Super Street Fighter IV - Arcade Edition DLC Out Now & Retail Disc Out Now!

[quote name='BackInBlack']Thanks For the Boxer U1 help Tom.[/QUOTE]
No prob. Hopefully that clarified things and you'll be juggling in no time.
Apologies, lolwut. Never had an issue with my connection in terms of XBL before, so I don't know what's going on. Looking at my router right now. Last time I checked, the NAT was open without issue, and then someone popped into my lobby and rocked the shit out of me.

So I'm looking around.

Edit: Believe I've fixed it. We'll try again soon.
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Not sure which is worse being hopelessly addicted to this game or realizing that I may never pass the B rank barrier. Currently a "B" but have gone back and forth from "C+" to a "B". Out of curiosity what is everyone's online rank?
So, I can't do my super/ultra for Ken etc.
But charge characters like Guile are now easy.

I even went to training, isn't Ken's
d,df,f,d,df,f+p? Because that's what I did and it didn't come out.
Arcade release is a few weeks away, but this might mean we'll be seeing AE DLC pretty soon...

Hey its amazing... It will be rocking in next few days. But I have a game GTA pink city. Its good but some time it gives problem. I am not able to find the way where the next stage will be start??????
[quote name='BackInBlack']3S online is coming out, I'm indifferent to whether or not the dlc makes it to consoles. If it doesn't, cool, we still get 3SO.[/QUOTE]

I'd like to see the DLC, especially if there are more characters aside from Yun & Yang. The worst part about those achievements is if they are true, Urien is looking less and less likely for AE DLC :cry:.

As for 3rd Strike Online - I think it's going to be the best game that I'm terrible at :lol:. Nah but seriously, I'm very excited about it. I think we have at least a year or more before it comes out though.

[quote name='kevlar51']I haven't played this in a while. Are the only people left online experts?[/QUOTE]
There's still a decent community. I'd say everyone is like intermediate or higher. Join in with the CAGs, we can teach you.
[quote name='MtlTom']I'd like to see the DLC, especially if there are more characters aside from Yun & Yang. The worst part about those achievements is if they are true, Urien is looking less and less likely for AE DLC :cry:.

As for 3rd Strike Online - I think it's going to be the best game that I'm terrible at :lol:. Nah but seriously, I'm very excited about it. I think we have at least a year or more before it comes out though.

There's still a decent community. I'd say everyone is like intermediate or higher. Join in with the CAGs, we can teach you.[/QUOTE]

As much as I wanted Urien, Seth fills the "naked dude" quota.
samual: wtf m8?

Roses: Yeah.. I don't know I might get it.. I guess it depends on what type of visual enhancements they make. I know it's not going to be an HD Remix.. but they should try to spruce it up somehow. I'm surprised there's somewhat of an influx of interest in 3SO when no one ever played 3S from SF:AE on Xbox Live.
I just picked this shit up and am a total noob. I can't even manage to string together the combos in the trial mode half the time.

What are good characters to start with, if there even are better/worse characters to start with, and are there any websites or youtube videos that are good to watch so I can get a better handle on combos and all that?

I'd be more than happy to get my ass handed to me in the process of learning the ropes.
[quote name='RichMeisterMan']I just picked this shit up and am a total noob. I can't even manage to string together the combos in the trial mode half the time.

What are good characters to start with, if there even are better/worse characters to start with, and are there any websites or youtube videos that are good to watch so I can get a better handle on combos and all that?

I'd be more than happy to get my ass handed to me in the process of learning the ropes.[/QUOTE]
1) Ryu is probably the most "fundamental" character. At the same time, there are a billion Ryus out there so everyone knows most of his tricks. I'd say play with whoever you feel the most comfortable with and just stick with it.


3)If you wanna play with other CAGs, add CAG Fighter IV. We usually play Wendesday nights.

I hope this helps!

New episode of The Excellent Adventures of Gootecks & Mike Ross with Combofiend. Probably one of the best yet.
Ok, this SF and fighting game in general noob is finally getting a copy thanks to warehouse deals. Prepare for decimation! ;^) No, really, I'll be playing the single player and figuring out if I'll ever get halfway decent at this game before venturing online and being pulverized into submission.
I'm always up for playing street fighter but don't know too many people that play. What time does everyone usually get on? My gt is Kurayami Kensei if anyone is interested in playing sometime.
I'm terrible at this game! If anyone needs a practice punching bag on the entry level, feel free to friend request me! Will friend cag fighter iv too.
I accepted/added a bunch of people to CAG Fighter IV. If you see me on, hit me up. Maybe we can get a CAG session going this week.
Good to see a lot of people recently posting that they are bad. I just opened this up today and it's fun, but I had to give up on Arcade mode halfway through with C.Viper. Abel was wrecking me. :(

I also tried a random online match just to see how bad I was and a guy with T.Hawk was literally toying with me. Pretty annoying. I'd rather just have him perfect me than hear his stupid taunt and let me beat him once.

I've gotten most of Viper's specials down (forget her 2nd ultra combo though, the one in the air...jesus, haha), but I'm having difficulty stringing stuff together. I haven't played a fighting game semi-seriously since MvC2 for Dreamcast though. A bit rusty!
[quote name='ubernes']Good to see a lot of people recently posting that they are bad. I just opened this up today and it's fun, but I had to give up on Arcade mode halfway through with C.Viper. Abel was wrecking me. :(

I also tried a random online match just to see how bad I was and a guy with T.Hawk was literally toying with me. Pretty annoying. I'd rather just have him perfect me than hear his stupid taunt and let me beat him once.

I've gotten most of Viper's specials down (forget her 2nd ultra combo though, the one in the air...jesus, haha), but I'm having difficulty stringing stuff together. I haven't played a fighting game semi-seriously since MvC2 for Dreamcast though. A bit rusty![/QUOTE]

Wanna play a couple games? I get toyed with online too, so I usually don't bother playing online unless it's like a private match :p
[quote name='chickenbutt']Wanna play a couple games? I get toyed with online too, so I usually don't bother playing online unless it's like a private match :p[/QUOTE]

Hah, yeah, I was mainly doing it for the achievement. I'd be down to play today or tomorrow. I'm around most of the day. I've already worked up the start of a blister on my thumb. The gamepad I got is pretty rough haha.
I'd like to play a few games with you guys too. I'm bad as well, I've never been able to beat Seth(the last guy) in Arcade on Normal so...yeah! Total scrub but still have fun with it! Let me know if we might be able to get a few matches tonight during the usual fight night(dunno if it's happening or not tonight?)
[quote name='WTPolaris']I'd like to play a few games with you guys too. I'm bad as well, I've never been able to beat Seth(the last guy) in Arcade on Normal so...yeah! Total scrub but still have fun with it! Let me know if we might be able to get a few matches tonight during the usual fight night(dunno if it's happening or not tonight?)[/QUOTE]

tonight I went through and beat it on Easy. :roll: it was pretty...easy for the most part. but Balrog gave me a TON of trouble in the rival match. his reach is just insane and I was using Dudley so Balrog was the perfect counter. I probably tried 15 times, maybe even more but finally beat him and then downed Seth in one try haha, but again, on Easy. I'm working my way up! :bouncy:
Hey guys.. if anyone wants to get some games in let me know... I was waiting on renewing my XBL but I think I'm ready now. :]
It's good to see there's some fresh blood getting into SSF4. You guys are all more than welcome to join in Wednesday night. I added a few of you to CAG Fighter IV so send a message to my gamertag if you want to play.

[quote name='BackInBlack']I finally got a capture card.[/QUOTE]
So does that mean you can record your ragequits now? :bouncy:
[quote name='MtlTom']It's good to see there's some fresh blood getting into SSF4. You guys are all more than welcome to join in Wednesday night. I added a few of you to CAG Fighter IV so send a message to my gamertag if you want to play.

So does that mean you can record your ragequits now? :bouncy:[/QUOTE]

Do you use Zangief?
[quote name='chickenbutt']Do you use Zangief?[/QUOTE]
Not really, but I do use T. Hawk. My main is Balrog but I've started picking up a few other characters recently.
[quote name='MtlTom']Not really, but I do use T. Hawk. My main is Balrog but I've started picking up a few other characters recently.[/QUOTE]

Oh alright. I was assuming you use Zangief cause you have Tager as your picture and they seem like similar characters to me. Don't really like playing against Zangiefs.
T.Hawk is a character I also have been using lately. I can't wait for AE, I hear he is a getting a new move and some buffs.(correct me if I'm wrong as I've not been keeping up with the street fighter news that much.)
I have this game, but stashed away for now as I've got other stuff to play and I don't like to overwhelm my kids with video games, whether for them or not (as in this case). Anyway, I will join the ranks, but not right now. Maybe in a month or so. Then I'll probably sell the game once I rediscover that I'm no good at these fighting games. I can't even play Super Smash Bros so I have no idea why I think I'll do better at this one. :)
[quote name='chickenbutt']Oh alright. I was assuming you use Zangief cause you have Tager as your picture and they seem like similar characters to me. Don't really like playing against Zangiefs.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, I play Tager in BlazBlue but don't really like Gief. Unless it's trolling with nj. headbutt :lol:

[quote name='F1ngers of fury']T.Hawk is a character I also have been using lately. I can't wait for AE, I hear he is a getting a new move and some buffs.(correct me if I'm wrong as I've not been keeping up with the street fighter news that much.)[/QUOTE]
He had a few of his hitboxes buffed, and a major buff on his U2. Unfortunately I think it's still an uphill battle for him.

[quote name='crunchewy'] Anyway, I will join the ranks, but not right now. Maybe in a month or so. Then I'll probably sell the game once I rediscover that I'm no good at these fighting games. I can't even play Super Smash Bros so I have no idea why I think I'll do better at this one. :)[/QUOTE]
I'd say now is as good a time as any, especially with some newer CAGs joining the ranks. In a month from now Marvel vs Capcom 3 will out and I'm sure a lot of people will be moving on to that....

I'm down for games this Wenesday. Although I do want to knock out a few Reach challenges first for the weekly challenge.
[quote name='MtlTom']

So does that mean you can record your ragequits now? :bouncy:[/QUOTE]

I'm not sure if I'm even keeping this capture card now, i may use an alternative. Yes, if i set my new device for live recording I can. I dont ragequit though, i dont want random xbl scrubs to own my soul.
I would like to join this. My GT: Greatdark1 , i used to play sf4 often but ssf4 seems very different so im a noob again. If anyone wants to play just shoot a message or invite.
[quote name='greatdark']I would like to join this. My GT: Greatdark1 , i used to play sf4 often but ssf4 seems very different so im a noob again. If anyone wants to play just shoot a message or invite.[/QUOTE]

Make sure to send a friend request to CAG Fighter IV.

I'm looking forward to this Wednesday - I've been jonsing to get back into some SSFIV. Noobs be warned, I have purchased the penny strategy guide and will be bringing the house and a healthy dose of fundamentals.
Just a reminder that the weekly fight night is tonight (1/5/11) at 9:00 pm EST. Your experience level doesn't matter. We're here to have fun matches, though if you want some pointers, experienced players will be on to help with friendly tips, but only if you want them.

It sounds like it will be a good mix of people tonight - bring friends!
bread's done