Stu Hart's wrestling topic

Goddamnit WWE, creepy sex angles involving big burly men coercing women into sex is not as funny as you think it is!!

I can't believe how long that segment was, not even including the waste of time pillow fight.
The Viscera segment went on too long, but the last couple minutes were hilarious. I think it's funny how 2 of the biggest, ugliest guys on Raw were hooking up with or attempting to hook up with some of the most beautiful women on the roster in back to back segments.
It's 10:30, and we've had 2 matches go to a finish, 2 inconclusive matches (although I'm glad they are saving a "real" Flair/Christian match, possibly for a PPV), and 1 Masterlock challenge.

Sigh. I'm glad I tivo'ed it, I was able to FF through all the crap I didn't want to watch, but I reached current TV time a minute ago. Dammit.

[quote name='AdamInPlaidum']Is this not the most obvious turn of all time, or what? Frankly, I'll be more surprised if Lita DOESN'T turn.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, they even set it up more with the whole Kane asking her to be out there thing. I didn't hear too many derogatory chants to her tonight though.
damn i just got home from class so after raw finishes i will have to retrack and find out what happened....

good to hear masters came out
[quote name='guyver2077']o shit...she turned...what a whore....i didtn even see what she did

this is a total slap in the face to matt[/QUOTE]

she threw Edge the brief case
Wow... That ending was surreal. I knew the finish was coming, but after the match.... Damn, that was hot.

I love Matt Hardy, but I've been a fan of Edge for a longer time. I loathe Edge and Lita for their actions toward Matt, but Edge is still one of my favorite wrestlers, I'd still fuck the shit out of Lita, and I'd love to see Edge win the World Title.

In other news.... I attended WrestleMania 21 in L.A. just a month and a half ago. Now, this was announced tonight.


Date: 06/27/2005
Time: 5:30 p.m.
Venue: Arrowhead Pond of Anaheim
City/State: Anaheim, California

On-Sale Date: Saturday, May 21st to 10 a.m.

Ticket Information: Box Office, All Ticketmaster Outlets,
Ticket Prices: $40, $30, $25, $20
Charge-by-Phone: (714) 740-2000

Event Notes: Catch the first ever RAW & SmackDown! Supershow in Southern California!

In Illinois, we were lucky to get 1 house show a year that came to Springfield. Out here, there are televised shows every few months! I love California!

Hopefully I'll get front row or close to it (facing the hard camera) so I can bring a forum-related sign .
As Adam said, the real surprise would have been if she did not turn. That having been said, it was not surprising, but it was surreal.

I don't care for "real life" storylines (those that touch on real-life scenarios of wrestlers, not fake ones, like Sandman's kid worshipping Raven). I hated "Last Call" Scott Hall in WCW (in particular since the 'I'm an alcoholic' angle wasn't conducive to wrestling matches), and I hate this (I'm sure there are plenty of examples I can't think of).

Will I piss and moan about it? No more than usual. WWE, in a business sense, did the right thing (which was, simultaneously, the unethical thing beyond firing Hardy). The fact is, the WWE reacts to three things: that which we cheer for, that which we boo for, and that which we don't react to at all. It's a very simple formula: increase that which we cheer and boo for, and decrease that which we don't react to at all. The main problem is that WWE interprets all booing as part of the "performance." In other words, they don't grasp the idea of "go home" heat, where people are booing a performer because they'd rather watch C-Span than this particular person. WWE recognizes all booing as conducive to the overall performance.

Want proof? X-Factor. That's statistically fucking significant, you know! :rofl:

I'd love for this to not be happening, but the fact is, the crowds react to it. Moreover, they react in a "wrestling crowd" sense: When Edge wrestled Val Venis a few weeks back, the crowd cheered for Venis' offense like he was King Shit of fuck Mountain, despite the fact that the last time he was a regular on Raw, Clinton was in office; he had his hair (though he nearly had his "pee pee choppy chopped"); Owen Hart was alive; you get the idea.

If a crowd wants to shit all over something, they'll continue to boo, even if the guy they hate is getting his ass handed to them. The fact is, people were popping for Edge getting fake punched. They will continue to do so. WWE will take this for quite some time.

However, having Edge lose to Batista in a meaningless title match on Raw, so HHH can have his cage match at the next PPV (whatever it's fucking called), seriously undermines the feasibility of him being "Mr. Money in the Bank."

...HHH is gone for a few weeks, just so Edge can accumulate all the heel heat. Trust me.
Totally classless on the part of Vince and the script writers. However, it was Matt Hardy who went ahead and decided to make this whole thing so public. From an ethical standpoint this is just wrong, but from a business standpoint it was the only way to go. I think I would've felt a bit cheated had Lita not turned on Kane. My main gripe is that the whole show (outside of Stevie's return) was so predictable that the as-yet undiscovered tribes in the heart of the Peruvian jungle knew what was going to happen again.

As I watched the show with my friend we were pretty much able to say what was going to happen before it did. Y2J & Benjamin, hmm who is gonna job to Hassan? Ring with two scantly clad women in it, hmm where's Viscera? Randy Orton claiming he's exempt from the draft, hmm where's Vince? And the Lita thing we all knew about as soon as the first four Goldrush tournament winners had been decided.

The only stunning thing, to me, outside Stevie's return to television, is the fact that Vince is A. waiting another 3 weeks to have the draft, meaning it won't be on the same show as next week's Edge/Batista match; B. having the draft continue for a month, which I must admit is a good decision on his behalf.

All in all, a pretty crappy raw, I did enjoy the comedic nature of Vis' segment, but it was only funny to me because I have "friends" that are like that, and they're pretty pathetic using a Vis-like approach, yet still find a way to get laid. I also enjoyed seeing Orton and Vince out there, but that was about it. The Christian/Flair match sucked, yes I said it sucked, and it did, their execution was poor and it was too short. Seeing Batista save Flair was nice though, perhaps Flair will finally pull himself away from HHH.

:whistle2:k, hmm so much for the common "no HHH = a good raw" theory that so many people seem to have.

I digress though, pardon me for rambling, but it's my thread and I'll do as I please, and right now I'd rather be playing video games than continuing to discuss another lackluster Raw.
Since I was in the middle of distractions and writing my post, before I saw myke's was posted I'll add a few things:

1. Isn't it uncanny how similiar the posts made by myke and myself are? You'd almost swear we're the same person, but I assure you all there was more than one Doink the Clown.

2. There was another real-life storyline that I neglected to touch upon in my previous post; that of Chris Jericho's backstage remarks to Shelton Benjamin. The fact that WWE is bringing to light how thin Jericho is currently stretching himself, and incorporating into the storylines could be a very good thing. Perhaps WWE has realized that Jericho is a very busy man, yet they could use this as a way to retain him within the company on a part-time basis, hopefully appearing more regularly than Foley, and give him some time off to pursue other ventures as well. That way they don't completely lose him like the Rock. OR this could be a very bad thing; see Jeff Hardy's last month with the company: a crappy heel turn and an angle with HBK, in which Michaels urged Hardy to make the right decisions.

3. I know it isn't likely, but am I the only one who wants to see HHH come back as a face? I know HHH's innate nature is that of a heel, and he can so easily generate heel heat, but isn't the mark of the true greats the ability to get cheered or boo'd as they please? I think the time has come for HHH to try something completely fresh and become a face again for the first time since he initially returned from his quad injury. Of course with Cena, and Batista as champs this isn't going to happen.

4. I hope I live to see a title run for Kane... longer than 24 hours that is. The man has won the title twice and held it for less than 24 hours total, poor Glenn Jacobs.
Kane beat Steve Austin in a "first blood" match, IIRC, to win the title. What was #2, and how in the world did both title reigns amount to less than 24 hours?

...Final Fantasy XI and backward compatibility for were announced tonight for the Xbox 360, so the sour mood Raw put me in is most certainly gone!
Didn't we already know that about 360, or was I just assuming before today?

And I have to disagree with you all, even though I have agreed with you about RAW being pretty bad the past few weeks. I only saw the first and last thirty minutes of RAW (missing Richards :cry: ), but I thought it was great overall. I thought Jericho was in top form tonight (despite the short match), I thought Batista was great and him coming out to clean up for Flair was electric (even thought you knew it would happen), and the end of the final match was awesome (although obscene).

I think that WWE must just be playing to the average viewer, not the hardcore, in-the-know fans. I used to be a hardcore fan, but haven't watched for years. The past semester, I have not watched, but only because I have lived in the dorms where only certain channels have been available. But now I have moved and have watched for the past three or four weeks. And I have to say that the hour I saw tonight was pretty good. But, I don't follow it as much as you all and I really think that is the difference. I do wish it had been awesome, but I do think it was good at least.
Man, after re-reading this I'm glad I decided to play Forza instead of watching the garbage they've been pumping out.

Even the girlfriend lost interest after that "Really shityt part with Viscera and Trish"

You know, I bet there is no other thread in the history of CAG that has used the word "shitty" more than the Rasslin threads.
[quote name='Mike23']What happened?[/QUOTE]

Short version: Edge's 2nd wife finds out that Edge and Lita have been seeing each other less than two months after their marriage; Lita and Matt Hardy are a real-life item, and Hardy was typically distraught and heartbroken about it.

So he went public with it, and soon the "internet" knew this sordid love triangle. The bad guys in this story are clearly Edge and Lita, right?

Well, Matt Hardy got served...fired, that is, from the WWE.

And putting Edge and Lita together on tv touches a bit too close to home for people who are aware of the scenario.

Oh, I specifically meant Raw, I knew the whole Matt-Lita-Edge thing. Thanks though, that is quite the slap in the face for Matt.
[quote name='Mike23']Oh, I specifically meant Raw, I knew the whole Matt-Lita-Edge thing. Thanks though, that is quite the slap in the face for Matt.[/QUOTE]

Lita threw the brief case to Edge, and she turned on Kane. This means Edge has the Gold Rush title shot and the money in the bank title shot
[quote name='Mike23']Oh, I specifically meant Raw, I knew the whole Matt-Lita-Edge thing. Thanks though, that is quite the slap in the face for Matt.[/QUOTE]

More like a kick in the nuts with the wrong side of a golf shoe...

Edge has never been that marketable with anyone beside young girls. The only time he was cool was in the old Edge and Christian days with the "5 second poses". Even then that was 90% Christian (especially the mic work). For all the talk of Orton being a failed champ, if Edge gets it it will be a colossal failure. People hate him like they hated X-Pac. Not just as a heel but for real. He may be the only person more hated than HHH right now.
Smackdown's moving to Friday night..

In a move that may be a sign that UPN will not renew Smackdown after its contract expires in the fall of 2006, the network announced at their upfront presentation today that Smackdown will be moving to Friday night, in the 8 to 10 timeslot, starting in the fall season. Friday night is one of the two traditionally worst drawing nights of the week for TV shows (Saturday is the worst). When you consider that WWE reaches younger viewers and that many of them go out on Friday nights, that probably means that Smackdown will do a lower rating on its new night. I just spoke with a highly placed source in the company who told me that WWE management did not want the show to move from Thursday nights but given that they only have a year left on their contract, and recently moved their cable programming from Spike TV, UPN's sister company, to USA, it's not like WWE could do anything about it. At this time, it's not known if USA would take on Smackdown when its contract with UPN expires next year.

-- The PWTorch Newsletter is reporting that Lita has expressed discomfort with her current on-air storyline with Edge. Apparently she is uncomfortable with her real life issues being exploited on TV, since she still does have feeling for Matt Hardy.

She knows that the storyline will be booked to play up a real life romance between Edge and Lita, which to the best of anyone’s knowledge never got that serious.

Former WWE women’s champion Gail Kim is set to start with TNA shortly. There is also speculation that CM Punk will be brought back if a deal can be agreed. WWE has recently expressed interest with CM Punk. He did manage to work several dark matches but nothing has come of them.
I met Edge and Stacy Keibler at E3! Copied and pasted....

I was at E3 again today. WWE Diva Stacy Keibler was set to sign autographs at noon. I was more intered in meeting fellow WWE star Edge, of whom I've been a fan since he was wrestling as Sexton Hardcastle in the Canadian independents. I got in line, and I ended up meeting Stacy. They were rushing people through the line, so everyone got a simple, "Hello/Thank you" and an autographed photo. Whatever.

I got in line for Edge, around 12:30, half an hour before he was set to sign. I spent a while talking about wrestling and Star Wars: Episode III with some folks from Boston before an usher informed us that, due to her arriving late and Edge not showing up yet, Stacy would pose for quick pictures with people. Of course, I had to get one of those.

After the photo-op, I circled the THQ booth in order to reclaim my place in line to meet Adam Copeland, AKA Edge. On the way back, I heard a familiar voice behind me. I turned around... and there was Edge with a couple escorts! I greeted him and he responded, and I walked down the hallway next to him, although he was talking over something with his guys.

Once I got in there and got to shake Edge's hand, he was very friendly. A true class act toward the fans, regardless of his treatment of his friends. I got to shake the hand that fingered Lita. Now I've got herpes. Thanks, Adam. Just kidding. He signed and personalized my copy of his autobiography and threw in a signed photo on top of that. We posed for a pic, and I look like crap because my eyes were closed. The reason why is because Edge made me laugh. Here's how it went down:

Edge: "You know, now I can tell all the boys on Monday that I got to meet a TV star at E3."

Me: "What do you mean?"

Edge: "Hasn't anyone ever told you that you bear a striking resemblance to Bud Bundy?"

So I guess that makes it official, since Edge said it. I do look like Bud Bundy from Married With Children.

Pictures should be uploaded by tomorrow.
I'm curious but why do you guys like pro-wrestling? I don't understand why anyone would want to watch fake stuff when you can watch real stuff like the UFC that is superior on every level.
[quote name='mykevermin']Kane beat Steve Austin in a "first blood" match, IIRC, to win the title. What was #2, and how in the world did both title reigns amount to less than 24 hours?

Title reign #1 was indeed over Austin in the 1st blood match. The second time Kane "won" the title was also over Austin at a ppv, I believe it was Unforgiven, or something of that nature in September following Summerslam. This was when Vince was going insane trying to come up with ways of getting the title off of Austin, ultimately he came up with a triple threat match between Austin, Kane and Taker. The end of the match saw Taker and Kane simultaneously pinning Austin. Technically this was Kane's second title victory; however, it went unrewarded by McMahon. The next night I recall tuning in to find out who was the champion Kane or Taker, but instead Vince marched down to the ring covered in red carpet and had the title vacant. Thus leading to the famous clip in which Austin rides a Zamboni down to the ring and flies off it into the ring to attack Vince. Eventually this lead to the Survivor Series "Highway to Hell" tournament, that saw The Rock and Shane pull a fast one on Mick Foley as The Rock became the corporate champion. It was a great swerve and a great way to incorporate the previous year's Montrael screwjob.

Probably more than you bargained for, but there you go.
[quote name='Collectordragon']I'm curious but why do you guys like pro-wrestling? I don't understand why anyone would want to watch fake stuff when you can watch real stuff like the UFC that is superior on every level.[/QUOTE]

Curious as to what you're trying to do here... you come into the wrestling thread and start off ok, asking a reasonable question; true it's been asked many times before, but I can understand the curiousity. What I can't understand is why you'd then go off and crap on the thread and take a jab at everyone that posts here. Then you make an ignorant comparison to UFC, that's like saying why do you drink Apple Juice when there's so much more Vitamin C in Orange Juice? It's just an assinine way to pose a question. If you want to make a UFC topic, go for it, don't come here and say UFC is superior on every level, when obviously it's not to the majority of users on this board, or else it'd probably have had numerous threads devoted to it as well.

To answer your initial question, read through the threads it's been answered dozens of times before.
[quote name='Collectordragon']I'm curious but why do you guys like pro-wrestling? I don't understand why anyone would want to watch fake stuff when you can watch real stuff like the UFC that is superior on every level.[/QUOTE]

'cuz I like horror movies, but not snuff films? The answer is that I don't particularly care for real violence. I don't celebrate in people getting the shit kicked out of them, with *very* few exceptions.

What is a "real" sport, anyhoo? Is UFC? Are gymnastics? How about poker and billiards, I see lotsa poker and billiards on ESPN these days (although the outcome is most certainly not predetermined)? fuck, what about Golf? The amount of training and phyiscal prowess necessary for golf, relative to pro wrestling, shows just how wide the array of what we consider "sports" to be. Furthermore, consider the issue of doping in sport, and the argument that it helps break down "pure" competition (as if something like that could objectively exist).

myke. is UFC superior on every level? Is this your opinion, or an objective matter? If the former, why should your opinion matter, if the latter, prove it.
[quote name='Collectordragon']I'm curious but why do you guys like pro-wrestling? I don't understand why anyone would want to watch fake stuff when you can watch real stuff like the UFC that is superior on every level.[/QUOTE]

Same reason we watch Jackie Chan or Jet Li at the movies. It's not real per se but it is DAMN entertaining to watch the stunts, the stories, the humor, the drama...

Many people get hung up on the thought that people watch pro wrestling as a competition much like boxing or UFC. Wrestling is really not much different than watching a Broadway play. I enjoy the athleticism more than anything. That is why I also love Jackie Chan films.
[quote name='guyver2077']i totally missed smackdown last night..any good?[/QUOTE]

I only caught the last thirty. Nothing good, IMO. I had thought maybe the Bashams were gone.:D But no dice.:cry:
[quote name='mykevermin']'cuz I like horror movies, but not snuff films? The answer is that I don't particularly care for real violence. I don't celebrate in people getting the shit kicked out of them, with *very* few exceptions.

What is a "real" sport, anyhoo? Is UFC? Are gymnastics? How about poker and billiards, I see lotsa poker and billiards on ESPN these days (although the outcome is most certainly not predetermined)? fuck, what about Golf? The amount of training and phyiscal prowess necessary for golf, relative to pro wrestling, shows just how wide the array of what we consider "sports" to be. Furthermore, consider the issue of doping in sport, and the argument that it helps break down "pure" competition (as if something like that could objectively exist).

myke. is UFC superior on every level? Is this your opinion, or an objective matter? If the former, why should your opinion matter, if the latter, prove it.[/QUOTE]

And what do YOU watch on television that's so enlightening, Mr. Masterpiece Theatre?

[quote name='AdamInPlaidum']And what do YOU watch on television that's so enlightening, Mr. Masterpiece Theatre?


Well, well, I see someone must have used their copy of Bartlett's Familiar Quotations.

...what brilliant persons said that?
[quote name='guyver2077']i totally missed smackdown last night..any good?[/QUOTE]Nothing much and nothing too good. Eddie did a non-promo where he dropped Rey's mask in the ring and stepped on it, silently walked out. While Eddie does rule in this new role, he's probably done as much speechifying as he could with all the stuff he did last week.

The Booker T/Angle feud only got worse, with Mark Jindrak (I kid you not) calling Sharmell a gutterslut, and Booker beating the hell out of him after that. Angle "apologized" formally for the incident last week but then we got to hear "gutterslut" again. I never thought I'd hear that word uttered so many times on a television show. Oh well, lame.

Cena did the typical superman handicap match against the Bashams and won, of course.
[quote name='SevereTireDamage']The Booker T/Angle feud only got worse, with Mark Jindrak (I kid you not) calling Sharmell a gutterslut, and Booker beating the hell out of him after that. Angle "apologized" formally for the incident last week but then we got to hear "gutterslut" again. I never thought I'd hear that word uttered so many times on a television show. Oh well, lame.[/QUOTE]
i'm not a big fan of smackdown, but there's really nothing else on television that i find worth watching on thursday nights, so when i got home from work last night at 9:30 i turned it on.

point is, you forgot to mention how kurt is now claiming that sharmell kissed him and enjoyed it in the incident last week. and how kurt is going to make booker t scream in pain from the ankle lock, and then make sharmell scream later that night in a different way.

i liked sexy kurt, but i don't much care for beastiality kurt.
bread's done