RPG Thread XVI Supports Project Eternity's Kickstarter

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Why you being so hostile, Panzer?

I liked XIII

I find -2 to be better cuz it gets going much more sooner.

Now if you want to talk about X and how absolutely terrible that game is, well, I'm not down for that cuz it's not worth the time.
you know i'm just foolin

XIII's first hour was pretty slow, though after that Hanging Edge segment I have few other complaints regarding the rest of the game's pacing. XIII-2 gets going right off the bat with the old battle system, but the campaign suffered severe balance issues as a result.
Me too, you know I love talking about how much I don't like X. To each his own on that though.

I wasn't feeling XIII until chapter 11, or whenever Gran Pulse is. I found the story subpar and still do in -2. The gameplay is really what's keeping this mini-series together for me so getting free reign on that as soon as you do in -2 felt pretty good.
but lack of any challenge until end-game quests? i'll take XIII's controlled pacing any day over that -- every boss was a great time and there was no workaround for fights you didn't understand. the dual character split ups could of been better, but the fang/light/hope party they put in your hands opened up the game nicely which was well before chapter 11. Facing Barty on the airship almost made me hang up my dualshock 3 forever, him and his opera singing faces.

so what i'm basically saying is, how can you not like X?
I will chime in here a bit. I found XIII (and really, it's sequel as well) to be incredibly easy. The only reason I liked XIII-2 a bit more was only because it didn't feel like one giant hallway. But, hey, both games were pretty enjoyable (8 or 8.5/10 at best) with really catchy soundtracks.

Now, Final Fantasy X, there is a game I could talk about forever and beat a million times and never get tired of it.
Started playing Okage shadow king, but didn't get that far because the game likes making me talk to every damn person in the city before I can move on. Also, Final Fantasy is too mainstream for me.
[quote name='TheLongshot']Couldn't really stand FFX. Basically hated all the characters other than Auron.[/QUOTE]

I didn't, but man, I didn't like Wakka.
[quote name='TheLongshot']Couldn't really stand FFX. Basically hated all the characters other than Auron.[/QUOTE]

I did like Lulu,but other than her and Auron,it was a terrible cast of characters.
I liked most of the characters. Auron, Lulu, Rikku and Yuna were probably my favorites. Wakka and Tidus were rather annoying, but they were great party members. Kimahri was just kind of there, nothing too spectacular or awful about him.
I feel like everyone talks too much in Final Fantasy now. Give me the old days when you didn't need ultra complicated scripts.
[quote name='eldergamer']I don't think I'll play another FF until they go back to giving you direct control over all party members.[/QUOTE]

I hope they don't go back to that.

The XIII/XIII-2 battle system is so much better than standard turn based combat IMO. It's fast paced and more involving.
My biggest gripe with X is that it was turn-based. Felt like a huge step backwards for me.

I could care less about not directly controlling the whole party as long as the AI is good. Dragon Age probably has the best type of combat for me though. Real time with being able to pause to queue orders or just switch characters is where it's at.
[quote name='Indignate']My biggest gripe with X is that it was turn-based. Felt like a huge step backwards for me.

I could care less about not directly controlling the whole party as long as the AI is good. Dragon Age probably has the best type of combat for me though. Real time with being able to pause to queue orders or just switch characters is where it's at.[/QUOTE]

I've never played DA, is it like FF12's battle system? I still don't know if I like FF13's battle system, in my opinion I think 10 & 12 was slightly better, but at least they change it up.
For me the combat system usually doesn't matter nearly as much as a good story and a sense of exploration (even if in most cases that exploration is still fairly limited). For instance if you asked my my opinion on Valkyrie Profile (which I only ever got the fake ending to) I'd tell you that I thought the combat in that game was amazing and totally fun but I still generally dislike it because (on the fake ending) it lacks any over arching story line to tie things together and there really isn't that much exploration (I hear hard mode has more complicated puzzles in dungeons though) unless you count trying to figure out the non trivial series of steps that you have to do in order to actually see the real ending of the game.

Combat wasn't bad in FFX but it wasn't amazing either, and there wasn't much sense of exploration since the game was mostly linear, but the story really wowed me, I really enjoyed the themes explored especially in regards to human perception of reality.

FFXII in contrast had a story that I found completely boring and uninteresting, and while you could explore dungeons the fact that all of the chests would often give terrible rewards lik 5 gil just totally killed any drive to do so.

FFXIII is a game that I do want to give another chance at some point, I really enjoyed the combat, and the story and characters seemed kind of rocky at first but at the point where I stopped playing it did feel like some were going to get fleshed out a bit better. The whole Hope wanting revenge on Snow for "killing" his mother always bothered me though. The general lack of exploring was kind of a turn off as well.
i felt the opposite about VP1.

didn't really like the battles/dungeons. really liked watching the individual stories for each character.
From what I've played of VP, the individual stories are where it shines and that the overarching story is kind of just there so you can experience the smaller ones. Combat in that game is great though.

I just popped in Resonance of Fate for the first time in about two years. I was 27 hours into that game before stopping. I thought that it would be hard to go back too, specially after seeing the world map/hex system again, but I really got into the groove of things in the first ten minutes.

That game really is fun. Maybe after I finish (stop playing halfway through) 13-2 I'll go back to it seriously. That is if I don't feel compelled to go back to Xenoblade, Last Story, KoA, Skyrim, DA2, Persona, VP, or Birth by Sleep.

[quote name='raiden_86']I've never played DA, is it like FF12's battle system?[/QUOTE]

In terms of game play, they're very similar. If you liked 12 at all, I think you owe it to yourself to play DA, specially since you can the ultimate edition for less than $20. Probably my favorite RPG this generation and I think icebizzle can attest to it being his as well. I think Panzer too, but I don't want to put words in his mouth. I'm fine with putting things in beasty's mouth though.
[quote name='raiden_86']I've never played DA, is it like FF12's battle system? I still don't know if I like FF13's battle system, in my opinion I think 10 & 12 was slightly better, but at least they change it up.[/QUOTE]

12 was actually pretty amazing in that Square developed an order system that actually worked. You could set the order for a character, and you'd be pretty sure that they'd follow it.

DA:O's system doesn't work quite as well, since you end up doing micromanaging anyways. It is similar, but it is a different beast and reflects its PC roots.

Personally, I like the fact that Square works hard at trying to make combat fast paced, but still interesting. When you are putting close to 100 hours in an RPG, you don't want combat to become a drag. It is just too bad that the first 20 hours of 13 is basically an extended tutorial. While I didn't mind the slow build, it didn't need to be THAT slow.

[quote name='icebeast']Combat wasn't bad in FFX but it wasn't amazing either, and there wasn't much sense of exploration since the game was mostly linear, but the story really wowed me, I really enjoyed the themes explored especially in regards to human perception of reality.

FFXII in contrast had a story that I found completely boring and uninteresting, and while you could explore dungeons the fact that all of the chests would often give terrible rewards lik 5 gil just totally killed any drive to do so.[/QUOTE]

While I won't argue with the plots here, it is usually the characters in RPGs I glom onto. While the plot is better in X, I thought the characters were mostly pretty boring. It is a little better in XII, tho it does suffer from generic characters at times. I liked Bacsh's story arc of a disgraced soldier looking for redemption. I also liked Han and Chewie Baltier and Fran as well.
Call me old fashioned but I haven't truly enjoyed a Final Fantasy since X. Didn't care for either the combat systems or stories of XII & XIII. Sqenix has quite the task to make me interested in that series again.
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[quote name='Rodimus']Call me old fashioned but I haven't truly enjoyed a Final Fantasy since X. Didn't care for either the combat systems or stories of XII & XIII. Sqenix has quite the task to make me interested in that series again.[/QUOTE]
X-2 for me, if we're speaking strictly in terms of the main series. In the meantime, I've glommed onto Dragon Quest and have refused to let go.
VI, X, XII, and XIII are my favorites. I get more jaded about the PSX games every day. Did not seem like Square knew how to work with those big 3d worlds until X.

And be real, DA's combat and XII's are complete opposites. DA is all micromanagement and XII is entirely macro. DA wants you to pause and plan, XII discourages menu usage. Both systems are fun for very different reasons.
[quote name='panzerfaust']And be real, DA's combat and XII's are complete opposites. DA is all micromanagement and XII is entirely macro. DA wants you to pause and plan, XII discourages menu usage. Both systems are fun for very different reasons.[/QUOTE]

Not if you played the console version, with the difficulty changes in that version playing on the normal difficulty the game required pausing very rarely assuming you setup the actions on your characters decently since there wasn't any friendly fire on that difficulty. I'd say the console version of DA was actually fairly close to FFXII's combat (assuming you weren't playing on high difficulties where friendly fire is turned back on). Of course FF12 was probably a bit harder because mages are fairly broken with no friendly fire, and obviously DA doesn't have the more or less awful summons nor flashy Quickening chain spam.
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it's not that i thought VP1's battle system was bad, it was more like... i just wanted to sit back and relax. i think it's more like, i didn't like many of the dungeon designs.

i swear ff7 desperately needs a remake. i think 8 and 9 have aged reasonably graphically, but not 7. also the translation for ff7 was ass.
[quote name='kainzero']i felt the opposite about VP1.

didn't really like the battles/dungeons. really liked watching the individual stories for each character.[/QUOTE]

See I can totally agree with that, the character stories were great, it's just that when you get the fake ending you suddenly realize that the entire game was more or less pointless as far as Lenneth's story (chances are you probably saw parts of her story, but it isn't concluded unless you get the real ending). I do however think that the battles were really fun, I loved timing attacks to create chains and then decimating with the super over the top finishing moves.

[quote name='Indignate']Probably my favorite RPG this generation and I think icebizzle can attest to it being his as well. I think Panzer too, but I don't want to put words in his mouth. I'm fine with putting things in beasty's mouth though.[/QUOTE]

Yep DA is my favorite RPG from this generation by a really large margin, which is kind of funny because I'll admit I think FF12 and DA have similar combat, but I couldn't stand FF12 (but that mostly due to everything except combat). DA just had characters that I really enjoyed, and I loved how unlike most of Bioware's recent games the choices weren't nearly so black and white, in most cases you could make what seemed like a kind decision but the repercussions were unexpected.

Also, wait... what? Haha.
[quote name='icebeast']Yep DA is my favorite RPG from this generation by a really large margin, which is kind of funny because I'll admit I think FF12 and DA have similar combat, but I couldn't stand FF12 (but that mostly due to everything except combat). DA just had characters that I really enjoyed, and I loved how unlike most of Bioware's recent games the choices weren't nearly so black and white, in most cases you could make what seemed like a kind decision but the repercussions were unexpected.

Well, DA:O also had Claudia Black, who makes any game better simply from her presence.
[quote name='panzerfaust']VI, X, XII, and XIII are my favorites. I get more jaded about the PSX games every day. Did not seem like Square knew how to work with those big 3d worlds until X.[/QUOTE]

Why isn't IV on your list, dawg?

[quote name='panzerfaust']And be real, DA's combat and XII's are complete opposites. DA is all micromanagement and XII is entirely macro. DA wants you to pause and plan, XII discourages menu usage. Both systems are fun for very different reasons.[/QUOTE]

I'm talking basics. If you can enjoy one, I think the other is probably as enjoyable and like beasty mentioned, you never really have to plan a battle if you play through on a lower difficulty.
Need some advice about the Kingdom Hearts series. I'm thinking about getting back into it. I beat the first 3 games (KH1,2 & Chain of Memories) I haven't touched the series since then and really don't know much about it. I was thinking about getting Birth by Sleep, would I be missing anything if I skipped the other games? I'm not sure how the stories play out. In your opinion which stories are worth visiting and which are just filler? Which ones are a continuation of the story and which are prequels or side stories?

BTW I don't have a 3DS so Dream Drop is out of the question.
[quote name='kainzero']
i swear ff7 desperately needs a remake. i think 8 and 9 have aged reasonably graphically, but not 7. also the translation for ff7 was ass.[/QUOTE]

I still really enjoy VII's visuals, to be honest. Don't see the big deal about the blocky models. You only have them in dialogue/exploration when you're either focused on the very impressive backdrops or reading text boxes. And then when there was combat, the models and animation looked fine.

Why isn't IV on your list, dawg?

Needing to play it. May bite on the PSP version when I get the time.
[quote name='blueshinra']Love Napishtim but I do not like those 3D cutscenes. They made Olha and Isha look really weird.

According to HG101, these cutscenes aren't in the PC version, but were added for the PS2 port. Apparently the PSP version was based on the PC one.[/QUOTE]

If true, then the PC version must have been shit too.

The PSP version suffers from terrible slowdowns and that's not even during battles. It's really awful. I had to stop playing that version it was so bad, thankfully it was only 5 bucks. I was looking for the PS2 version, but could never find it until later.
[quote name='Rodimus']Need some advice about the Kingdom Hearts series. I'm thinking about getting back into it. I beat the first 3 games (KH1,2 & Chain of Memories) I haven't touched the series since then and really don't know much about it. I was thinking about getting Birth by Sleep, would I be missing anything if I skipped the other games? I'm not sure how the stories play out. In your opinion which stories are worth visiting and which are just filler? Which ones are a continuation of the story and which are prequels or side stories?

BTW I don't have a 3DS so Dream Drop is out of the question.[/QUOTE]

Not an expert, but 348/2 or whatever that bullshit name was, was a passable game, and had an interesting story, if a bit drawn out. You can prolly find an LP/text transcription to cover you though. The game just felt very repetitive. It does give a lot more info on Organization XIII and Roxas, but reading it online might be clearer than how it's presented in game (which I found a bit confusing). Overall I was disappointed in the game but the story does have a few important parts (for the overall series, not so much for BBS as I recall)

BBS is a prequel, so playing that without 348 I don't think you'd really miss much. It's also infinitely better, and a fantastic game in it's own right. You need to play this.

I haven't played RE:Coded, but I haven't heard anything good about it and was recommended to essentially just google the ending, which is all that is really pertinent to the series. It's a "continuation" but I guess it's just
Jimminy helping Sora restore his memories after they were screwed up in Chain of Memories

Excited to start Dream Drop Distance tonight though! Got it 2 days ago but haven't had a chance to crack it open.
[quote name='jello44']If true, then the PC version must have been shit too.

The PSP version suffers from terrible slowdowns and that's not even during battles. It's really awful. I had to stop playing that version it was so bad, thankfully it was only 5 bucks. I was looking for the PS2 version, but could never find it until later.[/QUOTE]
The one major flaw I remember in the PS2 version (besides the bizarre character models in the CG cutscenes) are that the still portraits of the characters are not optimized for the platform. This is especially obvious with Geis; some of the finer details of his still art look jaggy.

Falcom's primarily a PC developer, so it would be interesting to see how the PC version would compare to the others.
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Thanks bro, looks like I'll be picking up Birth by Sleep later today then.

I thought the whole Roxas character in KH2 was needless and confusing, so his back story already sounds unappealing.

Totally forgot about RE:Coded. But from what you said it sounds like a filler and totally passable.

Dream Drop looks fun, but I don't have a 3DS :(
Just beat Persona 3, after nearly 140 hours. What an incredible game. Final boss was something of a PITA, but that's MegaTen for you.

Also, the coda to the Online Game Social Link had me laughing out loud. I was certain by that point that "Maya" was my composition teacher, but the actual confirmation of that was really awesome :lol:

Going to play "The Answer" sometime, but probably not right away.
lol dont play Answer. I tried to play it and was like fukk it!!

then I watched it on youtube and thought omg glad I didnt play it!!!

it's so bad. lol.


I started playing Xenoblade!!! finally!!!

man! what a bunch a jokers!!
[quote name='Rodimus']Need some advice about the Kingdom Hearts series. I'm thinking about getting back into it. I beat the first 3 games (KH1,2 & Chain of Memories) I haven't touched the series since then and really don't know much about it. I was thinking about getting Birth by Sleep, would I be missing anything if I skipped the other games? I'm not sure how the stories play out. In your opinion which stories are worth visiting and which are just filler? Which ones are a continuation of the story and which are prequels or side stories?

BTW I don't have a 3DS so Dream Drop is out of the question.[/QUOTE]

Birth by Sleep was okay. I really enjoyed Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2, but the other games are kind of meh. The storyline is just getting too ridiculously complex and new age-y for my taste, and I think the love that was put into the level design of the first two games is absent from the other titles.
[quote name='therpgfanatic']I think the love that was put into the level design of the first two games is absent from the other titles.[/QUOTE]

I was thinking this while playing 3DS. I blame it more on the portable format though. The levels feel smaller and the missions/stages shorter, but I think it's due to the "pick up and play" nature of the handheld market.

KH1 and 2 could have larger, more "epic" and involved stages because you would expect the player to being playing for a prolonged period of time. With handhelds you kind of need to taylor the experience to be playable in shorter, 30 minute or less bites (though I for sure will totally play a portable at home, on the charger, for hours at a time).
My problem with the KH games since 1&2 is they seemed to have dropped what made the series in the first place. Disney and FF characters coming togther. The focus has shifted on the series made heroes and villians while the Disney and FF characters take a side seat.
KH1 was an experience. I spent hours making my macross plus gummi ship and hours at the coliseum. Then they release KH2 and it was like "LOOK TWO KEYBLADES!" Awesome right? Hell no. WHO THE fuck IS ROXAS?

Like I am suppose to make the connection that Roxas is Sora in some strange fashion? KH2 ruined KH for me and I played the crap out of Chain of Memories on the GBA too. I can handle card games but 3+ hours of prologue of characters I don't even care about? Come on.
[quote name='j-cart']Like I am suppose to make the connection that Roxas is Sora in some strange fashion? KH2 ruined KH for me and I played the crap out of Chain of Memories on the GBA too. I can handle card games but 3+ hours of prologue of characters I don't even care about? Come on.[/QUOTE]
KH2 was where I called it quits with the series. Love the first game and Chain of Memories is all right, but 2 was just too... underwhelming. I don't really care for Roxas nor much of the Org. XIII stuff, several boss battles were more difficult than they should've been, and the level designs didn't seem as good as they were in the first game (compare KH1 and KH2's versions of Agrabah, for example).
[quote name='j-cart']Like I am suppose to make the connection that Roxas is Sora in some strange fashion?[/QUOTE]

It was plain as day. Drop the "X" and rearrange the letters in a completly random order and you get Roxas = Sora.
Sarcasm of course.
[quote name='panzerfaust']I couldn't get off the island in KH1[/QUOTE]



I think I'm actually in a different boat than most of you, baring the slow start to KH2 I actually enjoyed it more, though I still like the first one a lot too. I hated Chain of Memories though, the random dungeons were mind numbingly boring to me. 358/2 Days was also fairly lack luster with basically just mission after mission many of which took place in the same locations. Birth By Sleep seemed alright, but I never really made it far in that game. Honestly at this point I'm so burned out on the series I can't even get myself to care about the 3DS one, I'm sure I'll get it at some point, but probably not till I can get it for cheap.
Roxas was only in KH2 for like 2 hours, then he's put on the back burner for a majority of the game, if not all of it, so who cares about caring about him.

I've always liked the series. I don't mind that they're trying to expand their own lore rather than focusing on the Disney/Square mash-up portions, but I still hate the way everyone talks in those games.
Kingdom Hearts 2 was great IMO. Of course, I'm a huge fan of the series so I'm biased. Birth by Sleep was great as well and a step in the right direction. As much as I love all these spin-offs, they need to just stop. I'm hoping 3D is really the last one. I do like the story though and the direction it's headed.

OT: I've been going crazy buying RPGs for the PS2 recently. I'm playing Final Fantasy VIII on the PC and am liking it so far. Wish there were games like it this gen. Also been playing Rogue Galaxy and loving it. Level-5.
I prefer KH2 to the first game, if only because the gameplay was a lot better.

Also the camera, while still not good was a huge step up from the camera in KH1.
I thought the levels by and large were better in KH1 (though that could also have been the novelty factor wearing off in KH2) but the overall gameplay much improved in KH2.

And since Luxuria mentioned P4, I was thinking of picking up Persona 4: Arena today, but I'm afraid it'll spoil P4 (which is in my backlog) as it is a direct sequel. ARGH!
I loved KH2, the only section I didn't like was the musical Little Mermaid level, god that was painful. I've played the whole series except for Re: Coded (looked lame, bad reviews) and the only one I really didn't enjoy was Chain of Memories because I pretty much loathe card-based games, but because it was KH I was willing to give it a shot. I just started 3D but am enjoying it so far.
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