Stand by for Titanfall!

Case, you could easily throw that all into a spoiler tag to conserve space.
How do I do that? I used <spoiler> and </spoiler> but that didn't work...

Edit: Nevermind. Just randomly clicked all the editing buttons until I found it. Lol. Thanks for the suggestion.

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I'm redboxing the 360 version for a day after having the X1 version. The training mission graphics/fps wise is just like the X1 version, but It's all downhill once you get into actually matches.

Digital foundry mentioned a lot of 40/50fps average, but it seems like 30/40's on the 360 for me. It's also ugly (as expected).

However, gameplay wise It's just as amazing the X1 version. If your not going to get a X1 this year, I'd highly recommend getting it on the 360.

What are the controls for when you are back on an enemy titan? I have it on the 360.
Right stick looks around (though this is pretty pointless), shoot with right trigger, swap weapons with Y (or whatever you have it set to), A to jump off if you're under attack (or whatever you have jump set to). Swapping is the most important thing. Many times I've been able to take out a Titan with my rifle and switching to my pistol, especially if other teammates are shooting at them. If the TItan stops moving and leans forward, the Pilot has exited the TItan and is about to start shooting you; you must quickly decided to either jump off and try to escape and/or kill the pilot, but deal with a potential Automated TItan, or keep shooting the exposed parts and try to destroy or greatly weaken the TItan before you're killed.

I'm surprised you can't actually hijack Titans if the Pilot leaves while you Rodeo it.

You can also ride on friendly Titans...though I really don't see the point. Yes, they could transport me to an area faster, but usually they're Titan hunting and that's not the best place to be going.

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You can also ride on friendly Titans...though I really don't see the point. Yes, they could transport me to an area faster, but usually they're Titan hunting and that's not the best place to be going.
As long as the titan has it's shields up, they protect you too. Friendly rodeos are great because when your friendly titan engages another titan, you can just leap from one titan to another and he can't jump out because he's already fighting a titan.

Yeah you can potential stop an enemy rodeo attack on your buddy's Titan if you're already on it. This dude was heading for that, saw me riding "shotgun" and I could tell by his movements was like ahh ok plan B now I guess lol. :p
This game is proving to be quite fun, and I'm the type who typically steers clear of online FPS's aside from Killzone. So many satisfying moments such as picking a rodeo enemy off my teammates titan from across the map

This game is damn fun and plays and looks great on 360. The online campaign is actually pretty f'ing genius. It eases you into the online because nobody is going to replay the campaign, so when you play chapter 1, you are playing with fellow newbs. Level playing field. I have never played a FPS before where I didn't feel woefully inadequate in the online when I started out. As such I'm definitely having a lot more fun with this game then other FPSs I've tried. Well so far I have only played 1 chapter. Ha ha. We'll see if the fun lasts.

Ok, so there is one bad thing. After playing the tutorial and 1 chapter… I felt pretty nauseous. Anyone else have that happen? I haven't had that happen in a FPS before. Hopefully it was just a fluke and not really related to the game so much.

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Ok, so there is one bad thing. After playing the tutorial and 1 chapter… I felt pretty nauseous. Anyone else have that happen? I haven't had that happen in a FPS before. Hopefully it was just a fluke and not really related to the game so much.
I get it sometimes too, not all the time though. Last game to mess with me this way was the first Crackdown (bloodshot eyes and bad headaches after an hour of so of play).
The nausea is while playing the 360 version right so maybe it's frame rate related. There's a lot of motion in this game, it's sort of odd to see with the beginning campaign animations and scenes, as characters move around too fast, but you don't notice it when you're in the high intensity of a multiplayer battle.

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I've always suffered from motion sickness in FPS games.  Not until late in the 360's lifecycle (Bioshock Infinite, Halo 4) did it start to not bother me.  It has to be frame rate related because I get next to zero motion sickness with Titanfall.

Dude, I remember the original Doom on PC all those years ago......barf city. 

About to be Gen 3 real soon, feels good brah. I havent played this much of an online fps since Halo 2 and Black Ops.

Playin on da Xbone btw ;p

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Played six straight matches on the 360 and my team won every single match. This game is a lot of fun once you get better at it.
Titanfall twitch stream is live at PAX, hope theres gonna be some sort of dlc reveal. Titan Stream!!

Titanfall Expedition is the first dlc in may, its gonna have 3 maps and its in a swamp/jungle with lots of trees! Hype!

2v2 last titan standing game mode also coming, game modes are gonna be added in as free updates.

that new matchmaking thing sounds great. You'll be able to find teammates using a hashtag. So, if you set it to search for teammates with #CAG, you'd find other cags, etc.

So I've been riding on friendly Titans, as was pointed out by people here.  It's good because I get the XP from completing challenges,but I can't shoot a thing.  I though about using my lock-on rocket, but players move so frantically that I can't lock.  I even had a guy seem really scared and keep asking why I was on him.  I guess he assumed I was going to try to get him killed.  I'd probably think the same if the roles were reversed though.

And I really like it when you punch a Titan that's near the edge of a level and they fall off.  That makes the battles much faster.

Is anyone else other than me having any problems with this bullshit game right now? And ONLY this game. For last 3 days it keeps saying to finish installation and either be at 99% or 100% and give me a "Installation is Almost Done" error. Tired of this console's crap -_-
It was pretty interesting seeing how the Respawn team started from scratch and just had some concepts of what they wanted the game to be like. You gotta hand it to the Dorito Pope, he was hyping Titan since last year and man he knew that this game is the next step in online games. #OnlineCombatEvolved   ^_^

Plus u gotta love Respawn, they seem like really cool guys and honest too. They know whats up.

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Plus u gotta love Respawn, they seem like really cool guys and honest too.
Game developers are like strippers. They DON'T actually like you, but they'll pretend to to get your money. Give it time. You'll see that they don't listen to fan feedback and only add/take away things to appeal to a larger audience. It's all about the bottom line. The game industry is a business and will be treated like one. They aren't trying to be nice - only to make money

Game developers are like strippers. They DON'T actually like you, but they'll pretend to to get your money. Give it time. You'll see that they don't listen to fan feedback and only add/take away things to appeal to a larger audience. It's all about the bottom line. The game industry is a business and will be treated like one. They aren't trying to be nice - only to make money
I disagree. "Larger audience" and "fans" are not exclusively separate entities. Sure, it's about the bottom line, but that doesn't mean they can't enjoy what they do *and* make a better bottom line by following feedback. There's nothing wrong with that at all.

Case in point: The developers for Borderlands. Their DLC has all been pretty fantastic by most people's standards. It wasn't free though, because they do have to make money to keep making it. They certainly seem to enjoy what they do though, and they are doing a great service to the fans.

The new Titanfall DLC sounds pretty sweet.  I'm a sucker for water maps.  Out in May.


Game developers are like strippers. They DON'T actually like you, but they'll pretend to to get your money. Give it time. You'll see that they don't listen to fan feedback and only add/take away things to appeal to a larger audience. It's all about the bottom line. The game industry is a business and will be treated like one. They aren't trying to be nice - only to make money
That is an overally general and pessimistic viewpoint my friend. Wow

There are many man developers, lumping them all into that statement is a disservice for many creative individuals.

Respawn has a select few elite and creative staff that generally care about everybody playing their game. Publishers are the ones looking at the game as a business. Developers are full of creative individuals who want to create and make fun experiences, epic sprawling storylines or silly intricate gaming experiences.

That is an overally general and pessimistic viewpoint my friend. Wow

There are many man developers, lumping them all into that statement is a disservice for many creative individuals.

Respawn has a select few elite and creative staff that generally care about everybody playing their game. Publishers are the ones looking at the game as a business. Developers are full of creative individuals who want to create and make fun experiences, epic sprawling storylines or silly intricate gaming experiences.
In addition to Respawn, Bungie and 343i generally give a shit about the fans. ESPECIALLY Bungie.
Instant Shot makes things much easier.  Combine it with cluster missile and you've got a decent combo.  Without instant shot, it's a crap shoot of hoping you can charge it before getting crushed.

I've been on a bit of a break after getting a bunch of achievements out of the way but I've got the itch to play again. I'm at rank 37 or 38 and want to make it to at least 50/2nd gen.
I have a few problems with this game however. The main one is that it has that "Grind the shitty guns for 40 levels until the decent ones will become available". I'm at Lv 30 right now and the best gun is the SMG, and it's not even very good. The beginning sniper rifle takes way too many shots to kill anything, the Smart Pistol might as well be useless against human players, etc.

I have a few problems with this game however. The main one is that it has that "Grind the shitty guns for 40 levels until the decent ones will become available". I'm at Lv 30 right now and the best gun is the SMG, and it's not even very good. The beginning sniper rifle takes way too many shots to kill anything, the Smart Pistol might as well be useless against human players, etc.
It really comes down to your personal playstyle. By level 50, I only use 3 guns depending on the map: The carbine, the shotgun, and the LMG Spitfire. Carbine is for attrition / non-super close quarters maps, shotgun is for hardpoint, and LMG is for dealing with Titans / Attrition. 2/3rds of these are unlocked immediately.

It's actually what I really enjoy about this game. The only thing that I'm not huge on are the Titan weapons off the bat (primarily, the ordinance). The weapons appear to be supremely balanced.

I have a few problems with this game however. The main one is that it has that "Grind the shitty guns for 40 levels until the decent ones will become available". I'm at Lv 30 right now and the best gun is the SMG, and it's not even very good. The beginning sniper rifle takes way too many shots to kill anything, the Smart Pistol might as well be useless against human players, etc.
Haha. Yeah that "smart" pistol is garbage against players. I've had players who were sitting still, trying to cap a hardpoint, and my gun would "lock" on but then almost immediately lose the lock. The majority of my players kills with this gun were from me running up to them and spamming the trigger. Hate that gun.

The automatic rifles and submachs work well for me. I agree with Fearia that they did a good job of balancing things in this game. Loving it. Can't wait for the updates to hit the 360 so I can actually see my party members in a different color on the minimap...

I have a few problems with this game however. The main one is that it has that "Grind the shitty guns for 40 levels until the decent ones will become available". I'm at Lv 30 right now and the best gun is the SMG, and it's not even very good. The beginning sniper rifle takes way too many shots to kill anything, the Smart Pistol might as well be useless against human players, etc.
I'd...disagree with all of this. First, the carbine is the best overall gun and it's unlocked at the start. If you're at level 30, that means you don't have the CAR smg and you're saying the first smg is the best gun over the others? I don't think so..

The beginning sniper rifle is actually pretty good. It only takes 2-3 shots to the body or 1 shot to the head, and once you unlock the AOG scope things become much easier.

the smart pistol is probably my 2nd favorite gun. It used to be better during head to head combat but they nerfed the damage it does when you don't have a lock...which means you pretty much always have to have a lock to use that gun now. The key is to wallrun alot with that gun. I'm gonna play right now...i'll try to record a few clips.

I got to play the 360 version over the weekend and here are my impressions having only played the campaign thus far:

- Overall a terrific game to play. I don't play Call of Duty much anymore and the parkour element of the game is refreshing. The verticality adds a newer fun element of gameplay that isn't new itself but the ease of leaping onto the top of the building just makes everything seem smooth and faster. The titan play is really cool. The only drawback jumping in a titan is that you become an easy target for everybody in the map so it sucks to get ganged up on when you're trying to learn how to time your titan to come down. It's really satisfying to help take out a Titan as a pilot or fellow Titan.

- Campaign is no different than multiplayer other than that's where all of us noobs play. I think it's a good idea to keep in place for Titanfall 2 if they don't make a full fledged campaign mode.

- The AI is terrible. I would have rather had less AI in the game and added more players. Maybe 8 pilots and less minions. From a competitive standpoint, whenever you get that rush from killing a soldier it becomes a buzzkill when you find out it's just another Spectre. Meh. I get the appeal for the masses but from my point of view, it's a drawback. I just hate playing against bots, period. Less would be more.

- I don't see an option to lock the FPS at 30? The gameplay was smooth enough for me whenever I was playing so the 360 version more than holds up its own against the other platforms.

- They need more maps and modes. For an online only game, I'm surprised Respawn didn't have more ready at launch. That's a bit of a letdown.

- This disc runs loud on my slim. I guess it's because you can't install the game onto your 360. It makes me a little nervous my console has to work harder.

- I haven't played much multiplayer but it seems like a few of the matches I was in were imbalanced. If this remains true, this would be my biggest peeve that would need to be addressed. As long as it's fair, I could easily spend tons of nights on this game.
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I'd...disagree with all of this. First, the carbine is the best overall gun and it's unlocked at the start. If you're at level 30, that means you don't have the CAR smg and you're saying the first smg is the best gun over the others? I don't think so..

The beginning sniper rifle is actually pretty good. It only takes 2-3 shots to the body or 1 shot to the head, and once you unlock the AOG scope things become much easier.

the smart pistol is probably my 2nd favorite gun. It used to be better during head to head combat but they nerfed the damage it does when you don't have a lock...which means you pretty much always have to have a lock to use that gun now. The key is to wallrun alot with that gun. I'm gonna play right now...i'll try to record a few clips.
Of course you'll disagree, you're obviously a fanboy

bread's done