Super Street Fighter II Turbo: HD Remix (Now w/ Friends List & Game Nights!)

[quote name='JEKKI']hay Paco I tried sending u a friend request but seniorlulz was invalid -_-[/quote]

You did it wrong. It's Senior_LULZ you forgot the underscore
Wow am I terrible! I hadn't really played much of any fighting games other than the Smash Bros series since SF2 Champion Edition on Genesis and I am just getting crushed by everyone including the computer. Still a fun game though, but I went like 1-9 online earlier.
I will HURT YOU for being Scrubyukens one and all! Ahaha. I just demolished some Scrubyukens with Balrog.
GGs trajin man.

I'm not exactly sure about this, but I think you can land a super after Bison's jumping strong juggles
Don't forget folks, today is Tournament Day @ 4 pm pst. Make sure to post here and register PSN buddies from the list if you want in.

Edit: Btw, is anyone else facing issues when they try to access Scoreboards > Remixed Scoreboard > Friends? My PS3 ALWAYS locks up. Needs patching maybe?
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Got a buddy coming in so I won't be able to play in this tournament. However, I'm going to pick it up and try to get in if there are any more.
yeay, my system freezes when I try ti access Friends Scoreboard...

anyway tourney is a no go for me today,

becoz I'm going to a HD Remix tournament... like at an actual arcade against non-online foolz =P
[quote name='m_d_amore']just make sure everyone is on your list and make match private . then send invites[/QUOTE]

That's not the problem. People are getting trigger happy, which makes matches start sooner and with less people. Plus, some people are getting disconnected.

We NEED only 1 tournament. That means only 1 HOST. Stop trying to host one another! :bomb: I'll be hosting.

Here's who's online at the moment:
1. evergoo
2. freakyzeeky
3. asianxcore
4. mdam0re
5. zombieburger
6. rataxico
7. miyamotofreak
8. Senior_LULZ

NOTE TO SELF: We need designated hosts for tomorrow.
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Evergoo, I wasn't trying to host...mostly just trying to check our connection.

When you sent me an invite, it would load then kick me back to the selection screen. Sorry. Shit sucks.
Get on AIM guys or at least post what's going on right now. I believe Senior_LULZ is hosting a lot of people right now.

Zombieburger and I are just sitting here waiting for to play CAGs. There's something going on w/ SF2's servers which is causing all these disconnects.
I sent too many people packing because of my Balrog. I've fought so many Ryu/Ken players that it gives me extra fuel to knock their lights out.
OK I just got this yesterday. I'll play with you guys but I'm a but rusty.

Not sure if you guys post this but my primary characters are E.Honda, Dhalsim, and Balrog. But I will choose Random just for fun :)

Headset: Yes
Fighting Stick: when it decides to co-operate lol
Might be on later. Played some single player to get the feel back, it's been so long!

Still probably not up to par, though, and MvC2 has definitely programmed me for a different play style.
I kept on trying to get on evergoo's host, but after 3 times of it failing to connect, gave up, but then got some games in with are definitely are good with Balrog. I should be on later today if anyone is interested in playin some games.
[quote name='evergoo']For those claiming to be 'in', you better follow the format!

Are you a mod or some other person of leadership here and I'm just unaware of this heirarchy? If your answer to that is "no" then chill out. SSF2 is not your pet project and this is not your pet thread. Don't be a buzzkill and boss people around over a PSN game.

I don't think anyone minds that you want to organize/host some of these, but don't be lame and not let people in for not doing things exactly how you want it. If people want to play, let them play.
[quote name='cartman58']Are you a mod or some other person of leadership here and I'm just unaware of this heirarchy? If your answer to that is "no" then chill out. SSF2 is not your pet project and this is not your pet thread. Don't be a buzzkill and boss people around over a PSN game.

I don't think anyone minds that you want to organize/host some of these, but don't be lame and not let people in for not doing things exactly how you want it. If people want to play, let them play.[/QUOTE]

If you couldn't tell by my post, I was joking around. Sorry if it came out the wrong way but those who know me on CAG know whether or not I am kidding around or being serious.

Like every other organized thread involving lists, formats help OPs organize better. For example, posting in the format makes scanning several pages a whole lot easier on the eyes. No one is required to follow the format if they don't want to and everyone is free to play.

Anyways, cheer up before I rock you in this game for your harsh harsh words. ;)
If you couldn't tell, that was a joke.
[quote name='evergoo']If you couldn't tell by my post, I was joking around. Sorry if it came out the wrong way but those who know me on CAG know whether or not I am kidding around or being serious.[/quote]

Ahh, cool. Online joking or levels of seriousness are hard to tell online. Since I hadn't seen you prior to this thread I didn't know. Even if you were serious I wasn't trying to be a dick to you.
I got my headset working!


headset YES

I might be in today, we'll see if I gotta do something else tho
We need hosts so that each of us doesn't receive a buttload of invites from one another. :lol:

Does anyone wanna volunteer to host? My connection seems to create problems for some of you so I might be banned from hosting. :whistle2:(
bread's done