Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


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This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Last night we played Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2

I had fun.  I've always liked that game, but Bah was complaining the entire time (but only when he was on the losing team) about how much the game sucks.  It does have limitations.  Like you can only host private games with 4 people (even if you're playing a mode that supports way more) so you have to go public and you eventually get randoms.  The randoms can be annoying in the regular BF like mode because as a zombie you will have a hard time even getting to the points, but it's not a big issue in deathmatch.  We finally switched over to Gnome Bomb, which is a little like CTF, but better IMO.  It's also either 4v4 or not very popular as we didn't get any randoms to join.  

We also tried Marooners for GBK who can't make it tonight.  It's a very simple, mario party/wario ware type game, but it's hurt by very limited amount of modes.  I'd still play it some more tonight though, I didn't hate it.  

Last night we played Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2

I had fun. I've always liked that game, but Bah was complaining the entire time (but only when he was on the losing team) about how much the game sucks. It does have limitations.
It was okay. I'd play it again but I'd have a hard time recommending it over any similar game in the Team Fortress 2 mold. Maybe it was because we just jumped into it but a number of the powers didn't seem intuitive. Also, I unlocked an alternate version of the sunflower via the sticker packs but I'm not sure if it's just cosmetic or functional. It didn't seem to play any differently but it had its own xp bar starting from zero once again which is lame if it's just a skin.

Anyway, not a terrible game and had its moments. I'd theoretically play it again but it's more likely that we never will.

It was okay. I'd play it again but I'd have a hard time recommending it over any similar game in the Team Fortress 2 mold. Maybe it was because we just jumped into it but a number of the powers didn't seem intuitive. Also, I unlocked an alternate version of the sunflower via the sticker packs but I'm not sure if it's just cosmetic or functional. It didn't seem to play any differently but it had its own xp bar starting from zero once again which is lame if it's just a skin.

Anyway, not a terrible game and had its moments. I'd theoretically play it again but it's more likely that we never will.
I'm not sure about the sunflower, but I know that a lot of the character variations you unlock from the stickers are functional. The mini goblin thing I was playing as was an alternate version which had a dragon mech. I think the only thing different about it was the mech. Did you check if any of the abilities were different with the sunflower?
The abilities seemed the same.  I had a little flame effect on me and shooting the zombies put a flame effect on them but if it had a real effect it must have been minor as they didn't seem to die any faster.  The heal beam and flower pot abilities seemed identical to before.  I only played a little in the garden area though, not in actual PvP.

I know the "crab" which was really an orange I use was a sticker variation ice orange so I think it had more freezing qualities with the gun.  I do think there's a difference.  Not sure if it's a big difference.  I think leveling up gives you a bigger difference.  I personally prefer it over TF2 especially the main mode.  


And confirmed:

Each of the fourteen characters have additional variations. These variations often share the same abilities, but the health and primary weapons might be different.

Each character can unlock and use three of twenty-four upgrades. These upgrades are unlocked by leveling up a character. 

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I know the "crab" which was really an orange I use was a sticker variation ice orange so I think it had more freezing qualities with the gun. I do think there's a difference. Not sure if it's a big difference. I think leveling up gives you a bigger difference. I personally prefer it over TF2 especially the main mode.
There are different variants to each character to unlock, along with different weapons and special powers you can choose in your customization.

Like many modern multiplayer games, these are stuck behind the grindwall of RNG lootcrates, which really hampers the casual player who is only going to jump in once or twice.

fwiw, I thought it was pretty good.

In other bronews: the BF1 Spring Update is live. We now can create a platoon to show off our combined suckatude. Medics can spot downed players to let them know they're coming for a revive and for the love of god don't respawn you jackasses! This will give us the opportunity to shout "Syntax, Q me" repeatedly over discord. Also, grenades were nerfed. Again.

BF1 just got its spring update, the most important features may be the platoons and the medic revive intent:

And two days ago TF2 also got a big update including new maps and stuff:

I have both games, I'm a capable medic on BF1 but I totally suck on TF2, anyways, if there's any bronight on those games let's play together :D
We play BF1 just about every Friday evening at 10PM eastern. I don't know who you are on Steam, so post your profile or add me and i'll invite you to the spofobros. Or add Fox via his sig link.

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To go along with all the Heroes of the Storm talk/hate, is anyone interested in bronighting it sometime this next week? My wife will be out of town for work Sun-Fri so I will be playing something every night.
I might give it a try this weekend. I started DLing so I could get the free heroes. Be warned though, I suck at MOBAs and the only MOBA I've ever remotely liked was Awesomenauts.

I tried either LOL or DOTA 2 once and was just a mess. I would just wander off alone and wonder where everyone was and then get swarmed by the whole other team. Not a very good team player. I couldn't even get into the Dead Island MOBA and that had zombies in it.

Yeah, the variations do different things in PvZGW2.  I played GW1 a ton and a little of GW2 on PS4.

It changes the way damage is done.  Like the soldier zombie.  Base might have 20 shots that do 5 damage each.  Fire might have 15 shots that do 4 each but adds 6 damage over 3 seconds or something.  Then there's sniper that has 5 shots that do 20 damage and you have a 5x scope or something.

All these variations mean is that there can be "OP" combinations that make playing the game a pain because everyone uses them.  Luckily, GW1 had a classic mode that restricted characters to the base.  So you didn't have to deal with OP combos and annoying teammates shooting you with fire shots, while it doesn't damage you, the flame effect screws with your vision.  Unluckily, that's not an option in GW2.

I liked the first game a million times better because of that.  I put at least well over 100 hours in the first and platinum'd it.  I probably have 15-20 in the second.

Do you have enough SSDs and HDDs lol

Anyways, Sweet build and it looks damn sexy! I could never spend that much on a computer though. Your graphics card alone costs more than my computer lol.
Well to be fair, I didn't just buy all the parts, most of it was over the past year...except for the Motherboard, RAM, CPU which I just bought. Also the prices are not accurate as I got deals on most of the stuff...though it is eye opening how much I've spent x.x

If you're looking to buy one of the SE games on sale, I'd go with SE3.  It's a better "sniper" game than V2 (not that V2 wasn't fun but I felt like I relied on my SMG more than my rifle) for only $2 more.  I personally feel that all the SE games were improvements on their predecessors so SE3 is a good place to jump in.

Gamersgate has Rising Storm 2: Vietnam Deluxe for $22.49 preorder or $19.79 if you pay with Blue Coins.

Probably best official price you'll find. Get some free DLC/hats with pre-order, access to last beta, and deluxe comes with Soundtrack. Don't think many of the bros like these games, but in case someone else does:
I have preordered two games in the last five years: Red Orchestra 2 and Killing Floor 2, so maybe....

If you're looking to buy one of the SE games on sale, I'd go with SE3. It's a better "sniper" game than V2 (not that V2 wasn't fun but I felt like I relied on my SMG more than my rifle) for only $2 more. I personally feel that all the SE games were improvements on their predecessors so SE3 is a good place to jump in.
I just finished V2 a few months ago after a break of years finishing the first. I still fondly thing of the first though.

Prey 2017 PC requirements revealed:



CPU: Intel i5-2400, AMD FX-8320

GPU: GTX 660 2GB, AMD Radeon 7850 2GB

Memory: 8 GB


CPU: Intel i7-2600K, AMD FX-8350

GPU: GTX 970 4GB, AMD R9 290 4GB

Memory: 16 GB


We’ll update this post with the driver information soon. Stay tuned!


  • Object Detail
  • Shadow Quality
  • Texture Quality
  • Anisotropic Filtering
  • Anti-Aliasing
  • Horizontal Field of View
  • Screen Space Directional Occlusion
  • Screen Space Reflections
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is Prey any good? I remember that the last Prey was pretty much a shit show :drool:
I liked the original Prey from Human Head. It was a really cool + unique FPS, with its take on alien-weapons, weird things & whatnot.

Still wish Human Head got to finish the open-world Prey 2 that they were working on. It got cancelled. Meh.

No clue on Prey 2017. Arkane's making this, BTW. And TBH, it looks like it's more along the likes of System Shock 2 + Bioshock, from the previews + whatnot. Doesn't really look like it resembles Human Head's original Prey game in any way.

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I thoroughly enjoyed the original Prey.

The weapons felt great and the alien setting was visually interesting. The gravity/portal stuff was novel.

The graphics were impressive, though things did have that characteristic id Tech 4 shininess.

There were segments with six-degrees-shooterish gameplay a la Descent, which worked well interspersed with the on-foot segments.

Also, I'm not one to harp on about diversity in games, but it was sort of neat that you played as a badass Native American. It's one of the more underloved shooters of its era.

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The Prey 2017 demo arrived on Xboner yesterday so I put on my peasant hat and did the deed. It's Bioshock on a space station with black spiders who pretend to be coffee cups, rolls of TP, and wet floor signs. I got more than an hour out of it, that's for sure. Had to run around gathering all the banana peels, crumpled paper and baseball mits for recycling purposes. 

Confused? You should be.

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The Prey 2017 demo arrived on Xboner yesterday so I put on my peasant hat and did the deed. It's Bioshock on a space station with black spiders who pretend to be coffee cups, rolls of TP, and wet floor signs. I got more than an hour out of it, that's for sure. Had to run around gathering all the banana peels, crumpled paper and baseball mits for recycling purposes.

Confused? You should be.
So it went from a cool, unique game to just your typical reskinned Bethesda crap? Sounds about right.

bread's done