Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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I think pretty much every semi Mass effect fan with a decent PC would buy a Complete edition of the trilogy for $60. You can STILL find threads across the Internet of people complaining that that hasn't happened yet.
Yeah, I own the trilogy w/all dlc on console, but would gladly double dip if they bundled the dlc w/the base game trilogy.

I'll agree there, when I first got my OneS I literally said "ugh" when I pulled it out of the box, but it has Bluetooth so it's more versatile, and it has better grips, you use to have to buy a special edition to get that.
What is it with this generation's controllers feeling cheap as hell. I got an xbone with my rift and it felt cheap as crap, bought 2 steam controllers since they were cheap and worked with the link/steambox and they felt cheap, and even the ps3/4 ones Ive used for dev work didnt fare better.

I managed to get a free xbone elite which feels completely solid and IMHO perfect as a controller, but it just seems odd there was such a huge dropoff in the feeling from x360's to now. There shouldnt be a 100$ premium or whatever the hell an elite costs to just come close to not feeling like a cheap piece of chinese crap

I've jumped around the Mass Effect series between Consoles and PC (I miss Direct2Drive).  I'd love to Unify them all.  But I decided to go Console for Andromeda just so I can sell it back if the ending blows.

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The divsion guy will not tolerate such insolence in putting Ubisoft on blast.
Heh, you do realize I likely blast Ubisoft (and Massive) in this thread more than anyone else...? I, frankly, just don't understand people's desire to blast them over some BS reason like trailer BS, which is the norm for this business, when they give everyone and their 3 friends closed Beta access and open beta access to all for the bulk of their games. Go and play the damn thing, people.

Wildlands, Steep, The Division, and For Honor were not surprises if you played even one of the betas.

So blast Ubisoft all you want just make it for a worthwhile reason... Trust me, there is plenty of reasons to do so.

I think pretty much every semi Mass effect fan with a decent PC would buy a Complete edition of the trilogy for $60. You can STILL find threads across the Internet of people complaining that that hasn't happened yet.
Nope, fuck'em.

I've jumped around the Mass Effect series between Consoles and PC (I miss Direct2Drive). I'd love to Unify them all. But I decided to go Console for Andromeda just so I can sell it back if the ending blows.
Why even buy it then...? (Its either going to setup another game (aka future disappointment) or its going to disappoint this time around.)

Also, its obvious that they are going to have to ignore their own damn original endings in the beginning of the game (and maybe even the "new cut" endings) which would just piss me off all over again...

Too late? (Maybe... *sigh* I'm going to go shoot some narco terrorists. )

Also, heads up, read up on the ZGold bonus promo and the bonus ZGold you get expires 30 days after issuance, meaning you have to buy something that cost as much as the bonus ZGold within 30 days or it expires.
That hardly matters when they won't take my money in the first place! Seems they don't like my credit card or my Paypal (or does my bank and Paypal not like Razer?) :whistle2:k

Tribal Pass: ?0FQT-3PW2M-VD!P?

? = Number of members originally in the Wu-Tang Clan before ODB died

! = The number of albums K-Rino dropped on the same day last year

r u going to join the bros?
If there's a Free MP Weekend Trial and the Bro's do a Bro Night for it then, then count me in.

Might be a while before I actually buy the game, though.

We'll have to wait and see on that part of me buying the actual game - based on prices, reviews, how they (BioWare + EA) milk the SP DLC's, and all of that stuff.


PC Gamer is saying the ME:A MP is very similar to ME3 MP:

Video on ME:A's MP:

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What's the site for Steam Keys again? :whistle2:

Last night we played SurvHive. We had a pretty good turnout (eight people?) which means there was more of us to realize how much SurvHive sucks. Really, it's awful. Looks like shit, plays like shit, almost no one knew what they were doing... just miserable all around. I can't believe that someone made that game and thought "Yeah, this is worth $15" which is the asking MSRP (of course we all had cheap bundle copies). Good points: All the servers are empty so you'll have lots of options! Bad points: Everything else.

After that, we went and played Blockstorm for a while which was fun for a time. We attracted some randoms who were hilariously pro and chose Blockstorm as the game they'd dedicate themselves to excelling at. Maybe they only ever had five dollars and picked Blockstorm as the one video game they'd own. After Blockstorm got old, we went and played Jackbox which is always good times. My art school dropout skills wowed the crowds while some other illustrations were... less competent.

Next week is Town of Salem on Tuesday, after which is... nothing! Nothing is scheduled! Maybe Town of Salem will be the last Bro-Night ever and you'll have to find something new to read over your coffee. Or maybe someone will schedule a game. The world is wide open.

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So I'm thinking I might want another SSD...  Likely around 250+ GB.

I know my current SSD isn't a Samsung but is it pretty much Samsung or bust?  I saw a Western Digital Blue that looks to be a good deal with solid reviews... but, hell, I haven't touched a WD HD in over a decade. (Navy used them but I never have.)

I'm thinking I might want another SSD...  Likely around 250+ GB.

Hell, they even have a 500 GBs for $140 right now.

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So I'm thinking I might want another SSD... Likely around 250+ GB.

I know my current SSD isn't a Samsung but is it pretty much Samsung or bust? I saw a Western Digital Blue that looks to be a good deal with solid reviews... but, hell, I haven't touched a WD HD in over a decade. (Navy used them but I never have.)

I'm thinking I might want another SSD... Likely around 250+ GB.

Hell, they even have a 500 GBs for $140 right now.
I have 3 WD Blues (SSD) in my rig right now...they run alright for games and such. Samsung is better though.

I also have a Seagate and Samsung SSD (I love the Samsung the most)

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I have 3 WD Blues (SSD) in my rig right now...they run alright for games and such. Samsung is better though.
Without looking, and I'm slightly embarrassed to admit this, but I couldn't have told you what brand I have in mine... It was more of a bang for the buck buy. Its a Kingston.

Anyhow, I'm swapping Wildlands for the Division right now on it as I can only have one game (at least large game) on it at a time. (And by swapping I mean I uninstalled and changed the locations as I've not had much luck moving and verification.)

Even with downloading 80 GBs in 40 minutes this is for the birds.

Edit: Oh, there is now a free (6 hour or level 8) trial of the Division.

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I think MSI wins that contest for going beyond the design parameters of cards, and then getting salty when people complain that they break(they had a press release, I think, that said (paraphrase in PR speak) "our faulty cards are the most powerful but the same price, so we were giving you free frames to begin with [when they work]" after the 660Ti PE crap.

I have had two PNYs though and they have been flawless. My two EVGAs were good when I had them too, but I had a lot of problems with their motherboards. Then I bent a pin
Correction, make that 4 bad EVGA cards, I just looked. First one was new, I had it for about 8-9 months and it just died and the system wouldn't boot up one day. Took the card out, system booted up fine. System booted up fine with an old AMD card I had as well. Got a replacement card via warranty and the replacement they sent me worked for 1-2 months and then did the same thing. I swapped my PSU out with a much better quality PSU thinking it was frying them. The replacement card they sent after that was DOA. The final card they sent had a bit of a coil whine but it worked... for about 10 months and then it died.

No weird voltage spikes, wasn't overheating, no artifacts, it wasn't even under any load when it just died. I've never heard of a motherboard killing a GPU before without some kind of electrical issue, but I'm not really sure what to think.

Now to consider getting a 1060 vs a 1070 I guess.

So I'm thinking I might want another SSD... Likely around 250+ GB.

I know my current SSD isn't a Samsung but is it pretty much Samsung or bust? I saw a Western Digital Blue that looks to be a good deal with solid reviews... but, hell, I haven't touched a WD HD in over a decade. (Navy used them but I never have.)

I'm thinking I might want another SSD... Likely around 250+ GB.

Hell, they even have a 500 GBs for $140 right now.
Newegg has a 480 GB Mushkin for $114.99 after coupon and a AData 512GB for $119.99 after coupon. I can't speak on game performance because I don't install my games on my SSD (though I probably will try to move GTA V and one of my Uplay games on it eventually). I've had a Kingston (like 1st generation which I never liked, but i heard this version was buggy), AMD (OCZ rebranded which I use on my gaming rig), PNY (laptop), and Adata (Laptop).

I go by reviews on Newegg. If you read them you'll find a lot of people who have experience with many brands (including Samsung) and who run speedtests to give you actual speeds. I find that while Samsung is universally hailed as the best, bang for buck you aren't losing a lot on some of the cheaper ones if you find one with good reviews. Look into Team Group (I think). They make some with apparently impressive speeds for the price. :whistle2:

Last night we played SurvHive. We had a pretty good turnout (eight people?) which means there was more of us to realize how much SurvHive sucks. Really, it's awful. Looks like shit, plays like shit, almost no one knew what they were doing... just miserable all around. I can't believe that someone made that game and thought "Yeah, this is worth $15" which is the asking MSRP (of course we all had cheap bundle copies). Good points: All the servers are empty so you'll have lots of options! Bad points: Everything else.

After that, we went and played Blockstorm for a while which was fun for a time. We attracted some randoms who were hilariously pro and chose Blockstorm as the game they'd dedicate themselves to excelling at. Maybe they only ever had five dollars and picked Blockstorm as the one video game they'd own. After Blockstorm got old, we went and played Jackbox which is always good times. My art school dropout skills wowed the crowds while some other illustrations were... less competent.

Next week is Town of Salem on Tuesday, after which is... nothing! Nothing is scheduled! Maybe Town of Salem will be the last Bro-Night ever and you'll have to find something new to read over your coffee. Or maybe someone will schedule a game. The world is wide open.
Just scheduled A Valley Without Wind and Bob Was Hungry.

Thanks to that guy who used to be the OP and who ran that Co-Optimus site for the nifty list of co-op games with filters.

I remember reading somewhere (here, I think) that GTAV doesn't really benefit from a SSD. Not enough to warrant using the limited SSD space, anyway.
I do recall someone (maybe MysterD?) not really getting a huge boost from moving to an SSD. With GTA V the only annoyance is the initial load, but after that it runs fine and I recall getting decent times on my refurbished Hitachis.

EVGA is the best company in terms of quality parts and customer service.
I have an EVGA power supply and it hasn't blown up my computer and I've had it about a year. Before then it was a Corsair and that one is still running. GFX wise I've had all kinds. Sapphire, Galaxy, and a whole bunch of brands I don't remember. The last one I purchased was an XFX because they had a lifetime warranty with registration. Not sure if EVGA does too, but usually I just go by price though if I can get one in the same price range with the lifetime warranty that would be ideal. Though I hold on to my cards longer than most I think.

EVGA is the best company in terms of quality parts and customer service.
Except that whole forgetting the thermal pads on the 1070 which resulted in cards overheating and fires... sure.

Oh, they have great customer service. After paying for shipping to send my first card back, they sent prepaid shipping labels for the rest. I went into MysterD style detail (big beautiful walls of text) with their techs over what the issue could be, and they had no idea since I did everything they would have suggested. I had an EVGA 8800 GT that lasted for 6+ years and probably still works. Seems like they made some lemons with the 960 line, though.

I do recall someone (maybe MysterD?) not really getting a huge boost from moving to an SSD. With GTA V the only annoyance is the initial load, but after that it runs fine and I recall getting decent times on my refurbished Hitachis.
I copied GTA5 to my SSD, yes. I have a 240GB OCZ, BTW.

Anyways, sure - load times were a bit better, but they didn't turn into cutting down times immensely like I really hoped it would. I think it was like around maybe 20-30 seconds better boot-times, IIRC.

I think one would be better off throwing some smaller games in size onto a SSD - one would be better off killing off those few second loads w/ regular HDDs to absolutely close to zero on a SSD than say chucking games that are huge in size (in GB) with loads of files onto a SSD.

You'd probably really would need a SSD with killer 4K sequential reads to really cut down load times on these games that have lots of files and also want to eat up insane amounts of hard drive space (i.e. 60-70GB).

Plus, GTA5 often checks + connects to the Net (if you're online) - so that's going to slow-down boot times, too.

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SeasonalCAG PC Upgrade Addict:

So this is what happens when you are at work and bored on a Saturday...

[drooling over that 4K 60FPS GTX 1080 Ti card with an "OMG" 11GB of VRAM]

[realizes it's $700 MSRP and it's WAY out of my price range]

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Bah will be happy to have someone to play Wildlands with.

I thought I was being extravagant by dropping $100 on a water cooler this week.

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Aww yea, 3-day streak on unlocked. Sadly I missed the first day.

Does anybody know if there's a way to convert coins to Groupees coins and/or vice versa?

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Plus, GTA5 often checks + connects to the Net (if you're online) - so that's going to slow-down boot times, too.
This is what I think really slows it down. Im pretty sure I had commented on gtaV ssd load speed at one point long ago. I saw almost no difference putting it on my ssd, so for the amt of space it took up it really wasnt worth it.

IMHO the only games to really put on an ssd are map loaders like bf1/r6s. However bf1's load advantage is now almost none since the start of maps are staggered long enough that both mechanical and ssds have enough time to load before it begins unlike bf4. R6s there is a noticable difference though in map load times, but that game too wont start until everyone is loaded anyway, so it just depends how much you dont want to be 'that guy' with the spinner

So I'm thinking I might want another SSD... Likely around 250+ GB.

I know my current SSD isn't a Samsung but is it pretty much Samsung or bust? I saw a Western Digital Blue that looks to be a good deal with solid reviews... but, hell, I haven't touched a WD HD in over a decade. (Navy used them but I never have.)

I'm thinking I might want another SSD... Likely around 250+ GB.

Hell, they even have a 500 GBs for $140 right now.
SeasonalCAG Hardware Adviser:

That Mushkin SSD Fox (multi quotes on cell at a bitch) mentioned earlier would be only a slight step down from the king of SSD Sammy and it is MLC instead of TLC so it should last longer and other technical blab magic. Here's a link to that drive but will probably get eaten up by CAG:

Was going to try to hold out for Vega comparison and a new game to be offered with the Ti but patience and wisdom is not my virtue when I have the money to burn damn tax money getting here early.
SeasonalCAG Hardware Adviser:

That Mushkin SSD Fox (multi quotes on cell at a bitch) mentioned earlier would be only a slight step down from the king of SSD Sammy and it is MLC instead of TLC so it should last longer and other technical blab magic. Here's a link to that drive but will probably get eaten up by CAG:

Was going to try to hold out for Vega comparison and a new game to be offered with the Ti but patience and wisdom is not my virtue when I have the money to burn damn tax money getting here early.
You're gonna want a waterblock or hybrid kit. The fan is ridiculous on these 10series.

Your fan is loud on a 10x? I would get it if it was an FE, the cooling on those is always trash. If its a third party one though they are usually pretty good, I never hear the fans on mine even when they are cranked full blast, and they still keep it under ~72 no problem

Do you still need to have the driver for these or can you just plug them in and they work?
I'm not completely sure as I don't have one yet, but I believe it works natively on Win10 if your PC has a bluetooth receiver but on WIn7/8 I think you still need the proprietary MS dongle for wireless. If you don't care about wireless I assume you can use it with a micro-usb cable in either case.

I ordered one to replace my aging 360 wireless controller. I've tried a DS4 but didn't love it and ended up back on my 360 pad.

Aww yea, 3-day streak on unlocked. Sadly I missed the first day.

Does anybody know if there's a way to convert coins to Groupees coins and/or vice versa?
I guess there is some randomness to the number of coins you get. My total is 992.

I'm not completely sure as I don't have one yet, but I believe it works natively on Win10 if your PC has a bluetooth receiver but on WIn7/8 I think you still need the proprietary MS dongle for wireless. If you don't care about wireless I assume you can use it with a micro-usb cable in either case.

I ordered one to replace my aging 360 wireless controller. I've tried a DS4 but didn't love it and ended up back on my 360 pad.
The one thing Ive seen on these, if you want to use them with something like a steamlink/osbox, you have to first plug them in to a pc and use the xbox accessories app to check for firmware updates on the controller to make sure they are updated to the latest firmware. After that then you should be able to pair them to anything through bluetooth

Im tempted to replace my steam controllers on my steambox with these, never could get along with those crazy controllers and the xbox scheme is just too natural. Feels like such a waste to dump all my existing 360 controllers but they are such a hassle with the proprietary dongles and what not. At least with BT controllers you can be pretty sure they will work with most things for many years to come

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3-Day Bonus Chest 149 an hour ago
Daily Reward 32 an hour ago
Daily Reward 40 16 hours ago
Starter Chest 750 2 days ago
Daily Reward 21 2 days ago

I noticed it says in advance the base number of coins each day will give you.

Tomorrow is 30+bonus, Mon is 20+ bonus.

Isn't this only a few days old?  Is there other ways to get coins?  How did someone claim Brigador already?  Maybe they have some crazy bonus values sometimes.

Next week is Town of Salem on Tuesday, after which is... nothing! Nothing is scheduled! Maybe Town of Salem will be the last Bro-Night ever and you'll have to find something new to read over your coffee. Or maybe someone will schedule a game. The world is wide open.
Ok, ok. I'll start scheduling everything that Bah doesn't want to play.. which is pretty much everything except for Siege and all of those expensive AAA releases that I never buy.

Bah will be happy to have someone to play Wildlands with.

I thought I was being extravagant by dropping $100 on a water cooler this week.
$100? Holy shit, should have spent that money on art supplies so you can draw more sexy turtles

EDIT: I know it's late notice but scheduled Golf with your Friends for tonight at the usual time. Seems that nearly all of next week is already filled.

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Thanks for NieR: Automata.
I know I've been gone for a while, but when did the toaster learn to use actual yellow instead of golden shower yellow? Is anybody else concerned about this? I mean, what's next, he learns to make a point without beating it half to death, first?
I know I've been gone for a while, but when did the toaster learn to use actual yellow instead of golden shower yellow? Is anybody else concerned about this? I mean, what's next, he learns to make a point without beating it half to death, first?
Eh, it's too late. He's already attended bro nights and made jokes.

It's a brave new world...

Company of Heroes population cap sucks. I want to build 50 Sherman's and just now down everything on the map. But Noooooooooo
bread's done