Rock Band series - Rock Band 4 out now

[quote name='RichMeisterMan']

I really liked play Jesus of Suburbia. 21st Century Breakdown is blast I think too, especially on drums and vocals.[/QUOTE]

Yea, that was a fun one. I think this is a game for vocalists and drummers mainly. Although bass is a decent challenge on many songs. I haven't played the drums on this game yet.

Whitesnake: yes
Joan Jett: really? Guitar Hero 2 (or was it 3?)
Joan jett was in RB2.

Most of the 80s-90s look good to me.

I'm curious to see how the RB2 export will work. Will it be a rent-n-rip affair like RB1? (not for me though), or will RB3 have an export code for 2?
[quote name='lordopus99']I guess I am the outsider. Outside Queen and the Doors, the tracklist for me is a bust. Nothing too exciting.[/QUOTE]
Eh, not much for me there either, but there will be a ton more songs on the final list so no big deal. I'm pretty excited for this. Frankly, the keyboard is just the icing for me - as long as we get an updated/improved/expanded game fully compatible with all DLC, I'm fine.
[quote name='KaneRobot']Eh, not much for me there either, but there will be a ton more songs on the final list so no big deal. I'm pretty excited for this. Frankly, the keyboard is just the icing for me - as long as we get an updated/improved/expanded game fully compatible with all DLC, I'm fine.[/QUOTE]
Picking on "I love Rock and Roll" is just wrong. Sure, it's no Weird Al version, but it's the next best thing. ~ ~ But besides the Joan Jett Song, Smashmouth, and the missing Queen song finally showing up, I am not into any of those announced bands.
I love "Jesus of Suburbia" as well. It's my favorite track on American Idiot. "Brain Stew/Jaded" is boring just as I expected. "Brain Stew" was the first song I learned to play on a guitar and is the easiest song ever, and "Jaded" is really simple; just fast.

I hope for full album releases of all their stuff, but "Redundant" from Nimrod was a single and would have been really fun to play.
Eh, nothing's blowing me away on the setlist, either. Honestly, "Just Like Heaven" is probably the most exciting one for me out of all of them.
[quote name='2DMention']Y
I'm curious to see how the RB2 export will work. Will it be a rent-n-rip affair like RB1? (not for me though), or will RB3 have an export code for 2?[/QUOTE]

IIRC, they future-proofed themselves by putting a code in the RB2 manual.

[quote name='uglyteradon']I pretty much approve of all those new tracks listed under 2000'. Win.[/QUOTE]

Hmm... I love pretty much the entire list EXCEPT the 2000s. Don't recognize a single one of them.
[quote name='Corvin']IIRC, they future-proofed themselves by putting a code in the RB2 manual.


I thought that was for the 20 extra trax? I'll have to look when I get home.
Oops. You're right. I wonder if they could reuse the codes though. Disable the HMX20 file on MS's end and redirect the code to a RB2 export instead.
It'll probably be rent-n-rip like RB1, but I can guarantee you it won't be $5. $10 seems to be the sweet spot. YOu'd think it would be much more, because they have to re-license every song, don't they?
I wonder if they will support the RB: Stage Kit in Rock Band 3? That and an export option to get RB2's songs into RB3 will determine my purchase or not of RB3.
I would guess that the code in the RB2 manual will be re-used as an export code. Probably thru an in-game menu, not thru the xbox dashboard.

Agree with the general sentiment on the 2000's decade songs. Haven't even heard of several of those bands. But I'm sure there is much more to come. That's only about a quarter of the total tracklist.

Pricing on the keyboard, I'm going to guess/hope for lower than the quotes above. Maybe $70 stand alone? Maybe a $99 or $119 keyboard + game bundle? Hopefully that is an option, a nice starter kit for RB3 for people who already have multiple guitars and drums and don't want to upgrade right away.

Edit: I wonder, if they've been planning this for a while, I wonder if they have future-proofed any of the recent DLC with keyboard tracks that will unlock in RB3. Or even something like "The Final Countdown" on the Lego game. If they planned far enough in advance, they may surprise us with some stuff like that. I wouldn't hold my breath, but that would be a very nice bonus.
That's a pretty lame list. I'm only interested in Crosstown Traffic, Bohemian Rhapsody (the perfect party song) and Been Caught Stealing. I love me some STP, but Plush is going to be boring as fuck to play.
I was really hoping to be able to use my own keyboard. I know it is a stretch but since I haven't learned to play that I just can't bring myself to bring a smaller one into the house and play that. But I'm happy they included it, sounds like it will be fun.

I just hope they include features that have been in other games, like Lego Rock Band, such as auto kick petal.
I doubt they'll reuse the codes from the RB2 manual, seems like it could turn into a problem if people are just trying to use it to download the 20 additional songs. I'd bet they won't use a code, just charge 10 bucks to export them to RB3.
[quote name='eastx']Picking on "I love Rock and Roll" is just wrong. Sure, it's no Weird Al version, but it's the next best thing. ~ ~ But besides the Joan Jett Song, Smashmouth, and the missing Queen song finally showing up, I am not into any of those announced bands.[/QUOTE]

Do you not like 70s/80s music? I seriously can't hate on a single song in there. They're all great and will fit the game perfectly.
I seriously don't understand how anyone would not be excited for Rainbow. Stuff from Dio has been at the top of my want list for a while, and the new keyboard is going to make that song even better.
[quote name='Trakan']Do you not like 70s/80s music? I seriously can't hate on a single song in there. They're all great and will fit the game perfectly.[/QUOTE]

Not crazy about that musical time period, but I do like some stuff... Such as Queen, which I already have as DLC, ya know?
I am much more fond of 60s music though (which there isn't enough of in Rock Band).
Wow. Now that I've watched that video at home, it's amazing how they cram all that information on screen. You're gonna need at least a 40" TV to be able to see everything.
[quote name='eastx']Not crazy about that musical time period, but I do like some stuff... Such as Queen, which I already have as DLC, ya know?
I am much more fond of 60s music though (which there isn't enough of in Rock Band).[/QUOTE]

A lot of 60s music wouldn't fit in Rock Band. I'm surprised; you were born in the 70s and grew up in the 80s, but you don't like the music. I don't think we've ever really discussed much about music in our many conversations.

Nonetheless, I recommend holding out for Guitar Hero: Oldies.
[quote name='PenguinoMF']

Not horrible but I'm not interested in playing a song that is in a language I can't understand. A song like this should be DLC.[/QUOTE]
I totally disagree. While I may not speak Spanish, Juanes is a great addition to the game. Juanes are huge in the Latin community. Plus, as much as I love Rilo Kiley (so happy they have a song too), Juanes has sold way more albums than them.
[quote name='uglyteradon']What about all this talk about a new guitar? Does that mean some new bundle will be shipping this holiday?[/QUOTE]
There's going to be at least two new guitars if I remember right. One is a Stratocaster with strings for pro mode so you will really learn guitar. The other is a Fender Mustang that will go as a normal premium controller. All will be to scale though. Plus now finally use cymbals so I guess now the game will ship with a new drum set as well unless you have drum set expansion.
[quote name='2DMention']I'm surprised they don't have 50s classics like Elvis, Beach Boys and Buddy Holly in Rock Band.[/QUOTE]
October isn't for awhile and not all the cards on the table yet...
I wonder how they'll make the Strat to scale. That would be even smaller than the guitars made specifically for children. It'd be hard for an adolescent or an adult to learn to play on something like that via Pro mode.
Do you guys know what this keyboard means? It means that MUSE will either be getting a fat ass pack or maybe even their own game. Despite what the naysayers will think; Muse having such epic live shows and presentations they are definitely worthy of their own game.
Muse doesn't have enough tracks to really warrant a full game of their own in my opinion. They've only released four full albums and even then some of them will be hit or miss in putting in a game.
Requests for keyboard songs (on top of the already announced stuff):

Guns 'N Roses- "November Rain" (top priority)
anything more by The Doors
Lynyrd Skynyrd- "Free Bird"
The Allman Brothers Band- "Jessica"
Journey- "Don't Stop Believin"
Rush- "Tom Sawyer"
Styx- "Mr. Roboto"
any of several Andrew W.K. songs
Foreigner- "Cold As Ice"

That's all I've got right now that would fit with the game.
I wish that they'll release a keyboard bundle, it's the only instrument I'll be interested in as I already have GHWT drums for RB2.

I'm burnt out from guitar ever since GH3 and have been playing drums exclusively since RB2 since a competent drummer is somehow always needed.
[quote name='Matt Young']Requests for keyboard songs (on top of the already announced stuff):

Guns 'N Roses- "November Rain" (top priority)
anything more by The Doors
Lynyrd Skynyrd- "Free Bird"
The Allman Brothers Band- "Jessica"
Journey- "Don't Stop Believin"
Rush- "Tom Sawyer"
Styx- "Mr. Roboto"
any of several Andrew W.K. songs
Foreigner- "Cold As Ice"

That's all I've got right now that would fit with the game.[/QUOTE]

Patch The FInal Countdown to include Keyboards plz
Anything industrial, New Wave, Dark Wave, Synth Pop
Anything by Depeche Mode (they could easily have their own game)
How about Kraftwerk? There's no parts for Vocals, Bass, even drums... We'd be ok with no parts for guitar.

WHere does it say it's not coming out till Oct. ? That's gonna be one long ass wait. I was thinking Sept.
[quote name='Matt Young']I wonder how they'll make the Strat to scale. That would be even smaller than the guitars made specifically for children. It'd be hard for an adolescent or an adult to learn to play on something like that via Pro mode.[/QUOTE]

What do you mean? If they make the guitar scaled to the actual body size of a real Stratocaster, it will be "just like" a real Stratocaster. I don't like the idea of not pressing real strings though. They're on the right track with teaching people tabs and notation and stuff, but without the pressure and tension of holding real strings down, this isn't going to teach you how to play a real guitar. People are going to be shredding on the invisible strings, then pick up a real guitar and go "what the fuck??? this hurts!!!" lol
[quote name='Matt Young']Requests for keyboard songs (on top of the already announced stuff):

Guns 'N Roses- "November Rain" (top priority)
anything more by The Doors
Lynyrd Skynyrd- "Free Bird"
The Allman Brothers Band- "Jessica"
Journey- "Don't Stop Believin"
Rush- "Tom Sawyer"
Styx- "Mr. Roboto"
any of several Andrew W.K. songs
Foreigner- "Cold As Ice"

That's all I've got right now that would fit with the game.[/QUOTE]

Yes. Yes to all of this.
[quote name='Matt Young']Requests for keyboard songs (on top of the already announced stuff):

Guns 'N Roses- "November Rain" (top priority)
anything more by The Doors
Lynyrd Skynyrd- "Free Bird"
The Allman Brothers Band- "Jessica"
Journey- "Don't Stop Believin"
Rush- "Tom Sawyer"
Styx- "Mr. Roboto"
any of several Andrew W.K. songs
Foreigner- "Cold As Ice"

That's all I've got right now that would fit with the game.[/QUOTE]

fuck it, anything out of that (outside of Andrew W.K.) I want right fucking now, and just patched for keyboard later! Speaking of which, I wonder if there are any DLC songs that will get a keyboard patch, or if we'll have to buy new "editions" with keyboard added (if they even bother with the existing catalog) I of course don't expect all existing songs patched, but there are a decent number that already have strong keyboard elements to them.
[quote name='2DMention']I'm surprised they don't have 50s classics like Elvis, Beach Boys and Buddy Holly in Rock Band.[/QUOTE]

I've been begging for some Beach Boys. Hopefully with harmonies in 3, we will get some.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']What do you mean? If they make the guitar scaled to the actual body size of a real Stratocaster, it will be "just like" a real Stratocaster. I don't like the idea of not pressing real strings though. They're on the right track with teaching people tabs and notation and stuff, but without the pressure and tension of holding real strings down, this isn't going to teach you how to play a real guitar. People are going to be shredding on the invisible strings, then pick up a real guitar and go "what the fuck??? this hurts!!!" lol[/QUOTE]

Scaled means its proportions are the same, but its size is different. Like if a real Strat was, say, a rectangle.... The actual guitar would be 2' x 4', and the controller would be 1' x 2'.
1 player for up to 3 mics
1 player for guitar
1 player for bass
1 player for drums
1 player for keyboard
- That's 5 players total.

How are 5 people going to log into 1 Xbox 360? Hmm?

On another note; someone mentioned Andrew W.K. and I second that motion.
[quote name='Matt Young']Nonetheless, I recommend holding out for Guitar Hero: Oldies.[/QUOTE]

That's never happening for the same reason we're not getting anymore Beatles DLC. It's too expensive to separate the tracks on older music.
I know. I wasn't serious.

If the analog tape is so fragile on the masters of Green Day's first 2 albums that the transfer to digital form will destroy it, I can only imagine what older stuff is like.
[quote name='Matt Young']Scaled means its proportions are the same, but its size is different. Like if a real Strat was, say, a rectangle.... The actual guitar would be 2' x 4', and the controller would be 1' x 2'.[/QUOTE]

Sorry, I see what you're referencing now. I didn't see bardockkun's post before. He's wrong by the way.

Two new guitar controllers in the works have actual strings where you strum; one is a full-sized, fully functional six-string Squier Stratocaster from Fender. "It can tell where your fingers are based on technology in the neck and the bridge of the guitar. No buttons," Drake says. "While you're playing it, it feels exactly like playing a real guitar," because that's what you're doing.

The other is a Fender Mustang Pro controller from accessory maker Mad Catz with a field of buttons in each fret. As your fingers compress the smaller non-colored buttons on that guitar's neck, your finger positions are represented in the game's display. "You can go from plucking single notes to power chords and bar chords, we have crazy stuff like tapping and slides," Dubrofsky says. "If you ever had any aspirations of connecting with the music in a deeper way ... you are really going to like Rock Band 3."

Actually, now that I'm reading it again, it seems that they are implying the Squier will actually have strings, and just that the neck will be able to "feel" where you're pressing them. The Mad Catz one will probably be junk though. I can only imagine how easy it will be to accidentally bump extra buttons. I just wonder how they're going to be able to account for muting and things like that.
bread's done