Steam Deals Thread V13 ~ Star Wars Empire at War $6.80 | The Legend of Korra $10.04 | Red Faction Guerrilla $2.99 |

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25 (100%)
Summer sale has come and gone; welcome to the Steam Deals Thread V13!
Stop: Before you go any further be sure you are using Enhanced Steam. It will save you a lot of time and embarrassment in the future.
Daily Deal
Star Wars: Empire at War Gold Edition - $19.99 $6.80

Yesterday's Deal


Midweek Madness
The Legend of Korra - $14.99 $10.04

Red Faction - $9.99 $1.49
Red Faction II - $9.99 $1.49
Red Faction Armageddon - $19.99 $2.99
Red Faction Guerrilla - $19.99 $2.99 
Thanks to EastX, Detruire, Psydero, and everyone else that has contributed to the thread!

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I've tried to fight the good fight and actually play all these cards games, but I'm pretty sure that's a losing battle. The greatness of this program might be the final nail in the coffin.

As a suggestion, can something be added to stop idling after a certain amount of time with no drops? Sort of like a timeout check?

This may all be in my head, but after getting a card drop, sometimes I've idled the same game for over an hour afterwards and not gotten a second drop. I'm not sure what the reason for this is (whether it's because the Steam Servers that handle this process are down, or because the game is being stingy or whatever), but I'd prefer if it hit this timeout check, it either moves to the next game, or just stops the process entirely.
Currently there's a sanity check to make sure a single game doesn't idle forever, but it's hardcoded (right now) to 12.5 hours. Believe it or not, there are actually some games (Awesomenauts, Blade Symphony, a few others) that take longer than that to idle. I'm planning on rewriting this section so that the sanity check happens between card drops - say 4 hours. If you go 4 hours without a card drop, just move on to the next game.

With that being said, I'm also planning on having a completely optional "opt-in" setting that uploads your idling stats (but not Steam info or anything else) to my server. This way I can start collecting information about how long certain games take to drop cards. Then I can use this information to make a more accurate sanity check as well as give you an estimated wait time per game (or even for all games put together).

The program is still pretty new, I have quite a few plans for it.

Pretty sure Steam's Commodity system is totally broken.  Just put in 20 buy orders for .05 CSGO cards, with several thousand existing orders at that price, and they're all filled within 5 minutes.  It's obviously not giving priority to the oldest orders in the system, unless it's churning thousands of buy orders per minute during a non-sale.

I was also looking at a graph for one card I had listed, and cards were purchased multiple times at .11 cents when mine and others were still sitting at .09 cents all month.  My understanding is that if you place a buy order for more than the cheapest card, it's supposed to just give you the cheapest card (or if someone stupidly sells it for less than your existing buy order - highest and oldest in the list - you get first crack and pay the lower price).  Looks like it might just stick you with the higher priced buy order though (which isn't really a problem for doing something dumb like that, but does penalize sellers).

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Well that's one way to solve the key distribution problem... make sure those bundle and vote-rigging games never get greenlit. ;)
I'm legitimately disappointed that Gurumin didn't get through. It had more votes than any other free-key promo I've seen.. and I bet it was #1 out of all current greenlight games.

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I'm legitimately disappointed that Gurumin didn't get through. It had more votes than any other free-key promo I've seen.. and I bet it was #1 out of all current greenlight games.
I hate it that games like Gurumin get thrown in with the Greenlight trash to begin with. I hope this was just a warning shot and they let them in next round.
I wish I could make it to more BGCQ events. You guys are a fun group to play with. :(
This tourney is on a "play when you can" basis, and we just keep track with a running bracket who won which round. So far we're off to a slow start, but people have hectic schedules so I'm hoping we can get moving soon.


Sacred 3 is already shaping up to be a big hit.



Bleh - I really dug the hell out of Sacred 1 + 2.

This really sucks.

I don't understand why the hell they'd take the ARPG + open-world elements out of Sacred series - since that's what the hell made the series as great as it was.

I can understand using a franchise-name (brand-recognition), but if they gonna make a second and remove elements that made the series what it was and as great as it was - why the hell even number it w/ a sequel number?

Numbered-sequels are suppose to ADD, IMPROVE, and TWEAK things in a series to make them better.

I guess we'll have to keep our eyes open for Unbended + other ARPG's then...

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Bleh - I really dug the hell out of Sacred 1 + 2.

This really sucks.

I don't understand why the hell they'd take the ARPG + open-world elements out of Sacred series - since that's what the hell made the series as great as it was.

I can understand using a franchise-name (brand-recognition), but if they gonna make a second and remove elements that made the series what it was and as great as it was - why the hell even number it w/ a sequel number?

The guys who made Sacred and Sacred 2 are working on a real Sacred game-
Yep, definitely been looking forward to what ex-Ascaron puts together here w/ Unbended.

Sacred 1 + 2 were awesome, once the dev's put out tons of patches + mods fixed the crap out of those games.

Man, Eurogamer slapped the crap out of Sacred 3 (5/10 score):


Looks like GamesRadar had a field day w/ Sacred 3, as well (2/5 stars):

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I can't play games this weekend because I'm out of town, but I'm drinking as much as I want on someone else's dime for a rehearsal and wedding. Win?
Maybe they should have called it Sacred Citadel 2... "Now with 100% more isometric 3D."
That would be my guess - which would've probably been fine!

Anyways, here's TotalBiscuit on Sacred 3 (AKA Sacred Citadel 2):

Some of this stuff he discusses includes:

$50 price-tag; Pre-Order DLC's + Day 1 DLC's; how it's different from Sacred 1+2; lack of customization (gameplay + options menus); etc.

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What about Borderlands?
TotalBiscuit didn't mention Borderlands series.

Probably b/c all he mentioned are ARPG's w/ the isometric viewpoint.

Borderlands is hybrid - ARPG w/ FPS elements (FPS camera view + FPS style of controls).

Given how this Sacred 3 sounds here (i.e. TB says the combat looks great, but plays very dull) - sure, you'd definitely be TONS better off w/ Borderlands series over Sacred 3, I'd surely guess.

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The complaints about Sacred 3 are probably the same complaints everyone has about Dungeon Siege 3. It's gonna be a simpler, different approach to the series, and because it's not as deep an experience and not EXACTLY the same as previous entries, everyone shits all over it.

Considering the fact that I've had tons of fun with Dungeon Siege 3, all the bitching over Sacred 3 isn't really affecting me. I'll still pick it up on the cheap down the road.

The complaints about Sacred 3 are probably the same complaints everyone has about Dungeon Siege 3. It's gonna be a simpler, different approach to the series, and because it's not as deep an experience and not EXACTLY the same as previous entries, everyone shits all over it.

Considering the fact that I've had tons of fun with Dungeon Siege 3, all the bitching over Sacred 3 isn't really affecting me. I'll still pick it up on the cheap down the road.
I'm sure I'll get S3 when it's cheap - maybe in a bundle, if it's dirt-cheap, or something.

But, the thing is - Dungeon Siege 3 had its KB/mouse controls fixed in a patch + actually still had different kinds of loot to pick-up. Not only that - but it's story is the best one of the DS club, actually.

It's too bad that the rest of the game (i.e. the gameplay) is just nowhere as great as the previous two DS games.

S3 doesn't even sound like it'll be better than DS3 - with no real loot here to even pick-up + the KB/mouse controls sound awkward. Sounds like for now, gamepad is how to play S3. Doesn't even sound like S3 really has much of a story here, either.

Only time will tell, once it gets cheap and I get to weigh in on how I think S3 is.

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I can't play games this weekend because I'm out of town, but I'm drinking as much as I want on someone else's dime for a rehearsal and wedding. Win?
I'm in the same boat. Except that the wedding is in Japan, so I'll be catching a flight tomorrow morning and returning in a week and a half.

So I won't be playing PC games OR following this thread much. I'll miss you all many some of you a lot of code drops, probably.

[quote name="Mooby" post="11975751" timestamp="1406938142"]Total Biscuit. Still amazes me why people respect the guy's opinion when it's no better/worse than the average forum goer.[/quote]
Plus he doesn't use the Herp and Derp adjectives/word-replacement often enough
[quote name="Mooby" post="11975785" timestamp="1406938767"]Exactly.[/quote]

To be expected though when we are talking about a guy from the Herpnited Kingderp.
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