Strell's Lowball: Slowly sending packages out. Thanks everyone!

[quote name='Doomstink']You can get upset about it, but Strell would have made less money without those bids. Dr. Mario Kart nearly doubled the bids on those Point Blank 3 (I tried bidding $4.50 on one :cry:). However, I managed to get a higher bid in for one of those sealed Descents. He outbid me on all the DC games I wanted for my sealed collection, though. No big deal.[/QUOTE]

Agree. I would like those DC games but I dont think you can blame him over paying to make sure he gets what he wants.
[quote name='EarthBoundX5']Pretty sure I outbid you on Starfox[/QUOTE]

Yea u had a crazy list a couple minutes before the end I just made sure u didn't get P3 but forgot to check for the rest so u can have starfox I was on the fence about that anyway.
[quote name='62t']Agree. I would like those DC games but I dont think you can blame him over paying to make sure he gets what he wants.[/QUOTE]

Over paying wasn't the problem I pointed out that he responded too, its was buying multiple copies of the same game, obviously to resell. But still, no big deal, more money for strell, lol

[quote name='phoenix529']But how is he gonna resell a couple of crap SM guides for more than $11?[/QUOTE]

They start at $25 on amazon.
[quote name='phoenix529']Are you for real?[/QUOTE]
Sorry, was looking through Trading forums and noticed the title said 5 mins left. Didn't know it was over. =P
Ok, so it appears I got
Lawnmower Man (with manual) $1
Super R-Type $1.50,
The Gamegear for $20
and the Edgeworth figure for $1.50

For these two there are later bids that don't specify who they are outbidding.
Kirby 64 $2
Descent $1.50
Off topic, but awesome, while I was waiting for the auction to get closer to ending, I was cleaning a spare room of mine, and found a GamePro code book from 1990 that I have been looking for for 14 years, lmao, the magic of the lowball...
  • Keep your hands out of your pants.
  • Keep your pants out of your hands.
I couldn't follow these 2 rules and as far as I can tell I've won Samurai Champloo Vol. 6 SE Tin and Zork Nemesis. Have I still won these items? ;)
[quote name='EarthBoundX5']Off topic, but awesome, while I was waiting for the auction to get closer to ending, I was cleaning a spare room of mine, and found a GamePro code book from 1990 that I have been looking for for 14 years, lmao, the magic of the lowball...[/QUOTE]
I'm amazed you found the time to do anything else what with snipping my stuff. :bomb:
[quote name='Doomstink']That's what I thought, so I avoided doing so. I "spoilered" it at first, but quickly removed it when I realized it could be against the rules. I saw another poster talking about editing his post, so I was curious to know what the rules were.[/QUOTE]

I did edit a post, but it wasn't a bid. I think I added a sorry to Strell or that I'm out of the running for Growlanser / Assassin's Creed guide, which have no effects on the outcome.
[quote name='kipz']I'm amazed you found the time to do anything else what with snipping my stuff. :bomb:[/QUOTE]

Uh oh, I think he's gonna blow :hot:
Bah! Firefox ate a response I was typing, so here it is again. Or what I could reconstruct from memory anyway. :]

[quote name='Mad D']
edit: Strell about the RFU. I really ended up not needing it after your explanation. No one else has bid on it so it did not change the outcome, but if you'd like me to buy it, I still will. Sorry I didn't get a chance to explain during the madness.[/QUOTE]

No problems Mad D. I'll drop a PM about it, but don't worry about it at all.

[quote name='DrgnAK']Yep, see yourself doing more in the future? ;) :applause:

Before I forget again, I also wanted to know what the cooler on the card was to see if it'll fit on my current mobo setup. Again, doesn't really matter much, but I have a PCI card jamming the second slot under...

I would like to do more in the future, but there's no way one will ever match this on in terms of pure and raw magnitude. This is the accumulation of many years of being a CAG in conjunction with thinking that "you know, keeping up with this stuff is no fun, and I personally gain little from owning it, so I'd rather it have a good home to go to."

I do have plans for future lowballs with less items, but they will be much more unique. Things that I think will go over quite well with the CAG community, and that I think will generate a fair amount of interest. That's the hope, anyway. On a side note, I also am debating doing this idea for special reasons, such as for Child's Play and so forth.

So stay tuned everyone. :]

[quote name='SteveMcQ']BTW...hell of a sale Strell. Can't imagine doing it better. Still can't believe some items. I looked over your whole list no less than 20 times.[/QUOTE]

Haha, thank you for the compliment. I'm quite thrilled with the response as well, and it was a lot of fun to boot!

[quote name='StarKnightX']Don't you love the fun of doing one of these Strell? I had the same fun a few months back.;) Course I got a really good laugh when I had a few snipers come in around midnight but it was the wrong day (ended on saturday at midnight , they came in friday at midnight) due to some legit confusion about the endtime of the sale.:lol:[/QUOTE]

An emphatic yes. Extremely amusing to do this.

See below about end time confusion - I have a potential solution that requires support from the community, and I encourage everyone to take part in order to help us all out in the future.

[quote name='lilboo']Because I'm tacky and classless, make sure you post a final result of how much money you made on this. I'm curious! :bouncy:[/QUOTE]

:] It will be done!

[quote name='ejamer']Now it's time for bed. Good luck sorting everything out -- I'm pretty sure I won a couple things, so will check for payment options in the morning. Nice auction Strell, and I hope you made out better than expected.[/QUOTE]

Have a good night, sir! Thanks for everything! I will have payment information in the OP very soon (hopefully within a few hours, after I sort everything out). I need to ask hero101 about that actually - he had some tips for me.

[quote name='TctclMvPhase']Great Lowball Strell, I didnt win anything so I cant leave you feedback, but I just wanted to let it be known your communication has been excellent this entire time. The way you have conducted this lowball was exemplary and I hope to have a chance to deal with you in the future as you seem to be a truly stand-up CAG.[/QUOTE]

Thank you. I just want to help everyone out as best I can, and appreciate it when others do the same. I do hope we get to trade in the future, or perhaps during another lowball.

[quote name='hero101']Crap, I didn't win anything. :roll: Do I still get that Mario 3 guide if I pay shipping then?[/QUOTE]

I'll PM you about this Hero. Yer gettin' it one way or another, don't worry about that.

[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']You should post the top 3 spenders, inquiring minds want to know.[/QUOTE]

Hmmm. I'll ask the top 3 spenders when I find them and see if they agree.

[quote name='Lightning Bolt']
Also, great Lowball Strell :cool:[/QUOTE]


Another post follows with more thoughts, so please stay tuned. The OP will be updated with all posts I feel are significant, by the way, which includes this one and its brother that comes next.
[quote name='kipz']I'm amazed you found the time to do anything else what with snipping my stuff. :bomb:[/QUOTE]

lol, ya, I had my list basically made out with the items I already bid on, the current bids on those I don't, the price I could get each item for on amazon. Then I kept updating it for the past few days and up until I posted. After I was done cleaning (11:30pm), I had to catch up and then decided to convert my notepad list to excel to read easier. So ya, I don't know how I had time to do anything.

But the point is, I found that damn book!! 14 fucking years its been missing for!! And I am serious when I say I've questioned where it disappeared too at least once every month, lmao.
Strell, do I get Kirby 64? Dr. Mario Kart never stated which copy he outbidded, and me and another poster both bidded the same amount.
[quote name='Rozz']Strell, do I get Kirby 64? Dr. Mario Kart never stated which copy he outbidded, and me and another poster both bidded the same amount.[/QUOTE]
I think he said he's gonna flip a coin or something to decide who gets the item in situation like this.
On the subject of sniping: It is a reality in the online auction world, and as such, there is little way around it. Besides, it is not something I necessarily discourage, given that I've done it a few times on eBay in the past (before they had robots from the future doing it, who will crush us all someday in their great rebellion). So I understand the negativity some people have with it.

The best way around it is to have an open window with your highest bid amounts open in a new tab, ready to deploy your salvos of dollar-atons at ground zero. Then you just hope for the best (and that your enemy doesn't have an Overlord or Observer).

On the subject of countdown times: I tried to keep it as close to real time as possible. I cannot make up for the discrepancies that the intermotrons "afford" me - there will always be lag to the servers and routers my ping has to travel through.

What I can say is that if you took a stopwatch and timed based on when I updated with a "X minutes left" post, it was damn near close as possible to being accurate. Ten minutes out, if you whipped out a watch, it would have been eerily close. It was all I could do and the best I could do. For example, at the "ten minutes remain" mark, if you accounted for, say, ten seconds of lag difference, then getting your highest bids in at nine minutes and fifty seconds after that would have been damn close to final tally.

Toward the end there, about six minutes left, a slew of bids appeared. I remember being in the middle of some from Jack and seeing time slipping away. I couldn't finish updating as much as I would have liked - I had to stop and update with a "ONE MINUTE LEFT!" post. So I stopped, saved what I had done, and focused on waiting to announce the final minute. I even debated making a "fifteen seconds left!" post, but that would have put me thirty seconds at the worst beyond the time I said we'd end, so I didn't. I figured that last minute was time enough warned, and that if someone had planned ahead, they'd know to not put a bid in after that UNLESS they were absolutely sure it was their highest.

So I do apologize if some people feel annoyed or screwed out of something - those are the breaks, made as cleanly as possible given my A) humanity and B) reality, which are two things I can only wrestle with so long and so far before my strength gives out and I am resolved to their conclusions.

Now then, I want to make it clear that I have already lobbied for an official countdown BB Code tag to be implemented in the forum. Yes, I should have done it a week ago, or two weeks ago, or whatever, but I have asked for one. It would serve us great utility for lowball auctions, and even has further use elsewhere around the site - say, for when deals go live or dead, for special events like watching our own JimmieMac compete in Hell's Kitchen, and so on so forth.

Other forums have this tag enabled, and there's most likely no reason we can't as well. I don't want to pressure John the Super Programmer too much - he's damn awesome at what he does and a tireless work horse - but that doesn't mean we can't ask for it anyway. So, if anyone wants to (and I encourage you wholeheartedly), you should head into the thread and voice your support. It'll be like a petition sort of thing, and while those generally never work in the online world, there's no reason we can't try.

So hey, want to improve lowballs? There's at least a potential answer - post up!

Lastly, I want to express - though I already have, as well as others have on my behalf repeatedly within the last hour - that I tried my damndest as best I could to keep this fair, transparent, out in the open, and absolutely clear to everyone.

To give sufficient proof of this, here's a screenshot of my current desktop.


See all those Word documents in the middle? Those are copies of the OP as I was updating it. Everytime I added to it for the last two hours, I saved it up until the latest post locally. That way, if we crashed or had "no available nodes" errors or something, I had backups. Further, any mistakes that were getting fixed as I updated would be able to be historically followed, since you could compare all the text (if you really wanted to - they are ten pages long with 8 point font with the page setup at 0.3 inch borders all around, making for a huge amount of text per page).

The point here is that I'm committed to making everyone happy as best I can by being as fair as possible. At some point, there's nothing else I can do, and here it was simply not being able to update as quick as I wanted, nor being able to provide an absolute countdown timer.

So I apologize if you got sniped, outbid legitimately, forgot to bid, forgot about this thread, felt cheated due to time confusion, attacked by Cookie Monster, etc. I had no less than ten people PM me asking what time zone I was in and when it ended and so forth, and I answered each one of them faithfully and quickly. That was in spite of having the information in the OP, counting down with title updates and posts, even going as far as to repeatedly say where I was in terms of time zone.

This is because they had a question that was legit to them, and the best way to handle it is to answer it - not shun them away or being asinine with a "WELL DUH IT'S RIGHT HERE" response.

The point is that this is the best I could do. I'm not being defensive - I just want to make all of it clear. Hell, I wish I had ten thousand of everything and could send them all out for free with five bucks stapled inside to a Willy Wonka Golden Ticket, but I sadly cannot do any of that.

So, I hope you enjoyed yourself, I hope this has been a positive experience for all involved, and I hope you all understand.

Thank you so much everyone. This really was a fantastic trip, and even though I'm settling down from the adrenaline, it's still quite a rush. :]

And thank you Strell for having a lowball at all, especially being able to put up with how hectic it got.

Also, before I read this post, I was actually juggling the idea in my head a lowball idea. I was wondering how it'd work out if the ending time frame given was an hour range, and a specific time was picked at random, and unpublicised (and maybe PMed to someone trustworthy to confirm after the lowball ends), to discourage sniping and encouraging people to put up what they were willing to bid. Who knows, if I ever get enough rating, maybe I'll try that myself.
Update on...well, updating:

I pinpointed the last time I was able to edit the OP with bids. Again, I remember it being during a slew of bids from Jack. :]

It was at post 506. I've checked this with what currently stands as the OP - they all match up perfectly.

The end post is #561, so I've got potentially 55 posts to sort through with multiple bids each. I am going to attempt to get through this tonight, but I want to mention that my day tomorrow is booked solid, and I might pass out before then due to being a family tech support dood last night and all day today + swimming for a while.

So please just have a bit of patience. I'll update the title to reflect progress as I can, and payment information will be appearing soon. I am planning on getting packages out early this coming week.

Thanks again everyone. I'm off to update for a while. Or maybe watch TV or something - whatever my brain allows. :]
[quote name='lilboo']So are you going to like PM us our bills? This is the first time I've participated in this.[/QUOTE]

I actually need to ask hero about this - the problem with sending a bunch of PMs is that it'll clog my box very quickly (I'm hovering around the 130 mark as is).

I think standard procedure is to list all the winners, what they won, and what they owe in a post, and continue on from there.

I'll be getting to it all soon enough. :]
[quote name='Strell']I actually need to ask hero about this - the problem with sending a bunch of PMs is that it'll clog my box very quickly (I'm hovering around the 130 mark as is).

I think standard procedure is to list all the winners, what they won, and what they owe in a post, and continue on from there.

I'll be getting to it all soon enough. :][/QUOTE]

Well, I think I think the whole process is going to make the lobsters fall out of your pants. :cool: You're going to start complaining why everyone doesn't send you the darn address even when they pay you. :bomb:
[quote name='hero101']Well, I think I think the whole process is going to make the lobsters fall out of your pants. :cool: You're going to start complaining why everyone doesn't send you the darn address even when they pay you. :bomb:[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Strell']wat[/QUOTE]
Everyone will start sending paypal and some won't have addresses, and some will forget to note cag username, etc.....that is pretty common and what hero is referring to I believe. The fun has just begun!
[quote name='Strell']534 is going to DEVOUR MY TIRED SOUL.


Yes, but, after that, you're done with bid onslaught posts! Far as I could tell, anyway.
I'm onto 541 now. Passing out will ensue shortly, I'm guessing. When I'm finished, I mean.

At least people will know who won what at that time. :]
Ok. I'm all done.

But I noticed something very weird.

I have 20 replies per page. So right now, I'm on page 34.

When I posted "It's over," it was #561, sitting on the top of page 29. I even noted that I had to get to post 561 earlier in order to make sure I had all the bids in post 663.

Now it's on the bottom of page 28 and #560.

Someone deleted a post. I have no idea why or when, but I know they did.

I will kindly request that you speak up in here. If not, I will ask a mod to look into it and handle it in that manner.

For now, what sits currently in the OP is final.
[quote name='Strell']Ok. I'm all done.

But I noticed something very weird.

I have 20 replies per page. So right now, I'm on page 34.

When I posted "It's over," it was #561, sitting on the top of page 29. I even noted that I had to get to post 561 earlier in order to make sure I had all the bids in post 663.

Now it's on the bottom of page 28 and #560.

Someone deleted a post. I have no idea why or when, but I know they did.

I will kindly request that you speak up in here. If not, I will ask a mod to look into it and handle it in that manner.

For now, what sits currently in the OP is final.[/QUOTE]

Ya, when I was checking my winnings just now, I noticed the same thing, its weird

EDIT: If you are gonna give out freebies, I'd take any unwanted RAM, Jaws NES, Mechwarrior 3050 SNES, and the Intec Battery Pack GBA (unless of course others want more, lol)

Also, FrankSki or ejamer, interested in swapping Black for Platinum on the GCN batteries? (Strell - I'll still get it, just made a mistake when posting bid from copying/pasting and what not).
[quote name='Strell']Ok. I'm all done.

But I noticed something very weird.

I have 20 replies per page. So right now, I'm on page 34.

When I posted "It's over," it was #561, sitting on the top of page 29. I even noted that I had to get to post 561 earlier in order to make sure I had all the bids in post 663.

Now it's on the bottom of page 28 and #560.

Someone deleted a post. I have no idea why or when, but I know they did.

I will kindly request that you speak up in here. If not, I will ask a mod to look into it and handle it in that manner.

For now, what sits currently in the OP is final.[/QUOTE]

hey sorry it was me I was trying to bid for the transfer cable but after i saw your "Its over" post I deleted the post since it was too late to bid more
Oh Strell it was me, I erased a nonsense post of mine with the intention of getting rid of some clutter but forget you are keeping track of post numbers :oops:

Sorry if I contributed to your personal hell.

edit: Never mind could have been skyliner's post I erased a post auction message.
Naw, I just have a curious and active mind is all. :]

Thanks Mad D!

Oh and I guess skylinersx as well. :]

Edit: Well so long as we're good on everything, it doesn't really matter in the end.

I need sleep. I can't promise when I'll add more information tomorrow, but expect something in the afternoon/early evening.

Thanks all!
[quote name='mis0']I say you have another lowball auction with all the stuff you didn't sell. :D[/QUOTE]

I did a quick survey of what's left. A few NES/SNES/Genesis games, some crap GBA accessories, old crappy RAM, DVD samplers, and PC power cords.

Not exactly much to work with there. :] I also might nerd out and crank out a sales percentage of sell-through, but maybe tomorrow when I'm not severely tired.

/seriously going to sleep now
[quote name='rmb']unofficial tally of $1419.00[/QUOTE]
Nice, I don't know what you currently have, but you can get a pretty good drum kit with that. (unless you already have something in mind)
[quote name='DrgnAK']Nice, I don't know what you currently have, but you can get a pretty good drum kit with that. (unless you already have something in mind)[/QUOTE]

Man, that is an insane amount... And are you sure it was Strell looking for new drums? :D
[quote name='Vulgarism']Man, that is an insane amount... And are you sure it was Strell looking for new drums? :D[/QUOTE]
Whoops :) Gots me threads muxed up.
[quote name='Strell']I did a quick survey of what's left. A few NES/SNES/Genesis games, some crap GBA accessories, old crappy RAM, DVD samplers, and PC power cords.

Not exactly much to work with there. :] I also might nerd out and crank out a sales percentage of sell-through, but maybe tomorrow when I'm not severely tired.

/seriously going to sleep now[/QUOTE]

Not sure if you saw my post (it was an edit), but I asked about some of these left overs...Post #679
I just want to commend you for all of your hard work, Strell. You were very on top of this lowbal auction, and even supplied pictures for anything in question.

You really made this a pleasure to browse, even though I barely bid on anything. I just wanted you to know that.
Holy crap! I got all the items I bid on!

Considering doing my own lowball, but my low iTrader rating coupled with lack of sealed (but tons of pristine) last gen games makes me think I'd get little interest. Not to mention the headache inducing effort that needs to be put in to updating the posts, which all future lowballs have to live up to, thanks to Strell. You bastard. ;)
bread's done