Super Mario Galaxy - Gen. Discussion & Info.

That's good to hear. Maybe if I'm controlling Mario it won't be as much of a problem. I heard that some local stores are getting demos. I suppose I could go in and give it a whirl. I haven't been happy with my Wii thus far and play my other systems much more. This was the deal breaker. If I can play it and love it then my Wii stays. Heh.
[quote name='RynoZebz']That's good to hear. Maybe if I'm controlling Mario it won't be as much of a problem. I heard that some local stores are getting demos. I suppose I could go in and give it a whirl. I haven't been happy with my Wii thus far and play my other systems much more. This was the deal breaker. If I can play it and love it then my Wii stays. Heh.[/quote]

Have you tried Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure?

The only thing that sucks about this game is its title. I highly suggest that you will try it - $39.99 without coupons or rebates.

Seriously, the game is awesome, and more people need to buy it.
[quote name='RynoZebz']I've been holding onto my Wii for the sole purpose of this game. But I'm worried. Everytime I watch gameplay vids of it at length I start getting sick to my stomach. Suck. Anyone else having this problem? Am I getting old at 25? Vertigo anyone? Heh.[/quote]

I get motion sickness quite a bit also, mostly during FPS but sometimes during platformers. I just take motion sickness pills and Im good to go. Without them I can last about 10 min. of a FPS before I get nausous.
[quote name='The Crotch']How 'bout that Fire Emblem?[/quote]

How about this, The Crotch: I'll buy Fire Emblem for myself AND for a friend. And you'll buy Zack and Wiki. For yourself. Just one copy.

Just think about it.
Thats my birthday, and it makes me contemplate buying a Weeeeeeeeeeeee!
However after playing through Sunshine and not liking the wiimote very much I think I will pass. Don;t you think it would be nice if Ninty gave everyone that bought this game a super mario allstars rom for free? Miyamoletoe won't let that happen.
Ok, so I finally caved in. I played about 5 minutes of Super Mario Galaxy at GameStop today.

This is by far the best looking Wii game, ever. Screw you people who say the Wii can't put out decent graphics, Galaxy has some amazing graphics. I feel like it is very close to what the 360 is capable of doing. Like its predecessors, the controls are just as simple if not intuitive. I feel like almost anybody could pick this up and play it right off the bat without having any previous instructions. The whole planet concept really messes with your mind for all of 5 seconds then you realize how cool it really is.

Now provided I didn't play very much, since I did not really want to spoil anything, I just wanted to get a general look and feel for the game. But based on what I saw, if the rest of the game is like what I saw, there's no reason why this should not be the best selling game this Christmas, if not the game of the year.
Played about 30 minutes at GS. It's so bright...cheery...hypnotically colorful....

I loves it and needs it. 3rd party devs will fall even further behind with the release of this game.
Both of the above are QFT

I got in to work today to see we have Super Mario Galaxy playable...bastards...I had to wait 5 hours of watching other play before my shift was done and I could play. And I limited myself to 5 minutes. Graphically the best loking Wi game by many many miles. It plays like a dream, smooth smooth controls and just old school mario like it is supposed to be. Gravity is a beautiful thing people...roll on the 12th.
I TRIED to play it at gamestop, but 4 or so mouth breathing indignant human infectious waste piles were playing some goddamned naruto game and simply would not be removed from that pile of stinking garbage to play the game of the FOREVER.

Can you still get a coin for preordering Galaxy? I have McD's coupons for TRU, but I don't see any mention about the coin on either their weekly ad, or on the website. Any ideas about the coin before I go to the store today?
[quote name='Phoenix Audubon']Can you still get a coin for preordering Galaxy? I have McD's coupons for TRU, but I don't see any mention about the coin on either their weekly ad, or on the website. Any ideas before I go to the store today?[/quote]

Yeah, get Zack & Wiki while you're there to help you with the wait for Super Mario Galaxy...

Super Mario Galaxy looks amazing
Well, I got my answer--yes, they're still taking preorders, and they said I would get a coin when I picked up Galaxy. Then again, GS said the same thing about my Phoenix Wright keychain, and I got squat there...
[quote name='Oops! I did it again.']Thanks, daroga! I figured as such, but I held that glimmer of hope open for as early of a release as possible. :)[/quote]hehe, I suppose it's possible it'll ship early and be street-dated, but it doesn't seem like it. All of the material about it from Nintendo says the 14th, probably giving shipments / stores time to get it on the shelf.
[quote name='Oops! I did it again.']Will this likely be a release that's available as EB/GS open that morning? As in, does it ship prior to the 12th?[/quote]

GS reps all over the country have been trying to talk people into pre-ordering. I don't now if it's a ploy, or if they are actually quite sure that SMG is going to be selling like crazy, but if you really want your copy, not taking any chances, a pre-order makes sense for this one.

And buy Zack & Wiki - it's bad ass.
[quote name='MarioColbert']GS reps all over the country have been trying to talk people into pre-ordering. I don't now if it's a ploy, or if they are actually quite sure that SMG is going to be selling like crazy, but if you really want your copy, not taking any chances, a pre-order makes sense for this one.

And buy Zack & Wiki - it's bad ass.[/quote]

I'm pretty sure they get a little *bonus* for preorders, at least that's what my gamecrazy people have told me.
I don't think they get much bonus as GS (maybe something for the top seller in the store or something) but they do have presell quotas and can get fired if they don't meet them and many managers are constantly hounding employees to get preorders, warranties, GI subscriptions etc.

So don't read anything into what's being hawked. They'll just aggressively hawk whatever huge game is coming up. It was Halo 3, and now Mario is the biggest game left this year.
[quote name='MarioColbert']GS reps all over the country have been trying to talk people into pre-ordering. I don't now if it's a ploy, or if they are actually quite sure that SMG is going to be selling like crazy, but if you really want your copy, not taking any chances, a pre-order makes sense for this one.[/QUOTE]
I understand there's no harm in pre-ordering from GS if you want your game and you want it on or sometime just after the release date. But I really find it hard to believe that the game won't be on shelves. GS swore up and down that if we didn't preorder Halo 2 we wouldn't see copies of it on shelves for years. They wuz wrong. Anyhow, I'm getting my copy of SMG from a Wal-Mart the Sunday or Monday before release.
Yeah, this will be super easy to find release week. Moot for me as I'll be traveling from the 10th to the 25th so I won't get to play it near launch anyway.
GS employees are half right when they say you won't find it if you don't preorder. Generally it seems they order one or two copies on top of preorders for most games lately. But that doesn't mean you won't be able to find one at the big box store a mile down the road where they ordered two hundred copies.
GS is full of crap. I went in and asked for Castlevania psp *sealed and they asked me if I preordered it. I said no, still got my game. Same thing with bioshock. Is it impossible to get a sealed game at GS if you didnt preorder it? damn.
[quote name='Zen Davis']Now there's a sentiment I think we can all get behind![/quote]

It's one thing to have a type-o or two, but it's another if you enjoy making fun of others for that very same thing...

Consistency tends to be important, especially with that whole "internet" thing.
[quote name='Theduck']GS is full of crap. I went in and asked for Castlevania psp *sealed and they asked me if I preordered it. I said no, still got my game. Same thing with bioshock. Is it impossible to get a sealed game at GS if you didnt preorder it? damn.[/quote]
I would have walked out.

[quote name='MarioColbert']It's one thing to have a type-o or two, but it's another if you enjoy making fun of others for that very same thing...

Consistency tends to be important, especially with that whole "internet" thing.[/quote]

I'm sorry. *Buys you a cookie*
So, are there any problems with Galaxy or aspects that I didn't like? Well, no. I tried very hard to find a flaw of any sort and there was nothing really game breaking. Any complaints I have with the game, well, they're so minute that I can't even remember them at this point. That or they just don't exist. It's rare to play through a perfect game or one that nears perfection, but Galaxy definitely fits that mold.

Hell, it's broken it.

I can't fucking wait.
I don't know where you guys get your Wii games from. But it seems around here, all of the stores are always sold out of the non-Nickelodeon-crap type of games as soon as they come in. I have had a very hard time finding any of the big games for Wii around these parts. I still don't have GHIII or Zack and Wiki (but I haven't had too much free time to track them down yet). Trying hard not to grab GHIII for PS3 instead. So I pre-ordered Galaxy this weekend at TRU. First pre-order I have made in forever. But I am definitely not waiting for this game. The last one I pre-ordered was Nintendogs. Before that it was Zelda:TP (the moment it was available for pre-order as a GCN game). Nintendogs and Zelda were partially pre-ordered because I got them free with stellar trade-in deals.

But I have a bad/good feeling that I will have to get used to pre-ordering Wii games. And not just first party ones.

EDIT: Bad because I don't like being forced to have to pre-order everything. Good because it means that Wii games are flying off of shelves.
Sadly I am having inhuman thoughts of walking into Gamestop and preordering this this weekend. Not because I am buying this game, because I want this game soooooo fucking badly but I am actually preordering a game, lol (last game was Twilight Princess with my Wii). Even though I did get metroid week one, I can't take my chances here, this game I must play asap it sounds awesome.
[quote name='KingBroly']You could go to a big named retailer and pre-order it. You get the coin too.[/quote]

Are the coins available yet? I called my local Gamestop a few days ago and they hadn't seen them yet.
[quote name='Puffa469']Are the coins available yet? I called my local Gamestop a few days ago and they hadn't seen them yet.[/quote]
I think what has been said from the jump is that the coins will actually ship WITH Galaxy, so we probably won't see those in stock 'til zero hour at launch.
[quote name='Scorch']I'm fairly positive that I'm the only one that tried the demo and hated it.[/quote]From what I've heard so far, yes, I think you're the only one.

Japanese release was a few hours ago, good impressions from happy people in the East.
[quote name='Scorch']I'm fairly positive that I'm the only one that tried the demo and hated it.[/quote]
[quote name='Scorch']I'm fairly positive that I'm the only one that tried the demo and hated it.[/quote]
Why? Why would you say that you sad, sad man?

The little child inside you is dead.
bread's done