like Go Forth And Die, Murmaider, and Hatredcopter for a Dethklok track pack. Something with a variety of difficulties.
I brought my rock band and hard drive over to my brother's apartment yesterday. I went to play the songs I downloaded on Band Quickplay but they weren't there. Do I have to be connected to live or something to be able to play them? It doesn't make sense but someone was telling me that.
[quote name='Lobsterjohnson']I brought my rock band and hard drive over to my brother's apartment yesterday. I went to play the songs I downloaded on Band Quickplay but they weren't there. Do I have to be connected to live or something to be able to play them? It doesn't make sense but someone was telling me that.[/QUOTE]

Yup. When your 360 red rings some day you'll have to do the same thing.
[quote name='Lobsterjohnson']I brought my rock band and hard drive over to my brother's apartment yesterday. I went to play the songs I downloaded on Band Quickplay but they weren't there. Do I have to be connected to live or something to be able to play them? It doesn't make sense but someone was telling me that.[/quote]

Yeah, you either need to be online with your gamertag or bring your 360 over since the songs are tied to the console and gamertag you downloaded them with.
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