Super Mario Galaxy - Gen. Discussion & Info.

[quote name='Killbreed']The reason he's certain is cuz it's probably sitting in the back of the store and they're not gonna start selling them til the time advertised. Still, I can wait a few hours for 25 bucks.[/quote]

What a dickpenis. Man, this is bullshit - their pre-order cards advetise the date as YESTERDAY.


Hell yeah, I'm going to go get me some Taco Bell! Did you know that a Spicy Chicken Crunchwrap + Spicy Chicken Buritto = $3.33 ?
I picked mine up at 3:00 from the Valencia, CA Gamestop store (where they honored a $39.99 price from Frys).

I'm three stars in, and I think the game is amazing. I've purposefully avoided playing the game at shows, and even watching videos. For the first 15 minutes or so, I was wondering when the gameplay would 'kick-in'. And then it hit me, hard.

One question for players- does the gameplay sometimes pause for maybe 1/16 second while walking around planets? Sometimes my Wii output is a bit (for lack of a better word) grainy, with vertical bars, especially, when showing grey tones. I'm afraid my system might need attention soon.
[quote name='DesertEagleXIX'] One question for players- does the gameplay sometimes pause for maybe 1/16 second while walking around planets? Sometimes my Wii output is a bit (for lack of a better word) grainy, with vertical bars, especially, when showing grey tones. I'm afraid my system might need attention soon.[/quote]Eeeks, that doesn't sound good. Mine does none of that. :(
[quote name='DesertEagleXIX']
One question for players- does the gameplay sometimes pause for maybe 1/16 second while walking around planets? Sometimes my Wii output is a bit (for lack of a better word) grainy, with vertical bars, especially, when showing grey tones. I'm afraid my system might need attention soon.[/quote]Nope, no glitches like that. But I have had a sporadic issue where a horizontal line will show up around a fifth of the way up from the bottom, and the scrolling will be off between the two segments of the screen. Not just in this game, saw it once or twice in GH3 and BWii. Not sure if it's my TV or my Wii - if the latter, need to find out by February. If the former, I've got about 3 years to worry about it.
I know I'm really ridiculously indecisive but I don't know what to do: I have it paid off and pre ordered at Gamestop but want to take advantage of the TRU deal. I have some games to keep me busy for a while so should I

(1) transfer the preorder to something else (smash, zapper, Medal of Honor 2) and buy it at TRU tonight or
(2) save some moolah and just pick up my preorder at Gamestop and forego the TRU deal.
Man I'm jealous of everyone playing this game. I'm out of town for work, and won't get a chance to play it until the 26th or 27th at the earliest. :(

And probably later as I'd like to polish off the last couple of levels in my first Halo 3 play through before getting distracted by another game. :(
Just got shipping notification that Nintendo received my Wii for repair. I gotta wait until at least I get it back before I can play, and even then I'll have to sweet talk the wife into giving me my X-mas present early.
[quote name='pittpizza']I know I'm really ridiculously indecisive but I don't know what to do: I have it paid off and pre ordered at Gamestop but want to take advantage of the TRU deal. I have some games to keep me busy for a while so should I

(1) transfer the preorder to something else (smash, zapper, Medal of Honor 2) and buy it at TRU tonight or
(2) save some moolah and just pick up my preorder at Gamestop and forego the TRU deal.[/quote]

I'd transfer the preorder to another game and go with the TRU deal. You're not really saving any moolah by going with the GS credit, because that's actually money you spent previously on game (and were then given pennies on the dollar for by GS). It seems like it's "free," but only because the money was taken out of your wallet a long time ago. Meanwhile, TRU is flat out giving you $25. Don't pass that up.
Called TRU today right after noon had them in stock and had me go down. By the time I got there they were only selling preorders and had a few irate customers who thought they could just stroll in and get one.

It's sitting in my car all alone until I get off work.

I tried asking about the B2G1 sale next week but didn't know about the sale. Also asked abotu RE:UC and he wasn't sure if they'd have it in store or not.
[quote name='pittpizza']I know I'm really ridiculously indecisive but I don't know what to do: I have it paid off and pre ordered at Gamestop but want to take advantage of the TRU deal. I have some games to keep me busy for a while so should I

(1) transfer the preorder to something else (smash, zapper, Medal of Honor 2) and buy it at TRU tonight or
(2) save some moolah and just pick up my preorder at Gamestop and forego the TRU deal.[/quote]
I'm in the same boat as you, but i'm getting it at TRU(I'm hoping they have enough coins and games to give out) to use the $25 giftcard on the B2G1 free on wii games if they have the games I want and moving the money to SSBB unless there's some super deal at TRU or some store then i'll do the same.
If I were to buy this at GS, it would be the last copy and it would be plastered with the sticky "return seal" sticker. I would attempt to peel it off, and my case would be covered with disgusting patches of of sticky residue and white sticker scraps. And then it would stick to all the other cases in my shelf, and then I'd wipe it off with lighter fluid to remove the stains and residue, and someone would light a candle and leave the match next to my shelf, and the lighter fluid would combust, and my games would melt, and the bookshelf would burn, and my house would soon be a pile of smouldering ashes.

Thanks a LOT, GameStop. And for "full price"!

Although I'll be disappointed if this sells out everywhere and I don't get a copy until 2008, I'll be happy that it's selling well.
[quote name='daroga']Eeeks, that doesn't sound good. Mine does none of that. :([/QUOTE]

Man, my Wii must be a-dying.

So no one else experiencing ANY minor stuttering/pauses? I have read conflicting reports- One site said they only experinced frame rate drop 3 times within the whole game, another a pretty consistant framerate (indicating some drops).
Don't believe the TRU 5:00 schpiel. I called again after noon and finally got to the videogame department. They promptly told me that SMG was in stock and available!

I hauled ass over there and got my coin (make sure you ask if you pre-ordered), $25 GC, and of course SMG. I cannot wait to play it later - work first :cry:
[quote name='DesertEagleXIX']Man, my Wii must be a-dying.

So no one else experiencing ANY minor stuttering/pauses? I have read conflicting reports- One site said they only experinced frame rate drop 3 times within the whole game, another a pretty consistant framerate (indicating some drops).[/quote]

I just got my Wii back from repairs. It's had that "graphics card overheating" issue (or maybe it's just Graphics Card BROKEN). I only played Zack & Wiki since getting it back, but I notice quite an improvement in the smoothness of gameplay (graphics). The little "blocky" things that you see on the screen is a dead-giveaway.

I'd recommend sending your Wii in immediately. If Zack & Wiki experienced a minor frame-rate drop based on this defect, I'd imagine that a graphically heavy title like Super Mario Galaxy would be really harsh on the system. In particular, this would occur during the moments when the whole screen needs to be refreshed big-time (tons of new geometry being updated constantly - go to "camera" control on a large enough level, and rush the view to a side far away, though that doesn't really guarantee for it to fuck up if the developers did their job of loading things into memory correctly.)
Just started playing and I'm loving the game. I got a feeling from this game that I haven't felt in such a long time; a feeling of awe and wonder.

Of all the awesomeness that is Mario Galaxy, the most amazing surprise of all is the quality of the music, for real. I can't believe how great the music is!
Utterly fantastic.

Quick question, though... do you still need to collect 100 coins for a star on each Galaxy? It seems there is a deficiency of coins, that's why I'm asking.
Damnit! I was planning on stopping by right at 5pm to pick it up (I thought thats when they would start to sell them) but they started selling them as soon as they came in and now they're sold out.

Is it worth running all over town to try and find a copy?? hmm....what to do what to do...
[quote name='carthitup']Utterly fantastic.

Quick question, though... do you still need to collect 100 coins for a star on each Galaxy? It seems there is a deficiency of coins, that's why I'm asking.[/quote]You mean for a 1up? I don't know if coins give you extra lives, but star bits seem to. I haven't really paid attention, I just know I randomly get a 1up as I collect stuff.

After spending 2 hours at the Social Security office... back to Galaxy!
Well, good news is, I got my copy of Galaxy. Bad news--there were a lot of loose ends to tie up before I left the store a satisfied customer. And now, the itinerary:

9:00AM-Fullerton, CA TRU opens. I'm eating breakfast.

10:00AM-After power napping and brewing coffee, I call TRU to see if SMG is in stock. After waiting 10 minutes for R'Zone to pick up, the front desk checks to see if I was still holding (I was). They try to transfer again, and a woman finally answered a couple of minutes later. I ask if SMG is in. She asks if I had preordered it; I said I had ('Cause I had). She says "Yes, we have it. Be sure to bring your receipt and pre-order slip. So, I put on a gaming tee, splash on some cheap cologne, and head out.

10:30AM-Arrive at TRU. Not a big scene...I figured all the kids went to school today. I head to the R'Zone...there are couple of associates standing outside the enclosure, but no one stops me or anything.
So, I head to the register and present my slip. I appear to have a newly-hired associate assisting me, because he turns to the supervisor, who nods in approval and tells him where the SMG copies are. So, New Guy starts to scan the game; meantime, Supervisor pulls out the Coin box (just as I was about to ask), and tells New Guy to ask me for my pre-order stuff. I hand it to New Guy; meanwhile, Supervisor pulls out a gift card (Halloween-themed, figures), again just as I was about to ask. At this point, I mention that I'd like to buy Battle Revolution; so New Guy fetches that and rings it up. I whip out the "$10-GC for $75 spent" coupon. New Guy asks Supervisor if they accept the coupon along with the SMG GC offer; he says yes. New Guy offers to put both on the same card; I say that's fine.

10:45AM-After all that, I get the total: $107. I feel that's a little too high, but I swipe my credit card anyways. They put SMG and BR in a bag; I ask if I can have my pre-order receipt back, since I had other purchases on it. Another Supervisor (a woman) says it's okay; they just circle the pre-order and write "Received" along with the date. Then, I point to the Coin box and ask for that. New Guy asks Supervisor#1 if that, indeed, was mine; he says it is, and into the bag it goes. I go to leave.

10:47AM-I check the receipt. Sure enough, I was charged full price for SMG, even though I paid the pre-order deposit. So, after Supervisor#1 is done with another customer, I point out the oversight. He walks me over to the Customer Service (aka Returns) desk; he shows it to whom I presume is the store manager. They agree that I was overcharged. So, Manager leads me to an unused register, and credits the $5.39 back to my card.

10:50AM-Finally, I leave the store with everything in order.

So I'm home now...and this is part where y'all set me on fire. SMG is on my media rack...unopened. I just don't have the time right now to play games. All this time shopping and now posting, I should've been studying for an exam and practicing for a concert. So....maybe during the winter break, I'll crack it open...maybe; I got quite a backlog of games as it is.

So, let me sum up by saying I don't recommend pre-ordering from TRU. I DO recommend checking your receipts, however. Gotta' stay cheap, y'know?

That's my story, and I'm stickin' to it. Peace. :applause:

Can someone tell me what the chances are that my TRU only has enough copies to cover pre-orders?

Because that is what I was just told on the phone.

And also that "we don't know if we'll get anymore this week."
[quote name='Strell']Ok.

Can someone tell me what the chances are that my TRU only has enough copies to cover pre-orders?

Because that is what I was just told on the phone.

And also that "we don't know if we'll get anymore this week."[/quote]

Well, there was one thing I left off--I asked New Guy if they got a lot of preorders. He said they did; I think Super#2 said they got 32 orders, and that, including me, only half of the people had picked up their game at that time. There was a guy on the next register, who asked Super#1 if the coins were only for pre-orders (They were). He then asked, "Well, can I pre-order the game now, and just pick it up later?" Super#1 said to ask the manager; Super#2 said No; they stopped taking preorders last week.

He then asked if he could buy the game. The Supers said they were only honoring pre-orders right now. As I left the R'Zone, they were grumbling about how hectic it would be if the remainder of the pre-orders didn't come in.

So...I hate to say it, but your chances may not be great...
do you still need to collect 100 coins for a star on each Galaxy?

I believe you can access areas later and be required to collect 100 purple coins for a star

Originally posted by bluesyncopate
Although I'll be disappointed if this sells out everywhere and I don't get a copy until 2008, I'll be happy that it's selling well.

Will this be the hardest to find game since Ocarina of Time? Seems the only way to find out, if you've sworn off preordering, would require calling every b&m in the area. Find the ones that don't ask you if you've preordered, and check 'em one after the other. Also, according to some of the posts here, TRU seems to only be handing out SMG to those who've preordered, so I wouldn't necessarily count on the 3-5 pm window to guarantee you a copy.

Good luck, and happy hunting!
[quote name='Phoenix Audubon']
So, let me sum up by saying I don't recommend pre-ordering from TRU[/QUOTE]

Your story is the So. Cal shopping experience. Every TRU/Target/CC/BB store I go to here is staffed by lazy employees, who seem to be goofing off and talking to each other. Mistakes are very common, especially with 110% price matches. Usually,I have to help the manager with the 'heavy' math.

I've noticed North California is a better better, and other states even better still.
My Target doesn't get theirs until tomorrow (Nov 14th). I had better get the coin, damn their eyes!
[quote name='Phoenix Audubon']Well, there was one thing I left off--I asked New Guy if they got a lot of preorders. He said they did; I think Super#2 said they got 32 orders, and that, including me, only half of the people had picked up their game at that time. There was a guy on the next register, who asked Super#1 if the coins were only for pre-orders (They were). He then asked, "Well, can I pre-order the game now, and just pick it up later?" Super#1 said to ask the manager; Super#2 said No; they stopped taking preorders last week.

He then asked if he could buy the game. The Supers said they were only honoring pre-orders right now. As I left the R'Zone, they were grumbling about how hectic it would be if the remainder of the pre-orders didn't come in.

So...I hate to say it, but your chances may not be great...[/QUOTE]

Having worked retail, I know that generally stores have NO control over these sorts of things, but I think it is beyond false advertising to claim that you can get a $25 GC with purchase, and then tell people "oh we don't have any copies at all."
Just got my copy a few hours ago. Nintendo has a way of convincing me to keep my Wii every 2-3 months. Very fun game, just got the the Bee Planet. Graphics are the best I've seen on the Wii yet. Even though you go upside down the camera does an excellent job. 90% of you platformers take note of that.
[quote name='Strell']Having worked retail, I know that generally stores have NO control over these sorts of things, but I think it is beyond false advertising to claim that you can get a $25 GC with purchase, and then tell people "oh we don't have any copies at all."[/quote]

Not sure how many pre-orders my TRU did, but there were plenty of people in line buying SMG with no pre-order - almost all of them in fact. There were about 10 people in line, all buying SMG, and 2 of us had pre-order slips.

Also, the guy in line next to me with the pre-order walked away without the coin - since no one offered one to him.
My bro picked it up at Gamestop today after preordering. He took it and put it on my TV but he really needs to get the component cables and wait for my new speakers to come in.
I had my gf call and see if they gave her the same answer.

She talked to a different person (a guy) who said they had 30 preorders, but only got 25 copies in. He also said "I don't think we'll get anymore in this week."

So now I'm pissed at TRU and Nintendo, who are fucking up a great deal. I was going to use the card next week during the B2G1 sale, as well as stack it with the spend 75 to get a $10 GC, and this is fucking it all up.

Ugh. I know this is an incredibly whiny and self-centered rant, but this is the second time in the last few weeks that I've had to deal with unbelievable amounts of bullshit for not pre-ordering, when it has never happened before. If Nintendo can't honestly fucking figure out that every store ought to have 50+ copies, and stores can't figure out to get more than just pre-order numbers imply, then we have reached a serious wtf moment in gaming distributorship history.

It almost - almost - makes me want digital delivery to hurry the hell up.
This game is so great. 23 stars, just about to wrap up the third dome.

Just got an in-game note from Toad on my message board. :D
Are all the copies bilingual? The back cover is half English, half French. (At least I think it's French. I was reading it while at the wheel.) I just want to make sure I don't have a Canadian copy or something.
Finally picked it up today, player until I got 10 stars. Amazing game thus far, music is just incredible. I'm a little limited in what I can do, although less than I would be with a conventional controller (I just broke my shoulder in an accident).

This game deserves game of the year, if not forever.
Just picked my copy at TRU with a $25 GC sweet deal , the game is good and i'm sure is going to get better as you go
I'm still Galaxy-less.

Couldn't get out to GameStop to get my pre-order.

Wal-Mart Supercenter claims they didn't get it.

K-Mart was an obvious no-go, but they didn't pan out anyway.

Sears, fat chance, but I checked anyway.

FYE, despite the big 'Super Mario Galaxy - 11/13' display, says they got none in.

Sam's Club, no dice.

So that's that, another day without Galaxy.
Colbert, how quickly did you get it back, and do you know if you got the exact same console back or did they replace it?

I might have to do this as well, and would like my console back.
Holy fuck

I have everything set up in my finished basement, the problem is there are no windows. I was supposed to go the post office this afternoon, but I started playing Galaxy again early this afternoon, first time since last night. Needless to say I didn't know it was 5:30 and I missed the post office.
I picked up my preorder copy at TRU today with the coin & the gift card. No problems here, other than a slight wait because they had a line... and I think everyone in line was getting at least one copy of SMG.

I've only gotten 3 stars so far, so I'm nowhere near far enough in to judge just yet, but so far it's been great.
[quote name='siamesellama']Are all the copies bilingual? The back cover is half English, half French. (At least I think it's French. I was reading it while at the wheel.) I just want to make sure I don't have a Canadian copy or something.[/QUOTE]

This is going to get lost in the shuffle. Help?
Yeah, TRU messed up my pre-order. The manager told me that they had 30 pre-orders and only recieved 12 copies.... Why would they only order 12 copies?
bread's done