Ugh, don't even get me started on the DLC/microtransaction factory that is Payday 2. I still get mad just thinking about it because the first Payday was one of my favorite games, I pre-ordered 2 and regretted it ever since. It's pretty silly that people keep saying things like "well look at all the free updates they've given us". Yeah, because they launched with an incomplete game. Not sure if EA was a thing when the game launched but it definitely should've been in early access because it was totally unfinished when it "launched". It was horribly imbalanced, cheats and hackers were (and still are) rampant, and they straight up didn't deliver the content they promised us before the game launched.
They promised us over 50 heists and even after all these "free updates" there still aren't that many. Instead it's just the same 6-7 heists copy-pasted on the same maps (Oh boy, for one heist you steal cash from a bank vault, in another heist you steal gold from the same exact

ing bank vault. Woohoo variety!). Not to mention all the heists in this game are super bland and boring compared to the first game, the first game only had 6-7 heists but they were all very different and had their own unique flavor. In Payday 2 each map gets used for 2-3 heists which means even if you play different heists you're still playing on the same goddamn map. And even on different maps it usually devolves into a "bag throwing simulator".
So instead of making new maps, they focus on coming out with paid DLC for stupid masks, guns, and melee weapons, most of which are

ing useless. Now they are coming out with new characters as DLC, which is again,

ing pointless as it adds nothing to the game other than a new player-model and some new voice-over lines. Yeah, I guess we desperately needed some back-story and plot development in a game where all you're doing is mowing down cops by the thousands. And now they want to add a gatling gun and a rocket launcher. Add in the fact they want you to PRE-ORDER DLC, and it's pretty easy to tell that this game is getting dumber by the minute.
They've gone the Electronic Arts route of releasing an unfinished game, charging money for patches that fix it, and then Scrooge McDuck'ing in the money they get from all their white-knight fanbois who will chide others for not being grateful for being given the opportunity to pay money to suck on OVK's dick. I'm glad I stopped playing.
Sorry guys, totally spazzed out here. Block'o'text rant is over. Edited for
less eyebleed better reading.