RPG Thread XI is pretending X-2 doesn't exist

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It's actually been a few months since I last played the Torchlight demo. I'll download it again to refresh my memory so I can make a better desision. Thanks for your input doods.

Still very excited for BoFIV next week.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Agreed 1000%, I'll withhold final judgment until I actually play the game but in the 30 seconds it probably took you to write that post, you came up with far better ideas for FF13-2 gameplay than Square seems to have. Also :lol: at Pulsekemon. Gotta l'Cietch em all![/QUOTE]

The monster-collecting thing has the potential to REALLY weigh the game down if done incorrectly. If (not unlike one of the few things I dislike about Megaten games) you have to level each individual monster up just to see if they're even worth using or not, that's going to be a miserable grueling timesink over the course of hundreds of monsters (another excellent reason for waiting until the game is $20 and there's a good guide on GameFAQs). With Rages, encounter a monster, learn its special move, if the move sucks you never have to use it again. No juggling dozens of monsters, no time wasted on grinding. Oh, and...
Actually I think I would be more interested in the game if it was a good Pokemon ripoff and not a weak excuse not to write in more new characters.
[quote name='fwbweux']Actually I think I would be more interested in the game if it was a good Pokemon ripoff and not a weak excuse not to write in more new characters.[/QUOTE]
I wouldn't mind seeing a decent Pokemon/Dragon Quest Monsters-esque Final Fantasy spinoff, either. It would probably need to have original characters and an original setting, though.
[quote name='blueshinra']stuff[/QUOTE]

I love your avatar.


Seems the Final Fantasy talk is still as strong as ever.
Played some Oblivion for a little bit today (bought it when it was on sale a few days ago). I'm enjoying it alot, while the main story is pretty weak so far, I'm really having fun with the side quests in the game
[quote name='panzerfaust']lol no, you really don't.[/QUOTE]

Lol, it's not that bad of a game, just a grind-fest that has a weak story line ;)
[quote name='panzerfaust']i guess if your JRPG is even half-functional and looks semi-decent on an Unreal engine, then it gets the green light from gamers these days.


I kinda wanted to try it out, but then I heard about it's unnecessarily complicated battle system and said fuck it because I didn't want to waste 5 hours learning it.
it's really just a 10-15 minute tutorial. i didnt have any problems or hardly any questions after playing a few hours.

people say weird things. i think they just meant that it was an interesting system, and it is pretty cool. well, for a little bit.
I was thinking about trying ROF but then I realized that I still have stuff like Digital Devil Saga in my backlog, and I'm not that hard up for achievements.
[quote name='panzerfaust']i guess if your JRPG is even half-functional and looks semi-decent on an Unreal engine, then it gets the green light from gamers these days.


But I mean not ALL grind-fest games are bad, I mean look at Dynasty Warriors, that game is 100% grind-fest, and yet people love it.

I'm not saying RoF is my favorite game, but I think it's a game people should try for themselves rather than judge the game from someone else's view
[quote name='blueshinra']I wouldn't mind seeing a decent Pokemon/Dragon Quest Monsters-esque Final Fantasy spinoff, either. It would probably need to have original characters and an original setting, though.[/QUOTE]

Since we're never going to see a mainline Pokemon on consoles, someone really does need to swoop in and fill the absence of a console-based monster battling game for a slightly older audience. Don't know if I'd entrust that task to Square before a few other Japanese developers, but I'd play DQ Monsters with an FF varnish.
stop hating
can't help it man, shit's just on a lower level this gen

[quote name='Kimura']But I mean not ALL grind-fest games are bad, I mean look at Dynasty Warriors, that game is 100% grind-fest, and yet people love it.

true but that's a far reaching thing to compare RoF too.
hey dragon age was great, as were the Mass Effects. still have yet to play fallout but that looks good too.

then you have other awesome stuff like The Witcher games.

edit: I could say many negative things about all these games if you guys want me too, FFXIII obviously not included
[quote name='panzerfaust']
edit: I could say many negative things about all these games if you guys want me too, FFXIII obviously not included[/QUOTE]

I want you to
[quote name='panzerfaust']edit: I could say many negative things about all these games if you guys want me too, FFXIII obviously not included[/QUOTE]

Oh! Oh! I have many bad things to say about the first Mass Effect! How about you just tell me your #1 complaint? Mine was the combat, it was ass.
i have a whole review of DA overflowing with praise, but most people agree with me that it's good so it's not a conversation that will go very far.

and i've said plenty about how i like the first ME more than the 2nd, even though ME2 clearly shits all over it.

this is why i need to file my posts.
[quote name='panzerfaust']i have a whole review of DA overflowing with praise, but most people agree with me that it's good so it's not a conversation that will go very far.

and i've said plenty about how i like the first ME more than the 2nd, even though ME2 clearly shits all over it.

this is why i need to file my posts.[/QUOTE]

I do recall you saying you like ME more than the second. I'm curious as to why though, actually.
[quote name='ihadFG']I do recall you saying you like ME more than the second. I'm curious as to why though, actually.[/QUOTE]

Yes, I wish to be enlightened as well.
We've had this conversation before actually, but in a nutshell:

The first ME was more focused on following a central plot, it was more accessible to people who wanted to learn about the universe, meeting characters was a more natural feeling occurrence, and there was more customization involved. All of these aspects made it feel more like a sci-fi epic as opposed to an episodic action series.

Clearly, quite flawed in many of these aspects, but it is quite a different game compared to ME2. I'm fonder of the first for that different personality, but certainly more credit goes to ME2.

And we all know why the first was a pretty average game. Weak combat, messy inventory management, primitive exploration and side-quests, meh dialogue options, and lol at some of the characters.
[quote name='whoknows']Did we also discuss how AP>ME1

I only say it because
It's the truth

I actually agree.
[quote name='panzerfaust']We've had this conversation before actually, but in a nutshell:

The first ME was more focused on following a central plot, it was more accessible to people who wanted to learn about the universe, meeting characters was a more natural feeling occurrence, and there was more customization involved. All of these aspects made it feel more like a sci-fi epic as opposed to an episodic action series.

Clearly, quite flawed in many of these aspects, but it is quite a different game compared to ME2. I'm fonder of the first for that different personality, but certainly more credit goes to ME2.

And we all know why the first was a pretty average game. Weak combat, messy inventory management, primitive exploration and side-quests, meh dialogue options, and lol at some of the characters.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, all of those sound like sensible reasons for liking the first better. And those negatives you listed are pretty much why I don't like the first as much. As for the characters though, do you mean the main cast, or also side characters?
I just wasn't fond of Kaiden and Ashely. Not much was going on in their heads and it seemed they were just there so the game could stage its "big" life or death decision.

And the love interest in Liara was horribly executed, another aspect I felt was shoved in there to appease critics (and for all that free news coverage, lol).
[quote name='panzerfaust']I just wasn't fond of Kaiden and Ashely. Not much was going on in their heads and it seemed they were just there so the game could stage its "big" life or death decision.

And the love interest in Liara was horribly executed, another aspect I felt was shoved in there to appease critics (and for all that free news coverage, lol).[/QUOTE]

Agreed. I wish Bioware would stop putting a token boring male character into the Mass Effect games. Jacob was totally Kaiden 2.0 to me.
They do it for the scores. Every review will cover the concept of Mass Effect having huge dialogue options that carry "real emotional weight." None of them ever think about how well it was done, just that it's there (the part with Rex was infinitely better).

I'm sure most people here just thought "should I kill ashley because she's a bitch? or let her live because she has an ass?"

Tears were just streaming down my face.


As for Jacob, I have no idea who came up with him or why. He's black so I guess they thought that was enough.
[quote name='panzerfaust']He's black so I guess they thought that was enough.[/QUOTE]

That was exactly what I was about to say, lol. And I'd totally love a game that makes me choose between the two characters I like the most, rather than the one I hate and the one who I feel nothing for.
[quote name='heavyd853']but panzer, we get CHOICES



revolutionary right? They haven't been in games ever![/QUOTE]

I had to laugh at the end of ME2:
"oh by the way we just figured out just now that instead of destroying the end boss maybe we could like, take it and use it against our enemies or something you get to choose!!!"
[quote name='panzerfaust']The first ME was more focused on following a central plot, it was more accessible to people who wanted to learn about the universe, meeting characters was a more natural feeling occurrence, and there was more customization involved. All of these aspects made it feel more like a sci-fi epic as opposed to an episodic action series.[/QUOTE]

I totally agree with this, ME2 streamlined everything so much that the world didn't feel all that believable because everything was so uniform and predictable and there was no randomness like in real life. Basically the game told you exactly when and where to get characters and then told you when they were ready to like you.

ME2 actually really had me missing the DA:O system of character affection (even though gifts totally broke that). Like, on the one hand I didn't like that you felt penalized if a character didn't like you, so you felt encouraged to pick only characters that wouldn't be mad at what you said or did, but on the other hand it was very fun to have two characters that didn't agree with each other constantly arguing and making snide remarks at all of your decisions, ME2 really lacked that charm since the other characters didn't seem to really talk much or comment on any of your decisions (I guess they were so loyal they rarely questioned what you did unless it affected them directly :lol:).
[quote name='Kimura']Usually RPGs with loads of choices usually have a sucky combat system[/QUOTE]

Show your work please.
I suppose that's fair. But you could name a lot of good ones too, so your point isn't very strong.

And yes I'm going to leave that to someone else.
[quote name='Kimura']AP
Mass Effect

Sorry, but citing three examples doesn't constitute anywhere near an adequate sample to prove that what you said was true. Let's try to avoid sweeping generalizations for no...Oh, I forgot this was the RPG thread, that's what we do here. Carry on, I guess.
[quote name='Kimura']AP
Mass Effect

Sad that AP is the best out of those 3 yet sold the worst and was hated on the most by critics.
[quote name='bvharris']Sorry, but citing three examples doesn't constitute anywhere near an adequate sample to prove that what you said was true. Let's try to avoid sweeping generalizations for no...Oh, I forgot this was the RPG thread, that's what we do here. Carry on, I guess.[/QUOTE]

I mean these games give players loads and loads of choices, but they just didn't delivery on combat.

Add Dragon Age to that list too ;)
And Mass Effect is among the highest rated RPGs in history.

[quote name='Kimura']
Add Dragon Age to that list too ;)[/QUOTE]

DA had good combat, play it on a PC. It had problems, but the combat system itself was quite satisfying.
I already miss Japanese Dorito. I feel like with each new iteration the lines between opinion and fact get more and more blurry. Like a copy of a copy of a copy, haha.
[quote name='panzerfaust']And Mass Effect is among the highest rated RPGs in history.[/QUOTE]

When it clearly doesn't deserve it.

Maybe the poor gameplay and unfinished look of the game were thought to be good back in 2007, but when I played it in 2010 I was very underwhelmed.
[quote name='bvharris']I already miss Japanese Dorito. I feel like with each new iteration the lines between opinion and fact get more and more blurry. Like a copy of a copy of a copy, haha.[/QUOTE]

I feel like I am missing something.
It's called the hype train whoknows, and it stops for no one.

MGS4 even got some perfect 10s because some "professional" critics were glazed over in their own nostalgia.
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