Steam Deal Thread V1 - Thread closed. See V2 thread for the deals!

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how is the multiplayer for Kane and Lynch 2? i remember reading about it earlier and thinking it sounded pretty cool...
[quote name='Lemarfanz']Defense Grid is not good. And Braid is god's the epitome of a game trying to be art. which they aren't (...I don't care what the Supreme Court says).

Not misguided. People always assume that an indie game has more inherent value than one released by a major publisher.[/QUOTE]


I'm afraid you're going to find a WEALTH of people in this thread who would disagree with you. There is often far more quality and creativity in an indie game that in a proper retail release.
[quote name='jj5206']how is the multiplayer for Kane and Lynch 2? i remember reading about it earlier and thinking it sounded pretty cool...[/QUOTE]

Well it's not Battlefield, Call of Duty, Counter Strike, or Team Fortress. So that means no one plays it.
[quote name='Lemarfanz']Defense Grid is not good. And Braid is god's the epitome of a game trying to be art. which they aren't (...I don't care what the Supreme Court says).

Not misguided. People always assume that an indie game has more inherent value than one released by a major publisher.[/QUOTE]

Why are you here again?
[quote name='Jodou']You're not alone and it's really what holds the game back. I played it for a couple days, beat it, and never touched it again. Then they announced the sequel would have online and I thought, then so should they patch the original for online. But no, if you want online wait for the sophomore attempt. Better yet, just buy Diablo III.[/QUOTE]

Never mind the fact that Torchlight was sold at $20 and many people got it at $5 or less and that TL2 will probably be around the same pricepoint. And, of course, D3 will be $60.

Also Defense Grid is a solid game, nothing amazing. Anyone trashing it probably just isn't a fan of tower defense games.
[quote name='utopianmachine']...

I'm afraid you're going to find a WEALTH of people in this thread who would disagree with you. There is often far more quality and creativity in an indie game that in a proper retail release.[/QUOTE]

yes i know, because "real gamers" love indie developers.
[quote name='Lemarfanz']Defense Grid is not good. And Braid is god's the epitome of a game trying to be art. which they aren't (...I don't care what the Supreme Court says).

Not misguided. People always assume that an indie game has more inherent value than one released by a major publisher.[/QUOTE]

I thought braid was excrellent and I usually tend to dislike indie games.
Anyone play Bloody Good Time? A few months ago PC Gamer had a favorable review of it and it's 25% off at $3.74 right now. Interested in trying it but was wondering if anyone tried it.
[quote name='Lemarfanz']yes i know, because "real gamers" love indie developers.[/QUOTE]

No, because "real gamers" like good games, and there are many good games by indie developers.

Not liking a game and it not being good are not mutually exclusive.
[quote name='RichMeisterMan']Well it's not Battlefield, Call of Duty, Counter Strike, or Team Fortress. So that means no one plays it.[/QUOTE]

I got it for PC last October - and yes, finding a server was like funding a needle in a haystack.

It's a shame, since the MP was fun...when you actually got a room w/ some players, after likely waiting some ridiculous amount of time...
I personally wasn't a fan of Braid and think there is some validity in the sense that a majority of Indie game really aren't all that great (considering there are tons that aren't even on Steam, so factor that in and the GREAT indie games are rather rare).

With that said, Torchlight is not your typical indie game is actually more polished than some main stream releases ... for the price, it's worth taking a chance ... and I wouldn't bash it before you've tried playing it. Smaller developers do not always equal cheap indie games.
[quote name='boneless']Anyone play Bloody Good Time? A few months ago PC Gamer had a favorable review of it and it's 25% off at $3.74 right now. Interested in trying it but was wondering if anyone tried it.[/QUOTE]

It's ok ... not as good as the Ship ... I've only played with bots but the tension just isn't there like it was with the Ship ... it's more of a typical deathmatch game with ridiculous characters and weapons. It's kind of fun ... but dunno, it's hard for me to recommend (I bought it for $5 and got Farcry 2 free, so I probably wouldn't pay more than a few dollars for it)
[quote name='boneless']Anyone play Bloody Good Time? A few months ago PC Gamer had a favorable review of it and it's 25% off at $3.74 right now. Interested in trying it but was wondering if anyone tried it.[/QUOTE] I played the trial on 360. It's really fun. It's kinda similar to AC: Brotherhood's multiplayer. I might take the plunge.
[quote name='etcrane']I personally wasn't a fan of Braid and think there is some validity in the sense that a majority of Indie game really aren't all that great (considering there are tons that aren't even on Steam, so factor that in and the GREAT indie games are rather rare).

With that said, Torchlight is not your typical indie game is actually more polished than some main stream releases ... for the price, it's worth taking a chance ... and I wouldn't bash it before you've tried playing it. Smaller developers do not always equal cheap indie games.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='boneless']Anyone play Bloody Good Time? A few months ago PC Gamer had a favorable review of it and it's 25% off at $3.74 right now. Interested in trying it but was wondering if anyone tried it.[/QUOTE]

It's okay, but not as good as the first game The Ship, there's not many people playing either game anymore though.
Sorry if this is off-topic, but it's still a question regarding Steam. So I usually only purchase stuff from steam directly, but I am planning on picking up Fallout New Vegas for $9.99 at Best Buy since it's Steam Activated, and I was wondering if I still have to download the game from the steam servers? I figure since a disc comes with it, does it just use steam to activate the game while using the CD to install the data of the game onto my hard drive?
[quote name='Lemarfanz']Defense Grid is not good. And Braid is god's the epitome of a game trying to be art. which they aren't (...I don't care what the Supreme Court says).

Not misguided. People always assume that an indie game has more inherent value than one released by a major publisher.[/QUOTE]

Lemarfanz is actually Bobby Kotick in disguise. He wants us to all buy big-priced, big-studio re-hashed titles with tons of DRM, overpriced, pre-made DLC and subscriptions to unnecessary add-ons.

Who cares about indie developers and innovative gameplay. Huge profits for millionaire CEO's and their shareholders is all that matters. Right?
[quote name='iso135']
Tropico 3: Not much chatter about this. Looks cool, going to try the demo. Any recommendations? If I do like it, would you get just the base game for $3.74, or the version with the expansion for $5? Not much chance it gets cheaper at the Holiday sale?

I found Tropico 3 to be awesome. It's probably my favorite city building game ever. The expansion is also pretty good. I think steam has a demo.

The sandbox mode is ok. They have user made online challenges to download, some of those are good, although they tend to be too unpredictable, so I liked the main campaign scenarios the best.
[quote name='tenzor']Sorry if this is off-topic, but it's still a question regarding Steam. So I usually only purchase stuff from steam directly, but I am planning on picking up Fallout New Vegas for $9.99 at Best Buy since it's Steam Activated, and I was wondering if I still have to download the game from the steam servers? I figure since a disc comes with it, does it just use steam to activate the game while using the CD to install the data of the game onto my hard drive?[/QUOTE]

It should install from disc fine and then register itself with your steam account and apply any needed updates.
[quote name='The Nephilim']It should install from disc fine and then register itself with your steam account and apply any needed updates.[/QUOTE]

Thanks! I already have to download Dragon Age Origin Ultimate which is like 23GB, and Just Cause 2 and Oblivion GOTY also. It's good to know I won't have to worry about my bandwidth with Falout NV also. Stupid AT&T and their capped internet.
[quote name='ryogahibiki']Lemarfanz is actually Bobby Kotick in disguise. He wants us to all buy big-priced, big-studio re-hashed titles with tons of DRM, overpriced, pre-made DLC and subscriptions to unnecessary add-ons.

Who cares about indie developers and innovative gameplay. Huge profits for millionaire CEO's and their shareholders is all that matters. Right?[/QUOTE]

L.A. Noire > Braid
[quote name='Lemarfanz']whew, almost bought Torchlight, then I realized it's an indie game. Not supporting that crap.[/QUOTE]

look at this jackass.
[quote name='Lemarfanz']L.A. Noire > Braid[/QUOTE]

I don't like Braid, but comparing it to L.A. Noire is like comparing apples to dump trucks. You're kind of a dumbass.
I've merely presented my humble opinion on indie developers, and I get attacked for it--"Douchebag" "asshole" "dumbass".

So sue me, I don't like indie games because I think they suck, especially Braid. You guys don't need to be so rude about it.
[quote name='Lemarfanz']...typical "gamers" getting upset by someone who doesn't like indie developers...[/QUOTE]

Naaaahhh, we don't like people who actually don't know anything about games, dummy. There are plenty of crappy high profile games out there as much as there are crappy indie games. You're just uninformed and uneducated about such things.
I dunno, his post history shows little evidence of being a troll, I think he's just a dick.

He refers to gamers in quotes as if referring to a race, as if such a large, stereotypical group exists, all with the same refined opinions and ideals, who all operate as one large entity. And he only buys games that sell a million copies. And he brought up the "games as art" argument. Again.

He's just an asshole. Get back to the deals.
[quote name='Lemarfanz']Not misguided. People always assume that an indie game has more inherent value than one released by a major publisher.[/QUOTE]
And by dismissing indie games out of hand, you're now as presumptuous as the people you sneer at. Congrats! But don't worry, you can continue patting yourself on the back and dismissing anyone who disagrees with you ever because you know better than them.
So i want to get Tropico 3 cause i heard good things

Yet i do not know if it is a Tyrant-your-way-to-build-your-own-city sim which sounds fun :D

is it a Fidel Castro sim or what?

Do i also get a cigar?
I dunno, his post history shows little evidence of being a troll, I think he's just a dick.

He refers to gamers in quotes as if referring to a race, as if such a large, stereotypical group exists, all with the same refined opinions and ideals, who all operate as one large entity. And he only buys games that sell a million copies. And he brought up the "games as art" argument. Again.

It's the Steam sale. it attracts pricks. Get back to the deals, we've got dozens and dozens of shitty indie games to buy. :whee:
Been really tempted on DA:O UE, but I will probably pass. My comp doesn't meet the recommended settings and it can't even run Oblivion smoothly anymore. I also have that to finish some quests and have KOTOR on Steam that I can play again, not to mention Skyrim is around the corner which will satisfy my desire for a new RPG. Another sale perhaps.
[quote name='cRodz']So i want to get Tropico 3 cause i heard good things

Yet i do not know if it is a Tyrant-your-way-to-build-your-own-city sim which sounds fun :D

is it a Fidel Castro sim or what?

Do i also get a cigar?

Hah, ya that is a good way to put it. It definitely makes some hints at Cuba (my opinion), but ya you can be ruthless with your people if you want. Just know that if you abuse the hell out of your people they can join the rebels and make random attacks (your soldiers will defend). That is all automated too by the way. Typically though if your people love you they will never rebel.

But ya, you can do all kinds of fun things. Throw the opposition in jail, execute them, refuse elections, fix the election results, etc. That is only a small part of the game. There is the whole part of building industries and houses for your people (or just make them sleep in shacks if you dont care!). It is fairly easy to play and a ton of fun. Great island music too.
[quote name='cRodz']So i want to get Tropico 3 cause i heard good things

Yet i do not know if it is a Tyrant-your-way-to-build-your-own-city sim which sounds fun :D

is it a Fidel Castro sim or what?

Do i also get a cigar?

Actually, yes, you can use Fidel Castro as your avatar, and base your economy on tobacco + hand rolled cigars.
[quote name='Lemarfanz']yes i know, because "real gamers" love indie developers.[/QUOTE]

No, "Real gamers" like games that are good, not just because they have high production values, which usually cuts out 90 percent of the rehashed shit that the major studios come out with.

You are grouping all indie games as sucking when you clearly haven't played ALL of them and have no basis to make that comparison.
I've been jumping around playing all kinds of games today. I think I'm just itching for some of the games on my wishlist. You know, all the games I'm keeping an eye on while I wait to see if there are daily deals. :D
[quote name='cRodz']So i want to get Tropico 3 cause i heard good things

Yet i do not know if it is a Tyrant-your-way-to-build-your-own-city sim which sounds fun :D

is it a Fidel Castro sim or what?

Do i also get a cigar?

Actually that's exactly what the game is but you can be as nice or as bad as you want. Assassinate, bribe, intimidate, or just give people what they want at a cost.

You can have your avatar smoking a cigar and you actually use him in game... Got tropic 3 and the expansion in the winter sale, defiantly my favorite city sim.
[quote name='Lemarfanz']Man, you guys are priceless. No winning with you people. I'd say I'm sorry for not liking indie games...but that would be a lie.[/QUOTE]

My only issue with this is the fact that saying 'I don't like indie games' doesn't mean anything. It's a nonsensical statement. It would be like saying 'I don't enjoy environments' because there are so many different kinds of environments that the concept becomes meaningless.

Now, I don't like 'indie rpgs', or I don't like 'low budget' games or I don't like 'indie shooters' all make sense. But since 'Indie games' covers so many genres and types it literally means nothing, you can't say it without being ridiculed.
[quote name='Dalrint']My only issue with this is the fact that saying 'I don't like indie games' doesn't mean anything. It's a nonsensical statement. It would be like saying 'I don't enjoy environments' because there are so many different kinds of environments that the concept becomes meaningless.

Now, I don't like 'indie rpgs', or I don't like 'low budget' games or I don't like 'indie shooters' all make sense. But since 'Indie games' covers so many genres and types it literally means nothing, you can't say it without being ridiculed.[/QUOTE]

Well said. Some indie games are actually pretty FUN!

He obviously has never played Jamestown ;)
[quote name='iso135']Only games that I am considering (have quite a few of them already), are the following:

Defense Grid: Yes, I have read all of the praise in the past 10ish pages. For $2.50 I think it will be well worth it, and would spend 3 tickets on the 4 DLCs. Any negative thoughts? Get it?

Any help, thoughts, and opinions would be appreciated. Thanks![/QUOTE]

Defense Grid was my first foray into the tower defense genre and its still my favorite. The game does a pretty decent job of balancing difficulty with the resources it gives you to complete each level throughout the campaign. Although I'll admit that I wasn't that great at it, and had to look up youtube strats on how to beat at least three of the levels of the base campaign (The Awakening). Ironically, I beat the final stage of The Awakening campaign on my first try. So it can be hit or miss on some stages depending on how well you can work with the layout of the given level. I still feel that it's a great game overall, and if you're interested in tower defense game play, then you can't go wrong with it as it can be quite enjoyable. The base game alone includes the Borderlands DLC maps which are apparently even harder than The Awakening maps, but I haven't had the chance to get to those. One last thing, if it's any indication I've got 36 hours played just from The Awakening and repeating levels to earn a gold medal (no cores stolen + meeting a certain score requirement). Hope you enjoy it if you decide to get it! :)
[quote name='Dalrint']My only issue with this is the fact that saying 'I don't like indie games' doesn't mean anything. It's a nonsensical statement. It would be like saying 'I don't enjoy environments' because there are so many different kinds of environments that the concept becomes meaningless.

Now, I don't like 'indie rpgs', or I don't like 'low budget' games or I don't like 'indie shooters' all make sense. But since 'Indie games' covers so many genres and types it literally means nothing, you can't say it without being ridiculed.[/QUOTE]

well, I disagree with you, so I'll reiterate--if it doesn't have a legitimate developer, I don't want to give them my money.

but, thank you for your civility! at least someone else on here is smart enough to make an argument without resorting to "douchebag" or "asshole"
[quote name='Dalrint']My only issue with this is the fact that saying 'I don't like indie games' doesn't mean anything. It's a nonsensical statement. It would be like saying 'I don't enjoy environments' because there are so many different kinds of environments that the concept becomes meaningless.

Now, I don't like 'indie rpgs', or I don't like 'low budget' games or I don't like 'indie shooters' all make sense. But since 'Indie games' covers so many genres and types it literally means nothing, you can't say it without being ridiculed.[/QUOTE]

This is how you can tell he's a troll. He's revealed he's just mad that people have different opinions than him and doesn't know how to deal with that other than with negativity. Hence the trolling.
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