Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Gen. Discussion & Info

Wow. I can't say I'm surprised to see Sonic, but I am surprised to see him this soon. I was expecting Nintendo to keep it hush-hush until the game's release. With this early of an announcement, I wonder if there's any way they can top it?

As much as I'm disappointed by the delay, they're delaying an epic game to hopefully make it more awesome than it already is. I just hope I don't have to wait too long to see it.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']What the hell are you talking about? I see an Ike after Lucas, but thats it.[/quote]well that's whatI was asking. I'm not too familiar with Fire Emblem. Once they're off the RSS feed I forget'em. I already forgot Lyn was a trophy and not a character
I wasn't getting this game. I didn't even pay that much attention to the updates other than to satisfy my curiosity. Now, however, I have decided to get this game as it will be host to the most epic, most anticipated battle in console mascot history. Mario vs Sonic. Simply amazing.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']100 pages? Should we get a new thread?[/quote]It's only 40 pages on my end.

Bump your posts per page to 50 like all the cool kids.
Holy catfish. With all the downplay of this I was hearing...and since rumors have abounded since Melee that Sonic was going to be in a Smash Bros game, I more or less ignored this. Wow, add another reason for me to be getting Brawl when it comes out.
For them releasing Sonic early and delaying the game could mean that they are going to reveal even more Sonic stuff, maybe a stage, music, trophies, or even more characters. But that could be pushing it. Anyone up for tails or knuckles in the game too? Though there's already a Fox in the game.
Knux and Tails would be amazing. It'd be awesome to see a battle of Sonic & Tails v. Mario & Luigi...perhaps a no-holds barred match between Knux and Wario. Oh...the possibilities.

My dream characters would be to include Sonic, Megaman, Earthworm Jim, Spyro, Jak, and Crash Bandicoot. If only...
Wait, is it just me, or do I smell something fishy?

I bet Sakurai made a special agreement for including Sonic. Like if players ever pit Mario and Sonic against each other, Sonic automatically loses.

But yeah, Sonic is awesome by himself, but it'd make it awesomertastic if he had a crew with him. WURD.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']This is the lamest fucking thing in history. I never want to see Sonic ever again, as long as I live. :([/quote]

Living with mommy still?:booty:
[quote name='dallow']Why Spyro? I never understood why people enjoyed his games.[/QUOTE]
Never really enjoyed or cared for the games...I just like the idea of fighting Yoshi against a crazy mini-purple dragon. That's really about the only reason I have.
[quote name='dudecool320']Living with mommy still?:booty:[/QUOTE]
No, I just don't like recent Sonic stuff, and I really can't stand to see his current personification, because I find it to be just incredibly irritating.
[quote name='option.iv']For them releasing Sonic early and delaying the game could mean that they are going to reveal even more Sonic stuff, maybe a stage, music, trophies, or even more characters. But that could be pushing it. Anyone up for tails or knuckles in the game too? Though there's already a Fox in the game.[/QUOTE]
There will almost certainly be a Sonic stage, probably something based off the Green Hills (Is that the right name?). As for characters, now that Sonic is confirmed I would not be surprised at all to see at least Tails or Knuckles in it, or even Robotnik.

As for other characters, people might as well give up on hopes of seeing characters like Earthworm Jim in there. I don't imagine it would ever happen. More likely are some classic Japanese game characters that Nintendo has a relationship with. Since we have Snake, seeing a Belmont would not be too surprising (especially since Samus has the whip mechanic). I think Mega Man could be in there, but who knows? I don't want to see it deluded with too many 3rd party characters. This is, after all, a Nintendo title.

Though, one though did cross my mind. With Snake in it as a precedent, and Bungie recently leaving MS...hmmm....
Delay = Boo!
Sonic = Yay!
Online Co-op = Double yay!

Those of you holding out hope that the game will be delayed in Japan but not here....Don't kid yourselves.
[quote name='elwood731']There will almost certainly be a Sonic stage, probably something based off the Green Hills (Is that the right name?). As for characters, now that Sonic is confirmed I would not be surprised at all to see at least Tails or Knuckles in it, or even Robotnik.

As for other characters, people might as well give up on hopes of seeing characters like Earthworm Jim in there. I don't imagine it would ever happen. More likely are some classic Japanese game characters that Nintendo has a relationship with. Since we have Snake, seeing a Belmont would not be too surprising (especially since Samus has the whip mechanic). I think Mega Man could be in there, but who knows? I don't want to see it deluded with too many 3rd party characters. This is, after all, a Nintendo title.

Though, one though did cross my mind. With Snake in it as a precedent, and Bungie recently leaving MS...hmmm....[/quote]

I mean Sephiroth vs. Gannon would be amazing!

I bet the game will be delayed to March or something.

I remember that cover! I think I may have had that issue. You are my hero.

I've given up on anything good and new in regards to Earthworm Jim years ago...but a guy can still dream, can't he?
[quote name='elwood731']I think Mega Man could be in there, but who knows? [/QUOTE]

If there is another 3rd party character I would definitely put my money on Megaman. Nintendo and Capcom have pretty strong ties.
I played the first Sonic the Hedgehog on SEGA a long long time ago and never really touched the series again after that. Secret Rings doenst really interest me and I could take or leave Sonic being a member of the Smash bros. crew.
Sonic actually looks like a lot of fun to play, with the spin dash and everything. Could be a really top tier character if he's as fast as he should be. Good job for making sonic cool again!

This game just keeps looking better and better! Love the shadow moses stage and the destructible stages. This game might just have the best soundtrack ever.
[quote name='Pancake Rabbit']If there is another 3rd party character I would definitely put my money on Megaman. Nintendo and Capcom have pretty strong ties.[/quote]Yeah I'm thinking Nintendo will include a Capcom character in Brawl. Since they already have a Konami and Sega character, they might as well use a character from the other 2 big Japanese publishers, Capcom and Square Enix.
I don't think they could include Cloud, as far as I know he's never appeared on a Nintendo platform (unless he was in the Kingdom Hearts GBA game, I never played it).
Personally I'm hoping for Chrono or Sora.
[quote name='Kaijufan']Yeah I'm thinking Nintendo will include a Capcom character in Brawl. Since they already have a Konami and Sega character, they might as well use a character from the other 2 big Japanese publishers, Capcom and Square Enix.[/quote]

My money would be on a Chocobo from squeenix, or a Moogle.
Is this delay stuff a rumor or has it been confirmed? /pissed because he owns a japanese wii =( I hope the US one does not get delayed. I bet they're delaying it just to push Mario a bit more for the holidays.
Cloud/Tidus palette swaps would be amazing. Sort of like Fox/Falco.

I think Japan would explode if that came true.
[quote name='Kaijufan']I don't think they could include Cloud, as far as I know he's never appeared on a Nintendo platform (unless he was in the Kingdom Hearts GBA game, I never played it).
Personally I'm hoping for Chrono or Sora.[/quote]

Yup, he was.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']No, I just don't like recent Sonic stuff, and I really can't stand to see his current personification, because I find it to be just incredibly irritating.[/quote]I haven't liked the personification since Sonic and Knuckles.. but hey at least S. Rush was a good game. Sonic was best when he was fast but not EXTREME and he fought his robotizied friend Dr. Eggman.

[quote name='pittpizza']I played the first Sonic the Hedgehog on SEGA a long long time ago and never really touched the series again after that.[/quote]Whoa man. You need to get a copy of Sonic 2. Sonic 2 was a GREAT game. An awesome improvement and quite frankly personal fav to many of us who hate the constantly expanding character roster in the sonicverse.

Boo to Sonic restarting all the "[insert character here] should be in Brawl" talk.
When did they start calling Doctor Robotnik Doctor Eggman? or is it a localization thing they eventually changed back..? like Dragon Warrior Vs Dragon Quest?

Edit: Either way eggman is a stupid name.
[quote name='Wolfkin']
Boo to Sonic restarting all the "[insert character here] should be in Brawl" talk.[/quote]

If Bubsy isn't in Brawl, I will never even play the game!
[quote name='BattleChicken']When did they start calling Doctor Robotnik Doctor Eggman? or is it a localization thing they eventually changed back..? like Dragon Warrior Vs Dragon Quest?[/QUOTE]
He was Eggman from the get go in Japan. When they brought over Sonic Adventure, they started using Eggman and Robotnick interchangably. Now they more or less do it that way.
[quote name='Theduck']Is this delay stuff a rumor or has it been confirmed? /pissed because he owns a japanese wii =( I hope the US one does not get delayed. I bet they're delaying it just to push Mario a bit more for the holidays.[/QUOTE]
Yes, it's confirmed to be delayed 'til January 28, 2008 for Japan, and though Nintendo of America hasn't actually issued a statement, anyone with any sense can deduce that there's no chance of it reaching the US anytime before that, either.

And I really doubt they're delaying it as a ploy to get Mario Galaxy more attention. I doubt they're expecting that Brawl will sell any better in January/February than it would in December, or that many people would pass on Brawl for Galaxy instead.

[quote name='Wolfkin']Boo to Sonic restarting all the "[insert character here] should be in Brawl" talk.[/QUOTE]
Seriously. It's like when when the Firefly fan outcry got Serenity made, or when that "Save Jericho" outcry/petition worked, suddenly, every obscure fanbase was determined that they could get their favorite canceled show resurrected, because those couple of one-in-a-million shots actually paid off. Now that Sonic is in Brawl, we're in for months of noisy speculation about every ridiculous character people want in the game, and who they often truly believe will be in there, "because it has Sonic in it so anything's possible!"


[quote name='botticus']This whole confrontational deal you have about everything is kind of annoying, you know?[/QUOTE] with it?
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Seriously. It's like when when the Firefly fan outcry got Serenity made, or when that "Save Jericho" outcry/petition worked, suddenly, every obscure fanbase was determined that they could get their favorite canceled show resurrected, because those couple of one-in-a-million shots actually paid off. Now that Sonic is in Brawl, we're in for months of noisy speculation about every ridiculous character people want in the game, and who they often truly believe will be in there, "because it has Sonic in it so anything's possible!"[/quote]

Let us dream!
bread's done