Rock Band series - Rock Band 4 out now

[quote name='erectiontown']they should have just called it Jerry Cantrell - Black Gives Way to Blue, because that's exactly what it is.[/QUOTE]

From the bits I've heard, it stacks up well with Degradation Trip and Boggy Depot.
AC/DC proved that having a new lead singer and still keeping the old band's name can work well. Sure, it won't be the same as the old AIC, but the new AIC could potentially be solid enough to "let it slide". Only time will tell.
[quote name='tgk2044']Just a heads up for everyone, the Lips patch is up... I'm not sure what else updated, but I can confirm the wireless mics now work.[/QUOTE]

Awesome! Just a few days late. I had a feeling RBN was the big hold up, and seeing that they were only able to release a closed beta audition version of it, that appears to be the case. Nice to see my expensive high end instruments finally get full support though (Lips mics and Ions). Add that on to the $30 stage kit I picked up from GS and now RB nights will look far more impressive. :)
[quote name='BlueSwim']AC/DC proved that having a new lead singer and still keeping the old band's name can work well. Sure, it won't be the same as the old AIC, but the new AIC could potentially be solid enough to "let it slide". Only time will tell.[/QUOTE]
I'll open the can of worms and say the Misfits also proved that. Look out now.

[quote name='Harmonix'](re: star sorting)

Some people have noticed that after playing a song it remains “Unplayed”. We are aware of this issue and are looking into a way to fix it. In the mean time the workaround is to beat your previous high score.[/quote]

So...we need a patch on this patch I guess.
[quote name='Gothic Walrus']The stars implementation is stupid. :whistle2:?[/QUOTE]

Granted I haven't played it yet, but I've loved the idea since I first heard about it. Works great in TBRB.
I listened to the songs in the breaking benjamin pack (I only knew Diary of Jane), but So Cold became familiar after listening for a minute. Pretty freaking solid though.
I tested out the wireless mic compatibility, seems good but I need to turn it down so I don't hear my voice coming out of the speakers. God knows no one wants to hear that.
[quote name='ZForce915']I tested out the wireless mic compatibility, seems good but I need to turn it down so I don't hear my voice coming out of the speakers. God knows no one wants to hear that.[/QUOTE]

I turned that slider all the way down on day one, and haven't looked back. :lol:

[quote name='Trakan']Granted I haven't played it yet, but I've loved the idea since I first heard about it. Works great in TBRB.[/QUOTE]

It's not the idea - it's the fact that it considers a lot of songs "unplayed" even if they've already got a score, and the current workaround from one of the developers is "try and beat your previous high score." It sorts, but it's not taking your existing scores into account very well.

Given that each one of the tracks should have the star information in it already, it doesn't seem very difficult to run through each track, compare the score to the track's score table, and assign the right star sorting. Just do that once when you boot up with the new patch for the first time, and then update the rankings every time you get a new high score. Problem solved, and in a way that (unless I really don't understand the game's architecture) shouldn't be too hard to code.

Actually, scratch that - I just checked, and it doesn't record ANY of your existing scores before the patch. EVERY one of the songs in the game showed up as "unplayed." So...the feature pretty much doesn't work, at all.
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AIC 'Would'?

Nice. One of my Top 3 wanted songs ever since I played GH waaay back.

Now all I need is KISS 'I Was Made for Lovin' You' and Ozzy 'Shot in the Dark' in RB
[quote name='manthing']Now all I need is KISS 'I Was Made for Lovin' You' and Ozzy 'Shot in the Dark' in RB[/QUOTE]

Ha, I second both of those. I'm actually going to a KISS show tonight and I'm hoping they play that for some morbid reason.

Hope we get to the kinda-sorta announced Queen pack sooner than later.
Chord HOPO improvements: If you’ve played The Beatles: Rock Band, you’ll notice much more robust handling of chord hammer-ons and pull-offs. This patch implements those changes in Rock Band 2 to provide a more natural chord hammer-on/pull-off experience.

Has anyone noticed this and/or can tell me what it does? Is there a noticeable difference? I haven't played Rock Band in awhile but this make get me to fire it up
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Breaking Benjamin is alright. But why the hell is there still no Three Days Grace in ANY music game?[/QUOTE]

I concur. Especially now that their new album is out.

I'm also still waiting for Queensryche.
How do the Rock Band track pack discs work? Do you get a code to download them into your HDD or do you do it from the disc? Can you pick and choose what songs you want on your HDD?
[quote name='LinkinPrime']How do the Rock Band track pack discs work? Do you get a code to download them into your HDD or do you do it from the disc? Can you pick and choose what songs you want on your HDD?[/QUOTE]
The AC/DC disc was a one time use code on the back of the manual that allowed you to redownload all the tracks and RB1/2 see all the songs as dlc. After they were downloaded you could go back and delete individual songs off your drive if you wanted from the memory manager. The regular track packs are probably the same way.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Breaking Benjamin is alright. But why the hell is there still no Three Days Grace in ANY music game?[/QUOTE]

I'm excited for AIC and finally some Breaking Benjamin, but I agree, I'm ready for some Three Days Grace as well. I was listening to One X on the way home from work yesterday and was thinking the same thing then. I just hope that they end up in RB and not GH when it happens.
[quote name='Techsticles']After they were downloaded you could go back and delete individual songs off your drive if you wanted from the memory manager.[/QUOTE]

That's not correct. The track pack downloads as one file, and remains one file - the 360 can't magically chop up the DLC file into individual songs. :whistle2:s
I've been wanting to try Rock Band for a while now and decided to take the plunge... trying to decide between:

(a) $80 through, wired instruments with Rock Band 1 & 2

(b) $100 through Amazon Marketplace, wireless instruments with Rock Band 2

I don't like the songs of either game very much... I'm leaning towards option B just to have less clutter.
[quote name='Koggit']I've been wanting to try Rock Band for a while now and decided to take the plunge... trying to decide between:

(a) $80 through, wired instruments with Rock Band 1 & 2

(b) $100 through Amazon Marketplace, wireless instruments with Rock Band 2

I don't like the songs of either game very much... I'm leaning towards option B just to have less clutter.[/QUOTE]

The Rock Band 1 disc transfer costs $5, and all you need to do is borrow or rent a copy. Trust me - if you have Rock Band 2, there's no reason to play Rock Band 1, unless you're really attached to the three songs that can't be transferred.
[quote name='Gothic Walrus']The Rock Band 1 disc transfer costs $5, and all you need to do is borrow or rent a copy. Trust me - if you have Rock Band 2, there's no reason to play Rock Band 1, unless you're really attached to the three songs that can't be transferred.[/QUOTE]
One of which you can just dl off of the marketplace and is the far superior master track.
[quote name='lolwut?']Chord HOPO improvements: If you’ve played The Beatles: Rock Band, you’ll notice much more robust handling of chord hammer-ons and pull-offs. This patch implements those changes in Rock Band 2 to provide a more natural chord hammer-on/pull-off experience.

Has anyone noticed this and/or can tell me what it does? Is there a noticeable difference? I haven't played Rock Band in awhile but this make get me to fire it up[/QUOTE]

There's definitely a difference. I haven't given Bodhisattva a try yet, but Should've Been A Cowboy is a lot more fun to play now. Yes, I'm that glad about the chord HOPO fix that I'm willing to admit that I downloaded that.
[quote name='Gothic Walrus']The Rock Band 1 disc transfer costs $5, and all you need to do is borrow or rent a copy. Trust me - if you have Rock Band 2, there's no reason to play Rock Band 1, unless you're really attached to the three songs that can't be transferred.[/QUOTE]
Cool, good to know. Which 3 can't be transferred? I'd be most interested in Maps by Yeah Yeah Yeahs... but really, I'm not very into any of the songs on either game, so I think I'd be content with the ~90 songs from RB2. I'd really love some Beatles but can't justify $60 for 40 songs. I don't have to like the songs I play, though... I enjoyed Guitar Hero (the last music game I played) even though the only song I really liked was Franz Ferdinand's Take Me Out.

I'm just going to bite the bullet and get Rock Band 2. $100... dammit... but I think it'll be worth it. I have 4 roommates to play it with, it should be a worthwhile investment.
So, did the patch actually work for anyone in regards to how the stars are displayed? For me, every song says unplayed like others have reported. When they actually do get this working, hopefully it'll also say what difficulty level you beat the song at and be able to swap between bass and guitar stats like in Beatles.
[quote name='epb']So, did the patch actually work for anyone in regards to how the stars are displayed? For me, every song says unplayed like others have reported. When they actually do get this working, hopefully it'll also say what difficulty level you beat the song at and be able to swap between bass and guitar stats like in Beatles.[/QUOTE]

The Beatles is definitely the gold star standard now (pun intended). Unfortunately it looks like we'll have to wait until RB3 to get something like that in Rock Band proper.
OK, so I played a little RB2 this morning and read up a little more on the star sorting. Evidently, you have to beat your current score for a song before it'll be listed by the star sorting. From what I can tell, RB2 does not record what difficulty level you play beat a song on at all and even if it did, it certainly doesn't display it in any manner. I always found it pretty annoying that it never told you how many stars you got previously on a song, but I had it in the back of my head that the game at least knew how many you had and on what difficulty level even if it wasn't displayed. That kind of functionality should have been in the patch, even if you still had to beat your current score to get it.
[quote name='Koggit']Cool, good to know. Which 3 can't be transferred?[/QUOTE]

Run to the Hills - which was a cover in RB1 anyway and is now available as a master track on the marketplace. No loss there.

Enter Sandman - which you are already going to have in GH:M if you're a fan of the band.

Paranoid - The only track I was genuinely disappointed to see not transferred. Yes, it was a cover, but the Sabbath covers are definitely some of the better imitations they've done. Too bad.

So yeah, the RB2 purchase is the way to go. You're only really losing one song.
I hope they had the song transfers in mind when ironing out the licensing deals for the RB2 songs; I have a hunch that unless they did that Battery won't be playable in RB3.
[quote name='YourFace']So are they patching the HOPO chords in the PS3 version? I haven't seen a patch yet.[/QUOTE]
The PS3 patch is going through certification right now I believe. So possibly by next week.
I noticed something interesting with the star sorting while playing RB2 with my fiance last night. We had been messing around in world tour and I finally convinced her to do a couple of the songs that she's been avoiding (Shackler's Revenge only exists to make all other bad songs seem better by comparison).

After we were done, I went into quickplay mode to check out the star sorting. As I expected, all of my songs were listed as unplayed, including ones we had just played. Even some of the songs I've played in quickplay in the past were marked unplayed. Not a big surprise. On a whim, I exited out and went into band quickplay with my fiance logged in too. Lo and behold, it actually sorted our songs by stars, including songs we haven't played since the patch. Not sure what to make of that, but it's interesting that I actually got the star sorting to work. Anyone else seen this happen?
I just got an email that I won the Beatles Premium Bundle from the Pepsi promotion!!

Now I need to decide whether to keep it or sell it. Argh. I do need another guitar soon...I'll probably keep it and just get rid of the game.
[quote name='Ronin317']Kane, first off, congrats! But you may be better to piece it out and sell it than selling it as a whole...[/QUOTE]

Thanks. I agree, but I think I'm just going to keep it. I'll just get whatever little money I can for my old RB1 mic and drums. Even if it's only like 20 bucks total, it's 20 bucks I didn't have before. I've been meaning to upgrade to wireless drums for a while anyway.
Holy SHIT! Breaking Benjamin! Only 3 songs but I'll take it! I swear to God if they put up all of their albums I would get them all. Gonna have to buy more MS Points.

...GH5 is getting Gwar AND The Misfits DLC. And it's old school Misfits, at that (Astro Zombies). I've never been so tempted to plunk down the dollars for a main-series GH game.

fuck. Come on, Harmonix! Get with it!!
[quote name='KaneRobot']Sigh.

...GH5 is getting Gwar AND The Misfits DLC. And it's old school Misfits, at that (Astro Zombies). I've never been so tempted to plunk down the dollars for a main-series GH game.

fuck. Come on, Harmonix! Get with it!![/QUOTE]
The only two bands I also gave a shit about on that list. Give Harmonix some time, or give RBN some time, one or the other.
[quote name='BustaUppa']It seems like RB has been getting more GH-overlapping DLC than ever lately. Be strong, people!!![/QUOTE]

No shit; Rock Band isn't going to let Activision get the leg up on them. It's just sad that GH is still the better selling franchise despite it being inferior.

Also, referring to the Queens of the Stone Age as, "QOTSA" might be a bit much. I had to sit there for a minute and think, "WTF?" What album is it?
[quote name='KaneRobot']Sigh.

...GH5 is getting Gwar AND The Misfits DLC. And it's old school Misfits, at that (Astro Zombies). I've never been so tempted to plunk down the dollars for a main-series GH game.

fuck. Come on, Harmonix! Get with it!![/QUOTE]
No Skulls or I Turned Into A Martian, no sale. Or at least Hybrid Moments.

Sigh...GH III had the only Deftones song on any of the games, Hole in the Earth. Some of my fave bands are being largely ignored.
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[quote name='erectiontown']i'm pissed that GH5 is getting first album QOTSA and not rock band[/QUOTE]
Yeah, same. I'm getting those songs day one though, they are badass. I'd rather them be on RB2, but oh well.

[quote name='RichMeisterMan']
Also, referring to the Queens of the Stone Age as, "QOTSA" might be a bit much. I had to sit there for a minute and think, "WTF?" What album is it?[/QUOTE]
Any fan of them call them that. A lot easier than spelling it out. Just like Red Hot Chili Peppers are RHCP, etc. ;)
[quote name='RichMeisterMan']It's just sad that GH is still the better selling franchise despite it being inferior.[/QUOTE]A-fuckING-MEN!!! It really is sad. Rock Band has nailed the music game experience in a way that GH never will. Guitar Hero has been posing ever since GHIII, IMO.

[quote name='RichMeisterMan']Also, referring to the Queens of the Stone Age as, "QOTSA" might be a bit much. I had to sit there for a minute and think, "WTF?" What album is it?[/QUOTE]Same here. I didn't figure it out until you posted this.:lol::lol::lol:
bread's done