Surprisingly The Last Movie You Saw Didn't Suck Pt. 2

[quote name='elessar123']Tony Stark is Forge?[/QUOTE]

Huh. Now that you mention it... has anyone ever seen those two in the same room at one time? I think this calls for a thorough investigation! :p
[quote name='dmaul1114']whoknows probably has the worst opinions on CAG....that or he just loves trolling threads.

Anyway, just got back from seeing Iron Man 3 in 3D. Thought it was great. I love the series because it's a bit more plot driven and character focused than most super hero/comic movies outside of Nolan's Batman trilogy, and that's a lot more up my alley than most others that are mostly mindless popcorn action flicks. AKA enjoyable but entirely forgettable with little replay value.

So I didn't mind the lack of suit, panic attacks etc. as I like the series more for the Tony Stark character than the action. And besides that I thought there was still plenty off good action scenes.

It also had by far the best villain of the series so far. Guy Pearce nailed that role, and it was nice to have a villain that wasn't just a pissed off guy in another suit.

I'd still put Iron Man 1 as the best of the series by a small bit over this one. I definitely liked this better than the second one though--and I like the second one more than most apparently.[/QUOTE]

He was a pissed off guy that breathed fire, that's less exciting than a guy in a suit.

While I tend to not agree with whoknows, I really do agree with him in this regard. I think the exact opposite of dmaul, but that's because you don't seem to really like action or super hero movies, you like movies with more substance. I think this should have been marketed as a comedy because it is very funny, but I watch Marvel super hero movies to see big action sequences and all the ones in this movie were very lame when you compare it to the end of 2.
[quote name='tcrash247']
While I tend to not agree with whoknows, I really do agree with him in this regard. I think the exact opposite of dmaul, but that's because you don't seem to really like action or super hero movies, you like movies with more substance. I think this should have been marketed as a comedy because it is very funny, but I watch Marvel super hero movies to see big action sequences and all the ones in this movie were very lame when you compare it to the end of 2.[/QUOTE]

I do like action/super hero movies. They just aren't my favorite genre, thus I like stuff like this or the Nolan Batman movies a lot more than say The Avengers (which was still very good for what it is) as I find them a better blend of the action/super hero stuff along with the drama/character development stuff I enjoy in movies.

Just have to agree to disagree on the action scenes. Thought the ending fight in this was actually very similar to that in Iron Man 2. Iron Man 2 had a them fighting a bunch of robots and the main villain. This one had them fighting the main villain and his lackeys with a bunch of robots.
[quote name='dmaul1114']I do like action/super hero movies. They just aren't my favorite genre, thus I like stuff like this or the Nolan Batman movies a lot more than say The Avengers (which was still very good for what it is) as I find them a better blend of the action/super hero stuff along with the drama/character development stuff I enjoy in movies.

Just have to agree to disagree on the action scenes. Thought the ending fight in this was actually very similar to that in Iron Man 2. Iron Man 2 had a them fighting a bunch of robots and the main villain. This one had them fighting the main villain and his lackeys with a bunch of robots.[/QUOTE]
Was about to say this...

Not to mention that having the mansion being blown into the harbor wasn't exactly like watching paint dry.
[quote name='dohdough']
Not to mention that having the mansion being blown into the harbor wasn't exactly like watching paint dry.[/QUOTE]

Nor was the attack on Air Force One.

This was the only one of the Iron Man movies were it felt like there was a major threat to the world. The first just had his partner wanting to take over the business, and the second the rival arms manufacturer and a guy with a personal grudge.

Obviously the Avengers had a larger threat to the world, but nonetheless the threat here felt more epic than in the first two Iron Man movies and added to the drama.
[quote name='dmaul1114']I do like action/super hero movies. They just aren't my favorite genre, thus I like stuff like this or the Nolan Batman movies a lot more than say The Avengers (which was still very good for what it is) as I find them a better blend of the action/super hero stuff along with the drama/character development stuff I enjoy in movies.

Just have to agree to disagree on the action scenes. Thought the ending fight in this was actually very similar to that in Iron Man 2. Iron Man 2 had a them fighting a bunch of robots and the main villain. This one had them fighting the main villain and his lackeys with a bunch of robots.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I know what you're saying. I like The Avengers, Spiderman 1&2 and X-Men 1&2 more than Iron Man and Dark Knight because they're a lot more exciting and fun to me and I want to see constant hero vs. villain battles, that's what I look for in a super hero movie. I even really enjoyed the Fantastic Four movies, even though they were critically panned, they were fun and exciting. Dark Knight and Iron Man still have their rightful places, it's just a matter of opinion.

I guess my problem with the end fight in IM3 was a lot of stuff was going on in the background and the focus on Tony switching suits was kind of stupid to me. IM2 had him directly fighting all the bots in the air and then the epic battle with War Machine against the bots was awesome. Again, it's just personal opinion in what I find more exciting.

Just a matter of what one finds more entertaining. And whether pure entertainment is the only reason for watching a movie etc.

Sometimes it is for me and I just want to veg out and watch a mindless action flick or comedy, sometimes I want something more involving and go for a serious drama or documentary, others I want something in between that has some action and some decent story/character development. Just depends on what I'm in the mood for.
[quote name='dmaul1114']I do like action/super hero movies. They just aren't my favorite genre, thus I like stuff like this or the Nolan Batman movies a lot more than say The Avengers (which was still very good for what it is) as I find them a better blend of the action/super hero stuff along with the drama/character development stuff I enjoy in movies.[/QUOTE]
I share the same tastes, which is why Nolan's Batman (specifically TDK), was my favorite superhero movie of all time.

Avengers was good for what it was, but for me it was kind of meh.
[quote name='Lieutenant Dan']I share the same tastes, which is why Nolan's Batman (specifically TDK), was my favorite superhero movie of all time.

Avengers was good for what it was, but for me it was kind of meh.[/QUOTE]

I was just going through the intro of TDK, the heist scene and it is simply breathtaking. I do love the Avengers, I find it more entertaining than TDK but overall I'd edge it out to TDK as the better film, even though I prefer Joss over Nolan.

Anyhow following from my previous post I'm gonna rent Side Effects and possibly Safety Not Guaranteed, only because of Jake Johnson is in it and he's hilarious in New Girl. Anyhow hope they're both good.
[quote name='Lieutenant Dan']Avengers was good for what it was, but for me it was kind of meh.[/QUOTE]
I felt the same way about Thor. I guess I'm just not impressed by EPIC ACTION anymore.
Rewatched T2 for the first time in probably 10+ years. It remains a classic that should've probably ended the Terminator movies. It was especially fun because after so much time, although I knew the general plot, there were little pieces that I had forgotten about.
I first saw Terminator 2 when it aired in syndication. I only saw a few parts, mostly Sarah Connor freaking out and kicking ass. I bought the DVD on sale a few years ago, and I loved the movie. Did you not cry tears when this T-1000 died?
[quote name='detectiveconan16']I first saw Terminator 2 when it aired in syndication. I only saw a few parts, mostly Sarah Connor freaking out and kicking ass. I bought the DVD on sale a few years ago, and I loved the movie. Did you not cry tears when this T-1000 died?[/QUOTE]

You mean Arnold? He was the T-800. T-1000 was the liquid metal guy.
[quote name='Halo05']Rewatched T2 for the first time in probably 10+ years. It remains a classic that should've probably ended the Terminator movies. It was especially fun because after so much time, although I knew the general plot, there were little pieces that I had forgotten about.[/QUOTE]

I don't want to sound like a Cameron fanboy but his movies do have an incredible staying power that makes them age well and retain a high re-watch value. Aliens, The Abyss, Terminator 2, True Lies, Titanic, all great movies that hold up over multiple viewings through the years. (Now if that damn The Abyss would come out on blu ray already...)
Saw Django tonight. I thought it was good. The middle section -
beginning with the Mandingo fighting and ending with the killing of Candie
- had me captivated, but I felt the ending was sloppy with the whole
kill a bunch of slaveowners to rap music, get captured and almost have your junk cut off, revolt against austrailian slaveowners in the desert, Quentin Tarantino cameo, get the girl, blow up the house, do horse tricks...

It was really shaping up to be one of my favorites and I thought Tarantino just tried to do too much at the end.

8.2/10. Pulp Fiction remains my favorite Tarantino movie outside of Sin City (if you want to count that).
[quote name='detectiveconan16']I first saw Terminator 2 when it aired in syndication. I only saw a few parts, mostly Sarah Connor freaking out and kicking ass. I bought the DVD on sale a few years ago, and I loved the movie. Did you not cry tears when this T-1000 died?[/QUOTE]

No shit true story - I was about 13 when the movie first came out and I went to see it in the theater with my Mom. Not sure how I got her to agree to see it but whatevs. Not crying at the very end was very, very challenging.

And man did I ever think that John Conner was the coolest kid of all time.
Just watched The Lincoln Lawyer. Good movie. Never expected it to suck.

Ive seen very few court drama films, and i feel like ive seen something similar to lincoln lawyer before. It may not be original, but it was still enjoyable.

Also what the hell is up with Matthew McCounehey (sp?)

Hes like a white LL Cool J.

Always smiling, always has mouth open like gawking, always lickin his lips, biting them too.

American Psycho- fantastic film. It's just disgusting how they let Bateman get away with all of that because HE would tarnish their veneers. It's kinda like "I don't wanna get involved" dialed all the way up, and it's not because of bodily harm.

Clue- Pretty fun movie, and after watching the Psych episode, got all the jokes.
Moonrise Kingdom was decent, though I'm not that well-versed on the Wes Anderson catalogue.

One of the weirdest things I've seen in any film was
the awkward beach kiss/grope scene between two 12-year olds (12 in the movie and IRL). In the context of the movie I guess it was okay, but I couldn't help thinking that these kids were being paid to say things like "I think it's hard" and to feel each other up.

[quote name='detectiveconan16']American Psycho- fantastic film. It's just disgusting how they let Bateman get away with all of that because HE would tarnish their veneers. It's kinda like "I don't wanna get involved" dialed all the way up, and it's not because of bodily harm.

Clue- Pretty fun movie, and after watching the Psych episode, got all the jokes.[/QUOTE]

Or Bateman just thought it all up in his head.
These are the movies my wife and I have seen in the theater so far in May.

Iron Man 3 -- 3/5
I think we all know the problems with this movie. My biggest complaint was making the audience wait 7+ minutes for that worthless after credits scene.

The Place Beyond the Pines -- 3/5 (if it had been shorter 4/5)
The movie basically has three acts and the first two were great. The third felt unnecessary to me and made the movie drag out. They should have cut a big chunk of it out and the movie would have been better for it.

Star Trek Into Darkness -- 4/5
My wife and I really liked this movie as well. I hope the movie does well enough they make a third as both Star Trek movies have been very good.

The Hangover Part 3 -- 2/5
I really wanted to live this movie but it just wasn't that funny to me. Part of the problem was that they showed all the funny parts in the trailers. The other part was the fact nothing really happened other than a few big spots. Easily the worst of the 3 movies I thought. The post credits scene was the most funny part of the movie. I would have much rather watched the movie based on that scene than the movie we got.

Fast and Furious 6 -- 4/5
I enjoyed this one much more than I thought I would. Obviously it is a completely over the top ridiculous movie but that is what makes it good. The movie knows what it is and doesn't pretend to be anything else.

Epic -- 4/5
Really good animated movie, my wife and I enjoyed it as well as our kids. The 3D was good and it had a nice mix of action and comedy.

Next week we will probably go see After Earth to finish out May.
It's been a while since I've been on CAG. my no money and other real life stuff just made me want to stay away. But figured I saw a movie.. in theatres might as well hop back on the train


I liked Iron Man 3 ... I think. It was such a mixed bag I'm not sure how i feel. I should mention that I rewatched 1 and 2 and I never disliked 2. Even after rewatching I like it so I guess I like 3. My biggest problem was when Tony
threatened to kill the Mandarain on TV.
that just seemed jarringly dark in my opinion. Beyond that I had a few issues with some physics based stuff. Like if you're only wearing half your armor when you do a barrel roll on cement I kinda expect half your body to be a bloody mess. But beyond those nit picks I liked a lot of it. I didn't even pick up on the pepper as a damsel thing so maybe that says something about me but I liked the way she
wore the suit, and got to punch people
. I like the predictable villain and i kinda hope
that the actor becomes a real villain because that seems like something that would happen in comic books
[quote name='Lieutenant Dan']Moonrise Kingdom was decent, though I'm not that well-versed on the Wes Anderson catalogue.

One of the weirdest things I've seen in any film was
the awkward beach kiss/grope scene between two 12-year olds (12 in the movie and IRL). In the context of the movie I guess it was okay, but I couldn't help thinking that these kids were being paid to say things like "I think it's hard" and to feel each other up.


I've seen all but the Darjeeling Limited and I did find the sequence you mentioned weird, even for Wes Anderson. I remember critics loving it, I thought it was alright nothing special though.
The Dictator - 4/5 - I found the film to be incredibly hilarious. A little juvenile at points, but what comedy like this isn't? I also found the movie's cinematography and shooting to be overly exceptional given the genre of the film as a raunchy comedy. John C Reilly was awesome in his limited role.
Magic Mike was ok. If there was a message in the movie somewhere, then I missed it because to me the movie only seemed interested in telling a story. "Ordinary people doing what it takes to make ends meet" would be a more appropriate movie title.

The overprotective, motherly-sister was actually more weird than the male strippers oddly enough lol.
The Great Gatsby - It was good, but about 30 minutes too long. Really good cinematography and good performances from all the actors. The soundtrack was pretty bad, Jay-Z and Beyonce don't fit in with the 20's.
Texas Chainsaw 3D - supposed to be the true sequel to the original. Starts out decently enough, but tries to humanize Leatherface at the end which is one of the many problems w the leadup to the credits.

Lego Batman: The Movie DC Superheroes Unite - If you played the game, dont bother. it is basically the games cutscenes pieced together with a lil more work to make it all flow as a 70 min movie.
Quiz Show- Directed by Robert Redford. John Turturro, Ralph Fienes gave great performances. But I was surprised that the older brother in Numbers played Goodwin! He was pretty unrecognizable, pretty much like how Turturro does with his roles, but it must be the hair. The Quiz Show Scandals of the 1950s is an interesting topic, but like the comic book scandal of that time period, everybody will forget about it.

Pulp Fiction, I thought I saw it on DVD, but I guess it was so long ago I forgot! There's not much to say about the movie, but praise. After watching all those old films in the past several years, I've appreciated the little touches Mr. Tarantino put in the film, especially with plenty of homages to Kiss Me Deadly. I love that film too. The Marilyn Monroe impersonator gave me a little chuckle, as she was the hardest working waitress at the restaurant, and her actress really does make a living playing her. I saw her in a Quantum Leap episode.
Snitch - it was alright, was hoping there to me some action with the rock. Barry pepper was good in it, I'd give it a 6.5 out of 10. It did feel like it moved at a pretty slow pace, enough for me to check the time on a few occasions.
Fast & Furious 6 - If you like the series, no reason why you wouldn't like this. Highly entertaining.

So far from the Summer movies I've seen (I guess beginning of the Summer movie season was Iron Man 3?) I'd rank them

1. Star Trek Into Darkness
2. Fast & Furious 6

3. Iron Man 3
I think IM3 was my least favorite of the series. Not because of a lack of action or anything, it's just that Pierce was the worst villain of the series. It's not because of his acting ability either, it's just a badly written character. In fact the whole extremis thing I thought was pretty stupidly done. The moment he went Breathe of Fire I felt like the movie jumped the shark. Having Pepper get juiced up with extremis I thought was also rather ridiculous.
[quote name='Clak']I think IM3 was my least favorite of the series. Not because of a lack of action or anything, it's just that Pierce was the worst villain of the series. It's not because of his acting ability either, it's just a badly written character. In fact the whole extremis thing I thought was pretty stupidly done. The moment he went Breathe of Fire I felt like the movie jumped the shark. Having Pepper get juiced up with extremis I thought was also rather ridiculous.[/QUOTE]

My biggest problem with it was the whole Extremis plot line also. But IM3 is still better than 2 and the writing was great.
Star Trek-Into Darkness.

Saw it in 3D and loved it, as did the girlfriend. Even better than the last one which with both love. Great performances all around. 3D was very good as well, especially compared to Iron Man 3 were it wasn't all that great.

I'm pretty stoked to see what Abrams can do with Star Wars Episode 7 given the tremendous job he's done with the Star Trek series.
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[quote name='Clak']I think IM3 was my least favorite of the series. Not because of a lack of action or anything, it's just that Pierce was the worst villain of the series. It's not because of his acting ability either, it's just a badly written character. In fact the whole extremis thing I thought was pretty stupidly done. The moment he went Breathe of Fire I felt like the movie jumped the shark. Having Pepper get juiced up with extremis I thought was also rather ridiculous.[/QUOTE]

It's probably mine as well, and I wasn't a big fan of IM2. IM3 was just so disappointing. I honestly can't see even people who did like it not being at least a little disappointed with it.

I left the theater with a disappointed feeling. I left both Star Trek and Fast & Furious 6 feeling the complete opposite.
[quote name='detectiveconan16']Quiz Show- Directed by Robert Redford. John Turturro, Ralph Fienes gave great performances. But I was surprised that the older brother in Numbers played Goodwin! He was pretty unrecognizable, pretty much like how Turturro does with his roles, but it must be the hair. The Quiz Show Scandals of the 1950s is an interesting topic, but like the comic book scandal of that time period, everybody will forget about it.

Pulp Fiction, I thought I saw it on DVD, but I guess it was so long ago I forgot! There's not much to say about the movie, but praise. After watching all those old films in the past several years, I've appreciated the little touches Mr. Tarantino put in the film, especially with plenty of homages to Kiss Me Deadly. I love that film too. The Marilyn Monroe impersonator gave me a little chuckle, as she was the hardest working waitress at the restaurant, and her actress really does make a living playing her. I saw her in a Quantum Leap episode.[/QUOTE]

What comic book scandal?
The Great Gatsby.
I was going in expecting full-blown Baz Luhrman but it was pretty low key and I would even say slow in some parts. Not bad, but nothing to write home about.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Star Trek-Into Darkness.

Saw it in 3D and loved it, as did the girlfriend. Even better than the last one which with both love. Great performances all around. 3D was very good as well, especially compared to Iron Man 3 were it wasn't all that great.

I'm pretty stoked to see what Abrams can do with Star Wars Episode 7 given the tremendous job he's done with the Star Trek series.[/QUOTE]
I liked it as well, I did think some things were unnecessary or badly done. Kirk didn't need to be "killed" considering he's resuscitated a few scant minutes later. Trying to work in the opening narration from the series was kinda silly as well. That wasn't even a nod to TOS fans since everyone and their mother has probably heard that opening line.
Went and saw The Hangover 3 and 42 yesterday. The Hangover 3 wasn't really all that great honestly. I doubt I'd buy it to complete the trilogy when it hits blu ray. As for 42, that movie was so freaking great. That one I can't wait till it comes out on disc
Silver Linings Playbook. As painless as a chick flick is going to get. I enjoyed it and it scored me points with the wife.

Bradley Cooper always struck me as kind of a douche, but he's getting a lot of praise lately. I'm not ready to drink the kool-aid but he did a good job with this one. Seems like he's pulling a DiCaprio on me.
[quote name='Lieutenant Dan']Silver Linings Playbook. As painless as a chick flick is going to get. I enjoyed it and it scored me points with the wife.

Bradley Cooper always struck me as kind of a douche, but he's getting a lot of praise lately. I'm not ready to drink the kool-aid but he did a good job with this one. Seems like he's pulling a DiCaprio on me.[/QUOTE]

I base all of my opinions on what actors are like in real life with how they come off being interviewed on Howard Stern and Cooper seems like a genuinely cool and humble guy.

Acting wise, he's pretty solid. I've never found him to be terrible in any roll.
bread's done