I played through this game local co-op with a friend. We had an O.K. time.
But, what made the first game amazing in my eyes is not present in this game. And really, they're the only things this game does; the puzzles and the shooting.
The first game in this series was an extremely refreshing twin stick shooter/puzzler. The shooting was incredibly solid and the puzzles were INCREDIBLY INGENIOUS. This new Lara Croft twin stick shooter is shorter, the combat is easier, and the puzzles are also easier, less impactful, and recycled from the first game. In the end, this game is about 1/3 the length of the first. Less shooting. Less puzzles. Less fun.
I just want to mention the puzzles one last time. I want to do this because the first game took me by surprise. Your characters have limited abilities but the developers were able to create unique, well thought out puzzles around those abilities. There were points in the first game where me and my friend would have to stop and reconsider the uses of our abilities to figure out puzzles. Again, the puzzles in the first were really well designed. I played this new game with that same friend and we breezed through this game in a matter of days. Such a short disappointing game.
If you have not played the first game in this series, go grab a friend and play that game. Enjoy that unique co-op experience. Savour that game though because it is one of a kind and you will not find that experience again especially in this game.