Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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You guys gotta watch the 800 EVO series though. They have slowdown issues on some of them. I THINK it was fixed in a patch but here's the article I read a few weeks ago.
That applies only to the 840 EVO, not the whole 800 EVO series, and the early results are still suspect that the issue wasn't fixed with the previous firmware update. Regardless, just go with the 850 EVO and you don't have to worry about it anyway.

That applies only to the 840 EVO, not the whole 800 EVO series, and the early results are still suspect that the issue wasn't fixed with the previous firmware update. Regardless, just go with the 850 EVO and you don't have to worry about it anyway.
Yeah luckily for me I placed an order with Dell for the 840 EVO a week ago and got an email from them telling me that these were discontinued and I got a free bump up to the 850 EVO with no added cost. SCORE

I suspect there's more "girls" who post here than admit it. And I don't blame them either. They have to keep up these ridiculous disguises just to stay hassle-free. Eldredpe's "beard" is the most convincing of the lot.

. . . says the guy with "ette" at the end of his name. :joystick:

I've never been able to shake my real life nickname of HunglikeaHorse.  Online is my only escape when I can get away from the curse that is my endowment.

Among the Sleep looks cool but I'll hold out for 75% off or bundle.  Real bundle too not that Humble $15 tier shit.  

Uh. WTF?

I was browsing GamersGate to see if there was anything worth using the coupon on, and I stumbled upon "Stay Dead Evolution."

Some of you may remember this being featured in an Indie Royale a few years back. I didn't expect this to show up... hope we get a Steam key, the game was okay for an FMV fighting game.

Uh. WTF?

I was browsing GamersGate to see if there was anything worth using the coupon on, and I stumbled upon "Stay Dead Evolution."

Some of you may remember this being featured in an Indie Royale a few years back. I didn't expect this to show up... hope we get a Steam key, the game was okay for an FMV fighting game.
Foxhack gonna Foxhack.

It was in a bundle in a box bundle and I think an bundle
I've never been able to shake my real life nickname of HunglikeaHorse. Online is my only escape when I can get away from the curse that is my endowment.

Among the Sleep looks cool but I'll hold out for 75% off or bundle. Real bundle too not that Humble $15 tier shit.
What kind of bundle? As far as I can tell, the only other related content is free DLC.

What kind of bundle? As far as I can tell, the only other related content is free DLC.

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Daily Deal
66% off Among the Sleep - $6.79

15% off your next order*: 10AN-PREV-FEB2015 (Expires Feb. 9)
*Excludes: Battlefield Hardline, Evolve and GTA V

Daily Deals
75% off Paradox Kings and Queens Bundle (Steam) - $22.50 [customspoiler=Includes]
  • Crusader Kings II (Steam)
  • Knights of Honor (DRM Free)
  • Majesty 2 The Fantasy Kingdom Sim (Other DRM)
  • The Kings' Crusade (Steam)
  • Victoria II (DRM Free)

Prices listed do not take into account any available voucher.
Up to 80% off Plug-In Digital games
Up to 75% off Staff Picks
It's baaaaack: GMG VIP

Up to 70% off Splinter Cell games (Conviction and Blacklist are Uplay, the rest are downloads via Nuuvem with whatever their inherent DRM scheme is.)

Up to 75% off Superhero Weekend

The Sims Celebration Sale

70% off Weekend Promo: Strategic Milestones Weekend Extravaganza
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So, is GMG using personally generated vouchers now or was the one that I generated when I popped on their site a public code presented in a way to make me feel special?
Uh. WTF?

I was browsing GamersGate to see if there was anything worth using the coupon on, and I stumbled upon "Stay Dead Evolution."

Some of you may remember this being featured in an Indie Royale a few years back. I didn't expect this to show up... hope we get a Steam key, the game was okay for an FMV fighting game.
It showed up a day or two ago and the dev's been very quiet on the Steam discussion forum on this subject, so I'm betting the answer is no. I'm pretty sure I have it from one of those bundles you and Drabe were alluding to.

On the off-chance that anyone got this as part of the Storybundle Devastator Funny bundle in December, the dev confirmed that these are separate products (?) and they won't be giving Steam keys to bundle buyers.

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Current Tomb Raider GOTY is the best it's been at 5.99.  But the Tomb Raider collection is 15.99.  (not it's lowest at 13.99)

What do you guys think?  Never played'm.  Don't know if I will.  Worth it?

Trying to figure out if anything in the SE weekend is worth it.  I'm not seeing much. 

Current Tomb Raider GOTY is the best it's been at 5.99. But the Tomb Raider collection is 15.99. (not it's lowest at 13.99)

What do you guys think? Never played'm. Don't know if I will. Worth it?

Trying to figure out if anything in the SE weekend is worth it. I'm not seeing much.
These are mostly good games, however the majority is already ancient. I would advise to buy the newest one, Legend and Underworld.

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Current Tomb Raider GOTY is the best it's been at 5.99. But the Tomb Raider collection is 15.99. (not it's lowest at 13.99)

What do you guys think? Never played'm. Don't know if I will. Worth it?

Trying to figure out if anything in the SE weekend is worth it. I'm not seeing much.
For what it's worth, the reason it's not on sale for $14 again is the collection used to have a lower MSRP because I think it didn't include stuff this version does.

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It showed up a day or two ago and the dev's been very quiet on the Steam discussion forum on this subject, so I'm betting the answer is no. I'm pretty sure I have it from one of those bundles you and Drabe were alluding to.
I sent them an email to ask them if we were getting keys or not.

Current Tomb Raider GOTY is the best it's been at 5.99. But the Tomb Raider collection is 15.99. (not it's lowest at 13.99)

What do you guys think? Never played'm. Don't know if I will. Worth it?

Trying to figure out if anything in the SE weekend is worth it. I'm not seeing much.
The older games are...old...and haven't aged well. You can buy all the games worth playing in that pack (all the games released relatively recently) for about 10-11 bucks. Don't get the GOTY edition, nothing in it is worth it. If you're gonna get any dlc, just buy the Tomb of the Lost Adventurer, which is like 60 cents. It only adds what amounts to about 5-10 minutes of gameplay, but given the lack of tombs in the game i'd go for it.

If you like adding to your steam the pack though. You get like, another 6 games or so for that extra couple bucks and all the stupid multiplayer add ons for tr2013, as well as the challenge packs for guardian of light, which might be worth it as that's a really good game.

Also I'm not sure what you mean by you're not sure if anything in the SE weekend is "worth it," as a lot of good games and packs are pretty cheap...unless by "worth it" you mean "this is square enix so i already own 95% of the games in this sale."

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Current Tomb Raider GOTY is the best it's been at 5.99. But the Tomb Raider collection is 15.99. (not it's lowest at 13.99)

What do you guys think? Never played'm. Don't know if I will. Worth it?

Trying to figure out if anything in the SE weekend is worth it. I'm not seeing much.
Finest popamole money can buy.

So Payday 2 is doing crowd-funded DLC...

Scrapping patches for the 360/PS3 versions in favour of Xbone/PS4 re-releases, GotY edition without all the DLC (which costs $80), and now this. Overkill just keeps finding new lows.
To be fair, most developers would have abandoned the game and moved on to a sequel a LONG time ago. And I'm pretty sure they gave up on PS3/360 because of the patch submission fees/process (at least that's what I remember reading). It shouldn't come as a shock to anybody in here that PC has been a much friendlier platform in terms of how they wanted to grow the game.

Payday 2 has had over 50 updates/fixes on PC. Sure, they've had their share of paid DLC...but there has been free content, various events, holiday themes, etc. From a consumer's standpoint of wanting to see your purchase supported and further developed, I'm not sure that they could do much better. I'd honestly be happy if other devs took notes from them.

Also I'm not sure what you mean by you're not sure if anything in the SE weekend is "worth it," as a lot of good games and packs are pretty cheap...unless by "worth it" you mean "this is square enix so i already own 95% of the games in this sale."

The best deals tend to be price mistakes or bundles. But I own bits and pieces of the bundles. Likely through other bundle offerings. I own NONE of the Thiefs or the Tomb Raiders. I remember the new Thief getting so-so reviews and I didn't care for Dishonored so i figured a similar gameplay there. So I was thinking Tomb Raider. Though none of these appear to be that isometric one I don't believe.

Edit: Apparently the one I'm thinking of is Osiris, and while not bundled, appears lower.

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The best deals tend to be price mistakes or bundles. But I own bits and pieces of the bundles. Likely through other bundle offerings. I own NONE of the Thiefs or the Tomb Raiders. I remember the new Thief getting so-so reviews and I didn't care for Dishonored so i figured a similar gameplay there. So I was thinking Tomb Raider. Though none of these appear to be that isometric one I don't believe.
guardian of light is isometric and the predecessor to temple of osiris which came out a few months ago

and i would whole heartily recommend the thief pack (the new thief got pretty wild reviews, i think, some really liked it and some really hated it. apparently it's more like deathly shadows and less like the first two games, so i guess that might have thrown some people off who were expecting one thing and got you get all the dlc with it), but yeah, if you don't like stealth gameplay (like dishonored...which is awesome and you should go sit in a corner for having bad taste) you won't like thief

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To be fair, most developers would have abandoned the game and moved on to a sequel a LONG time ago. And I'm pretty sure they gave up on PS3/360 because of the patch submission fees/process (at least that's what I remember reading). It shouldn't come as a shock to anybody in here that PC has been a much friendlier platform in terms of how they wanted to grow the game.

Payday 2 has had over 50 updates/fixes on PC. Sure, they've had their share of paid DLC...but there has been free content, various events, holiday themes, etc. From a consumer's standpoint of wanting to see your purchase supported and further developed, I'm not sure that they could do much better. I'd honestly be happy if other devs took notes from them.
360 removed patch fees quite a while ago, not sure PS3 ever had them. As for the crowdfunding scheme they're doing right now, my main issue is with rewards 6 (a PREVIEW of a future DLC), and 8 (sweepstakes to fly 10 people to E3). 10 (first-ever Payday convention which I'm sure they'll be charging money to go to) is an alright last bonus I GUESS, but the other 2 I think are bullshit funding goals.

if you don't like stealth gameplay (like dishonored...which is awesome and you should go sit in a corner for having bad taste) you won't like thief
It's just not my cup of tea. I'm not saying it wasn't a good game. I just didn't care for it. Like I didn't care for the Bioshocks. I KNEW buying it that it'd be roughly the same, but I bought it anyways. I liked the original thieves but the Shadows one changed it a bit much for personal preference.

Thanks for that! More stoked (for some reason) about being able to play the original XBL version now.

Names stick, people. Whether you like it or not.
Was going to make a joke, but going to go story route instead. Played an online game with some folks, and we'd hang out in a TS and all that usual shit. Everyone eventually quit and a lot of us don't use our in game name for other games/teamspeak/steam. Most of us, still call each other by our names from that game though.

Gaming related, don't pick a terrible name you'll hate in Planetside 2 unless you have $25 dollars to blow on changing it. Still not sure if I should laugh at the price SOE had put on it (guessing will stay the same with the new company in charge instead of Sony) or laugh that people will probably actually pay that much to change their name in the game


The best deals tend to be price mistakes or bundles. But I own bits and pieces of the bundles. Likely through other bundle offerings. I own NONE of the Thiefs or the Tomb Raiders. I remember the new Thief getting so-so reviews and I didn't care for Dishonored so i figured a similar gameplay there. So I was thinking Tomb Raider. Though none of these appear to be that isometric one I don't believe.

Edit: Apparently the one I'm thinking of is Osiris, and while not bundled, appears lower.
Try Guardian of Light if you don't have that one.

Think I might have to buy every final fantasy on pc now. So if a bundle comes you can thank me later.
Hold off. Every single FF game has been cheaper than the 50% off they've got right now, and there's no way you're going to play them all before another sale rolls around. If you're going to play one immediately, go for it, but don't backlog them at a price that's already been beaten at least once.

bread's done