Saddam Hussein is dead. Executed 12/29/06 9:57pm EST


72 (100%)
Tonight, 9pm CST, 10pm est.. or a little under three hours for now.

I'm scared of the backlash this will cause



Former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein is dead -- executed by hanging for killings committed during a brutal crackdown nearly 25 years ago –- Iraqi TV stations report.
Wow, and tomorrow is Eid. I know Saddam did some bad things, but does the U.S. or the Iraqi courts honestly think that Muslims or Iraqi's won't be pissed about this the day before Eid? Even though it might be the judgement of the Iraqi courts, the backlash of Saddam's death will only cause more problems for the troops there.
The articles that i've read on, Drudge and other sources (which are apparently using the same article) say that the US troops are ready for the backlash.. i'm suprised they're doing this now, the decision was quick and is coming in the dead of night over there.. many people are going to wake up and not realize what's happened.. apparently Iraqi TV (which I thought was Al-Jazeera, but I could be wrong) has been airing footage of all the bad shit Saddam did during his reign to get people pissed off at him and excited about his execution.. i'm just scared of the backlash
[quote name='Scorch']The articles that i've read on, Drudge and other sources (which are apparently using the same article) say that the US troops are ready for the backlash.. i'm suprised they're doing this now, the decision was quick and is coming in the dead of night over there.. many people are going to wake up and not realize what's happened.. apparently Iraqi TV (which I thought was Al-Jazeera, but I could be wrong) has been airing footage of all the bad shit Saddam did during his reign to get people pissed off at him and excited about his execution.. i'm just scared of the backlash[/QUOTE]

Hmm that's good that they're trying to make the Iraqi people feel no remorse whatsoever. I'm also surprised that this is happening so fast after trial, I don't know if any other war criminal had the same treatment. I'm guessing a lot CAG's are all glued to their television right now haha.
I don't think there will be too much backlash at all, as most of the insurgents, I believe, aren't fighting for Saddam anyways.
[quote name='LiquidNight']I don't think there will be too much backlash at all, as most of the insurgents, I believe, aren't fighting for Saddam anyways.[/QUOTE]

There are still those that were loyal to Saddam who have a lot of money. These people pay Iraqi men who can't support their family in return they cause an uproar. Remember when Saddam's sons were killed?
[quote name='CrimGhost']Wow, and tomorrow is Eid. I know Saddam did some bad things, but does the U.S. or the Iraqi courts honestly think that Muslims or Iraqi's won't be pissed about this the day before Eid? Even though it might be the judgement of the Iraqi courts, the backlash of Saddam's death will only cause more problems for the troops there.[/quote]

I guarantee that there are plenty of people in that region that want him to die. Iran won't shed any tears and neither will most of the families he brutalized.

Personally, I would rather he rot in prison for life with the hope that he can see the country and people prosper without him down the road (probably not anytime soon, but hopefully it will be the case one day).
geez the media is sure making this a *must see event* yet I know we won't get a live feed of the hanging, but some fool will post it on YouTube in a few hours after it happens.

I bet all those Pay per View Companies are pissed right now as they can't make a buck off of this event.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']

Personally, I would rather he rot in prison for life with the hope that he can see the country and people prosper without him down the road (probably not anytime soon, but hopefully it will be the case one day).[/QUOTE]

yea same here.
[quote name='ITDEFX']geez the media is sure making this a *must see event* yet I know we won't get a live feed of the hanging, but some fool will post it on YouTube in a few hours after it happens.

I bet all those Pay per View Companies are pissed right now as they can't make a buck off of this event.[/quote]

Doesn't Al-Jazeera have an English language site now? I bet they'll cover it.
[quote name='nasum']I wonder if Scorch is just worried about the backlash?[/quote]


We're apparently within minutes.. they're running five minutes late or something :bomb:

Apparently Iraqi TV will air the video in a few days to confirm his death
Lord, on MSNBC they are already talking about how some people won't believe he is dead. I guess we should add that to the 9/11 conpiracy theories? :roll:
Hope he went kicking and screaming. I don't think there will be a tremendous backlash from this, and I hope there isn't.
[quote name='Kendal']Dearborn is happy.[/QUOTE]

Real smart to show people happy in dearborn. i think we know what city will be hit first
[quote name='slidecage']Real smart to show people happy in dearborn. i think we know what city will be hit first[/quote]
:roll: Wow, you don't know much about the Iraqi immagrants in the USA do you?
[quote name='6669']I wonder what he's doing right now?

uh shit......i remembered that scene from the movie.....thats just plain nasty
now cnn says they are gonna *censor* the images/video......... wtf...its late night.. how many little kids who are too young or were never born when this guy caused trouble in the middle east going to stay up to watch this?
[quote name='GuilewasNK']I guarantee that there are plenty of people in that region that want him to die. Iran won't shed any tears and neither will most of the families he brutalized.

Personally, I would rather he rot in prison for life with the hope that he can see the country and people prosper without him down the road (probably not anytime soon, but hopefully it will be the case one day).[/QUOTE]

Agreed, on both points. I don't think there's going to be much of a backlash at all, and I think it would have been better to let him live for the time being. As for people not believing he's dead ... just think about all the weird conspiracy theories about Hitler escaping to Argentina or whatever, and add in the generally lower level of education in the Middle East, and their massive distrust for anything that they know has American fingers in it. Let's also not forget that Hussein at one time employed five or so lookalikes to foil assassination attempts. Yeah, they pretty much have to show him hanging from the rope over there.
Iraqi TV / AP
"Before the rope was put around his neck, Saddam shouted: 'God is great. The nation will be victorious and Palestine is Arab,'" a witness to his execution


Iraqi TV / AP​
Iraqi state television showed guards placing a noose around Saddam Hussein's neck. He refused to cover his face before his execution.

Watch Video (Graphic)

This video is not really graphic since it doesnt show him die..

is there a better link out there?
Is there any video that shows the bastard dieing?!

And they should have just throwna gernade in the hole when they had the chance.
[quote name='David85']Is there any video that shows the bastard dieing?!

And they should have just throwna gernade in the hole when they had the chance.[/QUOTE]


So far, only thing that leaked out is a cell phone video of it.
[quote name='ZForce915']I knew someone would post it. Don't watch it. Just like no one should have watched the be-heading videos.[/quote]

Why shouldn't anyone watch it? It's not like we've seen hundreds of hangings in practically every movie over the years. Remember that one scene in Hannibal, where he hung the french policeman by his own intestines? :roll:

People need to watch this or else they'll believe it's all a farce. Shitty photo on MSN, non-working MSN video, and he's "being buried in an undisclosed location".
[quote name='Blade']Why shouldn't anyone watch it? It's not like we've seen hundreds of hangings in practically every movie over the years. Remember that one scene in Hannibal, where he hung the french policeman by his own intestines? :roll:

People need to watch this or else they'll believe it's all a farce. Shitty photo on MSN, non-working MSN video, and he's "being buried in an undisclosed location".[/QUOTE]

Poor Blade. Can't tell the difference between reality and fiction. YOU are the reason I hate the general public.
[quote name='ZForce915']I knew someone would post it. Don't watch it. Just like no one should have watched the be-heading videos.[/quote]

Thanks mom, you are the reason why I hate butting in asshats. I am sure everyone here is big enough to handle this. Seriously, this is tame compared to even most T rated games. OMG I COMPARED SOMEONE REALLY DYING TO A VIDEOGAME OH NOES CALL JT, HILLARY CLITON AND JOE LIEBERMAN!!! Poor me, I don't know reality.
[quote name='Kendal']Thanks mom, you are the reason why I hate butting in asshats. I am sure everyone here is big enough to handle this. Seriously, this is tame compared to even most T rated games. OMG I COMPARED SOMEONE REALLY DYING TO A VIDEOGAME OH NOES CALL JT, HILLARY CLITON AND JOE LIEBERMAN!!! Poor me, I don't know reality.[/QUOTE]

Clearly you aren't big enough. And since your mom didn't teach you right from wrong then I guess I will.

This isn't "tame" compared to T rated games idiot. This is a real death and video games are a series of pixels designed to look like real people.

And please don't call Clinton and Lieberman because when they see you and blade it will only fuel their fire. Goddamn you two are stupid.
[quote name='ZForce915']Clearly you aren't big enough. And since your mom didn't teach you right from wrong then I guess I will.

This isn't "tame" compared to T rated games idiot. This is a real death and video games are a series of pixels designed to look like real people.

And please don't call Clinton and Lieberman because when they see you and blade it will only fuel their fire. Goddamn you two are stupid.[/QUOTE]
Thx mom. Can i hab teh cookiez now plox?
[quote name='Kayden']:lol:....

This makes me a bad person, doesn't it?


yah someone gonna burn in hell for that one ... j/k
[quote name='Kayden']:lol:....

This makes me a bad person, doesn't it?


Nah, everyone else here are just a punch of pussies.

He is guilty of killing THOUSANDS of people and started wars that killed millions. he's a crazy wacko, he deserved to die. It's like you people would bitch about a video of Hitler's body burning.
[quote name='Kayden']Glad I'm not the only one that enjoys tasteless humor at the expense of other's suffering.[/QUOTE]

Sadly he didn't suffer. He was a crazy mad man and one of the few people I support making tasteless jokes at.
So I guess Im in the minority that thinks it was tasteless and classless to televise a mans hanging on international TV.
bread's done