RockBand 1 & 2 - Gen. Discussion & Info - 3/15/09 - Funk Pack + More!

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My cousin and I have named our band Foregone Conclusion, headlined, of course, by David Brent and Chris Finch. The only complaint I have is that the character creation doesn't allow you to really add the girth required for an accurate representation of Brent.

Also, I would probably pay hundreds if dollars if they ever released "Freelove Freeway" as DLC...
[quote name='JJSP']
Just out of curiosity, what are some of your band names?[/quote]
Same as Rock Band 1...

[quote name='evanft']I think it's coming in a patch later, as it wasn't finished for release.[/quote]

I really hope this is true. I was gonna show my wife how I can listen to music instead of playing it. When I couldn't find the Jukebox Mode, I looked like an idiot. Plus I'd love to listen to it through the Home Theatre set up I have without actually playing it.
[quote name='ZerotypeX'] whammy bar just broke, heard something snap inside. I believe the springs broke. Anyone know if EA will replace it? (lol). I tried the rock band support site, but it did not have the option for a broken whammy bar.


nm, called ea support. Guess I will be getting a replacement guitar. They said they are doing open warranties now until Oct 1, 2008. That means you won't need a receipt to determine proof of purchase and 60 days of hardware warranty until Oct 1. Guess I lucked out since, I don't know where my receipt is and it is most definitely passed 60 days since I had RB. w00t![/QUOTE]

So your guitar is a RB1 guitar? I ask because my cousin came over last night and my RB1 drum pedal broke and I figured I was screwed and would be forced to upgrade. If they replace it for free then I hope they send me the new RB2 pedal since I'm perfectly fine with my RB1 drums and just need a sturdy pedal. That'd be soooooo sweet!
My Band name is the Charismatics. But I didn't have time to pick a real band name since the Wife was rushing me to play it.

On a side note: WHY is there a battery pack on the back of the Rock Band 1 Guitar? I just got it out of the Storage unit today to mess around with it and I noticed this (yah i know, im late to the party)
My band name: The Scooching Goos

It is named after my 10 month old who named himself Goo at about 4-5 months (he made sounds like that so that's what we've called him every since, or variations like Goo-bear or Gooberry).

The Scooching part comes from his method of getting around. He doesn't crawl he flaps his arms and scooches on his butt. It is very funny...

Anyway, I had no idea what "Battle of the Bands" was till last night when I gave it a shot. I thought it was an online vs type competetion so I had stayed away from it before. But then I got the "Es de Gamestop" one showing up in my Solo Tour late last night. When I went to play it I saw that it showed 5 or 6 other people from my FL who had played it and it showed the lowest guy's score as I was playing as a target to beat. I came close, but not quite. Though I'll never ever come out on top of any of those lists it was fun to see that pop up and apply to the Tour mode (getting money and fans).

Then I looked around in the various leaderboards. I was quite surprised that I actually had some better scores than other CAGs on a few songs :lol:. Yeah, I play in Medium exclusively - I don't even wanna try anything harder. My 8 year-old can make it through on Expert on guitar though. I have no idea how he does it as his hands are tiny.
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Ok so I just played for the first time. Someone on CAG said that you could play with guests over live in RB1 but I just attempted to do so in RB2 and couldn't figure out how to do it. Can someone walk me through how to do it? Is it not available in World Tour mode? Is it available at all?
[quote name='Vulcan2422']
On a side note: WHY is there a battery pack on the back of the Rock Band 1 Guitar? I just got it out of the Storage unit today to mess around with it and I noticed this (yah i know, im late to the party)[/QUOTE]

The PS3 guitar was wireless and battery powered, and they use the same plastic mold to make the body.
[quote name='emdub']The PS3 guitar was wireless and battery powered, and they use the same plastic mold to make the body.[/quote]

Thanks for that. Makes sense now

Here is a "Fake" Jukebox Mode for you with a home theater and looking to just listen to the sounds

Options and turn off Crowd Volume
Go to Extras, and Modify Game
Turn on No Fail and Performance Modes.
Go to Solo Quick play, as a vocalist.
Set up whatever play list you want

It's not bad BUT I will suggest using the Rock Band Mic as it causes alot less static (I use the wireless when I play usually)
Does anyone know if you're playing on Rock Band 2, can you play someone who only has Rock Band 1? I wanna mail a friend my RB1 disc and play the RB1 songs whilst playing on RB2.
They're charging you 5 bucks to get your RB1 songs into RB2?

[quote name='evanft']It's completely 100% fair.[/quote]
Seconded, considering it's 55 or so songs for $5. Plus optional and DLC already transferring it over (along with the 84 tracks already on the disc and the additional 20 coming for DL for free with purchase), they really don't owe you shit for all that they're offering.
They could have gone the Guitar Hero 2 route and charged you to buy 3-packs of songs from Guitar Hero 1 at $5 a pop. I've got no problem spending $5 to get 55 songs, as well as using all of my DLC I've already purchased.
Another thing bothering me: Whenever you do a video shoot in tour mode, depending on the song (and how awesome you are), you can hear a crowd singing along.
[quote name='bardockkun']Seconded, considering it's 55 or so songs for $5. Plus optional and DLC already transferring it over (along with the 84 tracks already on the disc and the additional 20 coming for DL for free with purchase), they really don't owe you shit for all that they're offering.[/quote]

no shit... they are just covering their bases...
[quote name='evanft']It's completely 100% fair.[/QUOTE]

Or they could just not charge you for stuff you already bought. Not to mention there was no indication it wasn't going to be free leading up to release.
[quote name='Chuplayer']Or they could just not charge you for stuff you already bought. Not to mention there was no indication it wasn't going to be free leading up to release.[/quote]

You bought the game disc, not the songs. You get rid of the disc, you get rid of the songs. This holds true for any game out there.

You're paying for a license to make a backup copy of the songs, without requiring you to physically retain the original disc.
[quote name='Chuplayer']Or they could just not charge you for stuff you already bought. Not to mention there was no indication it wasn't going to be free leading up to release.[/quote]

There's no way to tell if you just bought, rented or borrowed the first Rock Band. Hell, there's probably a train going around now where people are just passing Rock Band off to each other and paying the $5 license key so they can get 55 songs on Rock Band 2. It's a hell of a deal, plus it gives me reason to sell Rock Band and not feel guilty.

Besides that, it's not just licensing the songs for Rock Band 2, all of the songs will work on any future version of Rock Band. I think the $5 is more than fair.

You don't see them allowing you to play GH1 and GH2 songs in GH3, do you? Nope. If you get rid of the game, you get rid of the songs. Now I don't have to worry about it.
But this "key" is just taking what's on the disc you already own and putting it on the hard drive. There's no reason to have to pay for that. Oh yeah, it's a "license," but I'll be damned if EA didn't have a hand in this malarkey. If they were so afraid of people passing around the RB1 disc, then they shouldn't have made the songs importable. Hell, they shouldn't have made RB2 to begin with. They should have just offered an expansion pack that installs to your hard drive and makes RB1 better. And it's not like the $5 charge is going to stop anybody from passing around the RB1 disc, as evidenced here, so it's pure profit for them. And they're not charging you to use your RB1 DLC with RB2, so it's even more annoying. And there was no indication of a charge leading up to release, so that's another thing they weren't upfront about.

Whatever, guys. You can just pay for stuff you already own, and I'll be keeping my RB1 disc when I get RB2 just like I kept my GH1 and GH2 discs when I got GH3.
[quote name='Chuplayer']But this "key" is just taking what's on the disc you already own and putting it on the hard drive. There's no reason to have to pay for that. Oh yeah, it's a "license," but I'll be damned if EA didn't have a hand in this malarkey. If they were so afraid of people passing around the RB1 disc, then they shouldn't have made the songs importable. Hell, they shouldn't have made RB2 to begin with. They should have just offered an expansion pack that installs to your hard drive and makes RB1 better. And it's not like the $5 charge is going to stop anybody from passing around the RB1 disc, as evidenced here, so it's pure profit for them. And they're not charging you to use your RB1 DLC with RB2, so it's even more annoying. And there was no indication of a charge leading up to release, so that's another thing they weren't upfront about.

Whatever, guys. You can just pay for stuff you already own, and I'll be keeping my RB1 disc when I get RB2 just like I kept my GH1 and GH2 discs when I got GH3.[/quote]
You do know they have to pay licensing fees right? That's what the $5 is for, and it's a damn fine deal not to have to switch discs.
[quote name='Bioshocked360']You do know they have to pay licensing fees right? That's what the $5 is for, and it's a damn fine deal not to have to switch discs.[/QUOTE]

I thought I paid the licensing fee when I bought the damn disc. For them to not include that fee with the RB1 disc when they obviously had the foresight that they were going to be making Rock Band a "platform" before RB1 even came out wreaks of $$$.

It's like buying a CD and then finding out you need to pay extra to copy it to your hard drive, even disregarding DRM anti-copy measures.
What to do with my Rock Band 1 game? I didnt trade it in since I used a gift card I had and didnt have the RB1 game with me when I got RB2. Any good suggestions for what would get me the most out of my RB1 disc? I checked Gamefly and they will only give me $20.70 for it. Thanks for the help.

The game is great and I cant wait to see what our extra 20 songs will be.
[quote name='Chuplayer']They're charging you 5 bucks to get your RB1 songs into RB2?

[quote name='evanft']It's completely 100% fair.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Bioshocked360']You do know they have to pay licensing fees right? That's what the $5 is for, and it's a damn fine deal not to have to switch discs.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I'm pretty much down on about 95% of DLC pricing, but I have to say the 400 points to bring all of the RB1 songs into RB2 is well worth it. It allowed me to ditch the first game for $32 trade-in at Blockbuster (which went towards the purchase of RB2). But even without that I'd have transfered the songs anyway.

I mean, for craps sake, I just spent 440 points, I think, buying THREE songs for download - 400 for the convenience of having all of them in one game is a no-brainer.

In other news, the GS that told me their instrument shipment didn't come in as expected on Friday said they got them earlier today (all of 2 drums sets) and sold them already. Then anothe store told me they weren't coming out till Oct 19th :roll:.

These drums are goona be a pain to find. My local Gamecrazy still hasn't gotten them - they are probably my best bet though as they may hold a set for me (as opposed to Gamestop).
[quote name='Chuplayer']But this "key" is just taking what's on the disc you already own and putting it on the hard drive. There's no reason to have to pay for that. Oh yeah, it's a "license," but I'll be damned if EA didn't have a hand in this malarkey. If they were so afraid of people passing around the RB1 disc, then they shouldn't have made the songs importable. Hell, they shouldn't have made RB2 to begin with. They should have just offered an expansion pack that installs to your hard drive and makes RB1 better. And it's not like the $5 charge is going to stop anybody from passing around the RB1 disc, as evidenced here, so it's pure profit for them. And they're not charging you to use your RB1 DLC with RB2, so it's even more annoying. And there was no indication of a charge leading up to release, so that's another thing they weren't upfront about.

Whatever, guys. You can just pay for stuff you already own, and I'll be keeping my RB1 disc when I get RB2 just like I kept my GH1 and GH2 discs when I got GH3.[/quote]
This is the thought process killing the music industry and putting my friends out of jobs.

It's $5, and it's going to help pay the bands and songwriters royalties to allow the use of their work in another game. Harmonix had to shell out a good chunk of change to the bands to use their work originally, and had to probably spend even more to do it again (as well as the additional 85 songs) - your $5 helps Harmonix recoup that. Harmonix and EA are allowing players who want to use their Rock Band 1 songs in Rock Band 2 to do so at a very reasonable price (~ $0.11 a song) - allowing all of the features of Rock Band 2 to apply to the tracklisting for Rock Band 1. They're also allowing you to use anything you've already downloaded in Rock Band 2 for free (unlike Guitar Hero).

Harmonix said repeatedly when they announced the feature that the charge to license the songs would be "around $5", which is probably less than you spent on lunch.
[quote name='Chuplayer']I thought I paid the licensing fee when I bought the damn disc. For them to not include that fee with the RB1 disc when they obviously had the foresight that they were going to be making Rock Band a "platform" before RB1 even came out wreaks of $$$.

It's like buying a CD and then finding out you need to pay extra to copy it to your hard drive, even disregarding DRM anti-copy measures.[/quote]

Yeah, but if you sell your disc, as many of us have done, you are selling your rights to the songs contained on said disc, as ownership of the game disc is your license to the songs. The transfer license is to keep a copy of songs contained on said disc if you plan on getting rid of your disc.

Nobody is putting a gun to your head, forcing you to pony up $5 to keep the songs, if you plan on keeping your RB1 disc.

By your logic, you're saying that if you bought a CD, you are entitled to have .MP3 backups of the entire album, even if you sell/trade-in the disc. By terminating your ownership, you are forfeiting your rights to the data contained therein.
[quote name='JJSP']This is the thought process killing the music industry and putting my friends out of jobs.[/quote]

No, it's the big record execs getting paid big honking salaries and bonuses and throwing big honking parties, the RIAA, and the fact that if a band produces, records, sells CDRs of their music from their parents' basement, only sells 50 copies, and still makes more money than they would if they had signed up with a record label that is killing the music industry and putting your friends out of jobs. I am more than happy to pay for this music. All I ask is that I can use it with no strings attached.

It's $5, and it's going to help pay the bands and songwriters royalties to allow the use of their work in another game. Harmonix had to shell out a good chunk of change to the bands to use their work originally, and had to probably spend even more to do it again (as well as the additional 85 songs) - your $5 helps Harmonix recoup that. Harmonix and EA are allowing players who want to use their Rock Band 1 songs in Rock Band 2 to do so at a very reasonable price (~ $0.11 a song) - allowing all of the features of Rock Band 2 to apply to the tracklisting for Rock Band 1. They're also allowing you to use anything you've already downloaded in Rock Band 2 for free (unlike Guitar Hero).

If they made RB1 DLC RB2 compatible with no "licensing fees" from day one, then why aren't the RB1 songs also compatible from day one?

Harmonix said repeatedly when they announced the feature that the charge to license the songs would be "around $5", which is probably less than you spent on lunch.

Must have missed that. Or maybe they whispered that information and shouted "IMPORTABLE SONGS!" to fool us.
[quote name='Chuplayer']
If they made RB1 DLC RB2 compatible with no "licensing fees" from day one, then why aren't the RB1 songs also compatible from day one?[/QUOTE]

They pay different fees to use songs as DLC so there is no fee to transfer those over.
[quote name='sp00ge']Yeah, but if you sell your disc, as many of us have done, you are selling your rights to the songs contained on said disc, as ownership of the game disc is your license to the songs. The transfer license is to keep a copy of songs contained on said disc if you plan on getting rid of your disc.

Nobody is putting a gun to your head, forcing you to pony up $5 to keep the songs, if you plan on keeping your RB1 disc.

By your logic, you're saying that if you bought a CD, you are entitled to have .MP3 backups of the entire album, even if you sell/trade-in the disc. By terminating your ownership, you are forfeiting your rights to the data contained therein.[/QUOTE]

And that right there is the conundrum that would have been easily avoidable by making RB2 an installable DLC expansion pack. But since they decided to do what they did, then perhaps they should have had you insert the RB1 disc every month. Of course, that would never fly, so they should have never made RB2 the way it is in the first place.
[quote name='JohnnyFoxDarko']So there are no fast ways of unlocking all the RB2 songs?[/QUOTE]

I heard that the same "unlock all" code from RB1 works with RB2.
You have to sign in first with your instrument then have the next player sign in as guest. My Wife and I do it all the time when we play with my buddy up North.
[quote name='bardockkun']My friend already has a fog machine for Rock Band nights...

No, I'm not kidding.[/quote]

Is it the official Rock Band stage kit?
Ok. One thing that just really started bothering me when I picked up the guitar to play.
The characters don't have straps on their guitars, so they're just floating there. :|
[quote name='lolwut?']Is it the official Rock Band stage kit?[/quote]
Nah, but I know he's going to end up picking it up though...So we're going to have two fog machines now for Rock Band 2 nights.
[quote name='JohnnyFoxDarko']The characters don't have straps on their guitars, so they're just floating there. :|[/quote]

I wish I had enough time to look at the characters while I'm playing on expert.
[quote name='Cleaner7']So your guitar is a RB1 guitar? I ask because my cousin came over last night and my RB1 drum pedal broke and I figured I was screwed and would be forced to upgrade. If they replace it for free then I hope they send me the new RB2 pedal since I'm perfectly fine with my RB1 drums and just need a sturdy pedal. That'd be soooooo sweet![/quote]

Yea, it's the RB1 guitar from the RB SE set. Got it a couple of days after Christmas. The site is you will need either IE or Firefox 2 for the site to work, Firefox 3 won't play nice with the site. If they don't have the issue you are looking for, call 1-650-628-1001.

Still haven't received my email confirmation from the rep. As long as I have the RMA # and UPS tracking #, I guess I should be fine
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