Surprisingly The Last Movie You Saw Didn't Suck Pt. 2

You've got to be kidding. Pacific Rim is Del Toro's tribute to giant monster movies. The monsters are even called Kaiju. I don't know how more in your face that could be.
In the Godzilla movies, it was usually monster vs monster action with humans just being fodder. Evangelion focuses on a teenage boy recruited by an organization named NERV to control a giant cyborg called an Evangelion to fight monstrous beings known as Angels. The show takes place largely in a futuristic Tokyo years after a worldwide catastrophe. It also centers around other Evangelion pilots and members of NERV as they try to prevent another catastrophe.

Tell me which of those two sounds more like PR.

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In the Godzilla movies, it was usually monster vs monster action with humans just being fodder. Evangelion focuses on a teenage boy recruited by an organization named NERV to control a giant cyborg called an Evangelion to fight monstrous beings known as Angels. The show takes place largely in a futuristic Tokyo years after a worldwide catastrophe. It also centers around other Evangelion pilots and members of NERV as they try to prevent another catastrophe.

Tell me which of those two sounds more like PR.
Because evangelion is the only mechs vs monsters anime there is...

If anything I'd think stuff like robotech influenced him more aswell as the whole kaiju genre.

I don't think he'd be ashamed to admit if evangelion was an influence. Never seen it myself though so who knows.
The Wolverine.

I liked it well enough. I was surprised by how much of the movie Famke Janssen was actually in; I thought Jean would pop up in one quick dream sequence and then disappear but she was around for quite a while. From the trailers I also thought Yukio was going to end up being an annyoing sidekick but, well, I thought she stole the show. Was pleasantly surprised. 

The opening in WWII was pretty intense too, that might be my favorite scene. I do wish they would have made Logan mumble something along the lines of "Wait 'til Victor hears about this." just because Origins made it seem like they were inseparable during the various wars. Felt odd not to hear a mention, but I understand they wanted to separate this movie from the first one.

I am, however, bummed about
the bone claws. Yeah, his unexpected declawing made for an interesting moment where there was one big collective gasp in my theater, but I guess I just never really liked the idea of bone claws in the first place. It also makes me wonder about Days of Future Past and whether or not that downgrade will carry into it. It's easily explained away, I think - just one line about Magneto wrapping the claws in adamantium would suffice.

Also, regarding the after credits scene: The moment when everyone around Magneto and Logan froze in place apparently got one guy in the front row VERY excited. He also apparently never saw the X3 scene.

"Xavier?! But he's DEAD! He's dead! He DIED!"

*Xavier rolls up in his chair at top speed, navigating around people like they're traffic cones*

"NO WAY!!!" The easily excited man shouted, pumping his fist. It was hilarious.

Glengarry Glen Ross - Can't believe it took me this long to watch this one, a timeless movie. All the actors and the dialogue in this are awesome, shame they don't make them like this much these days. Baldwin, needless to say was amazing in his 10 minutes and as a fan of Pacino can't believe I never watched this one. 

I read the play during school, and man everybody is such a effin' dick, but then again they were a boiler room enterprise.

I stayed up and watched the French Connection II last night. Obviously it wasn't as good as the original, but it's because of the most memorable scene of Hackman chasing a train through the BMT line through Bensonhurst.  It showcased Paris quite well, from the grimy underbelly to the magnifique girls at the beach. I'd say it was also grosser than the last one, considering that they made Popeye a drug addict, and they had to show his recovery.

In the Godzilla movies, it was usually monster vs monster action with humans just being fodder. Evangelion focuses on a teenage boy recruited by an organization named NERV to control a giant cyborg called an Evangelion to fight monstrous beings known as Angels. The show takes place largely in a futuristic Tokyo years after a worldwide catastrophe. It also centers around other Evangelion pilots and members of NERV as they try to prevent another catastrophe.

Tell me which of those two sounds more like PR.
There are no teenage boys in Pacific Rim.

Godzilla movies do have robots piloted by humans (Mechagodzilla, Moguera, Mecha King Ghidorah), plus there are other giant monster movies that aren't Godzilla related that have such things as well. Even King Kong has a robot version that fights him.

I won't say there isn't the possibility of a little Evangelion inspiration being in it, because there probably is, but there's just as much Evangelion as there is Power Rangers in it. The biggest inspiration is giant monsters movies, I say this because Del Toro himself said it's a tribute to giant monster movies.

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Heathers - 3.5/5 The first half is better than the last half, a bit too over the top the last quarter. Winona Ryder is great and Christian Slater very good. 

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In the Godzilla movies, it was usually monster vs monster action with humans just being fodder. Evangelion focuses on a teenage boy recruited by an organization named NERV to control a giant cyborg called an Evangelion to fight monstrous beings known as Angels. The show takes place largely in a futuristic Tokyo years after a worldwide catastrophe. It also centers around other Evangelion pilots and members of NERV as they try to prevent another catastrophe.

Tell me which of those two sounds more like PR.
Evangelion was human psyche evaulation first and foremost and then a a giant humanoids versus giant humanoid (as proven with both the Angel's and EVA's being 99.99% human and both having souls) in a faaaaaaaaaaaar distant second. Hell, might even have religion in second if we're counting those movies and the ending as well. I Remember Shinji's nonstop whining about not having a place in the world more then I do the EVA's smashing shit.

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The Searchers

John Wayne is fucking awesome. He's a got a real larger than life persona and the movie is really good. There are the Clint Eastwood Spaghetti Westerns (Good, The Bad, and the Ugly) and then there are John Wayne Classic Westerns (Rio Bravo, The Man Who Shot Liberty Vallance). In the two films I've seen Wayne in, this and Liberty Vallance, he's surprisingly been showcased himself as being adept at playing flawed individuals. I expected something along the lines of an invincible Hulk Hogan but that hasn't been the case. 

The film itself is about a young girl whose been stolen by a group of rogue Comanche Native Americans and Wayne and a group of others trying to get her back. The story isn't as straightforward as it sounds in that there are a number of twists and turns make this a very, very entertaining affair. I definitely suggest checking it out. It's gorgeous!



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The Wolverine

It wasn't too bad, definitely not offensively bad like Origins was but it didn't do much for me. In particular, I just couldn't get past how the plot was basically just
Cobra (Stallone), Fair Game, or any other number of movies sharing the "guy and girl hit the road so he can keep her safe"
Justice League: Paradox Flashpoint- Really good, never seen a DC comic animated movie before, I should really look into others.
Flashpoint Paradox is my new favorite of the bunch, though Batman: Under the Red Hood is still a VERY close second. Superman Unbound is great too, and although it feels rushed in some parts, All-Star Superman is good as well.

Flashpoint was so good. I had a huge smile on my face the entire time.



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Finally saw Avatar. Looks great and the story was okay. Not as good as Cameron's The Abyss and the Terminator movies, but not a waste of time either.

Watching Tokyo Drift over the weekend.

Evil Dead II. Very gross, and darkly funny.  It seemed more like a remake of the original, kinda like what we see decades apart these days, but considering the timespan is shorter, I guess it's a revisioning and a jumping off point for Army of Darkness. I guess I could have more fun with the third movie, considering the first two weren't exactly my cup of tea.

Evil Dead II. Very gross, and darkly funny. It seemed more like a remake of the original, kinda like what we see decades apart these days, but considering the timespan is shorter, I guess it's a revisioning and a jumping off point for Army of Darkness. I guess I could have more fun with the third movie, considering the first two weren't exactly my cup of tea.
I was too young to watch it when it came out but recently watched it on tv and as good as it may have been back in the day or is to some people, I found the film to be laughable. Which is why I liked the remake.

Though Army of Darkness was awesome.

Evil Dead II. Very gross, and darkly funny. It seemed more like a remake of the original, kinda like what we see decades apart these days, but considering the timespan is shorter, I guess it's a revisioning and a jumping off point for Army of Darkness. I guess I could have more fun with the third movie, considering the first two weren't exactly my cup of tea.
Evil Dead 2 is my favorite horror movie of all time, although it's definitely horror comedy. I was also too young when the first 2 were released, but my understanding was that the first didn't go over too well with people so Raimi pretty much remade it with Evil Dead 2 being a different kind of horror movie.

School Ties - 3.25/5 Pretty good concept, execution slightly off, had more potential. Still unique enough from most movies of it's type.

White House Down - A lot better than I expected. I was entertained the whole way through. I'd say it's better than Olympus Has Fallen.

I can't say which Evil Dead I like more, since it would be like comparing a Fuji to a Gala.  The first one was impressive due to that meager budget they had and it was just very visceral in comparison to the second one. The second one is indeed more fun, but that's cause Sam Raimi had access to a candy store.

Flashpoint Paradox - I don't know what's with the hate on this movie.  Yes, it was really really violent, and had a lot of gore, but it was had a great ending.

I can't say which Evil Dead I like more, since it would be like comparing a Fuji to a Gala. The first one was impressive due to that meager budget they had and it was just very visceral in comparison to the second one. The second one is indeed more fun, but that's cause Sam Raimi had access to a candy store.
I don't judge movies based on their budget, so that would be an easy choice for me.

Saw Wolverine and really liked it. Surprised by what they did to Logan's claws and the Stinger has me hyped for Days of Future Past.

Unfortunately, the experience was hampered by the theater only having the 3D version, no 2D. Luckily, the HMM voucher covered the whole cost, but the blurriness got annoying after a while.

Haters gonna hate, but MM is a stud and no slouch in this movie.  Not to mention the two kids in the movies are gonna be some super stars if they continue with acting.

The Sorcerer and the White Snake - Juicy Turds/5 - Out of curiosity, I'd like to see how much they paid Jet Li for this movie. Cheap effects, splintered story, and some very weak acting. Avoid at all costs.

bread's done