Super Paper Mario to come April 9 (Update!).


89 (100%)
From Kotaku:

"Nintendo just announced that Super Paper Mario will be hitting the Wii on April 9. The game was originally set for the Gamecube, but wouldn't that be silly. Yes, we need some straight up classic Mario action on the Wii. Hopefully this game wasn't already nearing completion when they made the shift. I guess we'll know in a few months. Brian Crecente"

Update 2 (Thanks ScrubKing):
Some Q&A via
Nice, Wii play and Sonic in Febuary, Mario Party in March and Super Paper Mario in April a nice 3 months of games coming up, I am excited.
:pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:
:pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:
:pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:
:pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:

please, if there is any justice in this world, this will come true.

here's the gonintendo update:

Super Paper Mario - To be released in APRIL! Mario finds himself in the interdimensional town of flipside as a black hole looms overhead along with floating math equations. You have to use the controller sideways moving the control pad and jumping with the 2 button (OLD SCHOOL!). A button allows you to switch from 2D to 3D and later in the game you’ll encounter creatures called Pixls that will give Mario new abilities that make an interesting use of the Wiimote. Tippy (a butterfly) allows you to search areas for secrets, you can point the Wiimote at the screen to spotlight hidden doors or learn info about the enemy. When you jump on an enemy, if you shake the Wiimote you can gain extra points. Game has graphical enhancements from the E3 build (the issue has new screenshots).
[quote name='coolz481']Nice. Now Metroid Prime 3 for May/June and I'll be set.[/QUOTE]

Maybe sooner. I remember hearing April somewhere.
Interesting... Hmmm... Now I need to check the date on that old GR preorder I had for Super Paper Mario and see if I'll run into the 1 year limit (when preorders magically disappear). Probably safest just to cancel it (since it was for the GC anyway) and redo it when they get it listed for the Wii.

Lets see - WarioWare in Jan, Wii Play and Sonic Secret Rings in Feb, Mario Party in March, Super Paper Mario in April, Metroid in May or June, and Mario Galaxy, Batallion Wars, Fire Emblem, Dragonquest, Super Mario Strikers, etc, some time before the end of the year. Yeah, that "GC with a gimmick" sure has NO good games coming out this year. What a waste of my $250 :roll:.
"WarioWare in Jan, Wii Play and Sonic Secret Rings in Feb, Mario Party in March, Super Paper Mario in April, Metroid in May or June, and Mario Galaxy, Batallion Wars, Fire Emblem, Dragonquest, Super Mario Strikers, etc, some time before the end of the year. "

So what are all these people talking about when they say no games are coming for the Wii? And don't forget Heatseeker, SSX Blur and The Godfather. From what I have seen Heatseeker looks like it might have some potential (fingers crossed). There is tons of stuff coming out in the coming months that looks interesting. Browsing through upcoming releases on Gamestop, they show quite a few interesting titles.
Nintendo really needs to step up the releases. One game a month simply will not due. I guess that I'll do what I did with the Gamecube: wait a couple of years so that there are at least 5 games that I deem "must have."
This is excellent news. Now that gives me the incentive to try to finish Paper Mario: TTYD before then. I will have to consult a guide to get unstuck from the point I was at a couple months ago.
[quote name='io']
Lets see - WarioWare in Jan, Wii Play and Sonic Secret Rings in Feb, Mario Party in March, Super Paper Mario in April, Metroid in May or June, and Mario Galaxy, Batallion Wars, Fire Emblem, Dragonquest, Super Mario Strikers, etc, some time before the end of the year. Yeah, that "GC with a gimmick" sure has NO good games coming out this year. What a waste of my $250 :roll:.[/quote]That game is looking delicious so far... more of the same from GC, apparently, and now rumored to have 44 chapters versus 28 from the first. Controlled using Wiimote, Classic Controller, or GC controller. Feb release in Japan, so if the delay for the first holds true, we'll see it here in the fall again.
[quote name='io']Interesting... Hmmm... Now I need to check the date on that old GR preorder I had for Super Paper Mario and see if I'll run into the 1 year limit (when preorders magically disappear). Probably safest just to cancel it (since it was for the GC anyway) and redo it when they get it listed for the Wii.

Lets see - WarioWare in Jan, Wii Play and Sonic Secret Rings in Feb, Mario Party in March, Super Paper Mario in April, Metroid in May or June, and Mario Galaxy, Batallion Wars, Fire Emblem, Dragonquest, Super Mario Strikers, etc, some time before the end of the year. Yeah, that "GC with a gimmick" sure has NO good games coming out this year. What a waste of my $250 :roll:.[/QUOTE]

Ah there in lies the problem with the Wii. Two games, Dragonquest and Sonic, are both third party. Everything else isn't. The greatest problem with the Gamecube was not a lack of great games, but a lack of 3rd Party exclusives. The biggest threat of the Wii's dominance is if it becomes the "Nintendo player" as Luke Smith likes to call it. Elebits is great as is Trauma Center, but the vast majority of the 3rd party games have been shitty ports.
It is truly amazing how people can find negative in absolutely everything. Unbelievable.

Godfather, SSX Blur, The Bigs, Bust A Move Bash, Tiger Woods, Prince of Persia Rival Swords, Blazing Angels, Cooking Mama Cook Off, Legend of The Dragon, Heatseeker, Mortal Kombat Armageddon, Dragon Quest Swords, Alien Syndrome.

Im assuming you are thinking those will all be crap?
[quote name='furyk']Ah there in lies the problem with the Wii. Two games, Dragonquest and Sonic, are both third party. Everything else isn't. The greatest problem with the Gamecube was not a lack of great games, but a lack of 3rd Party exclusives. The biggest threat of the Wii's dominance is if it becomes the "Nintendo player" as Luke Smith likes to call it. Elebits is great as is Trauma Center, but the vast majority of the 3rd party games have been shitty ports.[/quote]True. I just hope you're blaming the third party developers for that and not Nintendo.

But to be fair, io did forget Cooking Mama, SSX Blur, Resident Evil, and my personal favorite, Konami Action Game #1 (though I guess I can't necessarily count this as a 2007 release. :lol:)
[quote name='Rusty Ghia']Nintendo really needs to step up the releases. One game a month simply will not due. I guess that I'll do what I did with the Gamecube: wait a couple of years so that there are at least 5 games that I deem "must have."[/QUOTE]

PS3 launched 2 days before Wii...what games have come out for that? ANYTHING?
Don't forget BRAWL you guys!

VERY excited about that one, I also hope HAL has a Kirby game lined up soon. Kirby seems like it would be great fun on the Wii.
[quote name='Ace-Of-War']Don't forget BRAWL you guys!

VERY excited about that one, I also hope HAL has a Kirby game lined up soon. Kirby seems like it would be great fun on the Wii.[/QUOTE]

I guarantee you Brawl won't see the light of day until October at the earliest. Nintendo needs something big for next Christmas season and Brawl seems to be the most likely candidate.
Playing with the Wiimote sideways isn't very comfortable. I hope they at least have options for the classic controller or GC controller.
[quote name='botticus']True. I just hope you're blaming the third party developers for that and not Nintendo.

But to be fair, io did forget Cooking Mama, SSX Blur, Resident Evil, and my personal favorite, Konami Action Game #1 (though I guess I can't necessarily count this as a 2007 release. :lol:)[/QUOTE]

Yeah, my list was by no means comprehensive - it was a jab at all those people who say nothing is coming out this year and will wait till 2008 or 2009 to get a Wii where there are a "few games" they want. As far as I'm concerned, just the games I listed kick the PS3's upcoming releases up, down, left, and right. Then there's the ones you listed (how could I forget about KAG#1!?) and I'm sure there will be some out of nowhere surprises from 3rd parties in the later half of the year.

And Furyk - I think with the way Wii's keep selling out we will hit the critical mass needed for much better 3rd party support than the GC got. It will be like the DS, though, in that many were waiting to see how the launch went. Just about now they are probably kicking many projects into gear and we won't see the results of that for a year or so - just like with the DS.

(And I'm being realistic on Brawl - I didn't list it because my expecations are for it to be released in 2008).
[quote name='Strell']If this was not a "F*CK YES!" moment for you, I am quite sure you have no soul.[/QUOTE]

Those were my exact words when I saw this news. LttP on the VC, Super Paper Mario update for the Wii, now all I need is a new 2-D Metroid announced for the DS in the next couple hours for the trifecta...
[quote name='io']Yeah, my list was by no means comprehensive - it was a jab at all those people who say nothing is coming out this year and will wait till 2008 or 2009 to get a Wii where there are a "few games" they want. As far as I'm concerned, just the games I listed kick the PS3's upcoming releases up, down, left, and right.

And Furyk - I think with the way Wii's keep selling out we will hit the critical mass needed for much better 3rd party support than the GC got. It will be like the DS, though, in that many were waiting to see how the launch went. Just about now they are probably kicking many projects into gear and we won't see the results of that for a year or so - just like with the DS.[/QUOTE]

I hope to God they do. The good thing is that unlike Microsoft, Nintendo releases a ton of first party games. So hopefully it won't be "massive launch, sold out until March" nothing nothing nothing, Oblivion/GRAW, nothing, nothing, nothing HEY GUYZ FULL AUTO/PREY IZ GRATE!, nothing, actual releases like Dead Rising and Saints Row, Microsoft finally puts out 1st party games, current 360 goodness. The Wii still has too many mini game games in the first four months for me to feel really confident about what the Wii will do in keeping interest high. If Nintendo can hold interest until Metroid, they're gravy. The problem is is that Wii Play isn't Wii Sports, Sonic "sounds" shallow, Cooking Mama is another mini game game, and SSX Blur could end up being a disaster given how poorly Tony Hawk has done. I'm cautiously optimistic, but Nintendo could isolate a lot of interested gamers if they can't put out another game that approaches the type of experince Zelda was (something that can be played hours on end).
DS started out very slowly as well, and took about a year or so to really take off.

We can only hope the same happens to the Wii. Once the DS took off, there is no looking back, amazing games every month - I hope the Wii will be the same.
True. The DS didn't face the competition of an established handheld though. Even though the 360 stands at substantially more then the Wii, it does a lot more things better then the PSP did over the DS. I'm just worried at the moment, that's all. I sincerely believe that Nintendo should have put more time into getting Mario Galaxy out earlier then Mario Party. Perhaps I'm just being paranoid though.
[quote name='gizmogc']PS3 launched 2 days before Wii...what games have come out for that? ANYTHING?[/QUOTE]

Which is exactly why I don't have a PS3...that, and I absolutely refuse to pay $600 for a damn game machine. Believe me, I love Nintendo, but I don't want the Wii to go the same route as the Gamecube.

People keep trotting out their games that they are excited about, but of all the games listed so far, only one or two interest me.
Well, even if the worst case scenario goes down and the Wii ends up a "Nintendo game player" only (with little to no third party support) it would still be a great system well worth my launch purchase. The Nintendo games this year ALONE would make it worth that. Of course I want to see it take off like the DS and get tons of support, but I won't be horribly upset if that doesn't happen. I will end up with a PS3 or Xbox 360 in addition to it regardless (simply because I do want some HD gaming) - it will just be a matter of which I end up playing more (right now if I were to get a 360 I'd probably play the Wii 4-to-1 vs the 360, with maybe a little surge for the 360 at first since it would be new to me).
Here's a little IGN article on the Wii's "Most Anticipated Titles for 2007":

There's a few on there I hadn't even heard of (No More Heroes and Disaster - well, OK, I've heard of the latter, but knew nothing about it). They don't even mention Super Paper Mario. There are top 10 lists from 2 guys there (with much overlap of course). Both of those combined are a nice set of games - and as the second guy points out, there are sure to be some surprises from Nintendo before the end of the year.

Edit - whoops, Super Paper Mario is on one of the lists :oops:

Here's a nice quote from the first guy:

It's funny, I really wanted to add two or three secret, still-unannounced Wii projects to this list, but knew I'd never be able to get away with it. Even without those titles, though, it was incredibly difficult to come up with a roster of just 10 Wii games that I'm excited about through the end of the year. I probably could have easily whipped up 20 or maybe even 30 projects - all of which will hit in the next 12 months.

Damn, I want to know what the 2 or 3 secret ones are - what a rat bastard for teasing us like that!
[quote name='Rusty Ghia']
People keep trotting out their games that they are excited about, but of all the games listed so far, only one or two interest me.[/QUOTE]


Right now out of confirmed games, only Metroid Prime 3, Mario Galaxy, Super Paper Mario and Super Smash Bros: Brawl have me really excited.

There are a few more I have an eye on like Sonic etc.

But I'm not dissapointed yet as consoles always suck the first year. I expect the Wii to be like the DS and be pretty crappy in terms of games I personally like for the first year or so, and really pick up steam in it's second holiday season and then keep on trucking.
[quote name='io']Damn, I want to know what the 2 or 3 secret ones are - what a rat bastard for teasing us like that![/QUOTE]

Nintendo's pretty smart with what they're doing. They've definitely got some *huge* guns in their arsenal for Christmas '07. Taking two holiday seasons in row is going to be massive, and given the current course, there's no reason why they shouldn't overtake the 360 by early '08.
[quote name='Ace-Of-War']Don't forget BRAWL you guys!

VERY excited about that one, I also hope HAL has a Kirby game lined up soon. Kirby seems like it would be great fun on the Wii.[/QUOTE]

i just don't think this game will make it out this year.
[quote name='schuerm26']It is truly amazing how people can find negative in absolutely everything. Unbelievable.

Godfather, SSX Blur, The Bigs, Bust A Move Bash, Tiger Woods, Prince of Persia Rival Swords, Blazing Angels, Cooking Mama Cook Off, Legend of The Dragon, Heatseeker, Mortal Kombat Armageddon, Dragon Quest Swords, Alien Syndrome.

Im assuming you are thinking those will all be crap?[/QUOTE]

I dont know Mortal Kombat has the stigma of a one night stand that may have given you herpes.
[quote name='Apossum']i just don't think this game will make it out this year.[/QUOTE]

Brawl? Yeah, it will, but not towards the end. Maybe a November release? I was kinda hoping they would do it like the Cube launch...a month or so after.
I guess this will be the first exclusive Wii game I actually will want! I basically agree exactly with dmaul, those 4 titles, Metroid, Galaxy, Smash, Paper Mario, are the ones I want for sure. As well as Fire Emblem though. Sonic I'm looking at as well... so ya once those come out, I'll get a Wii...
Good to know that there's something coming out in the semi-near future... definitely picking this one up since it looked like it had a lot of potential at E3 last year.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']In other news, they are still releasing Genesis games, too.[/QUOTE]

And that has to do with Super Paper Mario how?
I almost got excited about this, but then I remembered to do peek at my Nintendo Time Conversation chart, and as we all know, "April" means "September".

Seriously, maybe it'll actually hit sometime between the Vernal Equinox and Summer Solstice, but I wasn't expecting this title anytime in 2007 at all, so even December 31st would be okay in my book.
I would disregard all that. They're probably just 'staying the course' until they officially announce it for the Wii, for whatever reason. The 'cube is dead. Sorry.
It was announced a while ago that it's scrapped on the cube and going on the Wii instead. Too lazy to find source to back up claim.
Well, only reason I asked is because an earlier thread where some people posted that it came back and would come out on GC first.

I'm just wondering why line ups for everything but the PS2 and 360 look so sad.
bread's done